Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Team RWBY’s Weekend Fun (RWBY)

A/N: Team RWBY's Weekend Fun was a two shot commission originally written from February-April of 2019. Combining it into a one-shot here and now for readers to enjoy.

Summary: Based off of this picture by NinjaKitty, in which the four members of Team RWBY all have quite a lot of fun every Friday evening and Saturday morning.

Themes: Bondage, F/F, Dom/Sub


It was Friday night at Beacon, which meant that everyone had the weekend to do whatever they liked. For some, this meant training, for others, it meant partying. Still others planned to study up on their book work so that they could better the literary side of their grades. For Team RWBY, it could mean all of these things and more… at least, from around the middle of Saturday on through Sunday.

But Friday night and Saturday morning? That period of time, from evening to midday, was set aside for something very, very specific in the Team RWBY dorm.

"Alright girls, ready or not, here we come~"

The dorm's bathroom opens up at that point, and Ruby and Weiss step out, back into the dorm room proper. However, it's not the fact that they were in there together that's really that eye-popping. No, what catches the gaze and then holds it for a long, long time is how the two petite, smaller members of Team RWBY are currently dressed.

Ruby is done up in thigh-high stockings, along with arm-length gloves. And to top it all off, she's wearing an underbust corset with a sheer side-less skirt coming off of it, hanging over her ass and covering her undoubtedly naked pussy lips. Her breasts, while not the biggest of the Team, are out in the open, nice and slender, nubile even.

She was the one who spoke, but Weiss steps up behind her a moment later, moving into position and revealing what she herself is wearing as well. One hand slides around Ruby's neck from behind, while the other moves down her front, beneath the sheer front of her skirt, where two fingers very visibly slide into Ruby's glistening wet snatch.

Weiss' hair is done up in a ponytail, as it always is. She's wearing ice-blue fingerless arm-length gloves, and in terms of ACTUAL clothing, that's really about it. Her footwear is heeled sandals that add a few inches to her height so she can be taller than Ruby, and that run up her legs all the way to her knees in a crisscrossing pattern. Meanwhile, covering her body, or perhaps it'd be better to say NOT covering her body, is a harness that comes from a choker around Weiss' neck, all the way down between her thighs and even through her pussy lips. The harness, made out of straps, does absolutely nothing to hide her own glistening wetness, or her breasts, which are slightly larger than Ruby as they push into the other girl's back.

The Schnee Heiress bites at Ruby's earlobe and the young woman moans in enjoyment of the contact… but the dorm room's other two occupants barely bat an eyelash. But then, to be fair, one of them can't even speak right now. Yang is currently VERY indisposed, and it's obvious that Blake has done good work while they were in the bathroom getting ready.

The blonde bombshell is currently hogtied on Blake's bed, with a big yellow ball gag in between her chompers, succinctly cutting off any words that might have tried to come out of her mouth. She's not wearing anything nearly as elaborate as Ruby or Weiss, but then, to be fair, she's not wearing anything at all unless one counted the ropes that currently have her wrists and ankles tied together in a single point behind her back.

Blake, meanwhile, is not nearly as restrained, though she too is currently completely nude, her cat faunus ears twitching as she stares at Ruby and Weiss with clear lust filling her gaze. She remains where she is though, kneeling at the foot of her bed, waiting for either of the two dressed-up members of RWBY to speak.

Still moaning from Weiss' fingering of her cunt and nibbling of her earlobe, Ruby pulls her right hand up from where she'd been hiding it behind her back, showing off two familiar collars, each with a little heart dangling off them, into which Yang and Blake's names are etched.

"Ready to, mm, play?"

Yang's violet eyes are filled with abject lust, while Blake's flash with mischievous intent and a desire to begin. In the end though, only the latter can actually SAY the words.

"Yes, mistress."

Pulling away from Weiss, Ruby gives her fellow domme a smile as she holds out the black collar with the silver heart and Blake's name on it. Weiss returns that smile with a wicked smirk that promises something more later, but in the end, she takes the offering from Ruby and moves over to her own bed, sitting on it and crossing her legs imperiously as she snaps her fingers at Blake.


Blake makes her way over to Weiss, while Ruby makes her way over to Yang. Domme and sub pass on their way to their respective partner, and Ruby glances down to see Blake's tail hanging limply from her ass. Of course, faunus don't actually HAVE tails… but this kitty does, in the form of a butt plug supplied by her very rich mistress.

As Blake makes her way over to Weiss on her hands and knees, crawling like the good little kitty cat she is, Ruby arrives at Yang's side. Even hogtied, her older sister knows what to do in this moment, stretching her neck and flipping her hair out of the way to expose her throat to Ruby. Reaching down, the younger woman slips Yang's collar around her neck with practiced ease, getting it into place and tugging it closed.

This right here, this was a symbol of their time together starting. A glance over at Weiss and Blake shows that the Schnee Heiress is doing the same with her pet kitty cat. So long as Blake and Yang are wearing their collars, they know who they belong to. Team RWBY has a bit of an odd pecking order, so to speak, but it's one that they've figured out works for ALL of them, fulfilling all of their… desires to their utmost satisfaction.

Put simply, Weiss is at the top. Ruby might be team leader, but that only extended to any time outside of Friday night and Saturday morning. During this period of time, Weiss took charge, being the most sexually adventurous of all of them, and the one with the deep pockets that allowed them to bring in new toys… and these gorgeous outfits, like the one Ruby was wearing right now.

God, her corset felt so good rubbing against her tummy. She was so fucking wet… anyways, Weiss was at the top, but Ruby was really only one rung beneath the other girl, if that. They were both domme-types at the end of the day, the kind of girls who enjoyed giving commands, rather than taking them. Luckily for the two of them, they had no need to clash, because Blake and Yang were undeniably submissives.

Though even there, Blake stood a head and shoulders above Yang. Not that that was a crack against Ruby's big sister… no, Yang liked being at the bottom of the Friday night totem pole juuust fine. Because as it turned out, Yang was undeniably the most hardcore submissive of all of them. She loved being tied up, she loved being told what to do, loved not having control. Blake on the other hand, was really into pet play and loved being the group's kitty cat, but that came with its own mischief and impish attitude, because at the end of the day, she was roleplaying a cat as much as she was roleplaying a pet.

"Ooh! Bad kitty! No biting!"

A glance over at Weiss and Blake shows that the Schnee Heiress currently has her powerful thighs locked around Blake's head, grinding the cat faunus' face into her cunt. Ruby can easily imagine what sort of 'bite' Blake gave her, no more than a nibble, she's sure, or Weiss would be a lot more upset. Instead, the white-haired girl's face is growing red with arousal and her blue eyes are starting to drift shut for a moment as she gyrates and grinds into Blake's hardworking mouth.

Ruby giggles a little to herself, even as she moves over her sister. Now that Yang's collar is firmly in place, she can begin. She starts by grabbing a fistful of Yang's hair and bunching it up into a ponytail, which she then tugs upon. Yang immediately moans and groans through her ball gag, and Ruby giggles again, even as she rears back a gloved hand and then brings it down across her big sister's ass for a meaty smack.

"Don't like that, Yang? Don't like me messing with your hair? Well that's too bad. You're all mine now, and I'm going to do what I like with you~"

Yang mewls through her ball gag, while Ruby massages and kneads where she spanked her sister's behind. She doesn't stop tugging on Yang's hair though, forcing the hogtied girl to arch her back even further, bringing her absolutely massive breasts off of the bed. The next thing Ruby does, keeping her grip on her subby sister's hair, is reach around to grab at one of Yang's exposed titties, groping it and squeezing it, and then pulling back to give it a light smack for good measure too.

Like that, the blonde is bucking on the bed, squealing as she climaxes quite loudly, even through her gag. That's half the reason that Yang basically always has to wear a ball-gag, unless she's working her tongue over someone's snatch. The blonde is just too loud, and with their neighbors in Team JNPR thoroughly unaware of Team RWBY's proclivities, keeping Yang quiet had become a priority early on.

Still, with her gagged like this, there's no end to the kinds of sounds Ruby can draw from her sister, all of them muffled and stifled. In a way, that makes them just for her, something Ruby finds she likes very much. After all, Yang is HER sister. ALL hers… no one else can have her. Except maybe Weiss and Blake, but that's okay too, because they're HER teammates, and in a way, them playing with Yang is just like Ruby playing with Yang, and that's pretty hot, thinking of them as extensions of her will like that.

Even so…

"You came really fast, Yang. I don't remember giving you permission to do that! We'll have to punish you~"

Bringing her hand back, Ruby begins to spank Yang again, smiling happily all the while, nibbling at her lower lip as she arouses herself in the process more and more. At the same time, she continues to draw back Yang's hair with her grip on the blonde's locks. She's only getting started, even as Yang bucks and moans and jiggles under Ruby's spankings. This is going to be a FUN weekend…


"God, look at them. Ruby treats this like such a game sometimes."

Weiss purses her lips together as she watches the youngest member of the team work over her own sister. Even still, despite her words, she can't help but respect Ruby. Ever since they've arrived at Beacon, Ruby Rose has impressed Weiss, again and again. Oh sure, they had that rocky start, and Weiss would be lying if she said that after the incident on the docks, she'd been considering turning Ruby into her first pet when it came down to it… but everything had worked out for the better as time went on and they became a team.

Even Ruby being team leader, while something Weiss had had to get use to, felt right to the Schnee Heiress now. Meanwhile, Blake and Yang had defied all expectations, and proven to be quite fun to play with, each in their own ways. For instance… Weiss lets Blake pull back as the cat faunus pushes insistently, and her legs come unwrapped from around her kitty's head, while Blake pulls away only a few inches so she can look up at Weiss and smile.

"Jealous, mistress?"

Weiss blinks at that. Jealous? What?

"Why would I be jealous? I get just as much time with Yang and Ruby as they do with each other."

Blake's lips curl into one of those mischievous smirks she's so good at, and Weiss growls a little as the cat faunus simply shrugs.

"Well, if you say so, Mistress."

Then, she dives back down into Weiss' cunt, her expert tongue working over the Schnee Heiress' slit once more, her nose bumping into Weiss' clit. For a long moment, the dominatrix considers letting it go. She knows Blake pretty well by this point, and she knows when she's being baited. The cat faunus is REALLY into pet play, and that includes acting the part of the impish cat, who doesn't REALLY think of you as its master, but still comes when called.

Eventually though, Weiss lets out a growl as she finally cracks, and this time its she who pulls Blake off of her sopping wet quim so she can interrogate the cat faunus further.

"No! Tell me what you mean, pet, now. Why would I be jealous?"

Blake's sultry smirk flits across her face and her eyes flash teasingly as she shrugs again. She looks back over her shoulder at Yang and Ruby before Weiss can firm up her grip and stop her, and by the time the Schnee Heiress does so, she's looking back at her again.

"They look hot together, don't they? Who knew sister on sister action could be so sexy?"

Weiss' blue-eyed gaze flits up to look over at where Ruby is still disciplining Yang. They DO look hot together, but that was kind of obvious. Growling down at Blake, Weiss tugs a bit harder on the cat faunus' hair.

"Get to the point."

Blake gasps at the pulling, but doesn't lose her satisfied expression, even as she finally delivers the punchline.

"You've got an older sister as well, don't you? Winter Schnee… I've seen pictures. She's very, VERY attractive… isn't she?"

Weiss' eyes widen, before she immediately scowls defensively.

"W-What? Don't be ridiculous! Put that mouth to better use pet!"

She stuffs Blake's face back into her cunt and wraps her legs around the cat faunus' head once more, squeezing her thighs together perhaps a touch too strongly in the process. They both know that Blake's words have hit home though, and even as she goes back to eating Weiss out with all her might, her eyes remain affixed on Weiss' face and every time the Schnee Heiress looks down to see that knowing gaze, she finds more images of her and her older sister together, doing the things that Ruby and Yang do…

Needless to say, Blake receives quite a lot of punishment for her impetuousness over the next several hours. Even more so when Weiss has to explain to Ruby WHY Blake was being punished for being naughty, only to have the younger girl latch onto the idea in her own excitable way, not understanding the problems with actually implementing it in reality.

Even still, Blake has planted the seeds… all that's left is to water them until something bears fruit.


"There you are. I've been looking all over for you, Winter. Daddy asked me to bring you to him. Come along."

Winter had gone stiff the moment she heard her sister's voice, to be perfectly honest. Now, as she glances around the party to see everyone nearby looking on in amusement, it takes all of her training as an Atlesian Agent to not blush shamefully on the spot. Swallowing the lump in her throat as Weiss smiles at her, the older woman nods her head once, as elegantly as she can manage, given the circumstances.

"Of course. Lead the way, Weiss."

Her little sister's eyes flash, but she just continues to smile as she turns around and walks away with confidence permeating every fiber of her being. Weiss is nothing if not confident. She's changed a lot since Winter left. She's grown up, effectively. Managing to suppress the shudder that threatens to overwhelm her at those words, Winter makes her way through the large amount of people and follows her sister out of the ball that the Schnee Family was currently hosting.

They were both dressed in elegant, gorgeous dresses, of course. Where Winter's dress was a sleek, black thing that showed off far more of her voluptuous curves than she would have preferred, Weiss' was silver and made her seem far more large and in charge, with a high collar that drew attention to her face, rather than her body. Winter felt like a floozy in her dress and high heels, while Weiss… Weiss walked like she was Queen of the entire world.

She can't help but study her younger sister from behind as they make their way outside. It's so rare that she gets a chance to just… observe Weiss. Especially since she's had to come back. Not by choice, mind you. Or at least, not by Winter's personal choice. If she'd had that, it would have been to her preference to never return to her family home. Not because she wanted to avoid Weiss or anything like that, at least at the time… but because she wanted to avoid her father.

She hated Jacquez, to put it bluntly. She hated the man who'd fathered her with every fiber of her being. She despised what he'd done to their family, what he'd turned their name and the family business into. Synonymous with racists and slavers, that was what the Schnee Dust Corp had become, at least in Winter's humble opinion.

But the SDC still made Atlas quite a lot of money, and while Jacquez didn't have the pull needed to make Winter go back to him, the Atlas Government still wanted to keep him happy. On top of that though, they believed they could use her to get a better deal. So that had become Winter's latest mission, as much as it turned her stomach. She was to return to her father and try to get in good with him. If possible, she was to retake her place as his heir.

The only reason Winter had taken this mission, besides of course being labeled a rogue agent and likely being killed for disobeying a direct order, was because she believed she could read between the lines. If she DID succeed beyond their wildest dreams and was reinstated as his heir… they just might order her to do away with him, so that she could ascend to the position of CEO of the Schnee Dust Corporation.

Needless to say, the idea of seeing Jacquez dead appealed to Winter, even if the thought of Atlas having control over the SDC through her didn't sound like a good thing. Oh sure, General Ironwood was a good man, but the Council that government the Kingdom of Atlas… they were politicians, one and all. She knew for a fact that her father had bought more than one of them at different points in time, and if they could be bought, they were likely the wrong sorts of people to give more power to.

Regardless, she hadn't… she hadn't expected to run into a situation that might give her both what she wanted, and the SDC's continues independence. And yet, here she was, walking with Weiss into an out of the way corridor. For a moment, Winter allows herself to believe that Weiss is going to escort her into one of the rooms lining the corridor, and at least give them some privacy. But no… that's not what her little sister is about.

"Show me."

Winter flushes now, now that there are no obvious eyes on them. She goes red, blushing hard and biting her lower lip as she glances around despite knowing they're alone. Her training gives her that much at least, if anyone were spying on them, she'd FEEL it. Still…

"Weiss, please…"

Weiss' face immediately morphs into a stern frown, one that makes Winter very nearly go weak at the knees as the shorter woman crosses her arms over her chest, looking, to Winter's eyes at least, like a conquering queen.

"We're in private now. That is NOT how you address me in private, now is it?"

A whimper escapes her lips. Winter, a fully-trained Agent of Atlas, whimpers. She squirms under her own little sister's gaze for a moment more, before ducking her head and averting her eyes.

"… No, Mistress…"

The moniker slips out, and she hates herself for being so weak. But… Weiss has her wrapped around her finger. She has Winter by the proverbial balls too. The older Schnee has always had a soft spot for her little sister… and Weiss has used that to turn their relationship into something dark and twisted. Something corrupt. Something… Winter can't get enough of.

"I said, show me."

This time, Weiss' tone brooks no argument, if it did before. Shuddering, Winter shuts her eyes and slowly reaches down, grabbing two fistfuls of her sleek black dress and pulling it up, bit by bit. Eventually, her hips and her thighs and her crotch are revealed to Weiss. She exposes the fact that, nestled between her legs is the vibrating head of a black dildo, buried in her cunt. She's wet, unbelievably so… but she knows that no one who saw her back in the ball room had even an inkling of that. She IS an Atlesian Agent, after all.

Now though, now that she's in private, now that she's being toyed with by her little sister, Winter is rapidly losing her composure. Weiss steps forward, eyes fixed on the toy that's buried in Winter's cunt, and she hums to herself.

"Remarkable. For a moment there, I truly thought you hadn't followed my instructions. I suppose this is the training of Atlas' finest, hm?"

Winter licks her lips and tries to change the subject.

"You said father wanted to see me, didn't you Weiss? We… w-we shouldn't keep him waiting."

Weiss scoffs at that and waves a hand airily.

"Daddy, the pathetic bastard, has not called for you, no. I lied, of course, so I could pull you out of that room and have you all to myself for a little while. Now, come."

And with that, Weiss turns back around and begins to walk away again. Winter has no choice but to let her dress drop and follow her younger sister down the corridor. Even with the knowledge that Jacquez doesn't even want to see her, Winter knows she is at her sister's beck and call. Truth be told, she should be thankful Weiss came up with that much of an excuse, because if she'd demanded it, Winter would have had to go with her anyways.

After all, Weiss knew everything. She could ruin Winter and Atlas' plans in moments with a single, simple whisper into their father's ear. That was why Winter had to follow Weiss' orders, why she had to go along with this whole thing. It w-wasn't like she enjoyed being her little sister's toy or anything like that. It wasn't as if she w-wanted to be Weiss' plaything…

They step out onto a balcony, and Winter breathes in deeply of the cool night air. Only to choke when Weiss turns to her and gives a new command.

"Strip. Take off that silly little dress and let me see my sister in the flesh. Keep the shoes on though. I like you in heels."

Winter blushes profusely, but this time, she doesn't protest. They're out in the open air now, and just about anyone could look up and see them… but she has no choice. Pulling her dress over her head, the voluptuous white-haired woman lets it fall to the ground, standing before Weiss wearing nothing but the black high heels provided for her… the dildo in her cunt buzzing away, even as the butt-plug nestled between her ass cheeks shifts and moves with her, always reminding her of its existence.

"Good girl. Now assume the position."

This is her life now. Submissive to Weiss, to her little sister. Getting down onto her knees, Winter lowers her upper half to the ground, pressing her sizable tits and her cheek into the tiled floor of the balcony. She folds her arms in front of her, even as Weiss smiles wickedly, and reaches up, pulling the zipper of her own dress down, down, and down some more.

The younger Schnee exposes herself to her big sister, and one would think, by looking at them, that Weiss would be envious, jealous, or even insecure, given how big Winter's breasts were compared to Weiss' chest, or how wide Winter's hips were, compared to Weiss' hips. Oh sure, Weiss still had a handful worth of each boob, and she wasn't skinny down below by any means, with a pert, heart-shaped behind.

But what Weiss had, Winter had even more of, older as she was, more developed as she was. And yet… and yet, despite being older, despite being more mature in multiple ways, despite being a highly trained Agent of Atlas, it's Winter who's face down, ass up, and it's Weiss who walks over to her, and delivers a scolding slap to the upturned behind Winter has pushed into the air.



She nearly cums, right on the spot. It's not entirely her fault, to be fair. The butt plug and the vibrating dildo… they feel AMAZING inside of her. And she's spent all evening trying to ignore them, she's spent the entire night fighting down the sensations, the feelings, the lust that they provoke within her. You can't just get away from that sort of thing. You can't just ignore it until it leaves.

All you can truly do is bottle it up and bury it deep down inside, but then it's still there. It's still simmering, beneath the surface. Winter's training as an Atlesian Agent gave her the mental strength to hide her reactions to the sex toy whirring away inside of her for these last few hours, but now that she was in a relatively private place with her Mistress, she could finally let off some steam.

She didn't want to, of course. She didn't want Weiss to know that she was falling in love with this, but her body and mind were at odds over this, and her traitorous cunt was gushing wet, ready to squirt at any moment. Like say, Weiss grabbing the head of the butt plug nestled between Winter's cheeks and giving it a nice twist before popping it right out of her.

"Oh FUCK!"

Winter squeals, and she cums, and Weiss laughs as she sets the butt plug aside quite nonchalantly.

"You're so cute, Winter. You know that? Don't worry. Be a good girl, and soon enough, you'll have want you REALLY want. Daddy isn't going to be around forever. I've got friends in high places, friends who owe me a lot… mm, soon, very soon, I'll be in charge of the SDC. I promise, when that time comes, I'll go ahead and give you and your Atlas handlers really good deals. Just so long as you remain assigned to me, as my bodyguard. Doesn't that sound nice, Winter? Doesn't that sound just… amazing?"

Whimpering, Winter tries to contain herself. She tries to hold back her reactions. But Weiss is relentless. Her fingers replace the butt plug, and three of them are soon pistoning in and out of Winter's lubed-up, loosened back door, even as she crouches over the older Schnee's shapely behind. If Weiss has any trouble balancing herself on her high heels in the crouch she's currently in, she doesn't show it. No, the younger Schnee is perfectly stable, even as she takes hold of the massive vibrating dildo in Winter's cunt with her other hand.

Winter's eyes widen, and she opens her mouth to beg Weiss not to do what she's about to do. She can't… she can't TAKE it. She's already almost too far gone, it's all she can do to keep herself in check, to keep herself together. If Weiss does THAT, she's doomed. But of course, before Winter can say a thing, Weiss is already doing it. She's already using her grip on the vibrating dildo buried in Winter's sopping wet, drooling quim to begin pulling the thing out, only to slam it back in again.

As Weiss saws the fat, large sex toy in and out of her older sister's cunt, Winter loses all semblance of control, all semblance of rationality. Her eyes go crossed, her tongue lolls out of her mouth, and she moans throatily, shaking and spasming her way through orgasm after orgasm.

"Y-Yeeesssss~ R-Right there!"

Weiss just laughs, though she doesn't stop fucking Winter's holes for a single moment, grinning wickedly all the while.

"Sheesh, Winter. Keep it down. If you're too loud, daddy might just hear you moaning like the slut you are. And then where would we be? Well, I'd still be fine… but you'd probably end up disgraced. Is that what you want? Don't worry, Winter. If the Atlesian Military discharges you, your darling little sister Weiss will always be here to help you pick yourself up again…"

Winter groans, trying to contain herself, trying to hold back. Her sister… her MISTRESS doesn't let her though, making sure to thoroughly use her for the next few hours, as the party winds down and everyone takes their leave. Thankfully, Weiss doesn't ACTUALLY out Winter to their father or anyone else. In the end, the younger Schnee lets her big sister limp back to her quarters, covered in sweat and her own juices.

But not before taking plenty of video and photos with her scroll. More leverage. More control. Winter is in deep, and she knows it. But as she falls into bed and begins to touch herself to thoughts of her own sister, grinding that high heel into her cunt… Winter isn't sure she minds so much. If this is to be her life from now on… would that be so bad? Trading her current set of Masters for a Mistress like Weiss…


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