Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Daimyo’s Revenge (Naruto)

A/N: Daimyo's Revenge was a commissioned two shot originally written in June of 2018. Posting it as a one-shot now for readers to enjoy!

Summary: Ninja with their jutsu believe themselves to be the most powerful force in the Elemental Nations. But a young Daimyo knows better. He has power of his own, though far more subtle. And he has cause to use it as well, especially on one Kushina Uzumaki.

Themes: Mind Control, Master/Slave, Breeding


His name was Ota Shimei. However, who he was, mattered far less than what he was. What he was, was the Daimyo of the country that Konoha, the Village Hidden in the Leaves, relied upon for the ore that it made all of its kunai with. His country was renowned for processing the ore in such a way that it had the fewest imperfections when it was then turned into the weapons that ninja used to wage their bloody wars.

Konoha was reliant on them, and of course that meant they protected them in all things, keeping him and his country safe so that they would continue to be supplied with the precious metals that they needed. It was a symbiotic relationship of sorts. It should have been a good, working relationship. However, during the Third Ninja War, Konoha just had to meddle.

The Daimyo of the time, Ota's grandfather… he'd died without complication, leaving the country to his twin sons. They'd been born no less than ten seconds apart, and there was some concern over which would rise to take his place. One had been pro-Konoha, while the other had questioned their country's relationship with the Ninja Village, speaking out about being taken advantage of for the Leaf Village's protection. The latter, Ota's father, had been the one who was ten seconds older.

He hadn't even truly been anti-Konoha. But the Hidden Village had still decided that they preferred Ota's uncle. They'd sent their ninja, and they'd killed Ota's father. No one else knew the truth. It was made to look like one of the other ninja villages did it. But Ota… Ota survived. Minato Namikaze, his father's murderer, had perhaps not been the skilled, experienced warrior he was today. Regardless of why Ota had lived, the fact was, he knew the Fourth Hokage had killed his father.

He'd grown up with a hatred for the ninja, one that he could do nothing to sate, given the other man's personal power, and Ota's lack thereof. But then, things had changed for him. His uncle had died childless. Ota had become the new Daimyo, with no one else to take his place. Luckily, the young man had held in his hatred for Konoha and Minato Namikaze. Luckily, he was not slated for assassination.

Perhaps that was why he'd decided to be obstinate and unruly. When Konoha had sent a diplomatic team to him for a simple meet and greet, expecting things to go smoothly and the like, Ota had not reacted kindly to their presence. He'd sent them back with their tail between their legs, and a message that said he was insulted that Konoha had sent a team of 'nobodies' to treat with one of their oldest allies.

He'd claimed Konoha meant disrespect, but also left room for reconciliation. He'd been half-prepared to wake to an assassin standing over him after doing so. But he'd also been prepared for Konoha to acquiesce and send someone worthwhile. What he had not expected was what had actually happened. This person that Konoha had unknowingly sent into his grasp… they were far more than simply worthwhile.

"Announcing Kushina Uzumaki, Jonin of the Village Hidden in the Leaves and Wife to the Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze."

Ota has a smile plastered across his face as he looks down at the red head kneeling before him. Kushina Uzumaki, perhaps the best they could send without having Minato himself show up. Of course, Ota wouldn't have wanted Minato to come anyways. Which made this the absolute best result for his slowly forming plans. He'd started with nothing but the smallest of ideas, but now… now he had goals he would see accomplished before this was over.

"Welcome to my lands, Kushina. It is a pleasure to have you grace us with your beautiful presence."

"I thank you, Honorable Daimyo. May our negotiations be swift and profitable for both of us."

Here, Ota pretends to grimace. Silence lingers for a moment in the hall, until finally Kushina lifts her head and looks up, confused. Only once she's staring him in the eye does the young Daimyo speak.

"Yes, about that. I am happy to discuss business… but unfortunately, a two-week long festival has just begun, and it is tradition that negotiations take place and no treaties are signed, or as the case may be here, reaffirmed, during this time. That said, I will be happy to allow you to stay here with me in the Palace while you wait. A room will be prepared for you. The rest of your team may lodge in the town inn."

For a moment, Kushina just stares, nonplussed. She's probably not used to anyone who is not also trained in the ninja arts telling her no. Ota doesn't much care though, he's not budging on this. Eventually, the red head bows her head once more in agreement.

"This is acceptable. Ino. Report back to Konoha, update them on the reason for the extension of this trip."

The ninja she addresses nods once and then disappears from the palace, leaving at great speed. This shocks some of Ota's guards, but it doesn't surprise him. He'd already seen faster, from the very same man married to Kushina Uzumaki. He knew that there was nothing to be done if the Konoha ninja decided they wanted him or anyone else dead at this point.

But that was alright. Ota's had a trick up his own sleeve. As he rises from his cushion and gestures for Kushina to follow a guard out of the hall and towards the room she'd be staying in, Ota allows himself a rare, real smile as he watches her go, his eyes fixating on her ass. She's certainly a beautiful creature… perfect for his revenge.

The ninja are not the only ones with abilities. While theirs may be significantly flashier, and imminently more lethal, Ota wouldn't trade his power for anything in the world. It was what would allow him his revenge, after all. Put bluntly, the longer someone stayed close to him, the more agreeable they became. Long enough, and his every word became law.

The young Daimyo did not begin to imagine where the power came from. He merely knew, from long years of experience and plenty of experimentation, that it worked. After all, it had seen his uncle dead, hadn't it? A chuckle threatens to bubble up in Ota's throat, but he swallows it back down, keeping a placid smile on his face as he leaves the throne room.

Beside him, an attendant walks at a crisp pace, easily keeping up with his own stride.

"See to it that our guests are offered an invitation to the night's festival dinner, under the condition that they wear the clothes provided."

"Yes, Great Daimyo."

Reaching out, Ota grabs a handful of the attendant's ass. She squeaks but does nothing to resist him as he pulls her to the side and pushes her up against a wall, a growl in his throat.

"Good girl…"

Seeing Kushina, knowing what he can do to her… it has left him undeniably aroused. The attendant stays silent, even as she slowly sinks to her knees before him, parting his robes to pull his cock from its confines. She knows her duty… and she will do it well. Just as Kushina soon will.


Ota starts out slowly enough. As the festival begins, he invites Kushina and her team to dinner, enjoying the fancy clothes that they wear to appease him. The nightly feasts are just as enjoyable, as the young Daimyo's cooks prepare veritable buffets for his pleasure and his pleasure alone. Ota makes sure to sit Kushina right beside him, and even endures her attempts at constant small talk with grace and aplomb.

He can tell the first night that she's not quite there yet, so he holds off from doing anything too… inappropriate. He does the same the second night, and even the third night for good measure. On the fourth, that's when Ota begins to act. It starts with the clothing, which becomes a bit more revealing, while still being quite impressive and grandiose. Then, it turns into personal questions as Ota begins to probe Kushina's mind and her past.

The young Daimyo knows that he has the red head mostly under his thrall when she doesn't even hesitate to rattle off her measurements after he asks for them. But of course, he's not completely sure until he asks her to pleasure him with her hand beneath the table. She does so, happily even, and that's when Ota moves onto the next stage of his plan.

As the second week of the festival starts, the Daimyo begins to dine in private with Kushina. Well, not entirely in private. He dines with his harem, but they are all under strict instruction not to act like the whores he and they both know they are, so long as Kushina is with them. Given the sheer number of women under Ota's thrall, the feast hall they use is still filled to the brim.

Kushina doesn't even notice that the attendance of the festival dinners has changed. She doesn't even notice that her team has been excluded. She DOES notice that her outfits have grown even more risqué, but only in the sense that she's turned on by how much skin she's showing him. He compliments her appearance, labelling her a slut and telling her she loves to be objectified by him… and she believes it easily, blushing and smiling as she continues to give him handjobs beneath the table, night after night.

That eventually evolves into head, as Ota demands she crouch down and suck him off. The tables are too short for her to hide herself when she does so, and the fact that they're sitting on cushions on the floor means that Kushina is all but sticking her ass in the air as she turns on her cushion and leans down to place his cock in her mouth.

None of his sluts comment on this of course, at least not openly. Plenty of them stare, watching in envy as Kushina enjoys the very thing that they all want more than anything else in the world. Kushina herself, as Ota whispers about how much she enjoys pleasuring him, attacks his cock with a sort of reverent fervor, desperate to satisfy him, loving every second of sucking his member.

In the end, as he fills her mouth with his seed and watches her drink it down eagerly, the young Daimyo knows it's time to finish this.


The final night of the festival, Ota doesn't invite Kushina to dinner, but instead his room. She's not given anything to wear, merely told that her normal attire is not appropriate for their meeting. He's curious to see what she'll make of that. In the end, when Kushina Uzumaki arrives, she's wearing nothing but a simple bathrobe.

Once she's alone with him, she pulls it open and exposes her naked body beneath, smiling guilelessly as she bats her eyelashes.

"Do you like what you see, Honored Daimyo?"

Ota steps forward and reaches out, casually grabbing onto one of Kushina's tits. He's reminded of the fact that this woman is a mother in that moment. Chuckling darkly, the young Daimyo nods.

"I do like what I see. I do not like what I hear though. From this moment on, you will refer to me as Master when we are alone together. Understood?"

Kushina's eyes widen, but not out of anger. She's upset with herself for failing him. Bowing her head, the addled kunoichi agrees immediately.

"Yes, Master."

Ota lets out a pleased sigh, even as he circles Kushina, playing with her body as he likes, enjoying her reactions to his touches.

"Good, very good. Tomorrow, we're going to make a deal, you and me. I assume that Konoha has entrusted you fully with the power to negotiate."

"Yes, Master."

"Then that is what will happen. I will propose a deal, you will agree to that deal. You will become Konoha's permanent emissary to my country. Once in a while, you may return to the Hidden Village, but you will live here, permanently, with me. I will accept no other. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Master."

"Tomorrow, we will make our deal. Tonight, I will fuck you, I will breed you. You will be impregnated with the first of my children, producing a strong son or a beautiful daughter for me."

That causes Kushina's head to snap up, but once again not out of anger. She's not upset, most certainly not as she smiles widely, her eyes shining with pure joy and happiness at the thought that he would make her into his broodmare.

"Yes, Master!"

With a laugh, Ota grabs Kushina by the hair and throws her face down onto his bed. She moans in response, and he climbs up behind her as she sways her ass back and forth enticingly. His hard cock slips free of his robes, and he presses it against it's intended destination. Sinking into Kushina Uzumaki's cunt is an experience in and of itself, and Ota groans happily as he fills the tight red head with inch after inch of his length.

He's fully aware that he wouldn't be able to manhandle her like this if she didn't let him. He's fully aware of just how much power, how much strength courses through the body of the beautiful woman beneath him. But none of it matters anymore, not in the face of his power. She's spent too long in his presence, and so has her team at that. None of them will report anything wrong, none of them will do a single thing to stop this.

As he fucks Kushina from behind with as much force as he can muster, Ota feels the hatred in his heart loosen just a bit. It's not at all completely assuaged, and it will likely never be fully satisfied. But fucking the wife of the man who killed his father, taking her and making her his toy forever more… that was certainly a good start.

Extracting a few children from her as well, and perhaps the mostly lost secrets of Uzumaki Seal Making… now that would go a long, LONG way to bringing Ota true happiness. In the end though, he wasn't sure he'd really be satisfied until he'd set things on the path towards Konoha's eventual destruction. That would take a lot longer though, and perhaps it would not be something he would get to see in his lifetime.

This though? Cuckolding the Fourth Hokage, breeding his wife… this he could see through. Groaning, Ota thrusts forward into Kushina's tightening cunt as the red head cums again and again around his cock. Fucking a kunoichi is nothing like fucking one of his usual concubines. In fact, it's a thousand times better. With a grunt, the young Daimyo begins to cum, filling Kushina with a massive load of his virile seed, deposited directly into her fertile womb.

As he pulls out of her and pats his newest love slave's upturned ass, Ota grins wickedly. This was just the beginning.


"Naruko, sweetheart! It's been too long!"

When her mother opens her arms, Naruko is happy to leap into them, hugging the older woman with all her strength. It's just the two of them after all, here at the border of the small country that Kushina had practically lived in these last three years. Naruko didn't know what to think about that if she was being honest. Because really, it HAD been far too long.

Though, not three years. Kushina did come back to Konoha every once in a while, sometimes once a year, sometimes twice a year. She'd stay for a few days, and then return to her post in this country that Naruko admittedly didn't even know the name if. All she knew was that she somewhat despised its daimyo, because he was the one who'd demanded Kushina serve as liaison all this time.

And Kushina had agreed. Hell, even Naruko's father had agreed. Not that the blonde was blind or anything like that. She'd realized quite quickly that there was a rift between her parents. The love between Kushina and Minato seemed to have faded, and while her father had seemed distraught over it at first, he'd also been swamped with his duties as Fourth Hokage, and in the end it seemed almost like he'd simply let it go and allowed the rift to widen into a gaping chasm.

There was no doubt in Naruko's mind that her parents were no longer happy with one another. Kushina didn't even bother visiting with Minato anymore when she arrived back in Konoha. She spent most of her time with friends or with Naruko herself, and then she'd depart again, with a smile on her face and a light step, as if returning to her post was all that truly mattered to her.

It'd gnawed at Naruko, if she was being honest. Gnawed at her until the blonde kunoichi had decided to take matters into her own hands. She was a big girl now, a Special Jonin in her own right. That gave her a bit more freedom than before, even if she didn't necessarily have an unlimited amount of time to spend on this little visit.

But she still had some time to herself and that was enough for her to know that she was going to use it to check up on her mother. So here she was, hugging her mom as Kushina hugged her back, the wind blowing across them and the tree leaves shaking gently as a result. Burying her face in the crook of Kushina's neck, Naruko breathes in her mother's scent, luxuriating in it even for a moment longer before they pull back at the same time, a mutual separation.

Her mom looks good. The red head is practically glowing, in fact, a bright smile on her face as she slides her hands off of Naruko's back and down her arms. Taking hold of Naruko's hands, Kushina lets out a happy little sigh.

"I'm glad you finally found the time to come to me, my darling child. There is much to love about this place, this beautiful country. You will find happiness here, I'm sure of it."

Kushina's smile is infectious, and Naruko finds it all but impossible not to smile in response, even as she squeezes her mother's hands tightly.

"I'm already happy, mama. It's good to see you again. I have much to tell you. I've been keeping up with my training… we should have a spar!"

The smile on the older kunoichi's face flickers a moment, but she nods in easy agreement, even as she turns, beginning to lead Naruko along.

"Perhaps later, my dear. For now… we should get back to the palace."

Naruko blinks at that, brow furrowed in confusion and some disappointment.

"Truly? I was hoping we could share a meal together at least… just the two of us…"

Kushina's smile is a little sad and apologetic as she shakes her head.

"Alas, my work is never done. I have a meeting with the Daimyo in just a few minutes… and I was hoping you could help me out with something as well. Come along, my darling daughter."

And like that, the older kunoichi disappears with the body flicker technique, just like that. Naruko quickly follows with her own perfected body flicker, her thoughts in turmoil and a frown on her face. This wasn't how she wanted this to go. But she was the visitor now, the guest, the foreigner in a foreign land. She supposed she really shouldn't have expected to get to choose what they did together and when they did it, like she usually did when Kushina came to visit in Konoha.

Best to just go with the flow. Best to just ease into things.


… When she'd thought that, she hadn't expected this.


Naruko stares down into the imperious eyes of the little girl at her feet. Letting out a sigh, Naruko reaches down and lifts the two-year-old up into her arms, bouncing her a bit as she giggles and immediately tries to play with Naruko's ponytails and Konoha headband. A sigh leaves Naruko's lips, even as she glances around the room at the two other little ones in the area.

Babysitting. She'd come to be with her mother, come to spend some of her precious free time with Kushina, and here Naruko was, a Special Jonin, delegated to babysitting the Daimyo's three children. At least the baby was napping. And the three-year-old was playing on the floor with her toys. It was only this one, the middle child, who had been immediately enamored with Naruko, giving her no rest as she tugged at Naruko's clothes.

Luckily, there wasn't anything dangerous for her to get her hands on. Naruko had been required to remove all weapons at the entrance to the Daimyo's Palace, and with Kushina there, it wasn't like she could keep any of the hidden items that her mother undoubtedly knew about. Alas, she was defenseless… save for her Jutsu.

Yeah, Naruko wasn't truly worried. She could easily fight her way out of any situation so long as she had her chakra and her hands free. No problems there, not one bit. Still… to be relegated to kid-watching duties? This just wasn't cool, and Naruko had half a mind to give Kushina a PIECE of her mind whenever her mother finally got done with the Daimyo and came to relieve her.

While Naruko understood that this particular country and this particular Daimyo needed to be kept placated and all that junk, it didn't make her any happier to be stuck here babysitting. It just wasn-


The two-year-old in her arms suddenly calls out to her, disrupting her thoughts quite easily as Naruko blinks and looks at the cute red head. The little girl gives her a wide grin and grabs onto Naruko's cheeks before repeating herself.

"Sissy! Sissy, sissy, sissy!"

Naruko scowls and detaches the child from her face, before holding her at arm's length.

"I'm not your sister, brat. My name's Naruko. Nah-roo-koh."

Scrunching her face up for a moment in thought, the toddler considers Naruko for a moment… then claps her hands together happily, laughing gaily all the while.

"Sissy, sissy, sissy!"

Naruko scowls and sets the two-year-old down. She didn't know where this was coming from. It was… it was… Naruko finds herself staring down at the little girl before her. The red head is in extremely short pigtails, her hair not grown out for anything more than that quite yet. Still, when Naruko looks at her… when she looks at the girl's face…

Slowly, Naruko's eyes slide up to the three-year-old playing over on the other side of the room. She has a darker hair color, but as if she can sense Naruko's attention, she looks up as well, staring into Naruko's eyes with what can only be Kushina's beautiful blue irises. Naruko's mouth opens… and then closes. She looks back down at the toddler, still giggling at her feet and proclaiming her as 'Sissy' to the whole world. She looks back up at the three-year-old, and then over to the baby sleeping in the cradle nearby for good measure.

"I… I…"

"Sissy! Up!"

Naruko doesn't pick the toddler up. Instead, she flees the room, telling the first guard she sees to watch the children as she runs past. Naruko isn't fully running away though. No, she has something she's running to. Or perhaps it would be more accurate to say she's running towards some-ONE. In mere moments, Naruko is barging into the Daimyo's private meeting room, the place where Kushina and she parted ways after entering the palace, an attendant escorting her to the children's room shortly after.

There's a snarl on her face, as she barges into the room to find the Daimyo seated quite comfortably behind a large desk, his hands steepled before him.

"Naruko. Hello there, my dear."

"Don't you 'my dear' me! You! Where's my mother! I know! I know all about what you two have been doing! Where is she?!"

The Daimyo sighs and slowly moves to stand. For some reason, Naruko's danger senses are going off around him, and she finds herself focusing on his movement, to the detriment of her senses. The next thing the blonde girl knows, she's bound in Chakra Chains, pulled up to hang in midair from the ceiling as her mother, who had been hiding nearby, restrains her quite effectively.

Her fingers are interlaced with smaller chains, her chakra confined. Naruko tries to call on the fox, but there was a reason that Kushina was the container for the Kyuubi before her. The Chakra Chains hold even a chakra beast at bay as the Daimyo slowly approaches.

"M-Mother! Release me! What is this?! You would tie up your own daughter to hide your affair with this man?!"

As Naruko twists her head around to look at her mother's face, she finds a strange, blissful smile stretched across Kushina's features. But that's not what truly surprises her. No, what leaves her wide-eyed and open-mouthed is the fresh, sticky cum covering Kushina's face and chest as the older kunoichi stands before her, naked from the waist up.

"Don't you worry, my daughter. Everything will be alright. Master is going to make it so. Just relax. It won't take long now…"


Despite Kushina's words, it did take a while. Days, in fact. Unfortunately, his power took some time to take effect, though with his slave's daughter strung up and captured as she was, he was able to work with her a lot faster than he had three years prior with Kushina. The more time he spent in her presence, the more his power affected her, after all. With Kushina, that had been an hour a day, every day.

With Naruko… he could spend several hours each day with her. By the end of the first, as she watches him fuck her mother, Naruko is no longer cursing him out. By the end of the second, she's panting and moaning. By the end of the third, she's begging for him to take her into his service, begging for him to do the same thing he'd done to her mother… to her as well.

The young Daimyo hadn't been sure what to do about the blonde when it was first announced that she was coming for a visit. Kushina had offered to forbid Naruko from even making the trip, but Ota was smarter than that. He knew how that would have gone, knew that it would have just resulted in Naruko becoming suspicious, and perhaps even sneaking into his country through less official means.

This way was better. This way was the only way, in the end. Standing there in the middle of his office, Ota clasps his hands behind his back, wearing nothing at all as his cock stands up straight between his legs. Naruko is staring at it from where she's hanging in Kushina's Chakra Chains.

"Please… please, please, please…"

She's been asking for a while now, as Ota just stares at her, watching her, enjoying her. With a chuckle, he finally gestures to Kushina.

"Let her down."

Kushina does so, but when Naruko lunges for him, her mother halts her. Still, Naruko isn't trying to attack him… she just wants him so badly, so desperately. Kushina regulates Naruko's movements, forcing her daughter to go slowly. Rather than Naruko coming to him, Kushina bends the blonde over the back of a nice cushioned chair, and tells Naruko to beg, to offer herself up.

When the blonde girl spreads her pussy lips wide and asks for him to breed her in that innocent, cute tone of hers, Ota can't help himself. He strides over and plunges right in, his cock penetrating deeply in one smooth motion as Naruko cries out, clutching at the back of the chair she's bent over. Holding on for dear life, the blonde kunoichi takes his shaft again and again, begging for more from her new Master, while Ota himself luxuriates in his revenge truly being complete.

Bedding Kushina, stealing her away from the Fourth Hokage… that was one thing. Breeding the crimson haired slut and making her his concubine, that was another. She'd given him three children in these past three years, the harlot. He'd even let her go back to Konoha a couple times while she was pregnant before she truly started showing. That had been quite the triumph, in his mind.

But this? Fucking the daughter of the man who'd killed his father? Degrading her, reducing her to nothing more than his cock-sleeve? And on top of that, she was a container for a tailed beast, a chakra construct of unfathomable power according to Kushina's explanations. Yes, oh yes… THIS was true victory. He'd taken Minato Namikaze's family, and he'd made them his women. He'd turned all that the man cared for into his cock-hungry, cum dump slaves.

And the Hokage would never know, either. Ota had heard a saying once. The best revenge was living well. He'd done that, in the end. He was Daimyo, he was the ruler of these lands. All worshipped him with reverence. Ah, but he couldn't truly live well without these two beauties. As he fucks Naruko, Kushina kisses her daughter in a distinctly unmotherly way, their tongues dancing and intertwining for HIS pleasure.

Grinning wickedly, Ota deposits the first, but most certainly not the last load of seed deep inside of Naruko's womb as the young woman moans and cries out into her mother's mouth quite needily. As he does so, he slaps her ass with his bare palm, watching the firm buttocks barely jiggle due to Naruko's strong, kunoichi body. He looked forward to weakening it, to softening her up, just as he had her mother. And now that she was here and under his control… they had all the time in the world.


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