Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A Real Man (Tarzan)

A/N: A Real Man was a commissioned one-shot originally written back in July of 2018. Posting it now for people to enjoy!

Summary: Tarzan can't satisfy Jane. He's smart enough to realize that. He needs someone to teach him how to pleasure his woman properly... and Clayton just so happens to be available. Of course, he's not about to do it for free. Little does either man know that Jane is just waiting for someone like Clayton to come along. But then, not even she knows, at first.

Themes: NTR, Dom/Sub, Villain Victorious, Breeding


"Me Tarzan, you Jane! Hnngh!"

Even as she grunts from the force of his thrust, Jane Porter can't quite keep from rolling her eyes. Luckily, Tarzan doesn't notice. With his head tilted back and his eyes shut as he ejaculates, the jungle-man is completely unaware of how she truly feels… or so she thinks, even as she responds in a rather condescending tone.

"Yes Tarzan, that's right."

Perhaps she should be more breathless, more flustered. It's rather hard to be either of those things when Tarzan is… a less than stellar lover. She'd fallen for him, Jane was self-aware enough to admit it. While teaching him all about his kind, about how to be human, about English, she'd fallen in love with the wild man who'd been raised by apes.

Of course, in the heat of climax, he still reverted back to a more bestial form of speaking. He couldn't help himself, or so it seemed. She wouldn't have minded so much if he weren't so… disappointing.


Blinking, Jane looks up to see Tarzan staring down at her with a frown on his face and surprisingly intelligent concern in his eyes. As he pulls out of her and leans back, his loincloth falls back into place… and completely hides away the small, limp prick that had just been inside of her. She'd barely felt it, just like she barely ever felt it. Even when he was hard, he was… he was tiny. Jane couldn't deny that she despaired of ever finding a man who could satisfy her, if all were of a similar size as Tarzan.

"Yes Tarzan? What is it?"

"You're unhappy."

She startles in shock, and her silence all but confirms it for him as she stares up at the observant man. Heh, it seemed she'd taught him too well. He'd seen right through her, and here she'd been, falling into the trap of seeing him as nothing more than an unintelligent hybrid. Plastering a smile on her face, Jane reaches up and places a hand on Tarzan's cheek.

"I… I'm not unhappy Tarzan. I've enjoyed much of our time together. Teaching you and learning from you has been one of the best experiences of my life. It's just…"

"I am not worthy of you."

Tarzan looks down at himself, both in dismay and disbelief as he cuts right to the heart of the issue. Jane wants to say no, she wants to refute his words then and there… but he's not entirely wrong. In all fairness, she'd not been raised with any expectations of being satisfied by the man who she eventually married. But in all fairness, Tarzan was not supposed to be any normal man. She had thought things might be able to be different with him then they would have been back home. She'd thought there could be something more for her on this expedition…

Alas, while he had the muscles and the physique and a jawline to die for, along with a handsome face and a beautiful pair of bright blue eyes… he was nowhere near the lover she'd been half-expecting. It was foolish of her of course. In hindsight, she recognized that. The loincloth Tarzan had worn from the moment they met to now… it was always relatively small, compared to the rest of his toned, muscular body.

She should have recognized then and there that whatever it was hiding wouldn't be anything spectacular. Else she would have caught a glimpse of his genitals long before now, and it would have embarrassed her, but also aroused her. It would… well, it mattered little, because that was fantasy, and this was reality. Reality, which did so dearly love to smack her in the faith whenever she got too eager to live her dreams.

"It's not your fault, Tarzan. Back home… back home, men don't usually satisfy women either. It's not their place. The place of the man is to be a provider, a protector. The place of the woman is to be the caregiver, the lover. So long as you are happy, then I am happy."

Tarzan scowls at that, clearly not believing her. But then, Jane didn't even believe herself. She was putting on airs, just like the women back home would do. She was acting dignified and elite, as she'd been raised to act. It was not her place to expect more, it was her place to accept what she was given without fuss. By all rights, if Tarzan could be shaped up properly and brought back home, he'd make an excellent, decent husband. Even if he never did satisfy her in bed.

"I… I must go."

"Tarzan, wait!"

But he was already gone, leaving out of the open window of the treehouse his parents had long ago built. Letting out a sigh, Jane shakes her head and lays back in the pile of blankets they'd been copulating atop. She runs her hands across her naked body, wondering what her father would say if he saw her now. Or even Clayton. The thought brings a smile to her lips unbidden, and she moans as her fingers find purchase at her breast and between her thighs.

The remnants of Tarzan's minute, miniscule load drip from her barely moist cunt, but Jane ignores that as she touches herself, letting her eyes drift shut and a fantasy replace reality in her mind's eye. Soon enough, she's fucking herself with her fingers as she imagines Tarzan over her, plowing her. It's hard though, because even her index and middle fingers, dainty and feminine as they are, register as thicker and larger than Tarzan's shaft in her cunt.

As Jane fingers herself towards climax, Tarzan's smiling visage is replaced with another, and a reluctant moan leaves Jane's lips as she finds herself fantasizing about Clayton, about the leader of her father's expedition taking her and fucking her with his cock. In reality, he was probably no better than Tarzan, or so the young maiden assumed. She'd never seen a male's genitalia before the jungle-man after all, and she'd given her virginity to Tarzan beside.

But it was nice to fantasize that Clayton was a bit bigger, a bit larger. The size of her fingers at least, as they curled up inside of her in just the right way. Jane's mouth opens, and a loud moan splits the air as she bucks her hips upwards, cumming from her digits as they pistoned in and out of her cunt. Now she was flustered. Now she was breathless. And perhaps, just a little resigned, even as she pulled her messy, sticky fingers from her cunt.

She licks them experimentally but draws back as the taste of Tarzan's seed makes her nearly wretch. Her nose wrinkles in disgust, but Jane ultimately just wipes her hand off on the blanket beneath her, even as she sits up and glances over at her discarded clothes. It was about time to get back. Back to reality, back to the world she lived in. Still, it was not too terrible. There were plenty of things to like about Tarzan, disregarding his prowess in bed. Having to satisfy herself if they married and made a family together would not be the ultimate hardship.

Of course, unbeknownst to her, Tarzan had returned at the sound of her moans reaching his ears, her cries drawing him to her. He did not re-enter the treehouse though, even as Jane slowly got re-dressed. He watched from above, his small member once again spent beneath his loincloth, his release coming from the mere sight of Jane touching her body, bringing herself pleasure in a way he never could.

Tarzan had learned much from the human female since she and her father arrived in his jungle. But he'd also learned something like embarrassment, and he'd always had his pride as a male to consider. Learning to pleasure a woman… he could not possibly ask Jane to teach him. That would destroy any pride he had remaining, after much of it was already lost by the simple fact that he could not bring her any pleasure at all on his own.

But then, if not Jane, who could Tarzan turn to? If not Jane, who would be willing to teach him? A name jumps to his mind almost immediately. Before his Jane, before his love, there WAS a man who'd spent perhaps a moment trying to teach him words. Tarzan was still embarrassed at how he'd acted that first time meeting the trio now that he had context for his actions.

Still, if anyone could help him, it would be Clayton. The man was the epitome of confidence, of pride. Certainly he would know how to please a human woman, right? And he was not Jane. It was not such a blow to Tarzan's pride to ask a male comrade for help in this matter. With his plan in mind, the ape-raised man turns and departs from the treehouse right as Jane is slowly making her way down as well.

She never does see him in the tree tops, but he sees her, watching her and making sure the female he loves returns to camp safely. He would speak with Clayton later that night. The other man would help him, Tarzan just knew it.


William Cecil Clayton was many things. A good man was not one of them, though he of course did not view himself as evil. He was merely a hunter, and a skilled one at that. It was his job to hunt, his job to bring down all sorts of animals both lethally and nonlethally. It was his job to poach, and the job paid well. He quite enjoyed his life of luxury when he wasn't away on a hunting trip.

It was the perfect sort of split for a man like him. Part of his time spent home in civilization, making use of the money he'd earned to live the good life. The other part of his time spent out in the wild, living off the land and conquering his surroundings like the explorers of decades and centuries past, finding new frontiers… and exploiting them for his own personal gain.

Of course, this latest expedition was a bit more opportunistic than most. Clayton knew that Archimedes Q. Porter had not hired him to hunt, necessarily. No, the old man had hired him to guide them on their expedition to Africa. They wanted to find gorillas, and the fool was more interested in studying them than anything else.

Now, Clayton wasn't a complete ignoramus. He understood the value of understanding one's prey, and back at his home, he had bookcases full of such teachings. Some of them were probably even penned by men like Archimedes Q. Porter, and if the doddering old man was allowed his way, he'd no doubt publish works that paved the way for hunters just like Clayton in the years to come.

But he wasn't nearly that selfless. Clayton wasn't that interested in hunters of the future having better information. HE had all the information he already needed to put some big apes in cages and ship them back home for sale. Three hundred pounds sterling per head was more than enough incentive for the hunter to turn this expedition from an exploratory one into a hunting one.

And the men who he'd hired with Archimedes' coin agreed with him too. The old man wouldn't like it, but when the time came, he wouldn't have a say in the matter. All that was left to do was to FIND the gorillas in the first place… and Clayton had a feeling he was getting VERY close to a breakthrough on that.

"You wished to speak with me in private, Tarzan?"

He keeps his tone congenial and the smile on his face remains benign and polite as Clayton regards the jungle-man before him. A human, raised by apes… it had been a startling prospect from the beginning, but what was even more startling was just how fast the Porter girl had managed to teach the wild child a thing or two about civilized speak.

She was still struggling with the clothing, obviously, but when Tarzan spoke, he did so in full sentences and his stuttering and stammering seemed to be nerves more than anything else.

"I… yes. T-thank you for agreeing to see me, Clayton. It's… it's about Jane."

Clayton lifts an eyebrow at that. Jane Porter was… well, she was a fine young woman. The kind of woman he would look for at a brothel back home to blow off some steam. Of course, women like her were rare in brothels. Hell, they were rare to begin with. She was a prim and proper lady to be sure, but also happy to be out here, braving the wilderness with her father.

She had gumption, and Clayton liked that about her. Unfortunately, she also had her father's mentality when it came to the gorillas he was going to be selling by the end of this expedition. Clayton fully expected for that to put them at odds. Their differences would be far too great for him to ever have a chance with her.

It was too bad. Jane Porter was more than any of the whores he'd partaken in before, that much was already clear to him.

"Yes? What about her?"

Tarzan opens his mouth and then closes it. The savage lowers his eyes for a moment, before finally beginning to speak. Clayton's brow line climbs higher and higher atop his head as he listens to the jungle-man explain his problem, and the smile on his face becomes more and more fixed… until eventually growing wider as an idea comes to mind.

It's amusing that Tarzan would come to him about this. Amusing… but all too useful a chance for him to ever pass up. By the time Tarzan is done explaining his problem and asking for Clayton's help, Clayton has his arms crossed over his head and is nodding thoughtfully, his brow furrowed, and his lips drawn into a slight frown.

"I see… it's good that you came to me with this matter Tarzan. You were right too, because I can help you. However, there is one problem…"

Tarzan's eyes are wide at that.

"What? What is it?"

Letting out a long-suffering sigh, Clayton shrugs his shoulders.

"Put bluntly, the expedition will end soon if we do not locate the gorillas. All of us will be returning to our homeland. Jane will be leaving. I suspect she will ask you to leave with her, but even if that takes place, I will be too busy once on the ship to help with your little problem. The only way for me to help you now… is if we knew the location of the gorillas. Then, Jane's father would have a reason to extend the expedition a few more days."

Tarzan looks distraught and torn at the idea, or more like the multiple ideas that Clayton has bombarded him with all at once. But Clayton doesn't let up. He also doesn't speak. He lets Tarzan get there on his own instead, knowing that eventually… eventually the man will agree. All do, at the end. Everyone has their price, and this savage has just been so helpful as to lay out his price to Clayton, nice and clear.

"… I can show you where the gorillas are. But you have to help me. You will help me, right?"

"Of course, Tarzan. Of course."


"Tarzan, what are we doing here?"

"I asked Clayton to help me with something. Come on…"

Jane couldn't help but frown at that, as she found herself dragged by the hand into the veteran hunter's personal tent. Clayton himself was waiting for them there, pouring over a map that he rolled up and tucked away as soon as they entered. Turning to face them, the man put a smile on his face as he regarded them both.

"Ah, good evening, the two of you. Come to collect on our little deal, Tarzan?"

Furrowing her brow curiously, Jane looks to her lover and finds him surprisingly flustered.

"Y-Yes. I would appreciate any help you could give, Clayton."

Her frown now full-bore, Jane steps forward and plants her fists on her hips as she puffs her cheeks out and glares at both of the men in the tent.

"What is this all about?"

Rather than being cowed by her, Clayton just smiles some more. Tarzan looks appropriately sheepish though, leaving it to the veteran hunter to explain.

"Tarzan here came to me about the… issues the two of you have been having. He asked me for my help in showing him how to properly pleasure a woman. I of course, will be glad to do so… but I do require a volunteer, and since you ARE the only human female in this jungle, Tarzan has graciously allowed me to use you to show him what to do. I assume that there will be no problem with this, Ms. Porter? After all, it IS for your benefit?"

Jane's glare is gone and replaced by a gobsmacked expression by this point, even as she looks between Tarzan and Clayton with wide eyes and an open mouth. She's shocked, to put it mildly. Shocked that Tarzan would do such a thing for her, shocked that Clayton would agree to it… both bemused and maybe a little turned on as well. She didn't like being treated like she was property, but there was no denying that there WAS a problem, especially if Tarzan had already chosen to be open about his issues with her to Clayton.

She'd had no idea that the two men were so close as to talk about that kind of thing in the first place. And now Tarzan… Tarzan had given permission to be with her to another man. While there was some initial anger, Jane found that quickly snuffed out by… surprisingly enough, gratitude of all things.

"I… well… I suppose n-not. N-No, there's no problem…"

Clayton just smiles smugly and nods, as if that was exactly the response he expected. Jane found herself flushing a bit as his gaze moved up and down her body appraisingly. Still, if he was any better than Tarzan. Or hell, if Tarzan even learned a thing or two from the veteran hunter.

"Very good. Then let's get started. Let's see what we're working with, shall we? Go ahead and strip, Jane."

His casual form of address to her catches Jane off guard, and she goes even redder for a moment.


Clayton just lifts an eyebrow at that.

"I can't very well demonstrate how to properly please a woman if she's fully clothed."

There's logic to his words, but Jane is no less embarrassed as she strips naked. Tarzan's eyes are hungry as they feast upon her body, and she offers him a slight smile… but it's Clayton that makes her feel like she's a piece of meat as he steps forward and doesn't just look, but also touches her now naked form. He feels her up for lack of a better word, his weathered, leather-like palms falling across her body. Thick fingers brush over her supple breasts, glide down her sides, run along her legs.

He moves around her as Jane stands there shivering, not from the cold because Clayton actually has a small fireplace in his tent, the whole place rather grandiose, matching the man's personality. No, she's shivering from the contact, and the confidence that exudes off of the veteran hunter her father has hired to guide them on their expedition.

"You're certainly a beautiful young woman, Jane. I can see why you and she are together, Tarzan."

That first sentence is delivered into her ear at a murmur, while the second is called out to Tarzan as the jungle-man fidgets on the other side of the tent, watching his beloved squirm beneath Clayton's hands. When two of his fingers suddenly pinch at one of Jane's nipples, she lets out an adorable little squeak, causing Tarzan to jump a bit. But Clayton just chuckles.

"Quite responsive too. You're sensitive to much touch darling. So I have to wonder what the problem is. Have you not touched her like this, Tarzan?"

Cocking his head to the side, a moment later Tarzan shakes it, his hair whipping back and forth.


"Then watch closely. This is how you treat a woman. You can't just start by bending her over and taking her. There's got to be some foreplay."


"Heh, yeah. Like this."

Then, without warning, Clayton takes Jane's chin in hand and turns her towards him. He's currently standing behind her in this moment, the front of her body towards Tarzan as he brazenly plays with her breasts. But now, now with his fingers gently but firmly pressing in on her cheeks, Clayton uses his grip on her jaw to force her to crane her neck back, so he can capture her lips with his own.

Jane's eyes widen as she finds herself staring into the hunter's own deep, unfathomable gaze. He kisses her not like a lover, but like a conqueror. His mouth smashes against hers quite domineeringly, and his tongue eventually slips past her lips altogether, making a plunder of what lays behind as her own inexperienced tongue ends up completely and utterly dominated by him.

The young woman can't help but shiver in Clayton's grasp. She was no longer a virgin, but at this point, she might as well be. No man had ever touched her like this, no man had ever kissed her like this. Out of her periphery, she can see Tarzan brushing his knuckles across his own lips, his brow furrowed in confusion as if he's never considered the concept.

They HAD kissed once or twice, before moving onto sex. But they'd never made out like Clayton was doing with her now. And Tarzan had never taken control like this either. It was… it was intoxicating. And just like that, it was also over as Clayton pulled back and stepped away, a knowing smile on his face.

"And how did that feel, Ms. Porter?"

Jane can't quite stop herself. In a bit of a daze, eyes glazed over with growing lust, the flustered young woman responds in a breathless tone with the first thing that comes to mind.

"A-Absolutely wonderful…"

Clayton just nods though, as if he knew her answer before she gave it. Gesturing at her, the veteran hunter turns his gaze towards Tarzan.

"So you see Tarzan, you have to put some effort into the foreplay. Basically, the before-sex. Now, sometimes it takes a bit more than that… but our Jane here is primed and ready to go already, isn't she? Heh, when she's like that, red in the face, swaying from side to side, her eyes all misty… it's a sign that she wants it. She wants it bad."

"Wants… what?"

Tarzan's curious voice breaks Jane out of it a little bit. She startles at the sudden realization that she's become nothing more than the chalkboard that Clayton is using to teach Tarzan things she should have been teaching him. But she can't quite bring herself to speak up… especially when Clayton's succinct, one-word response silences her all over again.


He grins as he says it, and then he reaches down and begins to untie his breeches right then and there. Jane finds her eyes drawn to his crotch as the veteran hunter works his pants apart and reaches into his underclothes to draw out his genitals. Her mind flits for a moment to her fantasy of him being bigger than Tarzan, even though she expects him to be just as small, just as disappointing.

However, both her fantasy and her expectation of reality are utterly shattered when the phallus that Clayton draws from his pants is much, MUCH larger than she could ever have expected. He's not just bigger than Tarzan, he's magnitudes thicker and longer and… and also much more massive than even her fingers. As Jane stares in shock and wonder, she feels the first trickle of worry. How is that thing ever going to FIT inside of her?

"What? What's with the looks?"

Clayton is actually confused at how she and Tarzan are reacting to his member, even while he strokes it almost casually. Belatedly, Jane actually realizes it's getting thicker and larger under his experienced grasp. Tarzan says nothing, clearly both embarrassed and ashamed at his own size. In the end, it falls to Jane to explain as she stands there, completely nude. But that's fine, because it also gives the young woman the chance to express her concerns.

"I… y-you're much larger than Tarzan is. I don't know… I don't know if you'll fit, C-Clayton."

Clayton raises his eyebrows at that, glancing between himself and the jungle-man who crouches silently on the other side of the tent, not saying so much as a word. Then, he grins roguishly at her, and it's all Jane can do to keep her legs steady and her knees from knocking together as he approaches, just as casual as ever.

"Don't be daft, girl. I've had skinnier waifs than you and left them utterly satiated. If anything, your life as your father's daughter has more than prepared you for this."

Jane blushes even deeper at the insinuation, and her eyes flash with a bit of anger.

"A-And what is that supposed to mean?"

Clayton blinks, and then laughs.

"It means that you're stronger than some girl back in London, silly woman! It means that you've got some muscle to that gorgeous body of yours!"

And then his hands are on her gorgeous body again, but much rougher this time, as his digits gripped at her sides, drawing her up to him. His cock ends up between them as he pulls her to his chest, pulsating and throbbing against her belly, the tip just barely touching the underside of her breast. He's just so… big.

"Now then, as far as size is concerned… it doesn't matter, so long as you know how to get the woman properly prepped. Foreplay is a part of that… but there are other ways to make sure a woman is ready."

Whether he's speaking to her or Tarzan at this point, Jane knows not. His words are loud enough to be meant for Tarzan, but Clayton no longer spares a single glance in the savage's direction, his eyes are only on her as his hands move from her hips to her ass, gripping it firmly and causing Jane to gasp and then moan, much to even her own surprise as she wiggles against him subconsciously.

"And from now on, I think it better if you call me Sir, rather than Clayton. Don't you?"

Blushing even deeper than before, Jane ducks her head but nods shyly all the same. There's a pause, and then a harsher squeeze that has her yelping as she realizes he wants a verbal response.

"Y-Yes sir!"

"Good girl…"

Then he spins her about, and once more Jane finds herself facing Tarzan, even as this time Clayton's hands make their way down between her legs, instead of on her breasts.

"This is where she needs to be wet. This is where you need to make sure she's ready for a cock as big as mine."

His voice is almost mocking, almost taunting… but Tarzan doesn't rise to the taunt, and Jane shivers in delight as Clayton's thick fingers part her already wet pussy lips and slip up inside of her. He pauses, and then chuckles at what he finds there.

"Already ready for me, are you slut?"

His words are softer, but still loud enough for Tarzan to hear. Of course, Jane hasn't taught him such words, so the jungle-man can only watch in slight confusion as she shudders under the degrading address. She could explain, and Tarzan would probably leap to her defense and take her from here… but Jane didn't want that. She didn't want to go. Especially not with Clayton's cock now pushing between her thighs from behind, rubbing up against her undercarriage and the very cunt that he's currently fingering, much to her immense enjoyment.

"C-Clayto-ah! S-Sorry, sir… I m-meant sir. Please… please s-show me more."

Clayton lets out a deep, dark chuckle at that, even as Tarzan watches on, frozen with his eyes wide. When she'd almost called the veteran hunter by his name, instead of by 'sir', he'd flicked at the small nub atop her slit. No one had ever done that before. Not even she had played with that part of herself yet. But when he struck it with one of his thick fingers, a pulse of sensation had gone through her. The discomfort was minute, compared to the pleasure that followed as he then rubbed the pad of that thick finger down on the nub, grinding it into her.

"Please… p-please… oooh GOD!"

Jane suddenly shudders much more violently, shaking and spasming as she abruptly cums. Her pussy juices squirt out of her cunt, right past Clayton's fingers and all over the ground before them as the orgasm wracks her feminine frame. Tarzan finally makes to move, but Clayton wards him off with a hand, even as he keeps Jane on her feet, holding her up with a thick muscular arm now laced through her own arms, holding them behind her back as she bends forward slightly, panting and moaning for breath.

"Nothing to worry about, my savage friend. Our Ms. Porter is just fine."

"What was that?"

It's the first thing Tarzan has said in a while, and he sounds so… so lost as he says it. So weak. Clayton of course, responds in a jovial tone."

"That was an orgasm. That was a sign that Jane is experiencing the pleasure of being a woman, at the hands of a man who knows how to properly treat her."

"She never… n-not once…"

Jane was wrong. NOW Tarzan sounds weak and lost. She feels a momentary sensation of disgust for the wild man as he just stares at her, confused. Then she swallows it, or has it swallowed, by Clayton as his cockhead abruptly pressed against her entrance from behind.

"Well, that's the point of this, isn't it? So that you can learn. And now… now we can move onto the most important lesson of all. How to fuck a slutty little bitch who doesn't know her place."

Once again, the words are somewhat lost on Tarzan. Clayton says them in such a tone that the jungle-man, raised by apes, doesn't truly understand what he means. But Jane does. Jane understands, and as Clayton thrusts into her from behind and she cries out from another climax in so many minutes, the young woman begins to break. Right then and there, as a much larger cock than she could ever have expected, begins to fill her insides.

Clayton is right, in more ways than one. The most immediate way he's right however, is the fact that she takes him easily. Her cunt is loosened up by his fingers, her insides are slick with her juices. Even though his massive member DOES split her even further, stretching her to the point that Jane is sure she's going to be ripped apart, it never actually occurs.

He fills her with inch after inch of his shaft, until his crotch is pressed against her backside, and he's as far as he can get into her from his current position. Jane lets out a shuddering breath when he finally stops. Her eyes heavily lidded, her full pouty lips slightly parted, the young woman slowly begins to recover as Clayton remains unmoving for a moment.

"Jane… Jane, are you okay?"

It takes her a second to realize Tarzan is talking to her, despite the use of her name. Slowly, she manages to tear her attention away from the massive member filling her up and focus on the jungle-man crouching several feet away.

"I'm… I'm fine, Tarzan. I-I'm fine. J-Just… just pay attention t-to the lesson, d-damn it."

Not that she can ever go back to Tarzan's cock after this. Not without having something much larger to finish the deed when they're done. She'll have to commission something bigger, because Jane realizes then and there that her fingers will no longer cut it either. Then, without warning, without hesitation, without mercy, Clayton begins to thrust. Jane Porter's plans go up in smoke at that point, as her eyes roll up in her head and her brain all but drips out of her ears.


Her cries clearly disturb Tarzan, but she's in no position to tell him off again. Luckily, Clayton is.

"Do as the, hah, lady says my savage friend. Pay attention. THIS is how you properly fuck a woman."

And as Clayton plows her from behind, his massive member impaling her time and time again while his powerful muscles were the only thing keeping Jane on her feet, the young woman realizes the truth then and there. She's not going to commission jack shit. She's not going to need some sex toy to satisfy her. Because it wouldn't work… and as soon as she can, she's going to proclaim her devotion to the man currently plundering her tight little cunt with his big fat cock. As soon as she can get alone with him, Jane will make sure Clayton knows that she's his now, mind, body, and soul…

Of course, even those plans are eventually swept from the brunette's mind, as is all cognizant thought as Clayton continues to plow her from behind right in front of Tarzan's eyes. Through orgasm after squirting orgasm, while frigging the nub atop her mound, while toying with the nipples that adorned her breasts, he never ever stopped thrusting.

Not only did he prove himself ten times the man Tarzan was in more ways than one, he had the stamina of a fucking ox as well. Jane could scarcely believe it as he continued to fuck her long past the point that Tarzan would have ejaculated. Of course, the proof was right in front of HER eyes as well. Tarzan's loincloth never once tented. It did not so much as shift.

But as time went on, a small little puddle of cum formed beneath the frozen, crouching wild man as his tiny little prick ejaculated more than once to the sight of Jane being so savagely and ruthlessly fucked through climax after climax. And in the end, when Clayton finally came inside of her and his seed utterly overwhelmed what little remained of her senses as every inch of her insides was completely coated in sticky, hot cum, Jane moaned and then passed out right then and there in his arms.

It was just too much. He hadn't just fucked her right in front of the man who she'd thought to be her lover. He'd practically bred her, with just how much ejaculate he pumped into her. And the thought of growing heavy with Clayton's child, not Tarzan's… it pushed Jane over the edge into blissful oblivion. The world went black, and she slumped bonelessly into the grasp of the man who'd just shown her what pleasure at the hands of a REAL man was supposed to feel like.


Clayton couldn't help but grin as he stood on the deck of the ship that would carry them away from Africa, and back to civilization. Watching the shoreline slowly recede as they got on their way filled him with no end of satisfaction. Especially with the cacophony of noise coming from the ship's hold as the gorilla troop that they'd managed to capture without much trouble made their irritation known. A whip cracked out, and a cry from one of the gorillas silenced the whole lot of them, causing Clayton's smile to grow wider still.

Three hundred pounds sterling a head. Oh yes, he'd made out like a king from this particular trip. Of course, he'd also ended up with something more than he bargained for as well.


Clayton's eyes dart across the receding shoreline, to where Tarzan has just made it to the shore. He's jumping and leaping and being as savage as ever as he cries out to the ship, or more accurately the woman who was no longer his beloved. Stood right in front of Clayton, resting her elbows on the railing, Jane Porter looks up as well at Tarzan, even as she continues to bounce her hips back into his crotch, fucking herself on his cock right there on the deck of the ship.

Of course, nobody really noticed. They weren't amongst the sailors, and unlike most of their times together the past week, Jane was clothed. Heh, this past week had been one of the most fun of his life. As soon as the ship that was destined to take them back home arrived, Clayton had set his crew of hunters to finding the gorillas and capturing them. While one had had to die, and they'd lost a couple men in the battle, the majority of the gorilla troop was all theirs now.

And Clayton? Clayton had spent the entire time distracting Tarzan AND Jane by fucking the latter in front of the former's eyes. Meanwhile Jane had surprisingly enough, come around to his way of thinking. Which is why, even now as a distraught Tarzan grows more and more distant, his horrified features disappearing and becoming indistinct, Jane Porter laughs and waves at him.

"Goodbye Tarzan~ mm, t-thanks for everything!"

Clayton just grins at that. The slut had become so very useful once she was addicted to his cock. Amusingly enough, he hadn't even originally intended to go this route with her. Only once he found out just how pitiful in size Tarzan really was did he realize that it wasn't so much a matter of experience or time, but of having something that Tarzan would never have and that Jane… Jane desperately wanted and needed, even if she didn't know it at first.

He'd given her the big fat cock she desired, just as he was doing even now. And she loved him for it, amusingly enough. The delicious little slut was besotted with him, to the extent that when she'd finally found out his plans for the gorillas, she'd barely cared… unlike her father. Speaking of which… now that Tarzan is barely a speck in the distance, Clayton leans in a bit, grabbing a fistful of Jane's hair and forcing her head to the side so he can murmur to her, uncaring of who sees him fucking the tart.

"Your father might be a problem for us, when we finally get back to port…"

Jane bites her lower lip and moans through it for a moment before responding.

"D-Don't worry sir… I'll… I'll bring d-daddy around. And if not… w-well, accidents at s-sea happen all the time, r-right?"

Clayton's eyebrows lift and his lips curl into a wide wicked grin at that. Oh, this little minx was full of pleasant surprises. And the idea of marrying an orphan set to inherit everything that Archimedes Q. Porter left behind suddenly had quite a lot of merit to it. As a reward, Clayton fucks Jane Porter even harder… and the brunette just moans and mewls and begs for more as she thrusts her wide, child-bearing hips back towards his thick cock, eager to feel him fill her womb with yet another load of life-giving seed.


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Looking for something Original from me to read? Check out The Soul Engine!

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