Caitlyn’s F*ta Obsession

Sejuani & Ashe & Lissandra – Part 1

  “Soraka, please. Let her go,” Ahri said… again… pleading this time.


  “Not until she’s good and rested.” There was ice in Soraka’s eyes and barbs on her tongue, but her hands were all warm blankets and soft pillows as she stroked Caitlyn’s back.


They had played at this song and dance for close to what must have been half an hour. Ahri began furious as all hell, trying to pry Caitlyn free with steel words and a stone voice. When that failed, she tried to coax Soraka with sweet promises and careful reassurances. When that failed, she tried to bargain, offering her a position at the front of the queue for the next event. That last one only made Soraka hold on tighter. Which brings us here, to pleading.


  “She can relax on her own, dear,” Ahri said.


  “Nothing soothes an ache like a gentle embrace,” Soraka said.


  “Caitlyn, are you sore?” It was a command, not a question.


  “No,” she said carefully. “I’m all better now.”


Ahri gave Soraka a significant look, but Soraka only held Caitlyn tighter. 


  “Must she be subject to such loneliness?” The barbs returned to Soraka’s tongue. “How long has it been now, a day? You supply her with food and water, yes. But what of companionship? Scraps. That’s what you give her. Little fleeting scraps in the dying hours of her rounds. It’s not enough. Not nearly enough.”


  “Do you feel deprived, Caitlyn?” Another command.


Caitlyn put on her best smile. “Not at all. Really, mommy, I’m fine.” She stroked Soraka’s arm.


Soraka’s eyes darted between Caitlyn and Ahri. “But… But…”


  “Please, Mommy. Others are waiting to spend time with me. I don’t want to keep them waiting.”


The ice in Soraka’s eyes melted. Her tense grip loosened. “You’re anxious?”


Caitlyn glanced at Ahri. Her look was expectant. “Yes, quite so, I’m afraid.”


Soraka let out a breathless sigh and let go. As if she were dealing with a wild animal, Caitlyn took her time getting to her feet, afraid a sudden movement might startle her into an attacking embrace. 


Ahri lay a protective hand on Caitlyn’s shoulder as she offered Soraka her hand. “Come now, dear. Time to go.”


Soraka avoided her eyes. “Yes, Mistress Ahri.” She rematerialised her golden leotard and made her way to the doors.


Ahri followed at her heel, shut the doors behind her and sighed. “I do apologise, dear.”


  “Oh no, it’s alright. Not your fault.”


  “If she didn’t have such pure intent in doing so, I would never allow her to…” Ahri waved her hand as if wiping dirt off a window. “No, it’s not your concern.” She smiled. “Well done, dear. Another region completed.”


  “It’s no big deal.” Caitlyn shrugged. 


Ahri’s tails flicked as she raised an eyebrow. “Is that so? Then, I suppose you won’t be requiring a rest.”


  “I already got one. And a long one too.”


  “After this round then.”


It would be wrong to say that made Caitlyn’s confidence shatter. No, more like it froze. Not the way ice freezes, mind you. The way a child freezes at the sound of their parent’s shout. Or the way a mouse freezes when it sees a cat. 


  “But…” A faint ember of hope warmed Caitlyn’s voice. “I don’t get breaks between rounds. And there are three rounds in this region, at least.”


  “Three partners.” Ahri grinned.


Caitlyn’s stomach dropped. “At once?”


  “At once. The maximum, if you recall.”


  “I do.”


  “There’s no shame in conceding and taking the break, dear. If you require a break after three at once, we’d all understand. You are a rookie, after all.”


Caitlyn bristled. “I’ll be fine. Send them in.”


Ahri’s tails swayed like a bundle of dancing snakes. “As you wish, dear.” She knocked on the door twice, sharp and loud. “Sejuani! Ashe! Lissandra! She’s ready for you!”


Three women entered the room. One was broad as a bull, all muscle and grit, with cropped hair as white as snow. One was slender as a spear, all skin and bones, with a thick braid down to her ankles as white as snow. One was lean as a cut of venison, all hips and little waist, with flowing hair as white as snow. Broad and lean had pale eyes, the colour of ice. Slender’s skin matched. As for her eyes, they were a mystery. She wore a black, silk blindfold, yet she moved with all the confidence that comes with sight. It was the only piece of clothing amongst them.


They strolled past Ahri in a single file. Broad headed the procession, followed by Slender who was tailed by Lean. 


  “Caitlyn, this is Sejuani.” Ahri pointed to Broad. “Lissandra.” She pointed to Slender. “And Ashe.” She pointed to lean. “They shall be your only partners from Freljord.”


  “Hello.” Caitlyn gave them a little wave.

Sejuani folded her arms over her massive breasts. Lissandra placed her hands on her narrow hips, and a smirk split her pale, blue face. Ashe looked ready to pounce. None said a word.


  “As per our agreement, you shall not receive a rest after their time with you and shall move on to the girls from Zaun.” Ahri eased one foot through the doorway and a grin of a demon spread across her lips. “Good luck, dear.”


The doors slammed behind her. The slam hung in the silence of the trio like a shout in a library.


Only then did it occur to Caitlyn that she’d never done anything like this before. A threesome was one thing. But this? It might be too much. It might break her.


She stole a glance at their cocks and her fear evaporated. They were all soft. Soft and small.


Caitlyn smiled and gestured to all of her. “Shall we?”


Sejuani huffed and pointed at her feet. “Knees. Now.”


  “Yes, Ma’am~”


  “Mother.” Sejuani set her jaw. “Warmother.”


  “Yes, Warm-”


  “No,” Ashe snapped.


Lissandra’s grin faded. Quick as a flash, she twisted Ashe’s ear. “Remember your place, worm,” she hissed. “You lost.” She twisted harder.


Ashe fell to her knees. Tears brimmed in her eyes, and her ear turned purple, but she didn’t cry out. Instead, she looked up at Lissandra like a cornered cat, ready to pounce. She didn’t pounce, but that’s how she looked.


If Sejuani noticed or cared she made no move to stop it. Her eyes locked on Caitlyn, rarely blinking. “Knees. Now.”


Her voice did not ask or demand. Neither did it suggest nor invite. It was without question but, wasn’t a statement. Her voice owned the world, and the words it spoke were law.


Caitlyn knelt.


Sejuani loomed over her, her face hidden behind the underside of her bust. Her cock hung level with her forehead, all shrivelled foreskin. On the other hand, her balls were the size of baseballs and smooth as a baby’s head.

Lissandra released Ashe’s ear and hurried to Caitlyn’s left side. Her breasts were like empty coin purses. She peered over them, grinning. Her cock, shrivelled and blue, hung level with Caitlyn’s ear.


Ashe made to stand.




Ashe tsked and then crawled to Caitlyn’s right. Her wide hips made for quite a sight, swivelling as she padded across the carpet. Sejuani told her to stand, and when she did, her cock hung fully erect, level with her jaw, no bigger than a middle finger.


  “Who am I?” Sejuani asked Ashe.


Ashe chewed her lip. “Warmother…”


  “Louder, worm,” Lissandra hissed.


  “War. Mother.”


  “Enough.” One word and Sejuani commanded all their attention. She gestured at Lissandra. “You will be quiet.” Then on Ashe. “You will watch.” Then on Caitlyn. “You will awaken us.”


  “Yes, Warmother,” Lissandra said at once.


  “Yes… Warmother,” Ashe spoke as if her mouth were full of custard.


  “What does… uh…” Lissandra was looking at Caitlyn as if she’d pushed over an old lady. Her voice shrank. “What does that mean?”


A chuckle rumbled deep in Sejuani’s belly. Her breasts shook and she stroked Caitlyn’s cheek. “Make us hard, sweetheart.”


  “Oh. Oh! Yes, yes of course.” Caitlyn shuffled forward, extended her neck and cupped one of Sejuani’s balls in her mouth. It fit only halfway, but she compensated with a fluttering of her tongue. It tasted of salt, sweat and a day’s hard work.


As Sejuani breathed a moan and snatched tight handfuls of her hair, Caitlyn absentmindedly cupped Lissandra and Ashe’s balls. Where Ashe’s were fire, Lissandra’s were ice. They stoked each other, making the other seem far hotter and colder than they had any right to be. 


Lissandra laughed. Ashe gasped. Sejuani knocked Caitlyn right away from Ashe. “No. She must watch. She must yearn. She must learn.”


Caitlyn gave an apologetic smile with her eyes, closed them and focused on her work. She didn’t have as much experience with balls as she did cocks. However, she found the skills carried over. Soon, she had Sejuani and Lissandra making desperate moans, and hard as rocks.


Sejuani’s cock rested on top of her head, as fat as a bottle, as long as her forearm and as hot as a furnace. Lissandra’s prodded her cheek, modestly fat, modestly long and cold as an ice box. Ashe shifted from foot to foot. Her cock twitched and throbbed.


Without asking for permission, Caitlyn began stroking Lissandra’s cock. It was like stroking a handrail on a winter’s night. Yet, it made her insides swirl and her heart flutter.


  “Presumptious little thing. Isn’t she, Warmother?” Lissandra asked. She made a poor show of trying to swallow her moans.


  “Good. Bold is good.” Sejuani tilted Caitlyn’s head back, removing her mouth from her balls. “Wide.”


Caitlyn opened her mouth as wide as it could go without letting her teeth slip free of her gummed lips. A clench of the fingers. A jerk of the hips. Sejuani’s cock filled her throat in one, smooth motion. 


It almost made her gag, from surprise if anything else.


Sejuani’s cock heaved and she shuddered. “Perfect~”


Ashe made a desperate noise. It sounded far away. Caitlyn’s lungs were screaming. The girth of Sejuani’s cock clogged her throat, bulging it even. No air could reach her lungs. Not through her nose, and certainly not through her mouth. Still, Caitlyn never panicked. She never fought to free herself. She never stopped jerking off Lissandra.


It was a surreal feeling, being content with passing out. It was like being lowered into a warm bath you didn’t fancy having and coming to the realization that you would not be leaving anytime soon.


Sejuani drew her cock out of Caitlyn’s mouth. Caitlyn stole a breath, and Sejuani plunged right back in. “You should not have idle hands.” Sejuani pulled out. Caitlyn gasped. Sejuani plunged back in. “Put it to work.” Out. Gasp. In.


Caitlyn cupped Sejuani’s balls as best she could with one hand, and massaged them in time with her stroked of Lissandra’s cock. Squeeze as she stroked to the base. Release as she stroked to the tip. It may not have added any pleasure for them, but the sound of Sejuani and Lissandra moaning as one voice made the discomfort in her throat a distant lie.


Lissandra’s moans never changed. They began at her base and peaked as her tip was enveloped. Desperate little things. Sharp and strained. As if she were embarrassed to be enjoying herself. And yet, she moved her hips with Caitlyn’s hand all the same.


Sejuani’s grew. From gentle grunts to gravelly groans, to booming bellows. After the first bellow, her huge hands held Caitlyn’s head perfectly still, and she began fucking her throat. Her pace was crashing. Like a battering ram; slow and meticulous. Her groin crashed against her lips. Her balls slapped her chin. Her breasts heaved, clapping against Sejauni’s chest.


With only the slightest delay, Lissandra scurried out of Caitlyn’s reach. Ashe followed suit. They bowed their heads.


Sejauni’s new, brutal pace left Caitlyn with a fraction of the time to breathe. Her attempts at doing so resulted in splutters and tears. Tears ran rivers down her cheeks. Spit poured over her chin and down her bulging neck. Caitlyn hoped it would never end.


It wouldn’t. It couldn’t. But, if her head hadn’t been clouded, it may have lasted longer than it did. Rather than pleasure herself, Caitlyn worshipped Sejuani’s balls. A silly thing to do. Find it in your heart to forgive her. For, in that moment, Sejuani’s balls weren’t merely a nice pair of balls. They were the only balls in the world, the most important thing in the world; the sky and the sea, the clouds and the stars, love and passion and pleasure and all things wonderful. To not worship them would have been an affront to all the things that made life worth living.


Which is why it was like a stab to the heart when Sejuani whipped her cock free, laughing and gasping. She scrambled after them and fell to her hands and knees. It was there, that she saw Sejuani’s eyes for the first time in a long while. They glimmered; ice in a spring’s thaw. Wild things full of glee.


Caitlyn snapped back to her senses as those eyes closed. 


Sejuani drew a deep breath, her cock throbbing and heaving. Spit hung from it like cobwebs. “Fuck… she almost had me there.”


  “May I?” Lissandra took a cautious step forward but, didn’t dare lift her covered eyes.


Sejuani shooed away her question. “Yes, yes. Go on.”


Like a good girl, Caitlyn crawled over to Lissandra before she could take so much as another step. Kneeling, she took hold of her narrow hips and slid her cock down her throat. She throat fucked it as easily as breathing. If it weren’t for how cold it was, she wouldn’t have felt it at all.


Lissandra’s mouth melted into a loose, open frown. A breathless moan seeped between her lips. She raked her ice fingertips over Cailtyn’s scalp.


Shivers ran down Caitlyn’s spine, and a second set ran up. It felt like she was on top of a washing machine in its spin cycle. She spread Lissandra’s cheeks and prodded her asshole, getting a squeak of a gasp out of her. It was oddly cute.


Sejuani slunk behind her, pressing herself flat against Lissandra’s back. Steam rose where their bodies touched. Lissandra trembled against her. Sejuani tilted Lissandra’s chin with a touch and they shared a lingering, full-mouthed kiss. Her eyes never left Caitlyn.


  “Ahri’s outdone herself this time, hasn’t she?” She took a handful of Lissandra’s stomach.


Lissandra’s head lolled back. “Uh huh~” Her braid coiled around Sejauni’s ankle.


  “Is she bringing you close?”


  “So close~”


  “How close?”


  “Almost there. Just… Just a few more moments.”


A knowing look entered Sejuani’s eyes. As if she and Caitlyn were in on some secret together. For the life of her, Caitlyn did not know how to respond to such a look.


With a sly chuckle, Sejuani revealed the secret. She grasped Lissandra by the back of the knees, plucked her off her feet and slammed inside her.


Lissandra wailed. Weak and powerless. The cry of the defeated. Her cock erupted a stream of cum high over her and Sejuani’s heads.


Sejuani lifted her off and dropped her gracelessly. “You will not belittle Ashe.”


On her back, cumming buckets all over her belly, Lissandra whimpered. “Yes, Warmother.”


Sejuani’s eyes pierced through Caitlyn at Ashe, dull and cold. She approached her. “Follow.”


Caitlyn didn’t have to think twice about obeying. Still, for all her obedience, a question nagged at her. “Um… Isn’t Lissandra out now?”


  “I made her cum. Her time ends when you make her cum. The rules are clear.” Sejuani snatched a fistful of Ashe’s hair and yanked her head back. “Show her why you lost.”


Ashe smothered a yelp and bore defiance into Sejuani. She may as well have tried to break a brick wall with a toothpick. Quickly, she dropped her eyes and took hold of her cock. Her face scrunched up as she stroked herself as if she were concentrating with all her might. 

A dozen strokes. That’s all it took for a tiny load to dribble from her cock. She shuddered once, and then shamefully pulled her hand away.


  “Who am I?” Sejuani asked.


  “Warmother,” Ashe said without tone.


  “And who are you?”


Ashe met her gaze and blinked. “Ashe?”


  “No.” Sejuani cupped her small, round breast. “Mine.” She squeezed.


Stubborn defiance returned to Ashe’s eyes. “Never.” She swatted Sejuani’s hand away. “Never never never!”


For a moment, Sejuani remained very still. She did not move. She did not speak. She did not breathe. Under the weight of such stillness, Ashe’s stubborn defiance became uncertain fear. Lissandra sat up and grinned at her like an idiot.


  “S- Sejuani, I-”


  “Caitlyn, fetch a strapon,” Sejuani said easily. “A large one.”


  “Yes, Warmother.”


Caitlyn hurried to the couch. She yanked open the draw, sifted through all the toys and picked out the biggest strapon she could find. It wasn’t the right skin tone, but no one could deny it was large.


  “Have you earned the bedroom yet?” Sejuani asked.


  “Yes, Warmother.” Caitlyn fasted the straps and buckles. Its weight tugged at her.


Sejuani let go of Ashe’s hair. “Go.”


Somewhere between sulking and raging, Ashe headed upstairs.


Laughing, Lissandra hung from Sejuani’s thick arm. Steam rose around her like a veil. “Can I go first, Warmother? Let’s see how her pride fairs against my ice.”


  “No. Second.” Sejuani untangled herself from Lissandra’s arms. She stood at the base of the steps and gave Caitlyn a look that claimed mastery over all. “Come.” She climbed the stairs.


Lissandra scampered after her, but Caitlyn decided to take her time. She took each step with care. The weight of her strapon changed the sway of her hips. It added a punch, a snap, a certain extra oomph. Walking with it was like playing with a new toy; up the stairs, doubly so.


Caitlyn found the girls waiting by the bed. Ashe was on all fours, staring at the sheets with an expression so tight it threatened to shatter. Sejuani stood at the foot of the bed, arms folded over her breasts, expectant as a cross headmaster. Lissandra looked so furious, that Caitlyn half expected her to start steaming.


  “The Warmother’s time is not yours to waste, worm!” Lissandra barked. “You filthy little wh-”


Sejuani raised a hand. Lissandra bit her tongue and fumed without sound.


  “You understand the way of things. Yes?”


Caitlyn nodded and gestured to Ashe. “She lost some kind of bet or contest. Lissandra came second. You came first. Which means you get to be in charge.”


  “Why do you think these things?”


  “I don’t see how else you could tolerate living under the same roof as each other.”


  “You know of us?”


  “Bits and pieces. You’re not really sisters, right? That’s just a manner of speaking… right?”


  “We share blood. Old blood.” Sejuani waved her hand. “It matters not to you. You understand your place amongst us. Yes?”


  “Of course.” Caitlyn smiled. “Above.”


  “Below!” Lissandra snapped. “Below her.” She gestured to Ashe. “Below dirt. Below hell. Whore. Sejuani is Warmother. You are-”


  “A whore. Yes, I heard you the first and a half times you said it. And this whore is the reason you are here.” Caitlyn ran her hands down her curves. “This whore is the object of your desire. This whore can throw you out on a whim. You are mine.” Caitlyn smiled a warm smile. “And I am yours but, do not mistake me; You are mine.”


  “Why you insol-”


Sejauni raised her hand. “Will you be mine, Caitlyn? For as long as I have you?”


Caitlyn joined Sejuani’s side. She squeezed her tits together. Soft as pillows; firm as clay. She traced her shoulders. Broad as a ship’s bow; Solid as granite. She stroked her cock. A terror and a delight. Finally, she stood on her toes and found she couldn’t reach her lips. Sejuani plucked her off the ground by her waist and embraced her mouth.


She tasted of steel, blood and the crisp air of a winter’s morning.


Firmly back on her feet, Caitlyn nodded. “I will, Warmother.”


  “Good. Fill her mouth and plug her throat. I will tell you when she is allowed to breathe.”


Caitlyn gave a half bow. “As you say, Warmother.” She crawled onto the head, knelt before Ashe’s head and pressed her tip against her lips.


Ashe put on a face of stone. Her eyes - pale and blue like ice - betrayed her. They were pottery, sheet ice and all things brittle. Caitlyn hesitated. A small pause. But it was enough to earn her a scowl from Lissandra.


  “You are okay with this, aren’t you?” Caitlyn asked.


Ashe made a vaguely disgusted noise as if she’d asked her to kill a puppy. “Would I be here if I wasn’t?”


Caitlyn shrugged and slid the dildo down her throat until she felt her lips against her groin. Her throat bulged and quivered. Her eyes shattered and welled tears. The slightest hint of a smile tugged at her taut lips.


The bed shook as Sejuani mounted it. A small motion. It was a good bed. Ashe gagged all the same. Full tears streaked down her cheeks.


It occurred to Caitlyn that, while she’d been in a similar situation before, she’d never been on the other end of it. For the briefest of moments, it felt unnerving. The kind of feeling you get after accidentally making your sibling cry. Quickly, however, it felt wonderful. It made her feel as strong as Illaoi Camille and Sejuani combined. The world was her plaything. The world was hers. Ashe was hers.


  “Can I fuck her throat, Warmother?”


  “You can, but you shan’t.” Sejuani touched her tip against Ashe’s asshole. “Stay still until told otherwise.”


Caitlyn swallowed a groan. “Yes, Warmother.”


Ashe gave her a defiant look. It took more strength than Caitlyn knew she had to not bring the tears back to her eyes. 


A waste really. Sejuani did for her as she slammed balls-deep inside her. The impact travelled through Ashe’s body, along Caitlyn’s dildo and against her groin. It felt like a punch.


Spluttering and crying, Ashe blew a spurt of cum onto the sheets.


Sejuani slapped her ass with both hands. It jiggled and ripples spread along her hips. “You are mine.”


Ashe shook her head. She gagged.


  “Very well.” 


Sejuani held her still and started the same, methodical rhythm she’d used to fuck Caitlyn’s throat. It sent ripples through Ashe’s ass and hips and punched Caitlyn’s groin. On top of spluttering and crying, Ashe started to moan. Muffled moans. Moans all the same.


Lissandra watched from the foot of the bed, stroking her cock and licking her lips.


Every two strokes, Ashe came. No more than a thimble’s worth of cum. But what her orgasms laked in product, they made up for in power. They rocked her, clamped her muscles and rolled her eyes. She more time orgasming than not, and soon the sheets were utterly covered in cum.


Her face started to turn blue.


  “Breathe.” Sejuani sounded as if she were swallowing food.


Caitlyn pulled back her dildo to the back of Ashe’s mouth. She expected her to gasp, but instead, she drew a slow breath, exhaled and spoke. “I am my own.”


  “You are weak.”


Ashe came, so she could not counter.


  “You are mine. Now, soon and always.”


Lissandra stopped stroking her cock. Her face dropped.


Ashe looked over her shoulder. Caitlyn could not see her face but, whatever was on it broke Sejuani’s pace and ignited a bit of fear in her eyes. No, not fear. Regretful shock.


  “Never,” Ashe hissed. She pressed her ass against Sejuani’s groin and rocked back and forth, fucking Sejuani’s cock. Her rhythm was another world away from Sejuani’s; fast, frantic and lopsided. It made her take pause, buckle and gasp. 


She braced herself on the bed, but it didn’t steady her. She tried to fuck her back, but couldn’t hold a pace. Not even Ashe’s orgasms gave her an edge. Ashe came without a care in the world. Even as her muscles clamped and she moaned like an alley cat in heat. Even as Caitlyn plugged her throat. Even as she choked.


Eventually, to the indescribable shock of Caitlyn and Lissandra, Sejuani pulled out. More accurately, he yanked it out. Her cock heaved and bulged. It twitched and throbbed. It stood still; a false flag. It blew a fat load all over Ashe’s back. It sputtered a final dribble. It limped like a sail starved of wind.


Sejuani sat heavily and gawked at her limp cock. She looked as if she were surprised to have a cock.


Ashe slid Caitlyn’s dildo out of her throat and laughed. A thin, menacing laugh.


  “Right then.” Lissandra mounted the bed and shoved Sejuani. “Move over. I’ll set her right.”


Sejuani’s mouth made a firm, thin line. She nodded and scooted over. 


Ashe got back onto all fours and lifted her ass to Lissandra. “Go on then,” she said smiling.


Lissandra looked right at Caitlyn with her blindfolded eyes. “Make yourself useful. Shut her up.”


Caitlyn looked at Sejuani. Sejuani gave a frank nod. “Yes, Lissandra.” Caitlyn tilted Ashe’s head back and thrust her strapon down her throat.


Ashe gazed into Caitlyn’s eyes with an easy confidence. There wasn’t a thing in the world that could touch her. She was calm still water. Her eyes bulged when Lissandra rammed inside her.


Steam rose where their bodies touched, flesh sky blue against flesh snow white. Some of it wafted over Caitlyn. Her breath caught in her throat, her nipples hardened and goose pimples covered her neck to ankle.


Caitlyn couldn’t help but be reminded of Kalista, and Lissandra’s face-splitting grin wasn’t helping matters.


  “You aren’t hurting her, are you?” Caitlyn asked.


Lissandra froze, right on the verge of starting. Her grin dropped. “What? No.”


  “But you’re cold.”


  “And you’re warm. You don’t see me complaining.”


  “Kalista,” Sejuani said.


Lissandra laughed. “Is that what it is?”


The blush on Caitlyn’s cheek fended off the chill. “Yeah…”


  “Oh, please. Don’t compare me to that witless dead fool.” Lissandra scowled. “Don’t.”


  “So, it’s not a bad cold then?”


  “No. It’s the best cold. The cold of gods and their betters. It’ll make you writhe and squirm. It’ll make you cum harder than anything warmth could give you. It’ll make you beg me to keep you as a pet.” Lissandra took a handful of Ashe’s hair and leaned forward until her mouth was next to her ear. “Won’t it?” She pulled. “Won’t it?!”


  “Mhm!” Ashe muffled. She nodded as vigorously as she was able.


Lissandra shot upright and gave Ashe’s ass a crisp slap. “Enough stupid questions.” A sudden grin spread across her face. A different grin. The kind of grin you get when you’ve had a sudden, brilliant idea. Lissandra put her hand behind her head and lolled it back, staring at the ceiling with blindfolded eyes. Her braid coiled around her like a snake. “Fuck me. Now. And you.” She pointed at Caitlyn. “Fuck her.”


Caitlyn and Ashe nodded at the same time. That’s where their unity ended. Ashe rocked forward, Caitlyn thrust deeper, and then they pulled away from one another. The sound Ashe made was the most pathetic and erotic thing Caitlyn had ever had. The counter-movements made her splutter, gasp and moan all at once. They reunited again and froze.


Lissandra didn’t look at them, not that she could. “If I have to tell you whores to keep going I will hurt you.”


  “Y- Yes, Lissandra.”


Ashe nodded wildly.


Caitlyn started pounding Ashe’s throat and Ashe started slapping her ass against Lissandra’s groin. As Ashe blew loads with a brave face, Caitlyn had to hold her head to keep herself from falling over. Or rather, being pushed over. The counter-movements were like a rowing boat in an ocean storm. They pulled her this way and pushed her that way with no regard for her. It made her feel small. It made her desperate for a good fuck and unbearably jealous of Ashe.

Perhaps Sejuani could read minds. She appeared behind Caitlyn and eased her cock into her ass. It stretched her and bore deep inside her and made her knees weak; the usual. What was different - and thus utterly wonderful - was the way it bulged her belly against the base of her strap-on.


  “Better?” Sejuani whispered as she started her slow, plodding pace.


  “Uh huh~” A half-truth.


Where once there was one motion to counter her, now there were two. And a secret third that one could only notice if they paid special attention. Lissandra's hips were jostling ever so slightly. If Ashe and Sejuani were earthquakes, Lissandra was a mere tremor. But still, she was there. The three of them tossed her about like a cow caught in a hurricane.


Sejuani held her hips so, she didn’t fall. But she did cum. Not as much as Ashe. Nowhere near. One. Then twice and thrice. Each more powerful than the last. They made her say things she couldn’t hear - honestly, it was a miracle she could see with all the pleasure. Whatever they were, as Caitlyn felt the words pass between her lips Lissandra let out a great big laugh and Sejuani’s chest jostled against her back as she chuckled. Sejuani fucked her harder after that, and Lissandra started fucking Ashe.


Lissandra’s voice broke her haze like a pick through ice. “Who are you?!” Fucking a mile a minute, she slapped Ashe’s ass.


Caitlyn pulled her dildo out of Ashe’s mouth.


Ashe moaned as she blew what must have been her hundredth moan. Her face hit the bed and her eyes lolled back. “Mine,” she whispered.


  “Fine,” Lissandra spat. “Be that way. See if I care. I can do this all day and all night for a hundred years. You filthy.” Slap. “Mortal.” Slap. “Whore!” The other hand that time.


Never once did Ashe stop moving her hips. As she should. She was winning. The corners of Lissandra’s wild grin twitched. Her abs tensed through her pale, blue skin, hard as rocks. Her breathing sharpened. Her grip on Ashe’s ass tightened. Her moans grew longer and longer.


Sejuani slowed to a standstill and whispered against the top of Caitlyn’s head. “Do you see it?”


  “Yes, Warmother.” Caitlyn ground her hips.


Sejuani gave her tits a great big squeeze. Her huge hands conquered them in their entirety. Caitlyn bit her lips and melted. Not even a thrust, not one, and she’d cum again. It was short, like a jolt of electricity. It made her giddy with giggles.


  “Lissandra,” Sejuani said gently. “Finish. Your time is done.”


Lissandra answered with a clenched jaw. “Not until she admits… admits… oh, gods above~” The air escaped Lissandra’s lungs in a single puff. She keeled over and blew her load inside Ashe. Cum dribbled down Ashe’s balls and joined the puddle she’d made on the sheets.


  “I am mine,” Ashe giggled. “I am Ashe. I am Warmother.”


Lissandra slunk out of Ashe like a kicked dog.


Sejuani sighed. “We shall do this thing until you admit your weakness, sister.”


  “Do it. I can take it. I can take you all. The two of you. The fifty of them. And you.” She eyed Caitlyn. “You most of all.”


Wordlessly, Sejuani pulled out of Caitlyn and made to approach Ashe.


  “Stop,” Caitlyn said.


Sejuani stopped and arched a white eyebrow.


  “Sh- Shut up, w- worm,” Lissandra muttered.


  “You’re here to fuck me, not bicker like children.” Caitlyn hopped off the bed, rounded it and knelt behind Ashe. “Ashe, I am going to make you cum unless you call Sejuani Warmother.”


  “Go on. I can cum a thousand times. See if I-”


  “You can cum once and leave, as per Mistress Ahri’s rules. They are quite clear.”


Ashe stayed very silent and very still.


Caitlyn touched her ruined asshole with her dildo. “Say it.”


  “But it’s not true!”


Caitlyn slipped the tip in. “I mean it.”


Ashe quivered. “But… but…”


Caitlyn thrust, slow and careful, as if Ashe would break. Even as Ashe cried out a moan. Even as her balls throbbed and bulged. She stopped when her groin touched Ashe’s ass. “You want to fuck me don’t you?”


  “U- Uh huh…’


  “Then say it. Last warning.”


Ashe’s asshole flexed, opening and closing around the dildo. Her legs trembled and her cock threatened to blow. Still, she said nothing.


Caitlyn sighed and started her first stroke.


  “Wait!” Ashe cried and Caitlyn froze. “She’s Warmother, okay! Sejuani is Warmother!”


  “And who are you?”


  “Hers! And Lissandra’s! And yours! I’ll be anyone’s just please don’t make me cum!”


Caitlyn giggled. “Warmother, does her time end if someone else pulls this out?”


Sejuani gave a knowing smile. “No.”


  “Good. I thought as much.” Caitlyn unbuckled her strap on and left it hanging limp from Ashe’s ass. “I ask you to do the honours, Warmother.”


Sejuani laughed and approached but, quick as a flash Lissandra ripped the dildo free. Ashe screamed and blew a fat load. And then another. And then another.


  “Lissandra,” Sejuani said testily.


Lissandra shrugged. Ashe groaned. Sejuani and Lissandra burst out laughing.

Thanks for reading! Feedback is appreciated <3

Next chapter, we'll see what else the Freljord girls have in store for Caitlyn (it's a good fucking).


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