Caitlyn’s F*ta Obsession


Caitlyn sat on the edge of the pool table trying not to watch Jinx. It was all her stupid body’s fault. Her mind saw Jinx for what she was. A criminal who’d ruined countless people’s lives and cost Piltover untold amounts in damages. But her body, it saw only the definition of her shoulder blades, the valley of her back, the curve of her hips, and her round ass. Caitlyn did her best to ignore it, to be sensible, but her body had a strong will. She should have been thankful when Jinx slipped back into her shorts. Yet, a part of her pained to see her ass go; a stupid, stupid, stupid part.


Jinx retrieved a spherical, glass flask from her shorts. It contained a glowing, blue liquid. She flipped the cap with her thumb and downed it in one gulp. Some sort of drug, knowing her. It was then that Caitlyn’s body forgot all about the body beneath Jinx’s clothes and saw her for who she was.


  “Are you quite done?” Caitlyn asked.


Jinx scowled. “Like I’d want to spend a single second longer with you, Beet.”


  “Then go.”


  “Fine, I will!”


  “Good, you should!”


Jinx tucked her flask away and stormed for the doors. Caitlyn looked away. She wouldn’t watch her leave. She wouldn’t. She snuck a peek as she heard the doors open. Jinx met her gaze, over her shoulder. They shared a disgusted huff and broke eye contact. Jinx slammed the doors. Caitlyn found herself looking at the cum patch Jinx had left on the pool table. Her body made her feel a stupid feeling.


Caitlyn spread her pussy and Jinx’s cum leaked all over the front of the table. She should have a shower and clean it all away. She tasted it, and then some more.


Moments later, as Caitlyn feasted on cum, the doors swung open. They did not slam, as they were prone to do. Instead, they opened with a graceful elegance. A tall woman with a robotic arm strolled inside as if she owned the place. Covering her mouth and nose was a silver gasmask. 


Her hair was long, black, with streaks of white. She wore a three-piece suit; white pants that hugged her ass, a black waistcoat, and a white jacket that left the sleek, silver of her robotic arm exposed. Her breasts bulged her waistcoat. Her ass and hips stretched her pants to their limit, pulling them tight around a sizeable bulge. 


She stared at Caitlyn with inhuman eyes; the whites were black, and the pupils were white. They studied her, scanning her with the precision of a machine.


  “Do you consent?” The woman asked. The gasmask muffled her voice and added a wispy quality.


  “Can I have your name first?” Caitlyn asked, hopping off the table.


  “No. You will call me Baroness.”


  “Yes, Baroness. And yes, I consent.”


The Baroness towered over her by two heads. She raised her robotic hand to Caitlyn’s cheek. The ends of her fingers were sharpened. They chilled Caitlyn’s skin. “You are to do what you’re told, when you’re told. Are we clear?”


  “Of course, Baroness.” Caitlyn bowed her head. “As you wish.”


  “Head upstairs and clean yourself off. You are to make yourself presentable. The help have laid out an outfit for you to wear, of my choosing. Once you are properly clean, return to me.” The Baroness edged around her, brushing the back of her hand against Caitlyn’s hip. She sat on the couch and absentmindedly waved Caitlyn away.


Caitlyn bowed then hurried away with a spring in her step. This was just what she needed, to let someone else take charge for a while. If all went well, she’d be a mindless slut in no time, and Jinx would be a distant, fuzzy memory.


Upstairs, Caitlyn caught the so-called help on their way out. The one with the wide-brimmed hat flashed her a grin, tipped his hat, and vanished through a previously unseen door. Even after seeing it, she couldn’t make out its seam in the wall. A shame the men couldn’t stay, really. She’d have enjoyed another gangbang.


They’d returned the bedroom to a state of normalcy. No cum stains. No stray panties. No lingering smells. They’d even cleaned up Elise’s spiderwebs. An outfit lay in the place where Ashe’s cum pool had once been: a black, silk dress with a plunging neckline and an open back, a pair of black thighs with little white bows on the front, white gloves, and a choker with a silver tag.


The tag read, “Property of Renata.”


Caitlyn's insides quivered and her head spun with giddy glee. She rushed to the bathroom, desperate to get clean so she could try it on.


White tiles. A mirror that glistened. The fake, citrusy smell of cleaning chemicals. Merely being in the space made her feel clean already. Hot water ran down Caitlyn’s back, attacking the crust of dried cum. A veil of steam surrounded her, fogging the shower’s glass walls, hiding her filth from the outside world. It never ceased to amaze her how much cum could linger inside her. The hot water relaxed her muscles, letting the cum flow freely.


As she let her hair dry, Caitlyn discovered make-up inside a cabinet beneath the sink. Baroness Renata had said to make herself presentable, so she applied it. Nothing fancy, just some foundation, concealer, powder, mascara and a light touch of eye shadow. Enough to make her pretty; or rather, more pretty. She’d never been one for false modesty. Caitlyn was pretty with make-up, without, or covered in filth. What point was there in denying it?


Her hair was still a touch damp when she got dressed. The dress was laughably short. It left the bottom half of her ass bare. With its open back and plunging neckline, it covered less than it left uncovered. The fact she hadn’t been given underwear didn’t help matters; not that she needed any, she supposed. Her thighs bulged where the thigh socks choked them. If they were constricting, her choker collar was a python. It felt like giant hands were groping her thighs and squeezing her neck.


Rather than let her hair dangle in damp ropes, Caitlyn tied it up. She tied it so tight it felt like Sejuani was pulling it all over again. It hurt. Just a little, but still, it hurt. It had hurt when Jinx bit her nipple on the-


No, she mustn’t think about that. Never. Never ever.


Caitlyn inspected herself in the mirror to make sure she was presentable. As expected, she looked great, yet, absurd; still pretty, yet absurd all the same. She was classy. She was slutty. The two styles clashed in the most brilliant way, like dipping fries in ice cream; it shouldn’t work, yet it did.


It took a great deal of restraint to not rush down the stairs. Caitlyn took each step with a careful elegance. It was hardly presentable to run like an over-eager child. Renata was standing before the pool table, right where the one who should not be named had came in her. Her white suit was gone in place of a leather dress. It clung to her like a second skin, curving with her hips and waist, bulging with her tits and cock. It could hardly contain her. A pair of brutal heels added three inches to her height, which seemed utterly unfair. She still wore her silver mask over her mouth and nose.


Renata was leaning back against the pool table, casually stroking a leather whip. It was like a snake, as thick as three fingers and as long as Caitlyn was tall. She ran it between her sharpened, robotic fingers. It was pitch black, blacker than oil, blacker than midnight, blacker than light could stomach to be around.


  “I hear you’re not averse to pain. Is this true?” Renata asked, voice muffled by her mask; it lacked any feminine qualities and was husky enough to almost be akin to a man’s. Almost.


  “It is, Baroness.” Caitlyn should have looked her in the eyes, but she couldn’t take them off the whip.


  “I’ve also heard that your manners have been lax of late. Is this true? Have you forgotten your place?”


Caitlyn smiled. “Perhaps I have, Barnoness. Could you help me remember?”


Renata raised a black eyebrow. She sauntered up to Caitlyn, winding the whip around her normal hand. Inches apart, the warmth of her body radiated against Caitlyn’s body where her skin was exposed. Renata grabbed the tag of Caitlyn’s collar between her thumb and forefinger of her robotic hand. Where the rest of her body radiated warmth, it radiated cold. “You claim to have forgotten, yet you wear this.”


“Property of Renata” … Renata. Baroness Renata. No, it can’t be. Renata Glasc? Chem-Barnoness Renata Glasc?!


Caitlyn saw Renata with fresh eyes. The gas mask. The robotic arm. The height. The black eyes with white pupils. It was her, the head of Zaun’s unregistered chem-tech markets; she was another criminal! Not as bad as Jinx, but still


Caitlyn’s stomach curdled. She lost her smile. I am not fucking another criminal, no way! Screw whatever it was Lissandra said. I’d rather-


  “I’ll ask again. Do you know your place?” Renata asked.


  “Yes,” Caitlyn snapped. “Outside your jail cell, scum!”


The words came out unbidden. They felt good. Too good. Stunned by the shock they gave her, Caitlyn gawked dumbly as Renata unwound the whip from around her normal hand. She did so, slowly, methodically, as if it were a ritual. The whip dropped to her side, curling on the carpet. Renata slapped her.


Caitlyn heard the slap before she felt it. A sharp, crisp crack, followed by a searing heat on her cheek. The heat seeped down to the bone. Caitlyn moaned. Her insides quivered. She cursed herself.


  “We mustn’t talk of our lives outside.” Renata’s tone spoke of a smile. “Ahri would be most displeased. Isn’t that right, officer?”






  “Yes! I don’t want you here!”


  “Yes, you do. Look at you. You’re shaking like a leaf.” Renata seized Caitlyn’s face with her normal hand and forced her to look at her. Irsis - white on black, like stars on night - bore holes through her. “As I suspected, your eyes are full of lust. Enough to drown in. This place has its hooks in you, doesn’t it?”




  “They’ve made you into a whore.”


Caitlyn wretched face free. “They haven’t made me into anything.”


  “Haven’t they?” Renata slapped her.


Caitlyn moaned again, despite herself. “They haven’t,” she hissed. Her pussy screamed for relief.


  “Two days ago, would you have fucked twenty strangers in a stranger’s house?”


  “Of course!”


  “No, you wouldn’t have. This place had rewritten your mind. You live to serve. You crave cock. You need to fuck. Because, deep down, you know it’s all your good for - to be a slave for everyone here.”


  “That’s not true. We’re here to pleasure each other. I’m not your plaything.”






  “You are and I’ll prove it. I’m going to give you a command and you will obey it.”


  “On your life, I will!”


Renata punched Caitlyn’s stomach, knocking the breath out of her. The carpet slammed her knees and she fell forward onto her hands, gasping. A knot twisted her belly.


  “Crawl to the pool table.”


Caitlyn’s arms and legs moved of their own accord. Like a dog, she scrawled across the carpet to the pool table. The sweet, meaty smell of Jinx’s cum lingered in the air. Caitlyn’s hand plunged between her legs, and she fell onto her side as she played with herself.


Oh god, is it true? Has this place made me into a mindless whore? Or do I just have a thing for criminals? Caitlyn wasn’t sure which was worse. Regardless, she couldn’t bring herself to command Renata to leave; not that she was trying all that hard.


The whip cracked inches from her face, as loud as a gunshot. “Hands out straight,” Renata barked.


Caitlyn shot her arms above her head. Something cold and hard clasped around her wrists. Caitlyn looked up to see handcuffs bind her wrists together behind the leg of the pool table.


Renata loomed over her. “Eyes forward.”


  “Y- Yes, Baroness!” Caitlyn looked forward.


Renata disappeared from her peripheral vision. The soft tapping of heels on the carpet crossed the room, away from Caitlyn.


  “I am going to whip you. This is what you need. You hunger for pain.”


Caitlyn opened her mouth to protest. “It is, Baroness!” No! What’s fucking wrong with me?! Caitlyn opened her mouth again. “Please! I need it!”


  “When you reach your limit, you will say ‘chilli’.”


  “Yes, Baroness.”


  “What will you say?”






  “Thank you, Baroness.”


The whip whistled through the air, but didn’t crack. Waves of cool air washed over Caitlyn’s exposed pussy, ass and back. “Clench your teeth. We don’t want you biting your tongue off, do we?”


  “We don’t, Barnoness.” Caitlyn realised how meek she sounded, like a… servant. She gritted her teeth, not because Renata told her to, but to muster the strength to refuse her. A word, that’s all, a word and she’d leave. Ahri had said so.


A gunshot. A lick of pain; a line of fire, straight, down the valley of the back. Caitlyn screamed all the air from her lungs. Of their own accord, her hands shot towards her pussy. They were caught on the pool table’s leg and stopped by the handcuffs. Caitlyn gasped, filled her lungs, and moaned.


  “More, Baroness! More!” Caitlyn gave up fighting her words, and let them flow freely.


  “What is your place?”


  “Above you!” What? Why did I-


A gunshot. A lick of pain; a line of fire, diagonal, along the left shoulder blade. The air rushed from her lungs again as a shrill scream. It sounded inhuman, like a pig at slaughter. Caitlyn’s forehead hit the carpet and she pounded her fists against the floor. Tears streamed down her cheek. Laughter and moans mixed together.


A pig at slaughter… I am, aren’t I - a pig? I’m passed from one owner to the next, farmed for all I’m worth and passed on again, all the while none the wiser to it. I could live my whole life like this and be content. Am I even human anymore?


Caitlyn expected to feel a curtain of warm, slick blood flowing down her back. Instead, she felt only the glorious pain. The lines of fire dulled but still throbbed, like bruises left after a sparring session. I’ve always enjoyed those. They make me proud. Have I always been like this, deep down?


  “What is your place?”


  “Above! You! Bitch!


A gunshot. A lick of pain; a line of fire, sideways, across both asscheeks. As the scream emptied her lungs, she collapsed. Her belly and breasts smacked the carpet. A gasp, then a wail. She was sobbing, she realised, but the realisation did not make her stop. It was the good sort of cry, the sort that made you feel better afterwards. Her pussy screamed for relief. Its claws raked her insides.


  “Please fuck me, Baroness! Please please please! I need it!”

A gunshot - beside her ear. No pain. Caitlyn flinched.


  “On your hands and knees. Hold onto the leg, if you must.”


Caitlyn struggled to her knees and gripped the post in an iron grip. The lines of pain sapped all the strength of the muscles they touched, turning them to jelly. The muscles quivered, begging for her to lay back down. She ignored them, despite herself.


  “What is your place? You’d do well not to use foul language this time.”


Caitlyn drew ragged breaths. “Above. You… Bitch.”


  “Spread your legs. Raise your ass. Lower your chest.”


Caitlyn's body moved of its own accord, obeying. The position left her pussy even more exposed than before.


A gunshot. A lick of pain; a line of fire, molten fire, the sun incarnate - it sliced perfectly straight from the top of her asshole to the bottom of her pussy. Caitlyn fell to her side before the scream left her lungs. She rolled onto her back and thrashed as molten tendrils of pain snaked through her groin. Like a wild animal, she fought her restraints. Her pussy needed pleasure. It needed her hands. It needed to cum.


A gunshot - inches above her face. No pain. Caitlyn flinched and froze, suddenly lucid. The lucidity made the pain unbearable and she began to cry.


  “Say it.”


  “N- No.”


  “Fool, slut. Say it.”


That word - slut - it irked her. She swallowed her sobs and got back on her hands and knees. Four throbbing lines throbbed to the bone. She was jelly and porridge and mud. She was a slut. But, she wasn’t weak. “Give me your worst, bitch.”


Two gunshots, rapid, back to back. Licks of pain; lines of fire, x-shaped, across her back. A gunshot. A lick of pain; a line of fire, diagonal, across the back of the thigh. Gunshot, lick of pain, line of fire, diagonal across the back of the thigh. The inside of the knee. The back of the calf. The sole of the foot. The other leg: foot, calf, knee, thigh. Three lashes on each ass cheek. One on the asshole. One on the pussy, and then another for good measure.


A gunshot. A line of pain; a lick of fire, straight, along the valley of the back, matched perfectly the pre-existing line of fire. The first line. The final.

  “Chilli!” Caitlyn fell into a puddle, sobbing, laughing, moaning. “Chilli chilli chilli!


  “Fool slut,” Renata muttered. She appeared beside Caitlyn and went to one knee. Her normal hands traced the valley of her back, the small, and her shoulders. Only when touched, could Caitlyn feel them. Welts. Dozen of welts. On her back, ass and legs. Are they on my asshole and pussy too? Can those even be welted? “What is your place?” Renata asked.


Caitlyn waited for the words to speak themselves and was met with silence and still lips.


  “I do not like repeating myself,” Renata said. “And you have already made me do so quite a bit.”


Caitlyn opened her mouth. No words, so she spoke. It felt like stretching after a long sleep. “Beneath you, Baroness. At your feet, serving for your pleasure, and…” And mine, she should have said. But she did not, even when Gwen’s words repeated in her head.


  “You have earned a choice, slut.” Renata held up two, clawed, robotic fingers. “Recover your strength and be whipped again on your front.” She lowered a finger. “Or, be used for pleasure.”


  “Pleasure,” Caitlyn said at once.


  “Excellent. Now, that’ll be enough talking for you.” Renata walked over to the couch’s drawers and returned with a ball gag. Caitlyn opened her mouth. Renata fastened the gag tight. “Perfect. I’ll have no unseemly noises out of you. Your laugh sounds like nails on a chalkboard.”


The ball made slobber. She would have grinned if her lips weren’t pulled taught. Renata vanished from sight. Her heels tapped against the carpet.


  “I claim your pussy. A good breeding should solidify your place in your mind.”


Caitlyn, chest against the carpet, got onto her knees and spread her legs.


Renata pushed her back down. “You have permission to relax. Enjoy yourself, slut. It’s the least you deserve after such a performance, fool as you are.”


Again, Caitlyn would have smiled. Instead, she closed her eyes, nuzzled her cheek against the carpet, and awaited Renata’s cock. Fingers - flesh and metal - slipped beneath the open back of her dress. 


A yank. The tear of silk ripping. The kiss of air against skin once covered. Caitlyn’s dress fell apart in two pieces and dangled from her shoulders. She made a surprised, muffled sound. “Mmm?” It earned her a slap on her welted ass. “Mmm!


Something wet, warm and fat pressed against her pussy. The tip of a cock. The fact she could recognise it by touch alone left her both elated and frustrated. God, I really am becoming a whore, aren’t I?


Renata took hold of Caitlyn’s hip with her robotic hands. Clawed fingertips ate into her flesh, but didn’t break the skin. She eased her cock inside and showed Caitlyn that no, a pussy could not welt. But it could swell. Renata felt a hundred times bigger. It was like losing her virginity all over again. Caitlyn spluttered as the ball gag stopped a scream. Spit bubbled in the corners of her stretched lips and dribbled out of her nose.


Renata grunted. “Come on…” Only half her tip was in.


Caitlyn swallowed her scream and took a deep breath. Normally, when she let air fill her lungs it spread cool calm through her muscles and relaxed them. That time, it helped but a little. Renata's tip slipped inside, followed by a few inches of shaft, then froze, stuck again.


  “Oh, fuck it.” Renata took hold of Caitlyn’s hips with both hands, pulled Caitlyn up onto her knees, and yanked Caitlyn’s hips towards her groin. Her cock slammed deep inside her.


Caitlyn did not scream; or rather, splutter. She did nothing, except go limp. It felt like a punch to the back of the head, having her pussy forcefully stretched like that. Little white lights danced in her peripherals. The pain was omipresent. It festered in every ounce of her being all at once. She was vaguely aware of Renata pounding her pussy, but it felt like it was happening to someone else.


Caitlyn remembered Elise and Kalista. Passionless and pleasureless sex. This was the same. This was different. Pleasureless, but not passionless. Renata kneaded her hips and played with her asshole and slapped her ass; she was enjoying herself. Faintly, Caitlyn could have even sworn Renata was moaning. But it was muffled, so hard to tell. Regardless, there was undeniable passion. So where was the pleasure?


She tried to focus her mind, to will away the fogginess. That reintroduced her to pain, and pain made it worse. She tried to think of someone else, of Camille, of Illaoi, of Gwen, of Vi. That didn’t make it worse, but it didn’t make it better either. She tried to relax her mind. It proved impossible. Whenever she tried to relax, to enjoy herself, a question confronted her; the question.


Am I a slut?


She liked sex, a lot, more than others. Was that wrong? Everyone else here must be a slut. They were a part of a sex club after all. That meant Jinx was a whore. A terrorist. That meant Renata Glasc was a whore. A Chem-Baroness. They ruined lives, countless, innocent lives. Some they corrupted. Some they took. They’re evil, to the bone. And by that logic, everything they do must be evil. Is it evil to be a whore.

Caitlyn became vaguely aware of her head moving. Renata had taken hold of her ponytail and yanked her head back. Her lips were next to her ear, breathing hot breath against them. No, not breathing, moaning. She was moaning. For the first time, Caitlyn heard femininity in Renata’s voice. She moaned like a girl, all fluttery and sweet. She sounded like Gwen.


Gwen was the opposite of evil. Gwen was here. Gwen took part in the same activities as Jinx and Renata. Was Gwen evil? No, a ridiculous thought. If Gwen was evil, then so was Camille. Camille was a hero. If Gwen was evil, so was Illoai. Illaoi was a prophet. If Gwen was evil, so was Vi. Vi was… Vi was perfect and beautiful and kind and sweet and strong and wonderful and beautiful and… and…


Pleasure coursed through her. It danced up her spine. It swirled in her stomach. It fanned the flames of her soul. The world returned, crisper and clearer than ever. Vibrant colours. Sharp sounds. Pungent smells. Heavenly sensations. Pleasure beyond her wildest dream. Renata was incredibly gifted at sex, it seemed.


Caitlyn bucked her hips with Renata’s thrusts, earning her a shocked and delighted moan from the Baroness. She wrapped her arms around Caitlyn, pulled her to her chest and cupped her breast. The black dress lay in ribbons around them.


Renata squeezed Caitlyn’s breast. “Perfect!” she moaned, fluttery and sweet. “You’re perfect you’re perfect you’re perfect!


I am, aren’t I?


Caitlyn wrestled back control with her hips. The harder she fucked Renata, the weaker the Baroness’s thrusts became until they slowed to a standstill. Her arms - flesh and metal - fell to her sides. Her head bowed. Her eyes rolled back, showing only their black. Caitlyn took hold of pool table’s leg and used it fuck Renata, pumping herself back and forth like a piston.


A tremble reared its head. It started in her hands and spread up her arms. A second tremble started in her legs. Then a third in her abs. She felt like she was made of jelly. The fourth was her undoing. Her pussy trembled, clenched, and came. Squirting like a pipe sprung a leak, Caitlyn collapsed face down ass up.


Renata let out a wailing moan and fell on her ass, slipping free of Caitlyn’s squirting pussy. Her cock heaved and bulged. It was enormous. I had felt big, but the sight of it was something else. It was as thick as an elephant’s trunk, and as long as a rolling pin. A gigantic rope of cum erupted from its cut tip, splattering on her thighs. The second rope shot higher, arched and splattered against the side of Caitlyn’s face. It got in her hair and seeped into the corners of her mouth. Three more ropes followed, each smaller than the last. They glazed Renata’s cock, balls and groin, and pooled on the carpet beneath.


Renata looked mortified. Her eyes darted across Caitlyn’s face, as if seeing her for the first time. Caitlyn gave her a defiant glare. Renata collapsed, like a puppet without strings.


Three knocks wrapped the door.

Thanks for reading! Feedback is appreciated <3

Next chapter, Caitlyn fucks Zeri, The Spark of Zaun

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