Caitlyn’s F*ta Obsession


Caitlyn walked back along the street. Cold mud. Cold air.


Caitlyn walked back through the manor. Dusty floorboards. Dusty air.


The bubble made of light grew around her. Swirling colours. A collage of everything and anything. The bubble popped.


Caitlyn stood in the basement. Naked. Mud and dust outside. Cum inside. Cum outside, hidden beneath the filth. 


Evelynn taped the side of Caitlyn’s head. She was saying something to her. Caitlyn said yes and thank you when appropriate. That satisfied her mistress, who turned to leave.


At the top of the basement stairs, the door flew open. Ahri marched down them, seized Evelynn by the ear, and dragged her away. Their lips moved. They must have been saying something. It didn’t concern her. She waited for someone to come tell her what to do.


Ahri took a while to return. How long, Caitlyn didn’t know because it didn’t concern her. She met Ahri’s eyes when her mistress lifted her chin. Ahri looked concerned.


  “I’m fine,” Caitlyn made herself say.


Ahri’s lips moved.


  “Yes, I can continue.”


Ahri cocked her head and moved her lips again. Had that not been the right answer? Perhaps she could listen then. Very well.


  “Sorry, can you repeat that, Mistress?”


  “Caitlyn. Did you. Hit your. Head?”


  “I don’t think so, Mistress. I don’t remember.”


Ahri pursed her lips as she felt Caitlyn’s head. Her elegant, long fingers combed through hair mud-slick hair. They traced every inch of her scalp. When she stopped, her lips were still pursed.


  “What’s your name?”




  “What’s my name?” 




  “Where are you?”


  “Your mansion.”


  “Which is where?”




  “What day is it?”


  “Saturday… I think. We did start on Friday evening, didn’t we, Mistress?”


  “We did. Caitlyn… do you feel okay?”


  “Of course, Mistress. Why shouldn’t I?”


  “Evelynn can be a lot. With your love for pain, I thought you could handle her. I should have known she’d do something like this.” Ahri sighed and ran her hand over her face. “How many fucked you?”


  “I’m sorry, Mistress. I didn’t count.”


  “Did you want it? Be honest with me, Caitlyn.”


  “Always, Mistress. I wanted it. Evelynn wanted it, so I wanted it.”


A voice said something in the back of her mind.


  “Did you want it, Caitlyn? Regardless of Evelynn.”


  “Yes, Mistress.”


  “They didn’t use protection, I assume. No of course they didn’t. Condoms out in the sticks of Demacia? What am I thinking? Come, Caitlyn. I’ll…”


The rest of the words didn’t matter. Caitlyn followed her Mistress up the stone stairs, across the carpeted rec room, and into the kitchen. Ahri fetched a spherical flask from a high-up cabinet. After filling it with water, she mixed various ingredients into it, boiled it on the stove, and then touched it with glowing fingers. Blue bolts exploded through the liquid. They swirled as if being mixed, and dissolved. The liquid turned white. Not white like milk; white like light.


Ahri looked as if she were about to say something, so Caitlyn supposed she could listen. 


  “This will stop you from getting pregnant. A mouthful should do… two, just to be safe.”


  “Yes, Mistress.”


Caitlyn gulped down her two mouthfuls. A thought troubled her. She ignored it.


  “I’m sure you’re wondering – apologies by the way, I should have mentioned it earlier – but yes, there are precautions in place to stop pregnancy with the girls. Multiple varieties are in place to account for the needs of individuals, but the result is the same. Everyone fires blanks while under my roof.”


  “That makes sense, Mistress.”


Ahri took the potion from Caitlyn, and tucked it inside her sleeve. “You’re sure you want to continue? There’s no shame in admitting when it’s become too much. Twenty-three rounds is very impressive, dear.”


  “Thank you, Mistress, but no. I will continue.”


  “In that case, your next partners will be with you in a moment.” Ahri left. She lingered in the doorway, glanced over her shoulder, and then vanished into the rec room.


Caitlyn followed a few moments later. She should be where her mistresses can easily find her. Tracks of cold mud trailed behind on the carpet, as well as a trail of cum drops. Cum was leaking from her pussy and ass. They hurt. Caitlyn stood in the centre of the room, opposite the double doors, and waited.


The doors opened and her mistresses entered. A short humanoid covered in white fur, and a streak of living shadow with a glowing mouth and eyes. They both wore wooden masks. The mask of the humanoid covered her whole face. It was narrow, with pointed ears on top, and holes for two glowing, blue eyes. The mask of the shadow covered only the top half of its face. Both were carved with diagonal semicircles that, when put together, would make a whole circle.


Caitlyn bowed her head. “How may I serve you, Mistresses?”


The shadow chuckled. “She thinks us women, Lamb.”


  “Are we not?”


  “Genders are for mortals and half-gods.”


  “Mmmm. A truth?” Lamb swayed on her hoofed feet. “I think I am a woman, Wolf. Yes. A woman for today. So… not a truth. No, no truth.”


Wolf huffed. “Well, I am not. Nor am I man. You would do well to abandon mortal folly, Lamb.”


  “Mmmm. Yet, we seek pleasure. A truth?”


Wolf snapped his jaws and turned from them both. “A truth…”


Lamb turned her glowing, unblinking eyes on Caitlyn. “What do you think, mortal? A truth?”


  “I don’t know, Mistress. It isn’t my place to know.”


Wolf growled. A terrible sound; the grinding of gears and the rumble of thunder. He loomed over Caitlyn. “She runs. She is mine.”


Lamb hopped over and stuck her face right into Caitlyn’s. “I see a truth in her, Wolf. Mmmm. Yes, a truth.”


  “I see only lies.”


  “Do I lie?”


  “No, but-”


  “Then there is a truth. We will share. A truth?”


  “Fine. A truth.”


Lamb nodded. “A truth.”


Wolf sniffed Caitlyn. “Must all mortals be so filthy?”


  “This one is especially dirty, Wolf, I think. A truth, Mortal? A truth?”


  “Yes, Mistress. Would you like me to clean off for you? And you…” Caitlyn didn’t know what title to give Wolf if they were neither a man nor a woman.


  “Wolf,” Wolf said. “And what difference would it make? You can not clean your soul.”


  “Ah, a truth,” Lamb said. “Still, I would like her to clean herself. Yes, yes I would. A clean body for today, yes.”


  “Bah! Fine. Go, mortal. Clean yourself.”


Caitlyn bowed her head. “Yes, Wolf.” Then again at lamb. “Mistress.”



Caitlyn stepped out of the bathroom. Steam swirled around her. It trailed after the sway of her arms and legs. It felt warm and wet against her bare, bare skin. Bare of mud, bare of dust, and bare of cum; spotless, if not for the welts up and down her body, and the bite mark on her neck. She couldn’t scrub those away. Hopefully, her mistress and Wolf wouldn’t be disappointed in her.


Downstairs, she found them on the couch. Lamb sat like a doll, back straight, head held high, hands folded in her lap. She looked like somebody trying especially hard to sit normally. Which produced the most abnormal result possible.

Wolf lay across the back of the couch, eyeing Caitlyn as she approached. At a closer look, Wolf was not a living shadow. That had been a trick of the light; no, spine. Thousands and thousands of black spines. A mass of countless obsidian needles sprouted from a central collum hidden within their depths.


They rose when Caitlyn bowed her head, like… well, like the hackles of a wolf.


  “Spare us your lies, Mortal,” Wolf said.


  “No lies, Wolf,” Caitlyn said. “I am here to obey and serve at your whim.”


Lamb cocked her head, but did not look her way. “A truth then? Mmmm. No, not quite. Some truth. Some lie. A tricky thing. Tricky tricky. Yes, tricky.” Lamb nodded, as if pleased with herself.


Of all those she’d served so far, none had been quite as odd as these two. But no, no it was not her place to judge. She was their whores. Whores do not judge, no more than they feel shame.


  “How shall you like to be pleasured, Mistress? Wolf?”


  “You decide,” Wolf said.


Lamb nodded. “Ah, yes. That is best.”


Caitlyn flinched. “I will make the wrong choice. Please, Mistress, Wolf, it would be better if one of you chose.”


  “Again she lies,” Wolf said. “Open your eyes. She is mine.”


  “Look deeper. See the truth wrapped within the lie. Mmmm. Yes. A truth.”


Wolf squinted at Caitlyn. 


Lamb met her eyes. “Do you serve us, Caitlyn?”


  “Of course, Mistress.”


  “So, you will obey? Yes?”


  “I- If you order me to choose, I will. But-”


  “We do,” Wolf and Lamb said together.


Caitlyn shifted her feet. Whores weren’t supposed to think, but… if they desired it of her. Opening her mind was like prying open a rusted door. It fought her at every stage until finally, she created a gap big enough for the thoughts to flow. They flowed like porridge.


She should start with something less intense, right? What was it called again? … Foreplay. Yes, Foreplay.


  “I… I choose to use my mouth, Mistress. Wolf. Is that acceptable?”


  “Did you choose it?” Lamb asked.


  “Yes? Of course, I did.”


  “Mmmm. A truth.”


Wolf huffed. Lamb stood. She approached Caitlyn, light on her hooves, halfway between a skip and a dance. Wolf floated over like a stick caught in the lazy current of a stream. 


Caitlyn knelt before them. Normally, that made her partners seem huge, but Lamb stood a head shorter than her. From below, she just looked tall, not huge. Wolf made up for Lamb, hovering above like a storm cloud.


Their cocks emerged. The white fur of Lamb’s crotch shifted and a modestly sized cock sprouted forth. Wolf’s spines spread apart around the bottom third of the mass. Inside, Caitlyn saw pitch dark. From the dark emerged a trail of smoke. It wove through the air, exploring its surroundings, before assembling into a slightly curved line. The smoke collapsed in on itself, sharpened, and became a black rod the size of Caitlyn’s arm.


Wolf lowered so that both cocks were level with each other. Caitlyn grabbed them with either hand, cupping their tips. Lamb’s cock felt like any other cock. Wolf’s lacked the spongey texture of skin and muscle, but wasn’t hard. It was a contradiction. Rigid and flexible. Cold and hot. Smooth and rugged. However, when Caitlyn wrapped her lips around the tip and suckled on it, everything made sense. 


It was a cock. She was a whore. That’s all that mattered.


Wolf groaned, and a ripple coursed through the spines. Lamb joined in as Caitlyn stroked the cocks. Despite the size difference, she stroked them equally. Faster for Wolf. Slower for Lamb. That way their strokes began and finished at the same time. It should have been difficult, but Caitlyn managed it as easily as breathing.


Caitlyn switched her mouth’s attention without hesitation, never lingering. Never mind that Lamb’s cock tasted like honey and Wolf’s tasted like stale air. Never mind that one made her heart flutter and the other made her stomach sink. Never mind what she wanted. What she wanted didn’t matter.


Again, a voice whispered in the back of her mind. So, she closed her mind’s door. It was such a distracting voice.


Wolf snarled. “Lies!”


  “And truth,” Lamb said. She moaned.


  “She runs.”




  “So, she is mine,” Wolf snarled again. It devolved into a groan.


  “One day, perhaps. You would not take her now, would you?”


  “I will do… I will…” Wolf groaned. “she is… she is, mine.”


  “Would you rather have her in the beyond? Mmmm. No, no I… ohhh… I think not.”


  “I wouldn’t.”


  “A truth.”


Wolf tore away from Caitlyn. Storms raged in his eyes of blue light. “Mortal, downstairs, now. I will have you among the ancient sleepers.”


Caitlyn nodded, but looked to Lamb before responding.


Lamb nodded. “A good place for pleasure. You do not mind being watched, do you, Caitlyn?”


Caitlyn swallowed. “No, Mistress. I don’t.”


  “I see it,” Wolf whispered, breathless.


  “A truth and a lie. Mmmm. Quite fascinating, is it not?”


  “It is beautiful.”




Lamb and Wolf seemed at home within the swirling mass of colours, the way two foreign flavours seemed to complement each other in an unfamiliar meal. The light given off by the swirling colours reflected off of Wolf’s spines as dazzling gleams of every colour. The light was absorbed by Lamb’s white fur, fading like splashes of dye in a lake. Their eyes remained blue in stark defiance of the light.


Caitlyn stood between them, trying not to feel sick. The swirls made her feel like she was being thrown about in a hurricane. A lack of movement beneath her feet contradicted that, making her stomach lurch. 


She wasn’t naked anymore. Lamb had fitted her out in a dress taken right from the pages of a history book. It was one piece comprised of two parts: a brown gown that ended at her ankles, and a white blouse with long sleeves. Over the blouse, she wore a brown vest, tightened at the back by laces. Lamb said it would please the ancient sleepers. Underwear hadn’t been provided.


Caitlyn fought back tears as a wave of nausea assaulted her. “M- Mistress, Wolf, how long until we arrive?”


  “Soon,” Wolf said.


Lamb giggled. “A truth and a lie. You are funny, Wolf.”


  “Do not say that as if it is novel.”


The bubble burst. A gale of air washed over Caitlyn, sharp with pine. The swirling colours abruptly focused on a dense forest. Trees taller than Piltover’s largest towers loomed over them, penetrating the clouds. Their trunks were as thick as watch towers, and they boasted branches as long as warships. The branches crisscrossed above, drawing patterns of sunlight across the leaf-covered forest floor. An airship would have no trouble flying in the space between the branches and the forest floor.


Leaves clung to Caitlyn’s bare feet as she took a few tentative steps outside the portal’s ring. The forest expanded in every direction, seemingly without end. A void of browns and dark greens.


Wolf floated over Caitlyn’s head, and out into the forest. “Come, Mortal.”


Lamb pranced after him. “To the stump, Wolf?”


  “Yes. Where else?”


  “Mmmm. A truth.”


Leaves wilted wherever Lamb placed her hooves and Wolf floated.


  “Coming, Mistress. Wolf.” Caitlyn hurried after them.


After a short hike amongst the giant trees, they arrived at a stump. Hundreds upon hundreds of rings layered inwards across its cross-section. If it were a round table, it would have sat enough people so each could claim a ring as their own. Daintily, Lamb sat on it. Wolf hovered above her.


Only Lamb and Wolf were present. No one else. Except for the trees.


Caitlyn’s nausea seemed to have resolved itself. Feeling herself again, she bowed her head. “How may I pleasure you, Mistress? Wolf?”


  “Mmmm. Surely, you know by now?


  “Choose,” Wolf said.


Nausea returned as a spike in her stomach. She swallowed, forcing it away. “If you insist, I will obey. Please double-penetrate me, Mistress. Wolf. Mistress may use my pussy if it pleases her. Wolf, you may use my ass, if it pleases you.”


Lamb and Wolf nodded. “It does,” they said.


Caitlyn crawled into the centre of the stump, eyeing the gaps between the trees. No one peeked between them at her. Nor did anyone watch from the branches. Caitlyn knelt on the central ring and waited as Lamb and Wolf approached.


  “They like her, Wolf,” Lamb said, skipping across the rings.


  “They like everyone.”


  “Mmmm. A lie. They do not like the murderers.”


Wolf hovered above Caitlyn’s head. “An exception. Of course, they hate them.”


  “The murderers are part of everyone nonetheless, no?” Lamb lay on her back in front of Caitlyn. “Yes. Yes, they are.”


Wolf sighed.


Lamb giggled. “A truth.”


When Caitlyn mounted Lamb, the impracticality of her dress revealed itself. It pooled around her knees, on Lamb’s belly, and between Lamb’s thighs, blocking her cock from view. Caitlyn couldn’t just simply lift it either. No, she had to bunch it up beneath her chin to so much as catch a glimpse of Lamb’s cock. Getting it inside her involved a deal of guesswork and reliance on muscle memory.


It fit snuggly inside. Its modest size was normal for most people, Caitlyn had to remind herself. Size doesn’t necessarily equal pleasure. But then again, it didn’t matter, her pleasure didn’t matter. Only Lamb’s. Only Wolf’s.


  – Silly, we’re here to- … Caitlyn suppressed the stupid voice.


Lamb let out a delicate, little gasp. The light in her eyes pulsed. So, Caitlyn smiled at a job well done.


Wolf grasped the gown of Caitlyn’s dress with jaws full of black needles, and lifted it above her head, exposing her gaped asshole. Even with the breaks Ahri gave her, Caitlyn’s ass had never been given quite enough time to recover properly.


Wolf rammed deep inside her ass, and sighed. Caitlyn echoed him. Her mouth hung open, affixed with a smile. Nothing matched the satisfaction of taking a massive cock without so much as a flinch. It was the mark of a true whore.


  “Good?” Lamb asked.


  “Uh huh~”


  “A truth. Most certainly.”


Wolf dropped the ends of Caitlyn’s dress. “One truth shared between three.” He grunted and adjusted the angle of his cock, sending ripples of pleasure through Caitlyn’s gut.






Lamb caressed Caitlyn’s hips with fingers covered in fur. “Beautiful.” They felt like brushes.


Wolf’s chin rested on Caitlyn’s head. Lamb locked her arms around Caitlyn’s neck. As one, they fucked her. Slow, plodding thrusts. Constant pleasure surged through her gut with the push and pull of Wolf’s cock, while Lamb tickled her pussy with delicate, swift thrusts. It felt amazing. It was all wrong.


  “P- Please, Mistress. W- Wolf, let me serve you. You shou- shouldn’t have to work.”


  “Relax, Caitlyn,” Lamb whispered. “Let us take care of you.”

  “B- But-”


  “We know best,” Wolf said.


The pleasure melted her muscles and mind. Caitlyn clenched her abs, fighting to stay upright. That made Wolf’s cock feel twice as thick in her gut. She cried out and collapsed into Lamb’s embrace, helpless.


Ploughing her ass, Wolf gripped her hair with powerful jaws. One mighty tug, and Caitlyn was looking up at the forest canopy, back arched, ass sticking out. Her hair tugged on her scalp, gifting her wonderful, stinging pain.


  “Thank you, Wolf,” she moaned.


Lamb tittered. “Wolf.”


Do you love pleasure, Mortal? Wolf said in her mind.


  “U- Uh huh.”


Then do not run from it.


Wolf picked up the pace, slamming Caitlyn so hard it made her head bob back and forth. Her breasts bounced. Her ass cheeks clapped. Her mind spun.


It’s not right. Her heart fluttered with every thrust. I don’t deserve it. Her ass clenched with every push and melted with every pull. Not after what I did. Caitlyn let out moan after moan after moan.


Lamb ran her fingertips over Caitlyn’s hips. “A truth? Mmmm. No.”


You’re wrong.


We are never wrong, Wolf said. 


Suddenly, Lamb stole tight handfuls of Caitlyn’s hips. She snapped her crotch against Caitlyn’s pussy, gasped, and came. A generous helping of cum erupted up inside of her. Lamb’s hands slipped away, and she slumped onto her back with a sigh.


  “Done?” Wolf asked, never missing a single stroke.




  “She is mine.”

  “A truth.”


Wolf slowed to a halt. Six thin arms sprouted from the spines. They were slick, rigid, and singular as if carved from black glass rather than made of spines. One pair hooked Caitlyn’s underarms. Another, her knees. The middle pair wrapped around her stomach.


The ground drifted away. The stump, Lamb, and the carpet of leaves began to shrink. Lamb gave her a little wave. The cum leaking from her pussy fell like rain. Someone less experienced would have panicked. Caitlyn had fucked gods, demons, and prophets. True whores had seen it all, they didn’t panic when confronted with something unconventional.


  “Please, allow me to fuck you, Wolf.”


Wolf let go of her hair. “No.”


  “You shouldn’t have to-”


  “Shut up, Mortal,” Wolf growled. The spines rattled. “Must you all be so irritating? You’d think your kind would have learned to listen when a god speaks.”


Caitlyn bowed her head. “Yes, Wolf. Sorry.”


They stopped rising. The sight of the ground below made Caitlyn’s stomach do backflips. A strange sensation to feel with a cock in her gut.


  “Head up, Mortal. Let them see your face.” 


Stomach flipping, Caitlyn looked up. Trees surrounded them. Only trees. Yet, Caitlyn felt as if a thousand eyes were boring into her from all directions: up, down, left, right, front, back, outside, inside.

Wolf huffed. “They say you’re pretty. It’s the hair. They rarely see blue hair.”


  “They… They can see me?”


  “Mortals. Why else would I present you to them?”


  “B- But they don’t have eyes.”


  “You are lucky your body provides so much pleasure. I don’t know how else I would stand your insistent ignorance. Bah! I won’t even bother trying to explain celestial vision to you. Such things are beyond your tiny mind. Smile, mortal. Smile and look pretty while I fuck you for their entertainment.”


Entertainment? The trees wanted to watch her? The trees want to watch me. They want to watch me!


Caitlyn's stomach settled. A grin spread across her lips. If the audience approved, well, Caitlyn supposed there wasn’t anything wrong with enjoying it just a little.


  “Wolf, please fuck me. Don’t hold back. I want to cum for them.”


  “As you wish, Mortal.”


Wolf’s six arms worked in tandem to use her like a sex toy. They bounced her on Wolf’s cock. Her head bobbed. Her breasts jiggled. Her dangling feet bounced. The thousands of boring eyes grew more intense, seeing deeper and deeper. Whispers danced on the wind, tingling her ears.


Wolf licked the side of Caitlyn’s face. “Such pleasure~ Delicious pleasure.”


  “Use my ass, Wolf!” Caitlyn cried, for the sleeper's sake. “Usemeusemeuseme!”


  “I will!”


Wolf fucked her so hard and fast, that her vision blurred. Gut mangled, ass ruined, Caitlyn fell limp. It was coming. She couldn’t stop it; neither her nor any mortal or god alive. She didn’t want to stop it.


It hit her like a punch.


Squirting and muttering gibberish, Caitlyn spasmed. Wolf’s cock grew and grew as her ass squeezed tighter and tighter. The immortal god froze, whimpered, and blew a fat load. Caitlyn felt the heat behind her belly button. It trickled downwards wonderfully slow, until raining down on Lamb and the stump.


Wolf had black cum. It painted streaks on Lamb’s fur as she rubbed it all over her chest and belly.


  “I want to taste your cum, Wolf,” Caitlyn whispered.


Wolf fought for a breath. “As… As you… wish.”


They drifted back towards the ground, slowly. Agonisingly slowly. Caitlyn’s stomach growled as Lamb slipped a cum-coated finger beneath her mask.

Thanks for reading! Feedback is appreciated <3

Next chapter, Caitlyn fucks Nami, The Tidecaller

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