Caitlyn’s F*ta Obsession


Far away, two knocks wrapped a door.




Beneath the roaring, midday sun, Caitlyn lay with Nilah on the deck chair, bundled in her warm embrace. A dark line, dark as night, split Nilah’s upper arm from shoulder to elbow. Caitlyn traced the scar with a light touch. The bumps rose and fell, warm beneath a summer’s sun, slick with sweat.




  “And this one?”




  “Oh, that’s a good one! She was my first I got in Runeterra. The ship I arrived on was boarded by pirates only, like an hour away from port. I challenged their captain to a duel, right in front of all his buddies so, like, he had to accept. We fought for hours! It was awesome!” Nilah’s eyes sparkled.




  “And you only got one scar?”




  “Yup, I’m slippery like that. I was like, yah! And he was like, shwing! And then I went, kyah, and knocked his sword right out his hand! It went spinning overboard and sunk beneath the waves!” Nilah laughed. “You should have seen his face!”




When Nilah laughed, the sun shone all the brighter. Caitlyn giggled. “Sounds like you live a pretty exciting life.” She ran her hand over Nilah’s hip and squeezed a handful of muscle.




  “Defitently, it’s great!” Nilah’s traced the valley of her back. Little electric tingles kissed Cailtyn’s skin. “How about yours? What do you do- oh wait! I’m not meant to ask that! I mean, uh, is your life fun?”




  “It’s gotten a lot more fun lately.”




Nilah’s eyes sprakled. “Do that again!”




What is she on about? “Do what?”




  “You blushed! It was so cute, you went all pink like a peach!”




  “I- I did?”




Nilah sat up with a jolt. “You did again!” She howled laughter and clasped Caitlyn’s face.




Nilah grinned inches from her face. The only part of her without any scars was her face. Her heart-shaped, smooth, flushed face. Common sense became nothing but a distant friend so close to her plump, dark lips. They kissed at once and fell to the deck chair, groping and squeezing whatever they could get their hands on. With a small, round breast in hand, common sense returned as Cailtyn’s hand was inches away from Nilah’s cock.




To break the kiss took more effort than it should. “W- Wait.”




Nilah’s lips left hers. “What?” Her hands remained on her breasts, massaging away without a care.




  “The rules.”




Nilah clutched the back of her head. “Right. Oops.” She glanced at the house. “I should get dressed, huh?”




Caitlyn traced a line along her tanned stomach. “If you want to stay in her good books, yeah.”




  “Oh, I do!” Nilah sprang to her feet. “I don’t know what I’d do without the girl!”




As much as it was necessary, Caitlyn found herself yearning for more time. She sat up to follow Nilah to the door.




  “No, stay,” Nilah said. “Illaoi prefers to do her trials beneath an open sky.”




She mustn’t have heard correctly. “Trials?”




Nilah grinned. “Yeah! They’re so much fucking fun! The first time she put me through them it hurt to walk for like two weeks! How cool is that?!”




A pit formed in her stomach. Two weeks? Her pussy quivered. “Oh yes, this… this is round ten isn’t it?”








Two knocks assaulted the door. “Last warning, Nilah!”




  “Coming!” Nilah pressed her lips together. She rushed over, pecked Caitlyn on the lips and hurried inside.




Caitlyn sat alone with her thoughts. But not for long. Illaoi strutted into the backyard as if she owned the world. It had to be because she was sitting down but, Illaoi looked nearly 8 feet tall. Stocky as a bull, she looked more mountain than woman. Green, tattoos covered her tanned arms and face. They glowed pale and luminous, and matched her wide, piercing eyes. She crossed the distance to the pool in a few strides and towered over Caitlyn, peering over her enormous bust covered in leather armour. A bulge shifted her skirts which made Nilah’s look quite unimpressive.


  “To which gods do you devote yourself, girl?” Her voice boomed like a cannon.




Words became a foreign concept. Illaoi held a lantern at her side. Green light poured out of it; pale and luminescence. Something moved within. It found her. An eye. It stared, green, glowing and unblinking.




  “Are you from the void?” A stupid question.




Illaoi’s eyes flared. Her hand flashed above her head as if to strike her. A pause. The giant woman sighed and the hand lowered. “You must be fatigued. I’ll ask again. To which gods do you devote yourself, girl?”




  “Um… none, I guess.”




Illaoi grinned a crazed grin. “Excellent. Prepare yourself for a revelation, girl for today you shall meet the one true god, the only god, Nagakaborous.” She raised the lantern. Its eye stared into hers.




It still didn’t blink. “H- Hello.”




Illaoi stared into the sun and nodded. “Clear skies. Clear minds.”




  “It… it is a pretty day.”




  “Indeed. Well, girl, are you prepared to witness true power?”




  “Is, Naka… Naba-”








Caitlyn nodded. “Is Nagakaborous going to fuck me?”




  “That is one way to think of it. She shall take her pleasure in testing you, yes. However, to entwine one’s soul with the true god is a pleasure unlike any other.”




She’d fulfilled strange requests up until now. None compared to this. “Will you fuck me?”




  “If the trials of the kraken leave you able, yes.” Illaoi’s bulge shifted but her eyes never left Caitlyn’s. They also didn’t blink often.




Caitlyn’s hand wandered between her legs of its own accord. “What are these trials?”




Illaoi’s eyes glanced at her pussy for a brief moment. “There need be only one if you are strong of soul and body. If you are not, there are four. Each will push your soul and body to their spiritual and physical limits, and beyond. Fail one and you will move on to the next. Fail them all and the cycle shall repeat indefinitely until your either submit or triumph. For that is the way of the true god, for that is the way of true power.”




Her fingers slipped inside. “I’m strong.”




  “So has been claimed. Claims and truths rarely agree.”




  “Would you like me to call you anything?”




  “You shall refer to me as Priestess, girl.”




  “Yes, Priestess.” Caitlyn bit her lip. Her fingers drove deep. “I’ll fuck your god.”




  “She shall be yours too soon, girl.” She watched Caitlyn masturbate with a grin. As did the eye.




A tentacle slithered out of the lantern. Green and glowing, it could be seen right through as if it was made of coloured glass. It swished back and forth, passing through Illaoi’s bulky thigh as if weren’t even there.




  “You excite her…” Illaoi clutched her chin.




  “That’s her, Priestess?”




  “That is a fraction of her. One of nine eyes gifted to her most devout prophet.”




Caitlyn spread her legs. “Better not keep her waiting, then.”




  “Indeed. But not like that. Your first trial requires you to stand. On your feet. Move your hand.”




  “Yes, Priestess.”




Caitlyn forced her fingers out of her pussy and got to her feet. To meet her eyes, Caitlyn had to crane her neck. Never before had she met someone so tall, especially not a woman. She was a marvel. Shoulders broad enough to support tree trunks. Arms as thick as two stone pillars. Breasts bigger than her head on a chest to rival a bull’s.




Illaoi grasped the top of Caitlyn’s head and muttered a prayer. Her grip was iron. Her voice was stone. Caitlyn was rubber. Her trembling hands begged to return to her pussy.




Illaoi let go of her head. Her tattoos pulsed green. “The trials of Nagakaborous are not for the faint of heart, girl. You shall feel sensations beyond imagination. Pleasure.” Illaoi thumbed Cailtyn’s bottom lip. “Pain.” The back of her hand traced a bruise. “Do you accept that?”




  “I can handle anything you throw at me, Priestess.”




Illaoi ran the back of her hand over the curve of Caitlyn’s hip. “Let me be clear, so there may be no misunderstanding. I will break you, girl. Camille… her punishments are mere child’s play.




  “Child’s play?” Caitlyn bit her lip.




  “Your small stature is… a disadvantage. I can offer no mercy. Only a warning. The trials have broken many in the past. Many bigger and stronger than you have buckled under the might of true power.”




Caitlyn touched Illaoi’s tattooed arm. Warmth radiated from the glowing, green ink. “You can break me, Priestess. From now, until you are satisfied, I am yours to use as you please.”




Illaoi’s skirts shifted. The ethereal tentacle whipped and snapped. It coiled around her leg. Cold as ice, it chilled her from ankle to thigh. “Turn around, girl. Spread your feet and brace for the majesty of true power.”




Caitlyn’s heart raced a mile a minute. “Yes, Priestess.” She faced the gardens, spread her feet and tensed her stomach. The skirts made it hard to tell but, Illaoi looked huge. As big as Camille. Maybe bigger. Her gut, so freshly used, quivered.




Illaoi’s voice boomed. “Caitlyn, daughter of Piltover, the first trial of Nagakaborous awaits you! The trial of endurance. A daughter of Nagakaborous, the true god, must possess a soul of steel and stone! You are required to endure complete and total spiritual pleasure! Withstand for nine minutes and rise a daughter of Nagakaborous! Or, orgasm and be subject to the trial of strength!” Illaoi lifted the lantern to Cailtyn’s pussy.




A second ethereal tentacle slid from the lantern’s eyes. It slid between Caitlyn’s legs and along her stomach. The tip stopped below her ribcage. The suggestion left Caitlyn giddy.




  “Is your soul strong, girl?”




  “It is, Priestess.”




  “We shall see.”




The tentacle pulsed green and passed through Caitlyn’s flesh; a stone sucked beneath a lake’s surface. Pleasure punched her in the gut. Without stretching an inch, every part of her pussy, inside and out, lit up at once. A gasp caught in her throat. The terrace raced to meet her knees. The concrete may as well have been foam. Caitlyn felt nothing but unending pleasure.




Bathed in ghostly, green light, Illaoi stepped in front of her and loomed. “Endure. Do not cum, girl.”


Trembling, Caitlyn clung to her stomach and bowed her head. She wouldn’t cum. No matter how much her pussy screamed and begged. No matter how much her head span. No matter how good it felt and it felt fucking good. It was beyond words; beyond thought and feelings. Unknowable. Incomparable. Heaven made real. But also hell. She should have cum half a dozen times. And with each unfulfilled orgasm mounted, the weight of the next grew. It was an impossible task. Unbeatable. Unfair. It was amazing. 




Caitlyn cried out and fell to her side, squirting like a broken pipe. Rather than soar, her pleasure instead lingered for a few blissful moments. Then vanished. The ethereal tentacle resurfaced through her side and snaked inside the lantern’s eye.




  “You have failed the trial of endurance.” Illaoi loomed over her with a staggering scowl.




  “H-” Caitlyn fought for air. “How long did-”




  “Ten seconds.”




  “N- No, it- it couldn’t have been. That lasted-”




  “A lifetime? A drop of true power often feels monumental to the weak of soul.”




  “I’m not weak!”




  “No? Then stand and face your next trial!”




  “Y- Yes, priestess!”




Caitlyn wrestled through a lingering orgasm to rise before Illaoi.




Illaoi set her lantern on the ground. “Caitlyn, daughter of Piltover, your second trial awaits you! The trial of strength! A daughter of Nagakaborous, the true god, must possess a body of grit and salt! You will endure nine strikes upon your body and keep your feet firmly planted on the ground! Find the strength to overcome physical pain and rise as a daughter of Nagakaborous! Or, fall and be subject to the trial of the soul!”




Caitlyn smiled. Pain, she could handle. Training at the academy had torn her ligaments and splinted her shin bones. A few slaps were nothing. Even from Illaoi, with her hands the size of a bear’s paw. Caitlyn chewed the inside of her cheek as her bruises throbbed.




Illaoi tilted Caitlyn’s chin. Pale green light pulsed in her wide, wild eyes. “Is your body strong, girl?”




  “It is, Priestess.”




  “We shall see.”




Illaoi ran her hand down Caitlyn’s front, between her breasts, along her stomach and over her groin. She circled Cailtyn, tracing a line around her waist.








Caitlyn braced. A huge, open palm cracked against her ass cheeks. Caitlyn staggered. Red hot heat seared her flesh down to the bone. Tears streamed. A smile spread. Insides quivered.




  “That all you got?”




Illaoi circled her with a face of stone. “Two.”




Caitlyn braced. Illaoi’s hand closed into a fist. Caitlyn’s stomach flipped. The meaty fist smashed her belly. Air raced from her lungs. It felt like Illaoi had punched a hole through her. She buckled and dropped to her knees. Then the pain arrived. A hundred shin splints couldn’t compare. But shin splints never hurt so good. Grinning ear to ear, Caitlyn rubbed her pussy as she heaved under the pain.




Illaoi’s scowl wavered into a hint of a smile. “You’re smiling.”




Caitlyn tried to speak. Instead, she groaned.




  “Find your voice, girl. You shall need it for your next trial.”




  “Yes, P… Priestess,” Caitlyn wheezed.




The scowl returned. “Rise.”




Her legs wobbled. Her stomach tantrumed. She rose despite them both.




  “Caitlyn, daughter of Piltover, your third trial awaits you! The trial of the soul! A daughter of Nagakaborous, the true god, must be a dutiful servant! She must act out the will of the true god and she must serve the whims of the true god! Just like us, the true god has needs and desires! She has provided you pleasure, and now you will do the same for her! You will shout nine declarations of faith while pleasuring your new master! Succeed and rise a daughter of Nagakabourous! Fail and be subject to the trial of the body!”




Illaoi picked up her lantern. The glowing eye scanned Caitlyn’s body, lingering on her abs and hips. Nagakaborous is as much my master as Illaoi is. She drew a deep breath. No matter what the god had in store for her, she wouldn’t fail. Failing to satisfy might as well be the same as quitting. She’d satisfy everyone. All fifty girls and whatever companions joined them.




  “Are you a dutiful servant, girl?”




  “I am, Priestess.”




  “We shall see.”




Illaoi plunged her hand inside the lanterns. Pale, green fire engulfed her arm. An ethereal tentacle emerged from the flames. Illaoi crossed the terrace and faced Caitlyn from a distance. She whipped the ethereal tentacle above her head, took a step forward and threw a punch. The tentacle shot at Caitlyn, extending without end. It plunged through Cailtyn’s chest with a burst of pale, green light and submerged her in an icy chill. An invisible hand gripped her heart. Illaoi yanked on the tentacle with all her might. The ground left her feet behind. Screaming, Cailtyn flailed as she shot across the terrace. She halted inches from Illaoi, hovering at her eye level. 




  “W- Wha-”




  “Look at your hands.”




Caitlyn’s mouth hung open. Her hands- no, she whole body had become ethereal. Pale and green, she glowed light that pulsed in time with the lanterns. Her real body stood beside the deck chair stiff as a board. A thin wisp of green smoke connected the two bodies. The lantern’s eye dilated its pupil. Two tentacles slithered out and snaked through the air towards her. One coiled around her thigh, the other her waist. Caitlyn braced for the cold but, they were warm. Wet, but warm. And solid too. They caressed her, tender and gentle.




  “Begin your proclamations when she enters you. You will say, ‘I devout myself to the one true god, Nagakaborous. My body and soul are hers. I am hers. Her whims are mine. Now and forever.’ Understand?” 




  “Yes, Priestess.” The tentacles' tips kissed her nipples and pussy. Her nipples hardened. Her pussy quivered. She stroked the tentacle around her waist. “I hope my body pleases you, Nagakaborous.”




The tentacles turned her in the air so she hovered on her back. The lantern’s eye flared. Illaoi smiled a brief smile before crossing her arms and gaining an expectant look. Caitlyn lifted her knees to her chest and spread her legs.




The tentacle around her thigh acted first. It unwound and traced circles around her pussy hole. The other cupped her breast. Its suction pads sucked away like a dozen little mouths. Her pussy begged to be filled. Caitlyn hugged the back of her knees and bit her lip as she watched the tentacle circle her pussy. It needed to be inside. She needed to be filled. Seconds dragged on for eternity. The lantern’s eye stared into hers all the while, unblinking, unyielding. There were words in that look.




Caitlyn glanced at Illaoi. She nodded.




  “Please,” Caitlyn whimpered. “Please use me, Nagakaborous~”




Green flames erupted from the lantern. The tentacle wormed inside her. Her pussy stretched wider than should be possible. What should have been unbearable agony, melted Caitlyn’s mind. She moaned and moaned as the tentacle buried deeper and deeper. Deeper than ever before. Too deep. Impossibly deep. Through her pussy, her guts and her chest. Her throat bulged. The tip squirmed past her lips. Skewered through and through, somehow her moans continued.




  “Proclimate, girl. Now!”




  “I- I… oh god~ … I devout myself to the one true god, Naga… f- fuck!~ Nagak- kaborous. My body and soul are hers. I am hers. Her whims are mine. Now and forever…” Caitlyn’s voice melted into endless moans.




The second tentacle slid down her chest and unwound itself. It ducked beneath the first and found her asshole. The tip touched her hole and she came. As she spluttered and shuddered, pale light glowed from her ethereal chest. Squirt ran down the legs of her real body and drool down its chin. Nagakaborous gave her no mercy. As she came, the second tentacle stretched her ass and bore through her ethereal body. Her throat bulged even more as the tentacle squirmed past her lips. Both tips wriggled beneath her nose.




  “Again, girl!”




She wouldn’t lose. She would serve. She would please. Caitlyn drew deep. “I devout myself to the one true god, Nagakaborous. My body and soul are- FUCK!”




Both tentacles drew back. She came before they so much as left her throat. They pumped her holes in perfect sync, skewering her again and again. The words were right there, right within reach. No amount of reaching or grasping brought them to her. She uttered only moans and whimpers, and then not even those. The world fuzzed. Nothing existed. Only endless eruptions of pleasure and two tentacles that emerged and disappeared between her lips. And then not even those.




She was standing. The ground hit her side. Everything honed into focus. Illaoi loomed over her.




  “You failed. Your final trial awaits you.” Illaoi undressed. She lifted her leather tunic off of her giant, heaving breasts. Thick piercings decorated her nipples. She lowered her skirt and freed her cock. Erect and throbbing, it hung under its own weight. Whoever said Camille had the biggest cock of them all needed their eyes checked. Her cock’s brown tip was pierced with a green ring that skewered a round emerald. Bathed in golden sunlight, cradled Cailtyn in her arms. They sat on the deck chair. Illaoi lay on her back and held Caitlyn upright. She straddled Illaoi and leaned on her rock-hard, stocky stomach. Her cock pressed against her belly. The tip nestled between her breasts.




Illaoi kneaded her hips. “Caitlyn, daughter of Piltover. Your fourth trial awaits you. The trial of the body. You have known Nagakaborous’s wrath, her desires and her power. Now, lay witness to her mercy. In every cycle of the endless cycles of the trial of the Kraken, this trial shall serve as a chance for redemption. Prove your endurance, strength and devotion to the true god. Resist the calling of the spirit and hold back your orgasm. Resist the weakness of the physical form and remain upright. Resist the weakness of the mind and let your master hear your voice. My body shall be your stage. Do not cum, do not fall and proclaim your devotion until you bring about my orgasm and you will rise as a daughter of Nagakaborous. Fail, and we shall start again until you succeed or until fatigue claims victory.”




Caitlyn steadied Illaoi’s cock. It was too big. Nowhere but her ass would do and even still, it was too big. It would break her. Over Illaoi’s head and through the glass doors, the double doors called to her.




Illaoi stroked her cheek. “Say the word and it ends. There is no shame in knowing your limits.”




Caitlyn closed her eyes. “No. I… I am here for you and for Nagakaborous. Until you are satisfied, I must continue.”




  “Then rise. Prove your worth.”




Caitlyn rose. Illaoi’s pierced tip found her asshole. Caitlyn fell. She slid down Illaoi’s shaft. Her ass screamed as it stretched. It meant nothing. Her gut bulged, flaring the welt left behind by Illaoi’s fist. It meant nothing. Her groin settled against Illaoi’s and Illaoi’s eyes drooped. A moan that meant the world escaped her lips, low and husky. Caitlyn rose and fell and rose again, and basked in the grace of the low, husky moan.




  “Say… oh~... say you love Nagakaborous.”




Caitlyn rose. “I…” She fell. “I love…” She rose. “I love Nagakaborous, the true god, the only god~”




Illaoi’s eyes rolled back and she melted into the deck chair. Her hands cupped Caitlyn’s waist and stroked her smooth, sweaty skin. Sweat dribbled off of Caitlyn’s nose. Trembles plagued her thighs. Red hot heat burned her bruises, fresh and old. And yet, she rose and fell without a moment’s falter. Every time their groins touched she chanted.




  “I love Nagakaborous~”




  “I serve Nagakaborous~”




  “I am hers and her whims are mine~”




  “Now and forever~”




But… eventually… inevitably… a straw landed upon the camel’s back. It began as a creeping feeling, low in the base of her spine. With each rise and fall, it crept higher. At first, it tiptoed. Then walked. Then ran. Caitlyn fought like she’d never fought before and came all the same. Her words caught in her throat. She collapsed onto Illaoi’s chest. Illaoi lifted her off of her cock. It stood erect, drooped slightly under its own weight. The emerald piercing glistened under the midday sun.




  “On your feet. Your first trial awaits you.”




The hours turned to seconds, the seconds turned to minutes and the minutes turned to hours. Time had always seemed so sturdy. A foolish perception. Illaoi and Nagakaborous showed her the truth. Each trial existed outside of time, separated only by failure; by pleasure and pain. The true god broke her soul, flooding her pussy with unbridled pleasure in the trials of endurance and skewering her very being in the trials of the soul. She brought Caitlyn to her knees. She melted Caitlyn’s mind. Sometimes she did better. Sometimes she lasted a few minutes and sometimes she uttered more than half her proclamations. Sometimes she did worse and came at once and uttered no words at all. The Kraken Priestess broke her body, beating her bloody and fucking her stupid. Sometimes she did better. Sometimes she withstood half her strikes and sometimes she brought her right to the edge of an orgasm. Sometimes she did worse and crumpled to a mere slap and came at a touch. Better or worse, they were all failures and brought about another cycle. Cycles upon cycles upon cycles. During one, which one she couldn’t know, the doors had screamed at her. They begged her to give up. They told her she’d done well enough. They told her she could rest. And she was going to accept too when Vi’s voice whispered in the back of her mind. Vi believed in her. Vi wanted her to succeed. And so, she dug deep and pressed.




Caitlyn’s ass and pussy slapped against Illaoi’s groin. The Kraken Priestess had her in a standing position. To fuck her demanded the cooperation of all her muscles, of her whole body. She fucked Illaoi in the shallow end of the pool, bathed in orange sunlight. Her giant breasts heaved with every slap of Caitlyn’s pussy against her abs. Sweet, low husky moans escaped her mouth. Throbs and twitches troubled her giant cock each time it buried deep in Caitlyn’s guts.




  “Nagakaborous is the one true god!” Slap . “I love her!” Slap. “I love her!” Slap. “I love her!” 




  “Oh~... and she loves you…” Illaoi fought to draw staggered breaths. She leaned against the edge of the pool and rested her forehead on Caitlyn’s head. “Y- You must be close. You must be.”




No tingles crept up her spine. “Not…” Slap. “Not even close.” Slap .


  “Not… Not possible. We have been fucking for… for hours. N- N- … oh~ … None one could last this long. E- Especially after such punishment.”




Far away, pain screamed at her.




Caitlyn buried her face into Illaoi’s collarbone. She rose. Then fell. Her ass quivered as the cock stretched it to its new limit. Her pussy slapped against Illaoi’s abs. The eye watched them from the deck chair. Orange sunlight warmed its pale, green glow. A tingle crept up the base of her spine. Caitlyn locked her eyes with Nagakaborous as she fucked her prophet into submission. Warmth flooded her body. The tingles receded.




  “I serve Nagakaborous, the one true god. I am hers and her whims are mine.” The words were smooth and easy coming out.




A tentacle slithered out of the lantern. It snaked across the pool’s surface. The water shimmered green.




  “Wh- What is she doing?” Caitlyn asked.




Illaoi managed a grin. “Taking what is hers.”




The glowing, ethereal tentacle flared green. The green light snapped away with a shower of green sparks. A real, warm, wet tentacle slid inside Caitlyn’s pussy. Tingles raced up her spine.




  “That… fuck~ … That’s not fair…” Caitlyn limped in Illaoi’s embrace as she squirted.




Illaoi eased her hips to a standstill and stroked her back as she came. Nagakaborous continued, pumping and pounding her pussy.




  “That’s it,” Illaoi whispered. “Good girl.”




All around her, from every direction, moans barraged Caitlyn. The surface of the water trembled. A shudder ran up the tentacle and it limped inside her pussy.




She got so close. “I- I’m sorry…” Caitlyn whispered. So fucking close.




  “What for, girl?” Illaoi asked, soft and sweet.




  “I failed again… and… I’m not sure if-”




  “Shhhhh. Enough of that. Daughters of Nagakaborous do not wallow.”




  “But I’m not a daughter of Nagakaborous.”




Illaoi chuckled. “Aren’t you?”




Caitlyn lifted her head. “But…”




  “You have completed all nine cycles, Caitlyn. Nine cycles for the true god’s nine eyes.”




  “But you said-”




  “A lie.” Illaoi smirked.




Caitlyn gawked at her. “That’s… That’s… That’s so mean!”




Illaoi laughed. “Daughters of Nagakaborous must have strong minds. What better test for the mind than a never-ending impossible task?”




A smile crept across Caitlyn’s lips. “I knew it was impossible. No one could ever pass a trial with you.




Illaoi nodded and smiled. “Yes, all but one. But, no… he is of no concern to us. Especially not you” Illaoi sat on the edge of the pool and held Caitlyn in her lip. “Caitlyn, daughter of Piltover, with the power invested in me by the one true god, Nagakaborous, name you a Daughter of Nagakaborous.”




  “For now and forever.”




  “For now and forever.”




Illaoi’s cock throbbed inside her. “Come, allow me to heal you. I can’t allow you to carry on any further in such a state.”




Caitlyn tilted her head. “You say that like you’re planning on going somewhere.”




  “Well… yes? Your trials are complete. You passed.”




Caitlyn traced the tattoos on her cheek. “But my job isn’t.”




  “What are you-”




  “You haven’t cum yet.”




Illaoi blinked. “After all that, you still have the energy to see me to completion?”




  “Of course. I’m here at your service after all.” Caitlyn ground her hips.




Illaoi moaned. “Yes, you are~” She shook her head. “But not here. Your injuries need a soft surface.” Illaoi held Caitlyn by the ass as she stood.




They locked lips and headed for the glass doors. Illaoi tasted like salt and steel. No. She tasted like that. My lip is split. When did that happen? Illaoi didn’t seem to mind. She kissed her long and deep as she carried her to the couch. The cushions coddled her aching back, her bruises and welts. Over the top of her red and raw breasts, Caitlyn watched Illaoi’s cock come and go from her ass. She fucked her with long, tender strokes that sent tingles racing up her spine. Her huge, pierced breasts heaved. Her balls slapped. Her eyes closed and her mouth hung open. Low, husky moans lingered after each gentle thrust. Caitlyn touched her tattooed cheeks and guided their lips back together. Illaoi’s pierced tongue filled her mouth.




A fat, long finger slipped inside her pussy. It hooked and rubbed the bulging bottom wall as a giant cock came and went from the ass below. Caitlyn moaned into her mouth.




  “Y- You’re gonna make me cum again~”




  “Good. It’s the least you deserve.” Illaoi’s breath blew hot into Caitlyn’s mouth.




Caitlyn cried out and melted into the couch cushions. “Priestess!~”




Illaoi gasped. “Caitlyn!~” She shot to her knees and whipped her cock free. It heaved and blew a hefty load all over Cailtyn’s chest and belly. It heaved and blew, heaved and blew, all while Illaoi moaned. Her cock heaved one last time with all its might. A hot load splattered Caiitlyn’s face, filling her mouth and glazing shut an eye. The giant cock limped and shrunk. Its emerald piercing glowed warm, bathed in the orange of the setting sun.




Like a good servant, Caitlyn ate her meal. No mind paid to the knocks on the door.


Thanks for reading! Feedback is appreciated <3

Next chapter, Caitlyn fucks Elise, The Spider Queen 

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