Caged In

Chapter 5: Take Me Back!

William stood by the open door, and once I rounded the bend, I could clearly see the face of the visitor.

My father.

His cloudy grey eyes stormed as they looked from Greg’s hand clutching my wrist, to my smirk that said,” Victory shall be mine!”

My father cleared his throat,” Alpha Waters.”

Greg flinched,” Alpha Wild I’ve told you many times before, that is my father, call me Greg.”

" Greg, I believe you must be wondering why I am here so suddenly without giving notice first.”

" Yes, all due respect, it is surprising that a man who follows the rules so strictly would do something like this.” Greg said.

" Well,” my father turned to me,” It seems we have an issue concerning one of my pack members.”

You know those groups where they have ‘honorary members’ and it’s just a special title that says: this person doesn’t do anything for the group except donate money ? Well that’s what my father means when he says pack member. I’m a little surprised and hurt that he didn’t call me his daughter, just what is he thinking ? If he just said that I’m related to him would have this over with way faster than all these formalities.

Greg looked at me,” Is this the member, and reason as to why you visited us ?”

My father nodded,” Yes, she is of . . . specific importance to the pack.”

Greg scoffed,” Really, an insolent girl who has no ounce of respect is important to your pack ? Up until this moment, I had nothing but respect for you.”

I hear my dad growl,” One who speaks so lowly of my pack members to my face must have the same amount of respect as that girl you’re talking about, wouldn’t you say ?”

Translation: Take that back before I kill you.

" Apologies, she has been troublesome for me, and that has made me quite irritable.”

My father grinned at me,” Oh, I’m sure she’s been a handful.”

Translation: I’ll kill you when we’re home, Lucy, for getting into this mess.

Greg spoke up,” So, you came all this way, what is it that you want ?”

" Well, my pack member back, of course. I don’t know what she did, but my sincerest apologies for her behavior. If you could release her back to us, that would be most beneficial to both of our packs, if you want to avoid conflict.”

I could see clearly in my dad’s eyes what he was thinking: I know my daughter’s annoying, but my scary wife will kill me if I don’t bring her back in one piece, so please give her back. Did I mention my wife is terrifying ?

" Fath-” I stop and correct my self, there must be a reason my father hasn’t told Greg about me,” But Alpha, I didn’t do anything, he kidnapped me!” I yell.

Greg’s grip tightens, and I hear a loud growl come from my father.

" Greg, is this true ?” My father asks.

" Alpha Wild, it’s true to an extent that I did take her without her consent, but it was only to -”

" You took her ?” My father growls.

" Bad choice of words.” I mumble as I lightly elbow Greg.

" Greg.” He calmly says,” I’m going to ask this once more, release her at once.”

" Respectfully, there is something I would like to investigate that involves your pack member, and I -”

" Greg, return my daughter at once!” My fathers voice booms throughout the house and Greg instantly lets go of my wrist.

My brother runs next to my father, sneezing every couple of seconds,” Lucy, are sneeze you okay ?”

I smile at him, and glance back at Greg,” Yeah, Logan, I’m just fine.”

My father takes a couple deep breaths to calm down before looking back at Greg,” I need you to understand that this is my youngest daughter, and she is still unfamiliar with pack laws and regulations.”

And seriously, is it that embarrassing to just tell them I’m human ?

Greg’s face contorts as he glances at me with puzzled eyes,” Wait she hasn’t shifted ? But -”

I jump in front of my father flailing my hands,” Hear that dad, I haven’t shifted, so you can’t drag me back to pack training hell!” My Father shoots me a glare.

Way to stick it to the man, Lucy!

I trail off awkwardly as my father coughs and lightly presses a hand on my shoulder.

" Thank you for that insightful commentary, Lucy, I’m sure you would love to discuss this in more detail at home.” He turns to Greg after pushing me behind him and stepping towards the door,” I will forgive you once, because your father is a dear friend of mine, but if you lay a finger on my family or pack again I promise you that everything will not end so peacefully because of your fathers name.” My father looks at me,” Is there anything else, sweetie ?”

I smirk at Greg,” He has to apologize for everything he put me through.” I whisper, and before my father can speak, Greg interrupts him.

" I won’t apologize! She doesn’t -”

" Gregory Francis Waters!” My mother walks next to me and grabs me into her arms,” Apologize to my daughter!”

" Sorry.” Greg mumbles.

" For what ?” I ask.

" You’re kidding!” He yells.

" Daddy, what happens to people who disrespect you ? Didn’t you say something about disemboweling them ?” I smile brilliantly as my father glares at me for abusing his power.

" I’m sorry for kidnapping you.” Greg grits out,” Now leave.”

My father growls at the command, but simply grits out a,” Thank you, Greg.” Before turning with me close behind him.

The door to Greg’s house slams and I walk with my family to the car. I see around ten other pack warriors in their cars parked behind our van.

" We’ll take you back to the apartment.” My brother says.

" You guys aren’t taking me back ?” I ask.

" You know the deal, Lucy, when you shift we'll take you back.” my father paused,” But we can always have a lovely conversation about, how did you put it ? Oh yeah, ‘Pack training hell’.” My father says as we get into the car.

“Nope, I think I’m good.” I say as we all get in the car.

" Well, I think we should still discuss something. How about when you got that tattoo.” My mother points at my lower stomach.

Damn. Is it too late to go back before my mother skins me ?

1120 words

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