Caged In

Chapter 3: Mr.Popular

My eyelids split open allowing a blinding light to enter them, causing my eyes to water. I slowly woke up to see the white ceiling of a room.

" She’s - I mean she had a slight scent of wolf on her, but it was probably just residue from another wolf - how did this happen ?”

What is going on ?

There was a pause,” Yes, I checked for bite scars, there weren’t any.” He growled,” But she left a pretty deep one on my forearm.”

" Shuddup, I don’t need to hear that from you.” He growled once more.

My stomach drops as I remember the events of last night. What does he know ?

Another pause,” I don’t know, but I’ll figure it out and -”

I groan as I try to get off the bed, unluckily it makes a loud creaking noise, and the person immediately stops talking.

" Talk to you later.” He says quickly.

The door to the room is pushed open to reveal the guy from last night.

Hot guy I mentally reprimand myself for the instinctive thought,” You know you should really tie people up when you kidnap them.” I stand up on the bed and crack my knuckles as I eye the door.

" Trust me, I didn’t do anything with a low breed like you.”

" I’ll have you know that my mom says any boy would be lucky to have me.” I hiss as I jump off the bed and reach for the door knob.

He grabs my wrist, before quickly letting go and making a face of disgust.

Not bothering to fight his lack of manners, I turned the door knob and opened the door.

" Get your dirty hand off the door!” He growled at me.

I feel a growl resonate in the back of my throat,” What did you just say ?”

" Get your disgusting paw off my 1880 Martyre mahogany door.” He said with disdain.

Oh, so he’s a pure blood then, you can practically smell the elitism.

" Sorry, I’ll remove my filthy paws immediately, your uptightness.”

" I won’t hold it against you, you simply don’t know any better.” He turned his nose up at me as he pulled my hand off the door with a now gloved hand of his own and closed the door with the other hand.

" At least I don’t look down on every person I see. What a small world you live in. I’m surprised your growth wasn’t stunted.” I hiss bitterly.

He smirks,” Look who’s talking.”

I suddenly became all-too aware of the massive height difference. Not that I’m particularly short at 5′6", but he had to be at least 6′1".

“I bet you’re just scared of the world outside of aristocracy, so you assume everyone is feral or something.” I say.

" Or something . . . ” he grumbles.

I hear my brothers set ringtone from my phone go off suddenly. I search around the room desperately trying to find it, but when I look back at the hot guy, he’s holding it and looking at the contact screen that pops up when someone calls.

He glares at me,” Who’s Logan with a heart emoji ?”

I regretted giving him the emoji immensely in that moment as waves of embarrassment washed over me, remembering 16 year old me putting emojis on everyone’s contact.

I look back at the man in front of me blankly,” Well you’re the one holding my phone, why don’t you figure it out, your highness.”

He growls lowly,” Disrespectful lowborn.” He slides the green answer button to the right and puts the phone on speaker,” Hello ?”

" Uhm, Lucy did you finally hit puberty ?” Logan joked.

The man apparently didn’t find it very amusing,” This isn’t Lucy.” He eyes me as he speaks.

My brother’s jovial tone quickly turned sour,” I don’t know what Lucy got up to last night, but could you hand the phone to her.” My brother says.

" As her boyfriend - ,” the man started.

Bold of you to assume I can attract a member of the opposite sex and keep them for long enough to call them a boyfriend.

" - shouldn’t you be more concerned with what she gets up to ?” He finished.

He’s a conceited idiot, I don’t believe it . . . well I do, because it’s happening, but he matches the stereotype of a pure blood so much so that it’s almost scary.

Logan just laughs loudly for a long time before saying,” Yeah, okay, just hand the phone over to her.”

" What if I were to say that she couldn’t answer it ?” Hot guy stares intently at me.

Oh yeah, melt me with your intense glare and crush me with your washboard abs.

" Oh, in that case I would trace this call and skin you alive when I see you, and if I find out you’ve done something to her against her will . . . I’ll make you beg for death.” Logan says lowly.

" You’re exactly the type of man I’d expect her to have attracted.” He quickly hangs up the phone and I can’t stop laughing.

He looks at me,” What is it that you find so funny ?”

" That was my brother you foolish man.” I laugh.

He growls and chucks my phone at a wall, effectively shattering it.

" What the fuck! That was expensive!” I yell.

" Vulgar language from you is to be expected, but as long as you’re in my territory keep it to a minimum.” He growls.

" Shut up.” I growl,” That was not only expensive, but a gift from my parents.”

His eyes widen, as if he saw something surprising before his eyes return to a bored expression as I yelled at him.

" You’re going to pay for that pure blood!” I stand up and pounce into him,” Seriously I don’t know why you’re acting so high and mighty when you can’t even block an attack from a girl!” I go to punch him, but before my fist connects, I feel my body hit the floor and I look up to see him holding my arms down.

" I can perfectly well block your attacks, I’ve just been raised in an environment where my father taught me not to resort to violence or hit women.”

" Greg, what is all the - ” a young pure blood boy, who still hadn’t grown out of his ears, threw the door to the room open to see the pure blood sitting on top of me.

" William, I told you to stay with the other kids.” He hisses.

" You’re not my dad, you can’t order me around.” The boy says,” Who’s that, your girlfriend ?” He points at me.

Definitely not.

I make sure to make a disgusted face as I shove Greg away from me, the question probably caught him off guard which allowed me the chance to do so.

" Likewise!” Greg fumed,” And this doesn’t concern you. When you shift, I’ll let you get involved with pack business.” He looked back at William.

The boy huffed,” My brother is gonna be beta though, because he’s older, what pack business am I gonna do ?”

Greg ignores the boy,” Just go.”

" You don’t look like a Greg.” I say with a smirk.

His eyes snap back in my direction to glare at me,” Lucy is too innocent of a name for you, so I should say the same.”

" Why isn’t she having the normal allergic reaction that halfers have around pure bloods ?” William asked.

Halfer ?

" That’s what I’m trying to find out, which is why this is pack business, leave this to me and go away.” He hissed.

" Just so you know, the rest of the pack came back from the hunt, and they’re all asking for you.” William said.

I saw Greg grit his teeth,” I’ll be out momentarily.”

William nodded and closed the door.

" Someone sure is Mr.Popular around here.” I sing.

" Shut up. Stay here, I’ll deal with you later.”

Oh, he is funny. ‘Shut up’ and ‘stay here' ? I groaned and looked at the ceiling. What does he think I am, some dog ?

Oh wait. I paused and crossed my hands over my chest. That's probably exactly what he thinks I am.

1418 words

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