Caged In

Chapter 28: Meet Again

We all walk to the entrance of the mansion, and Greg opens the door, only to release a screaming child - I think it was a child - ran through the space between Greg and me. Evan ran screaming after the kid, laughing like a four year old.

" Are you sure he’s a Beta ?” Greg asks,” Lucy, hello, are you there ?”

" That kid . . . Greg,” I mumble,” I now see why you’ve been acting this way.”

" Lucy, I don’t understand what you’re talking about.” Greg says.

" Making children cosplay, come on Greg, your family is a bunch of perverts! That must be why you think the way you act isn’t strange!”

" C-cosplay ? What does that even mean ?” Greg asks.

" Who is making that kid wear fake wolf ears, that has to be some sort of abuse.” I say.

" He’s not -”

Greg is interrupted by a tall man,” Brother, we’ve warned you about bringing in strays.”

I glare at the man. His shiny blonde hair is slicked back and his calculating eyes don’t leave my stare as he talks towards Greg.

" She’s not like them.” Greg says.

" She called me a pervert while exclaiming how my son was dressing up. Explain how that makes her different from the others.” The man stated.

" She’s, erm, new.” Greg says.

I shove Greg aside,” What he means is that I’m a human.”

The man lets a look of confusion slip onto his stern features before turning to Greg,” You always pick the strange ones to befriend.”

" Who’re you calling strange ?” I grumble.

" You. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go catch my son from his little run into the woods thanks to your friend’s carelessness.”

" Don’t insult me, Evan is an acquaintance, at best!” I yell as the rude man sprints after his son and Evan.

The door slams shut and Greg turns to me,” You didn’t know that pure bloods usually exhibit wolf-like traits such as a tail and ears while they are children ?”

Well yes, but you don’t need to know that. I just thought that the kid looked a little old to still have them.

" No, I only knew all of you went to a really nice preparatory school.” I say.

" That school is run by pure bloods, we were forced into going there if we wanted an education because you can’t exactly hide a tail very discretely, much less those ears.” Greg rubs the top of his head nostalgically.

" Your babies must be ug-ly.” I draw out.

" On the contrary, I believe Greg was one of the cutest - if not the cutest - baby to ever live.” I turn to see a woman with dirty blonde hair walking into the room,” I can pull out the photos if you would like - ” she pauses and stops in front of me, grabbing my hand softly,” Oh my goddess, I never thought we’d meet again.”

504 words

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