Caged In

Chapter 25: Trespassing

5 years ago

I had just gotten out of my high school classes for the day and I was peacefully walking home until I noticed I was being followed.

I made four right hand turns around the block, and they were still behind me, so I knew they were following me because they just went in a circle.

I stopped walking,” What do you want.”

" Well, I think you know the answer to that.” A masculine voice said.

I turned around, only to almost bump into the person that had been following me. I looked up as he spoke to me harshly,” What the hell do you think you’re doing on our territory ?” The tall blonde boy asked.

" The fuck do you mean, this land doesn’t belong to you. I own an apartment over there.”

" Stop pretending you don’t know, I can smell you from a mile away.” He said.

" First of all . . . what was your name ?”

" Logan.” He says.

" Okay, Logan, first of all you’re a nut case. Second, you’re nuts if you think I care about anything you say, and thirdly . . . watch your nuts!” I throw my drink at him before I knee him in the crotch and sprint towards my apartment building.

Oh shit! Oh shit! Did they already find me ?

I get to the entrance and I throw open the door leading into a lobby. I take a right into a small hallway of apartment doors and I run to door 11 as I scramble to jam the key into the lock.

I have to leave. I’ll grab my stuff and then ditch this place, I’ll move more up North and -

A hand slams into the wall next to my head as the door clicks open.

" That isn’t a nice way to treat others, you know.” Logan says.

I throw my door open and attempt to slam it shut behind me as I run into my room, but Logan puts his foot between the door and the door frame and keeps it open.

" What do you want ?” I ask.

" Answers to questions like why did you run away from me so quickly ?”

" Because you were harassing me!” I yell,” Help! Someone help, a shady man broke into my apart-”

Logan throws his hand over my mouth,” Sorry, that won’t work. You’ll be coming with me to speak with our alpha.”

I bite his hand and he removes it from my face,” Alpha ? Are you in some sort of cult ? You’re messed up, seriously messed -”

" Shut up! I know you know why I followed you here, stop acting like you don’t know because it won’t help.” He growls as he grabs my hips and throws me over his shoulder. I try to kick and squirm as much as I can, but he doesn’t let me go. Finally he stopped walking after some time, and we were in the middle of the woods.

" Why’d you stop, is this the place where you’re going to shoot me ?” I ask.

He inhales sharply before letting me fall to the ground.

" What the hell!” I hiss,” What’s your problem ?”

He looks around quickly,” Stay behind me.”

" Why the fuck -”

" I said stay the fuck behind me unless you want to die!” He yells.

" W-what’s going on ?” I ask.

" Rogues.” He says.

" Those aren’t real.” I say,” Just a myth created to scare pups into -”

A growl rips through the air to my right. I glance over my shoulder slowly to see red eyes glowing through a bush.

No, this can’t be happening. If rogues were real, then that means that my father -

" It’s been like this ever since a couple of months ago.” He says.

" This isn’t real.” I say as I walk towards the bush,” There’s just no way that -”

I’m suddenly pushed to the ground,” You idiot!” Logan yells,” I told you to stay behind me, you can’t just walk into a fight with these things and expect to come out okay because they always come in -” I shove Logan off of me as I move my back against a tree and stare at the dozens of eyes,” Packs.” I finish.

" Why do they look like that ?” I ask quietly.

" Like I would know.” Logan hisses.

" Oh goddess, I’m gonna die here.” I whimper.

Logan crawls next to me,” You aren’t going to die.” He says,” I mind linked my pack, they’re on the way.”

" Like that’ll help!” I hiss as I punch Logan.

" Well, if we shifted, were could both run for it and have a chance of surviving.”

I open my mouth to tell him I can't, but I refrain. Telling him again won’t help me right now, especially if the rogue happens to hear.

I turn to face him, before staring into his eyes for a brief moment. My eyes trail down to his collar bone, where a fresh mark was displayed, and I blush harshly before looking back at the rogue.

" How about you leave ?” I say,” I’ll act as a distraction while you shift and run to find help.”

" You’ll almost certainly die.” He says.

" You . . . you have someone to get back to.” I say,” I’m afraid I can’t say I’m as lucky. You’re more important than I am.”

" I’m not leaving here.” He says.

" You -” I turn to fight with him, but his eyes held unwavering determination,” You’re an idiot, you know that ?”

" I wasn’t raised so terribly that I’d let a lady die for me.” He smirks.

" I wonder why they haven’t moved.” I say as I stare at the red eyes, circling us.

" Just hope those monsters stay there for a little while longer.” Logan says.

I see a rogue stop suddenly. It met my gaze with its red eyes and I glare back at it.

Logan suddenly speaks up,” I can’t seem to help feeling a little sad for them.” He said, almost absentmindedly,” I mean, if a werewolf goes rogue like they do in the myth . . . I can’t imagine what I would do if Willis -”

I throw my hand over his mouth,” Don’t sympathize with these things. They only bring death, pain, and destruction. They're monsters, and if you sympathize with monsters they'll kill you.”

I hear bones snapping behind me, and I swiftly turn around to see a naked woman. Her eyes remained a sickly red and her matted black hair was brushing the ground at her feet.

" We’ve been looking for you.” She says.

" Look here -” Logan says, but is interrupted by the woman’s growl.

" I wasn’t talking to you, mutt.” She turns to me,” I was talking to you.”

I squint my eyes,” I have no idea why that would be the case.”

" Well, let’s just I know who you are, little miss runaway.” She says.

I stand up and ignore my shaking knees,” So you plan to kill me then, do you ?”

Her eyes widen in shock momentarily before narrowing,” Well, no need to be so upfront about it.”

I take one step towards her,” And your reasoning for doing so is ?” I ask.

" . . . revenge on your father, of course.” She says.

I take another step closer and I hear a growl resonate through all of the wolves simultaneously,” So your plan to take revenge on my father is to kill me ? And then what ?” I ask as I take another cautious step forward,” Will my death really be enough to atone for what my father did to you ?” I ask.

The girl is silent as he eyes closely follow me,” Why not kill my father ? Y’know, the one who actually -”

" Fine then!" She growled loudly,” How about I kill you both, then ?”

" Will that satisfy you ?” I ask.

She stares at me blankly.

" No, you wouldn’t even understand that feeling anymore. I suppose after I die, you’ll just go and kill other people for fun; maybe some children or pregnant women.” I say," Why even stay alive at this point ? You weren’t built to be satisfied, so what’s the point in killing me if you won’t feel some sort of closure from it. I know I'm going to die eventually, but I refuse to die a pointless death.” I growl.

I see a sudden movement to my right in the bush and my eyes snap to that, momentarily forgetting the enemy in front of me.

" Well that's just too bad, kid.” She growls.

I turn back to face her too late. She is almost on top of me. I close my eyes and brace for impact, only to hear a gurgling noise and a thud following it.

I slowly open my eyes to see the rogue’s dead body strewn in front of me. I looked up into a middle aged man’s stormy eyes.

I heard fighting on all sides of me. Vicious growling. Skin tearing. Whimpers of pain.

" Of all the places I expected you to be, this was not one of them.” The man in front of me said in awe.

" Um . . . you recognize me ?” I ask quietly.

" Well, how could I not ?” He smiled,” I’m Alpha Tyler Waters, I run the largest pack in Pennsylvania.” He says.

" I’m -” I stop,” You already know, so I suppose introductions are not necessary.” I chuckle.

" I suppose not. Would you mind telling me why you’re here ?” He crouches down,” Your father must be worried sick.”

" I -” I look away for a moment to collect myself,” I ran away. Do you think you would mind not telling anyone ?” I ask.

The man’s eyes widen for a moment before he stands up and looks around at the carnage. The dead bodies of rogues littered the forest floor.

" Let’s talk about it somewhere else. This is no place for someone like you.” He says worriedly as he takes my hand and begins to lead me somewhere,” And if you want to make sure no one finds out about you, I need a name I can call you.” He says.

I think about a comic strip called Peanuts that I used to read every Sunday.

" Lucy.” I say.

" Hey! Dad! That’s the one I found, she was trespassing on -”

" Logan, she was not trespassing. She is our guest . . . now at least.” He mutters,” Anyway, her name is Lucy and I suspect she may be with us for some time.”

I look a the kind man adoringly before smiling to myself and relishing in the fact that I didn’t die today or pee my pants in front of the rogues.

1845 words

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