Caged In

Chapter 12: I’m Not Shifting

" We are almost there."

" Took long enough." I mumble.

Mark this down as the most awkward car ride I have ever endured in my life! Thank the goddess it's almost over!

" Excuse me, princess, your little seduction show earlier was the reason we are so late now."

What an ironic nickname. Though it is an upgrade from low breed, I suppose.

" First of all, princess ? Don't imply that I'm the one that's entitled, that's your job description." I say.

" And you aren't even a little entitled ?" He turns the steering wheel, and the car slowly moves into the pack house driveway.

" That isn't the point. Second of all -" I lean over to his side to press my pointer finger into his chest, only to realize he was already facing me. Our eyes met and I jumped back reflexively, hitting my head on the window of the car door.

" Sorry, what was that you were saying ?" I saw him smirk as he parked the car," Second of all ?" He asked.

" I didn't seduce you." I hiss.

" Please, you had your filthy hands all over me. You crawled onto my lap, and -"

My door is pulled open, and I fall out of the car," Lucy, what are you talking about so loudly ?"

" Ouch." I grumble as I rub my head.

I see my fathers eyes move to catch a glimpse of the driver of the car. My mother jumps in front of my father," I thought we told you, respectfully, to piss off Mr.Waters." My mom says.

" Uh, ahem, yes." Greg turns the car off and steps out on his side," Well, as it turns out, your daughter is my mate." He smiles wryly. His nose scrunched up and I swear I saw him gag. I wasn't buying what he was saying. I turned to gauge my family's reaction. They weren't buying it either.

I quickly stumbled in front of him waving my hand," Mate's best friend. I'm his mate's best friend, and she wanted him to fix the pack relations by coming with me today." I say quickly, leaving Greg no room for debate.

My father's eyes go from my nervous smile to Greg's surprised look before he turns back to me," Separate rooms." He says sternly," And Greg won't shift tonight, that's not too much to ask of a pure blood, is it ?" My father looks at Greg.

" No." Greg said through a clenched jaw," Not at all."

He barely tolerated me ordering him around, but he seemed like he was barely able to contain his anger when my father did. Perhaps that had to do with the fact that he didn't really see me as much of a threat. I suppose basically having the body of a human helps with that.

" Now that that's out of the way . . . " my mother grabs my hand and practically carries me into the house," It's time to say sorry to your brother."

" But -"

Why do I have to apologize to him ? Whatever happened to hearing both sides of the story ?

" No, your mother's right Lucy, you should apologize." Greg says.

" Shut up, Alpha Waters." Willis, my brother's mate walks into the room with red eyes, she looks like she had been crying.

" Yeah, shut up, Greg." I hiss before running out of my mother's tight grip to hug Willis," Such a comforting body." I press my face into her chest," So comfy."

Willis pets my head softly," I missed you clinging to me."

" You do know she's pressing her face into your breasts, right ?" Greg says.

" Shut up A -" Her words seemed caught in her throat. She suddenly pushed me away, and I looked up to see her grasping at her throat. I turned around to see Greg's golden eyes glaring at her with unspoken words of fury bubbling in his chest.

I glared at him," Greg stop it before you hurt someone and make things worse."

Greg's eyes flitted to me before dulling. He crossed his arms over his chest and turned his nose up in silence.

Willis grabbed my arms and pulled me into her body," That little demon." She muttered as she walked with me, away from Greg.

I turned around to see that Greg was now gone. I looked back at Willis as we walked," Where are we going ?"

" We're going to see Logan, your brother sure knows how to throw a fit."

We get to the room, and Willis knocks on the door," Logan, Lucy is here to talk."

There is a pregnant silence before my brothers voice squeaks," Only Lucy can come in."

I hear a clicking noise, and the door is opened, I slowly walk in, and my brother closes the door immediately after I enter.

" So . . . " I say.

" You came here to say something to me ?" He asks.

I feel a migraine slowly coming back along with the tooth aches.

It feels like I'm going to puke up everything in my stomach.

" I came to apologize for what I said earlier." I mutter.

My back begins to ache, and my head begins to pound.

" For what exactly ?"

" For what I said, I already told you." I hiss out.

" You don't sound sincere."

" Seriously! You're such a drama queen, Logan, I came to apologize! Just say you forgive me so I can leave!" I yell.

" Are you okay ? Lucy, you're acting weird." My brother says.

I pause and glance at the door. What would Greg do to stop the pain ?

How could Greg even help me ? Why the hell am I thinking that ?

" I'm fine!" I yell.

Damn my head hurts so much.

My brother puts a hand to my forehead," You feel hot, are you running a fever, this could be a side effect of shifting. Do you think you'll shift for the first time tonight ?" He asks with a smile.

" No." I hiss," I have to - ach!" I feel a bone in my right arm snap.

There is a sudden knock on the door to Logan's room," Lucy! Lucy, are you okay ?"

Greg was the one desperately banging on the door.

" Greg, it's fine, everything is -" the wind is knocked out of my body as another bone breaks, in my leg this time.

A loud growl followed by smashing on the door is heard," Logan let me in!" Greg yelled.

Logan looked between me, and the door, but he didn't move. Instead, the door busted open, and Greg came stumbling in as Logan went to close the door immediacy after he entered.

I was now sitting on the floor, and Greg knelt down and looked into my eyes briefly before embracing me," Calm down, don't shift, or you'll be stuck here." He hisses in my ear.

" You-," I paused and took a sharp breath in," -are so annoying." I whisper in his ear as another bone snaps

" Shut up, low breed." He says," Just focus on not shifting or we're both in trouble."

" I can't shift." I grumble.

" Sure, whatever you want, mate." He murmurs.

" Mate's best friend." I snicker, I feel pressure being released in my head, and bones stop breaking and reforming.

" Yeah, we'll have a long chat about that, it really didn't sit well with me." He muttered before adding," That you did that without my knowing prior to you saying it. I don't like it when people don't follow the plan." He released me, after I had calmed down sufficiently.

My brother looked between Greg and me," What is going on ?"

" She was having a panic attack trying to apologize, she just felt so terrible about what happened." Greg said as he squeezed my arm tightly and helped me stand.

" Y-yeah that was it." I stutter. Greg squeezed my arm again," Sorry Logan."

" Okay . . ." Logan looked worriedly between Greg and I," Are you sure she's okay, I can take her to the pack doctor before we shift so she can get checked out."

" No!" I growled.

Everyone in the room looked towards me with wide eyes.

"We have to go, see you around." Greg moves his grip to my forearm to drag me out of the room, down the hall, and into a slightly larger guest bedroom.

After closing the door, he turned to me," All joking aside, what have you done to me ?"

" I don't know what you mean." I say.

" How do you explain how I've been acting ?" He hisses.

" I thought you were usually moody, clingy, annoying, self-righteous -"

He strides forward and covers my mouth with his hand," You know that isn't it."

I shake my head, causing him to release his grip," Then what is it ?"

" I've been thinking about you every time I'm not around you."

" I'm pretty sure that's called having a crush, genius." I snicker," It won't be easy, but don't worry, you'll get over me eventually."

" I would be livid if anyone else did the things you just did to me, I would mortally wound them for the disrespect you show me." He hisses," Why is it that I can't bring myself to hurt you ? My goddamn wolf is telling me to say sorry, even though I don't know what the hell I have to apologize for and every time I get a whiff of your scent I get a -!" He suddenly throw his hand over his mouth and stops talking.

" My scent ?" I hiss," I don't have one."

" Well you smell like something, just like everyone does." He grinds his teeth and grabs some of his hair," Just, whatever it is you're doing, stop."

I feel my anger rise," What about me, then ?"

He glares at me," What about you ?"

I'm taken back for a moment," You're joking, right ?" I begin to pace in front of him," The night I met you, I passed out after an overwhelming pain consumed me, not only that but you kidnapped me and I flirted with you. Even though I say I hate you, I don't actually do anything to keep you away, and I gave you that kiss on that stupid car ride while acting like - - I don't even know how to describe it. You seem to be the constant in all of the possible scenarios that put me in a foul mood that I can think of, and quite frankly, your face pisses me off!" I finish," But at least I'm not blaming my shitty attitude or behavior on you!" I yell.

I saw anger flare in Greg's eyes and I began to slowly back away from him.

" Greg ?"

He growled menacingly.

1831 words

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