Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 34 - Be Insatiable

Chapter 34 Be Insatiable

Fu Zhengzheng immediately covers her chest, but finds that she is wearing high-collar clothes today. Then she quickly puts her legs together and pulls down her clothes, trying to cover her exposed body.

“Hahahaha…” The man in front of her suddenly bursts out laughing.

Fu Zhengzheng looks again and finds that it is Han Siqi!

Looking down at herself, she finds that she is wrapped up well. There is just some dust on her clothes. Knowing that she has been fooled, she gets annoyed and shouts at him, “Are you crazy? Is it funny to make fool of others?”

Han Siqi looks at the lane and turns the laughter into a sneer, “Hey, have you ended your date?”

“What?” Fu Zhengzheng is confused by the nonsensical question.

Han Siqi frowns, asking, “You desperately rushed across the road. Which man are you dating?”

It turns out that the car which almost hit her is his! Fu Zhengzheng immediately satirizes, “I am not as charming as you, who have someone to date every night.”

“You are not dating? Are you still looking for a daddy for Fu Xing? You always pick some obscene people with your bad taste. Why don’t you ask me to give you some advice?”

“Thank you. I will not bother you,” Fu Zhengzheng says. Then she picks up the heel and rounds him with a limp.

Han Siqi frowns. It seems that she really comes to meet a man privately! When he was driving past, he noticed that Fu Zhengzheng was rushing across the street fast to catch up with a man. He wanted to come over quickly to see who the man was, but he was delayed for a few minutes in the parking lot by a traffic police officer.

What a woman!

Han Siqi follows the steps of Fu Zhengzheng and scolds, “Do you know what time it is now? Do you remember what you shall do after work?”

“I do. I will work as your maid.” Fu Zhengzheng answers angrily, “I am going to buy food now, and I won’t starve your delicate body.”

“Today is the first day, so I don’t mind if you are late. But I can tell you that from tomorrow on, as soon as you get off work, you have to pick up Fu Xing on time and then buy food and cook for us. Otherwise, you shall take responsibility for breaking the contract.”

Han Siqi’s cold word annoys Fu Zhengzheng very much. She says, “Han Siqi, don’t be insatiable.”

“Oh? Am I insatiable?”

“You, you, you have caused me to lose my salary, but I accept it, because I have really eaten and lived at your home!”

Han Siqi adds at once, “You have also slept—at my home.”

“You!” Fu Zhengzheng pauses and then continues, “You also threaten me to be your maid with Xu Yan. It’s ok if I’m just your maid but you even limit my personal freedom. Don’t you think it is vile to do so?”

“What does ‘vile’ mean? My teacher has never taught it.”

“Ask Miss Li, and she will tell you.”

“Don’t you always claim that you’re smart? How about you teach me?”

Fu Zhengzheng is angry. She doesn’t want to waste time here arguing with Han Siqi, so she quickly walks across the road.

Han Siqi shouts at her, “You go to the supermarket to buy food. I’ll pick up Fu Xing and bring him back to pick you up. Now it’s over six o’clock. Do you want to starve your son?”

Only then does Fu Zhengzheng notice that it is getting dark. Having no time to be depressed, she nods immediately and runs to a large supermarket.

Han Siqi goes to his car and starts it to pick up Fu Xing.

To be honest, he is not in a good mood these days. But every time after he quarrels with Fu Zhengzheng or teases her, he gets better.

The mobile phone rings again. Seeing the name on the phone, Han Siqi throws it to the passenger seat to just let it ring, and then drives to the kindergarten.

By the time they get home, it is already dark.

After telling Fu Xing to do his homework, Fu Zhengzheng goes to the kitchen and busies herself with cooking.

Half an hour later, three dishes and a bowl of soup are placed on the table. Fu Zhengzheng wipes her hands with the apron and goes to the living room to ask them to have dinner.

Fu Xing is sitting at the small desk that Han Siqi bought for him and does his homework carefully. Han Siqi is standing aside, pointing at the books on the desk and explaining something from time to time. Fu Xing sometimes nods and sometimes shakes his head. Han Siqi sometimes pokes Fu Xing in the head, sometimes touches the back of Fu Xing’s head. Both of them laugh softly from time to time.

Seeing the scene, Fu Zhengzheng’s heart is filled with warmth.

She remembers that when she was a child, her elder brother was always naughty and refused to do his homework, thus he was always criticized by her father. Whereas, her father liked to accompany her to do homework, and always said that she was the best child.

Thinking of that, Fu Zhengzheng’ heart suddenly hurts. Her parents always have great expectations for her. They must be heartbroken because of her giving birth to Fu Xing, otherwise, they wouldn’t have driven her out of the house. After all, they loved her so much before.

“What are you doing standing there? Is the meal ready yet?” It is Han Siqi’s voice.

Fu Zhengzheng comes to herself, finding that Fu Xing has left and Han Siqi is standing in front of her.

Han Siqi points at the bathroom, saying, “Fu Xing is washing his hands. Can we have dinner? I feel hungry smelling the savory smell.”

Coming out of the bathroom, Fu Xing shakes his hands while shouting, “It is so savory, Mommy. Can we have dinner? My stomach says it wants to eat.”

“Yes, of course.” Fu Zhengzheng hurries to serve him a bowl of rice.

Han Siqi, who is sitting beside Fu Xing, looks at Fu Zhengzheng but doesn’t start his meal.

Fu Zhengzheng pretends not to see him. She puts a bowl of rice in front of Fu Xing and then fills a bowl with rice for herself.

Fu Xing puts his bowl to Han Siqi, saying, “Daddy, Mommy served you the meal.”

“Thank you.” Han Siqi takes it without hesitation, picking up the chopsticks to eat.

Fu Zhengzheng gives her son a glare and has to serve him another bowl of rice.

Fu Xing grimaces at her, and then begins to wolf down the meal.

Just then, Han Siqi’s cellphone in the living room rings.

“Your cellphone rings.” Fu Zhengzheng reminds him.

“Oh.” Han Siqi doesn’t answer it, and just has the dinner slowly, helping Fu Xing with the food from time to time.

Remembering the phone calls in the afternoon, Fu Zhengzheng is curious, so she gets up to “kindly” picks up his mobile phone for him.

“Leave it alone. I will call back after dinner.” Han Siqi stops her.

“What if it is an important phone call? You have the meal first, and I will get the cellphone for you.” In spite of Han Siqi’s objection, Fu Zhengzheng has already quickly walked to the living room.

After a minute or two, the cellphone is still ringing. It seems that if you don’t pick up, I will not hang up.

Picking up the phone on the desk, Fu Zhengzheng sees the name “Madam Han” on the screen, guessing immediately that it may be a phone call from Han Siqi’s mother. She originally thought that Han Siqi would answer the phone as soon as he saw it, but he just puts it on a nearby stool and continues to eat as if nothing has happened.

“Is it a call from your mother? Why don’t you answer it?” Fu Zhengzheng asks tentatively.

As Han Siqi turns off his mobile phone. Fu Zhengzheng is even more curious. “Does your mother urge you to get married and have a baby? Has she arranged a blind date for you?”

Seeing that he still keeps silent, she thinks that she has guessed right and becomes more excited. “Don’t you always like to see beautiful women? Why you refuse this opportunity? Anyway, they can’t force you to marry her, can they?”

Han Siqi suddenly puts the bowl heavily down on the table, “Can you shut up during mealtimes?”

“Mommy, men’s problems shall be solved by men. Women had better not intervene.” Fu Xing, who is enjoying his meal, suddenly chips in.

“I was just asking. Why do you get so angry?” Fu Zhengzheng mutters, and then she glares at Fu Xing, “It’s none of your business! Eat your meal quickly!”

Fu Xing sticks out his tongue and grimaces at her. He eats up the rice in the bowl and then shows Han Siqi the bowl without any rice, saying, “Daddy, do you think my bowl is clean?”

Han Siqi nods approvingly, and his voice becomes gentle again, “Yes, you shall keep this habit every day.”

“Yes, sir!” Fu Xing gives him a nonstandard salute, and says proudly, “Every grain on the plate comes from hard work.” (A line from a famous Chinese poem)

Han Siqi raises his thumb.

“Daddy, I am a good boy today.”

“Don’t worry. I will certainly participate in the activities tomorrow.” Han Siqi promises while patting his chest.

Fu Xing climbs up Han Siqi’s thigh, wraps his arms around Han Siqi’s neck and says, “Daddy, please dress up a little handsome tomorrow. I have told my friends that my daddy is very handsome. Well, my mom doesn’t use make ups or wear a beautiful dress, so I can’t count on her.”

“Fu Xing!” Fu Zhengzheng shouts, “When did you become so vain?”

“Mommy, don’t you often tell me that children shall be honest? I’m just telling the truth.” Fu Xing shrugs and then turns to Han Siqi. “Daddy, shall we practice walking after dinner?”

Han Siqi puts down his bowl and goes to the living room with Fu Xing.

Fu Zhengzheng angrily looks at the false father and son, putting down her bowl heavily. She has clearly heard Fu Xing whispered to Han Siqi, “Daddy, my mother is so dumb. How about we walk together without her, so as not to be affected by her?”

Little rascal! She scolds.

Fu Xing is especially good at observing one’s expressions and weighing one’s words. He knows how to tell whether his mommy is really angry or pretends to be angry. If she pretends to be angry, he will not stop teasing her; if she is really angry, he will immediately show a pitiable look and then uses all kinds of sweet words to amuse her.

Fu Zhengzheng hears Fu Xing’s laughter from the living room, but she has no time to notice that. Since Aunt Chen has left, she shall do all the housework. When she is mopping the floor, she feels it is more comfortable living in her own small house, because it is much easier to clean.

As she is sorting out the shoes at the entrance, the doorbell rings. She immediately stands up and about to open the door. But she is stopped by Han Siqi, “Don’t open it. Take Fu Xing upstairs first.”

What happened? Fu Zhengzheng’s eyes are full of doubts.

“Hurry up!” Han Siqi’s voice, though low, is entirely commanding.

Seeing his somewhat nervous look, Fu Zhengzheng suddenly becomes cheerful, saying deliberately, “I haven’t finished the cleaning. How about you take the guest to your study?”

Han Siqi grabs her hand which is going to open the door, gritting his teeth and shouts in a low voice, “I give you 30 seconds to bring Fu Xing upstairs, or I will cut Xu Yan’s salary for three months.”

Why he threatens her with Xu Yan again? Fu Zhengzheng has to take Fu Xing upstairs.

From Han Siqi’s nervous expression, she has guessed that the person outside is Han Sixian. She is speculating why he comes.

Huh? Is he coming for the same thing as Madam Han called for? Blind date?

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