Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 32 - It is Not for You to Keep Warm

Chapter 32 It is Not for You to Keep Warm

She rushes to the stair to look down, and a figure appears in her vision.

She looks carefully and finds that it is Chen Qiaolan who is packing things.

“Aunt Chen, why don’t you go to bed? It’s so late”

Chen Qiaolan is taken aback. When she sees it is Fu Zhengzheng, she answers smilingly, “I will go back tomorrow, and I want to tidy things up so that can find them easily.”

Fu Zhengzheng now sees there is a list on the table, which shows in great detail where some frequently used things are placed.

Fu Zhengzheng is angry at Han Siqi’s cunning, but touched by Chen Qiaolan’s kindness. Seeing Chen Qiaolan pounding her back, she hurries to help Chen Qiaolan sit down, gently rubbing Chen Qiaolan’s waist, but can’t help complaining, “Aunt Chen, can’t I look for them myself? Look at you. You’re not in good health, but still bother to help me in the middle of the night.”

“Don’t be guilty. I mainly do this for Master Siqi.”

“He is old enough. Do you fear that I will starve him to death? Okay, Aunt Chen, let me do it for you.” Fu Zhengzheng helps Chen Qiaolan go back to her room in spite of Chen Qiaolan’s unwillingness.

In fact, Chen Qiaolan has almost finished. Fu Zhengzheng just picks up some items and then puts the list into a drawer. As she turns around to go back to her room, she bumps into a “wall”.

A wall?

Fu Zhengzheng looks up. Expectedly, it is Han Siqi!

That’s it. How can there be a wall in the dining room?

Pretending not to see him, Fu Zhengzheng walks around him and then goes upstairs.

It’s Han Siqi’s turn to be depressed. Is he air?

But he doesn’t stop her. When she goes upstairs, he turns around and walks outside.

As Fu Zhengzheng arrives at the top of the stairs, she quickly dodges aside, secretly poking her head to peep downstairs.

The sound of door opening. The sound of door closing. The sound of car starting.

She rushes into the room, turns off the light, runs to the rooftop and pokes her head to look around. Han Siqi’s car has driven out of the yard.

Go out in the middle of the night again!

That night, she sent a message to Yang Tao to follow Han Siqi up, and then found that Han Siqi was meeting Fu Wenhai. She guessed that he probably went to force Fu Wenhai to find Lin Jiao.

What is he going to do tonight? Fu Zhengzheng speculates in her bed.

She doesn’t hear anything about his plans for tonight. Besides, he seldom goes out in the evening recently, and just works on his poor laptop in his room.

Suddenly, Fu Zhengzheng sits up: Han Siqi likes sex very much. Having not gone out for so many nights, does he want to date a ….woman because he can’t bear it?

Li Xiaomeng? Or Qiao Keren, who is often mentioned by them?

Or someone else?

Fu Zhengzheng is depressed. Men are indeed lower-body animals. Without women, they can’t live.


Why is she unhappy when he goes out to date a woman? It’s not directly related to the case!

Come on, go to bed! Enjoy the freedom tonight, because she will not be so comfortable tomorrow night!

It takes a long time for her to toss and turn in bed before she can barely fall asleep.


The early morning sunshine falls quietly on the floor through the glass, shining brightly.

Fu Zhengzheng stretches and opens her eyes lazily. When she finds that the sky is so bright, she suddenly sits up. Seeing that only she lies on the bed, she pauses for a moment before screaming, “Fu Xing—”

There is no reply. She has no time to put on her coat and rushes directly into the bathroom, only to find that there is nobody in it!

Fu Xing usually likes to sleep late. He will not get up reluctantly until she wakes him up several times every day, and sometimes she needs to his little ears.

Fu Zhengzheng calls her son’s name while running downstairs. She has searched and called, but there is still no response from Fu Xing.

She runs upstairs again to look for him, and has even searched Han Siqi’s room, but still doesn’t find him. She begins to panic.

Aunt Chen and Han Siqi are not at home. Where can Fu Xing go?

After Fu Xing sneaked out from kindergarten to buy a daddy last time, she severely criticized him. So he shouldn’t do such rash things again.

Having searched downstairs, upstairs and at the gate of the courtyard, Fu Zhengzheng feels that her hands and feet become weak, and she begins to sweat.

When she finds her cellphone, she dials a familiar phone number without hesitation. But when she hears “the number you dialed is not be answered for the moment”, she grows more upset.

She runs out of the courtyard and comes across a security guard who is patrolling. She asks in a hurry, “Hello, did you see Fu Xing?”

Fu Xing is cute and honey-mouthed. He greets security guards every day when he passes the security booth, so everyone knows this lively little kid.

The security guard is stunned and then answers somewhat unnaturally, “Uh, oh, I saw them. He and Mr. Han is walking in the square over there.”

“Walking?” Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t understand and wants to ask him, but finds that the security guard bows his head and walks away with a red face.

He usually seems to be talkative. What’s wrong with him today?

Having no time to think about it, she runs to the square quickly.

Perhaps because of the good weather and fresh air, there are many people in the square, and a group of people gathers around to see something, bursting into laughter from time to time.

Fu Zhengzheng looks around but doesn’t find Fu Xing, so she cries aloud, “Fu—Xing—”.

“Mommy, I’m here!”

She recognizes that the sound comes from the crowd, but she can’t see him. Then she elbows through the crowd, seeing Fu Xing clapping his hands and laughing.

Fu Zhengzheng is very angry. She grabs Fu Xing’s clothes and pulls him over, crying, “Who allowed you to run around early in the morning?”

Looking at his furious mother, Fu Xing feels wronged, and says, “Mommy, I didn’t run around.”

“You didn’t? Do you know that Mommy is worried about you? If you dare to run out alone again, I’ll break your leg!”

In fact, when Fu Zhengzheng sees her son safe and sound, she sets her mind at rest, but she can’t help losing temper.

“Why are you so mean to a child?” Han Siqi chips in. He takes off his coat and puts it on Fu Zhengzheng, and then takes Fu Xing to one side, patting him on his back shoulder to comfort him.

Fu Zhengzheng looks up and down at Han Siqi, who is wearing a light-colored woolen sweater and grey trousers. There is some dust on his trouser legs and cuffs. His hair, which used to be tidy, is a little messy, and he seems to be somewhat tired.

Seeing that, Fu Zhengzheng gets more furious—he seems to have had too much sex!

Otherwise, how can his hands and feet become weak and then fall?

Fu Zhengzheng throws his coat back and snatches Fu Xing from his arms. “I scold my son. Is there anything to do with you?”

Han Siqi frowns and throws the coat to her again, saying in a commanding tone, “Put on the coat! Let’s talk about it at home. Fu Xing is also my son.”

“Bah! How can you be Fu Xing’s daddy?” Fu Zhengzheng throws the coat back again, and pokes her finger on Fu Xing’s head, saying, “Do you dare to run around in the future? If you meet a trafficker, you will be sold to the primeval forest!”

“Mommy, I called you in the morning when I got up, but you didn’t answer me.” Fu Xing pouts his lips with tears in his eyes, but dares not say anything aloud.

“Are you excusing your mistake? Go back to face the wall and meditate! You are only allowed to eat vegetables tonight!”

“Have you gone mad early in the morning?” Han Siqi seems to be a little annoyed. He puts the coat on his shoulder, pulls Fu Xing behind him and says, “Leave her alone, Fu Xing. Let’s go back home.”

“You two go back home? Why? It is me who is his blood mother!”

Fu Zhengzheng goes to pull Fu Xing angrily. Anyway, she dares not scold Han Siqi too severely. After all, he is her boss.

Onlookers are pointing at them, speculating about the relationship between the three persons.

From people’s discussion, Fu Zhengzheng can tell that she has gone too far. But she just can’t control her anger, shouting, “Stop, Fu Xing!”

Every time Fu Xing sees Fu Zhengzheng get angry, he will be very frightened. He stops and dares not to go, looking piteously at Han Siqi.

Han Siqi touches Fu Xing’s head, suddenly shouting at Fu Zhengzheng, “Fu Zhengzheng, I don’t have such a rude wife like you!”

Fu Zhengzheng is also in high dudgeon, so she shouts back without hesitation, “Han Siqi, I don’t have such a rude husband like you!”

Hearing this, onlookers smile at each other, believing they understand what is happening. An old lady laughs and says, “It’s a couple having a quarrel. Couples will soon make up after quarreling. It is nothing interesting.”

“We are not a couple!” realizing that she has said something wrong, Fu Zhengzheng immediately explains. But people don’t seem to be interested in such quarrels, and they just leave while chatting and laughing.

Fu Zhengzheng stamps while staring at Han Siqi. “You! You are tricking me!”

Han Siqi suppresses his smile and says, “You said it yourself.”

This woman can be stupid sometimes.

Fu Xing comes to shake Fu Zhengzheng’s hand and says softly, “Mommy, don’t be angry. I really called you this morning, but Daddy said you were too tired. Mommy, I dare not do that next time. Don’t be angry, will you?”

Fu Xing’s clear eyes and innocent words soften Fu Zhengzheng’s heart. She touches his hand and says gently, “Don’t get out alone next time. Mommy will worry about you.”

“Ok.” Seeing that his mother has forgiven him, Fu Xing becomes excited at once. “Mummy, let’s practice walking, will you?”

“Practice walking?” Fu Zhengzheng is confused again.

“Yes. We will compete tomorrow. Daddy said we would make loud noises when we walked, which would wake up Mommy. In order to make Mommy sleep more, we came here to practice.” Fu Xing raises the rope in his hand.

Fu Zhengzheng now recalls that Fu Xing mentioned the parent-child activities to her yesterday, and one of the activities is the three-legged race. The family that arrives first wins.

She doesn’t expect Han Siqi to be so enthusiastic, coming to practice with her son in the early morning.

But they have just walked for a while, and he should get so tired!

Fu Zhengzheng is still unhappy.

“Mummy, would you like to join us together?” Fu Xing excitedly demonstrates with a rope.

“We will practice it in the afternoon. Now let’s go back home.” Han Siqi throws his coat to Fu Zhengzheng for the third time and then holds Fu Xing’s hand, ready to walk away.

“I’m not cold!” Fu Zhengzheng pouts.

Seeing Fu Zhengzheng being about to throw back the coat, Han Siqi stares at her and says, “It is not for you to keep warm, but to cover your body.”

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