Burning Phoenix - Saga 1

Arc 1 - Chapter 3: Inside The City of Innovation

Despite the masked man’s advice, Luke decided to be a little stubborn, mostly because he felt more confident within himself.

(Luke’s thoughts) I think I’m ready.

Ready or not, Luke went exploring the downtown, trying to locate the place where his friend Fred lived. The complete opposite of what the masked man told him to do…

Outside of the tower, sounds of people, cars, and street vendors painted the streets with growth and density.

He always heard the joys of city life outside the penthouse. Noise that always drives him up a wedge in terms of knowing what it’s like to see the city below.

Now he’s finally hearing the joy that he always longed for…

Luke’s eyes sparkled as he saw the high tech buildings and people that tower over him. For the first time in his life, he saw the grand scene of the city with his very eyes.

As he gawked at the urban area, a certain species caught his eye.

(Luke’s thoughts) Beast people!

Walking through the streets was a diverse course of beast people carrying on with their daily lives.

It wasn’t magical for anyone, since everyone works and walks to the same work, no matter the type of beast human they are.

(Luke’s thoughts) Not just Elves, but shark people and horse people too!

With his eyes, he walked through numerous types of beast people, people that resemble humans. These types of humans usually have different characteristics than normal humans, given the type of hybrid they originated from.

(Luke’s thoughts) Bunny people, dog people, cat people … so many beast people in one place!

In city life, people walk toward their work, their amusement, their, etc, with possibilities that create infinite paths to infinite outcomes. At that moment, Luke all of a sudden felt small.

(Luke’s thoughts) Now to find Fred’s place, I believe he lived several blocks east of here. Most likely in the downtown district.

The biggest city in the world...

And Luke was just living on top of it…

No matter what, if he grows up, he might soon be able to explore more, and who knows, maybe he’ll have an awesome friend group that he could go on journeys with…

(Luke’s thoughts) It sucks that Fred is my only friend, but who knows, maybe I’ll have more friends to do fun things with. Maybe even have a girl—hehe…

Blushing and getting nervous at the thought of having a future girlfriend, Luke started rubbing the back of his hand as he thought of the future and what it might hold, but that didn’t stop him from continuing to move forward.

That was until he saw from his peripheral vision, a crazed man.


The man wore a cardboard box, painted black, and it appeared that he didn’t have any clothes underneath the box he was wearing, indicating that the box was the only bastion of hope to not ruin any man or woman’s eyesight.

(Crazy Man?) It’s all a lie! It’s all a lie!

The crazed man was in the illegal grounds of a monument, trying to inform the public about something…

(Crazy Man?) We’re all going to die! No, I’m going to die!

Shouting more nonsense, the public and the rest of society didn’t pay him any mind, putting the man into shooting even more craziness.

(Luke’s thoughts) This is the second time of the day I encountered another conspiracy weirdo… I thought Clastine was the most innovative city in the world?

(Crazy Man?) I want to live! Don’t you all want to live? Run! Run! Run as far as you—

(Cop) Stop disturbing the peace!

A cop then tackled and pinned the crazed man to the ground, subduing him by holding both his arms in place on the ground.

(Cop) You again? Didn’t my buddy release you from the station yesterday?

(Crazy Man?) … I see now—

(Cop) You’re coming with me.

The cop that subdued him was a dog human, and he looked as if he was a recent cadet in the Clastine police force. Mostly everyone that had places to be ignored the scene, but Luke and a few pedestrians kept a close watch.

As the cop led the crazed man into the back of a police car, the crazed man still kept preaching.

(Crazy Man?) I see now! You’re not going to be human! You won’t even be dead! Please run! Run as far as you—

(Cop) Shut your mouth!

The cop put duct tape over the man’s mouth, forced the man into the back of the cruiser, and sped off to the police station. As the cop sped off, Luke overheard a couple of remarks on the cop and the crazed man.

(Random pedestrian #1) Huh, crazy man.

(Random pedestrian #2) Lord Heavens, I wouldn’t put my child near that crazy man in a million years…

(Random pedestrian #3) A dog-human cop, huh, what’s next, a dog-human as president?

(Random pedestrian #4) Hey, at least it ain’t a shark-human, that’s for sure!

As many people remark on the little incident, Luke notices that the people follow two choices of dialogue. One was that they remarked on the crazy man, and the other was remarks about the dog-human cop.

(Luke’s thoughts) Who was that crazed man anyway? Also… why is everyone so shocked about a dog human being a cop…

Luke continued with his little journey, but still, was there something that Luke didn’t know?

Probably something sinister lurking around any corner—

(???) Feast your eyes on this! Prepare for the amazing and magnificent yo-yo dance ballad! Come by, come by! This little demonstration will blow your heads away!


A man, very tall with really red hair, barely in his 50s, was demonstrating the ways of the yo-yo.

(???) You’ll never see any magic tricks like what I’m about to pull! This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so come watch!

The man then danced magnificently with two yo-yos in each hand, signaling to Luke that the man harnessed the power of a yo-yo for as long as he could remember. Luke was curious and was in awe as the man continued to practice his ballad with the yo-yo.

(???) You have fascinating eyes kid, watch as I make it to the climax of this ballad I harnessed for over many decades!

Reaching the climax of the ballad, the red-haired man then used both yo-yos in each hand to create an ever-marvelous display of skill. As if the inertia and mass were almost perfect, the yo-yos moved in an almost unpredictable motion, moving at fastening speeds. Incredibly hard to keep track of with the naked eye, a key away was the almost zero knots or entanglements within the strings.

It was almost impossible, how can someone that old pull a trick like that?

And to top it off, the red-haired man was reaching his end of the ballad.

(???) Here, catch!

The red-haired man threw one of his yo-yos which was in his right hand. Luke was shocked, and he instead just braced for the impact instead of moving out of the way or catching it. But luck was on Luke’s side…

Because as soon as the yo-yo looked like it was going to hit him, the red-haired man pulled it back, back to his right hand.

(???) Just kidding!

Finalizing his ballad, the red-haired man bowed, showcasing his small gratitude for Luke for watching his little ballad.

(???) So what did you think of that kid?

(Luke) That was cool!

(???) You know it was cool! So uhh kid … where are your parents?

Luke flinched as he began twiddling his thumbs.

(Luke) There’re … working?

(???) Hmm working?

(Luke) Y-yeah, mostly my dad though…

(???) Don’t mean to be rude, but is your father Joseph, Joseph Fenix?

Luke’s hands started to feel clammy, his head feeling hot, and his breathing a bit more heavier than usual.

(???) Don’t worry, your father is a good man. I used to work with him.

(Luke) … y-you worked with my father?

(???) Back in those days, I and a few others would do many jobs and such. It was grueling, yes, but it was fun…

The red-haired man then starts sort of reminiscing upon the glory days.

(???) Anyway, since you’re Joseph’s kid, I suppose that I could give you a little reward.

(Luke) Oh, ok.

(???) But, to get that reward, how about a little geography quiz huh? I mean, a kid like you should know more about the different countries and capitals, right? If you win, I could give you this mini yo-yo.

The man then brought out a small yo-yo. The yo-yo was old and almost broken down, but it looked … too old…

(Luke) uhm…

(???) Come on, this is my prized possession! I mean, if you don’t want it, I guess I don’t have to give it away—

(Luke) Fine, I could do the challenge. But why do you want to give it away to me?

(???) It’s important, really important…

The air changed from a normal and carefree attitude to that of something else…

(???) Are you ready kid?

Luke nods as he gets mentally ready for the upcoming little geography test. People need to know what country and region they are in, right?

(???) The first question is an easy one. How many countries are there in the world?

(Luke) I think there are 4 countries.

(???) Name them.

(Luke) Uhm … Ticia, Kepputha, Haxouburg, and Aizzonia?

(???) Correct. Which sides of the world do these countries reside in?

(Luke) Well … Ticia is the country to the east, which we are in. I think Kepputha is the country to the North. Uhm …

(???) You could do it, kid.

(Luke) And … And … Haxouburg is the country to the south?

(???) Yeah, and lastly?

(Luke) Aizzonia is the country to the West.

(???) I’m shocked kid, you did well. But are you ready for a harder challenge?

Luke flinched. It was to a point where Luke had to say something about it.

(Luke) I’m not the best in geography, so why make it—

(???) Can you name all the capitals?

(Luke) But I barely know which regions the countries are in.

(???) But can you name each capital though?

Luke scratched his head.

(Luke) O-ok… Well … Clastine is the capital of Ticia, and …

(???) Also, explain the capital's significance to the world as well.

(Luke) It’s the city of innovation and growth I think? And it’s also built on flat land as well?

(???) Correct, three more to go kid.

(Luke) Uhm … Lagefor is the capital of Kepputha? And I think it is mostly used for business and government programs, but it’s also really hilly too?

(???) What about Haxouburg and Aizzonia?

(Luke) Haxouburg … is Fron the capital?

(???) ERRRRRR.

The red-haired man’s arms made an x sign, causing Luke to sigh with frustration.

(???) Fron is the capital of Aizzonia kid. But … you know, here … I’ll still give it to you.

Despite losing, the red-haired man gave Luke the old broken-down yo-yo. Luke started to pout as his cheeks puffed up.

(Luke) You don’t need to pity me … I’m not some special kid…

(???) Well kid, you are, which means that I’m still going to give you the yo-yo regardless.

(Luke) But I lost!

(???) I forgot to mention this, but you did win the first challenge, which meant you won the yo-yo. The second challenge was a means for me to show you a cool place of some sort.

The man then put his yo-yos back into his black jacket. Checking the time, it revealed that the time was now …

(???) Huh, it’s 11:35. Guess I should be getting going…

The red-haired man then packed up his things and was about to head off into the alley. Before he set off—

(???) One last thing I want to give you…

The red haired man then gave Luke a nod, signaling respect and appreciation one last time.

(???) About your father. I know he’s overprotective over you, but that’s because he loves and cares for you. You should feel grateful that you have both a mother's and father's love…

The red-haired man then walks away into the alley, allowing the darkness that loves him dearly to swallow him…

And as Luke was walking away, he put his hand to his forehead, showcasing his confusion in all of this.

(Luke’s thoughts) How does he know my dad so well? I wonder what dad did before he met mom…


(Solmonath 28, 56 / 11:50AM)

(Luke’s thoughts) It should just be around here…

Luke managed to reach the heart of downtown, trying to find Fred’s place, gripping the address with intensity.

To his surprise, most of these buildings are more or less car shops or factory dumps, almost a ghetto for the city of innovation.

(Luke’s thoughts) Does Fred live in a car shop? I mean, he always beats me in mechanical terminology…

Luke looked around more, trying to find Fred’s place, but the more he looked, the more his mind was scrambled with confusion and such.

(Luke’s thoughts) Should I try asking around about this address? Maybe someone around the area will know where the place is.

Luke then looked around to see some older teens, probably a gang of what appeared to be a bunch of elves, smoking and doing other dangerous substances he did not want to know about. Despite him feeling uncomfortable,Luke walked towards the group of high school gang elves that looked more or less relaxed.

(Luke) Excuse me, do you know where this is?

(Gang Elf #1) Sure fool, let me see it.

One of the gang elves grabbed the note and looked to see the address and for some odd reason…

(Gang Elf #1) Hahaha! Man, this kid is stupid!

(Gang Elf #2) What, where’s the location he is asking?

(Gang Elf #1) Here take a look!

One of the gang elves passed the note down to one another, and of course, all of them were dying laughing, mostly at Luke’s naivety.

(Gang Elf #3) How does this kid not know? What is he, a dumbass?

(Gang Elf #2) You’re a dumbass for even asking that fool! Bro’s a special case of dumb!

Luke started again to inhale slowly and exhale out through his nostrils, but he kept quiet.

(Luke) … where is the location …

Speaking very timidly, Luke felt even more clammy within himself. Flushed red, the gang of elves was at least helpful despite being rude.

(Gang Elf #1) Fool, it’s that building over there. The place where a bunch of geek freaks play.

(Gang Elf #2) Is the fool invited or something?

Luke took note of the building where the hangout would be, and little Luke wanted to give thanks, despite being belittled by teenagers.

(Luke) T-thanks for the help!

Reaching the building, he noticed that it was indeed …

(Luke’s thoughts) It is a car shop…

Looking at the note the gang of elves returned to him, it is confirmed that the numbers to the side of the building there on the note. Opening the main door, he opened it up a little to shyly slip through so that no one would notice.

But unfortunately for him, he was noticed as an abundance of people, mostly teens, had their eyes on Luke.

And Luke didn’t see Fred anywhere in the building full of people…

(Luke) …

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