Burning Phoenix - Saga 1

Arc 1 - Chapter 22: The Break of Despair

(Prominis 21, 58 / 4:03AM)

(David) Sweet Jesus…

(Jerry) What is it, David?

(David) Take a look at this…

In a control center in the middle of the military complex, the rest of the adult figures were lying in wait. Many cameras and screens plastered the walls of the room, showcasing areas of the north side of the downtown district that held the second stage.

Reviewing the footage, their mouths opened wide as all the candidates still alive were making a bomb rush to the third stage gate, the gate that will lead to the military complex.

Jerry was diddling with his baton sword, the black metallic iron shining a reflection in his eyes. Being brought back to the present, Jerry saw with David, Jenny, Gwen, Benn, and Boris the horror of—

(Gwen’s thoughts) Poor Fred…

(Benn’s thoughts) Jesus…

(David’s thoughts) Why Boris … Why?

(Jenny) Where’s Ryan?

Boris looked down at his hands, his chubby hands shaking and drenched with sweat as he held them up near his face.

(Boris’s thoughts) Is this what it feels like to have blood on my hands…

All five adults looked at Boris, their faces twitching and fuming Gwen walked towards Boris, making a hard clenched fist. Her knuckles were on the verge of snapping as she eyed the chubby man with a putrid death glare.

David and Benn held back Gwen from doing anything to Boris, their hands gripping Gwen’s arms as they didn’t want a repeat of what happened a few hours ago. Despite holding back Gwen, David’s eyes were twitching, the redness of his lids barely containing his anger.

(David) I didn’t expect you out of all of them…

(Boris) I didn’t want blood to be on my hands—

(David) We all have blood on our hands! Because of you, we gave those kids hopes and dreams before we sent them to hell yet again!

David then looked at his own hands, each containing small calluses and blisters. He then lowered his tone, his throat serious and gentle as his eyes started to contain bits of water.

(David) And because of us … you sold yourself so that we could have something meaningful to do with our pitiful sad lives…

As David reminisced of those fond memories of being a mentor, David then looked towards a nearby sword on the rack, remembering a certain girl that he cherished.

(David) I lost my two daughters during the attack of Ticia, I sure as shit won’t let that brat die either…

David took a glance at the rest of the adults before walking out of the control center. Sure enough, the rest of the adults walked out of the room, leaving only Gwen and Boris. As Boris didn’t care if Gwen strangled him right now, he knew that whatever punishment they came up he’d take, because …

(Boris) I know I’m in the wrong, and I know you want to strangle me right now … but … the note I sent to you … the poem from many days ago?

(Gwen) What about that damn poem…

(Boris) You passed it to Luke.

(Gwen) What are you trying to say?

Gwen walked towards Boris, towering over him as her fists kept on going up and down, reaching towards Boris’s body. Boris let out a small droplet of sweat near his right eye, his face looking upwards towards Gwen’s…

(Boris) If Luke knows the true meaning, then he’ll save everybody. You have faith in him, don’t you?


(Prominis 21, 58 / 4:36AM)

For who knows how long, the candidates laid waste in between the second and third gate, a checkpoint well needed for them.

They were enclosed in a storage room, exhausted and scared as they barely made it past the second stage. The room smelled of body odor and sweat since it had been a couple of days since the candidates showered.

No one talked, even Sean and Jack who were the most vocal weren’t chatting. They leaned against a wall, their minds remembering the spectacle of Gemma’s death.

Everyone still had that fresh memory latched onto them, especially Fred.

In a corner, Fred curled himself into a ball as he stared into the distance with wide and broken eyes. Not Stan, Gary, Diego, or even Luke could pull him out of the trance, as they glanced at him hoping to push their bodies to comfort him, but even their bodies felt rigid and cold. It was as everyone was on the brink of despair.

(Luke’s thoughts) This is all my fault… Why did I have to trip? …

In an ugly display for a domino effect, Luke was away from everyone, sitting on a wooden crate as he put his hand on his right eye, his right side bang tickling the knuckles of his right hand.

As Luke got lost in thought, Hope noticed Luke’s loneliness and discomfort over the whole situation. Putting herself up, she slowly walked over to Luke, her eyes having bits of water inside of them, holding back tears as Luke’s eyes remained dry.

(Hope) … It’s not your fault.

Luke looked up to see Hope, her blue eyes barely shining light in the dark storage room as she looked at Luke. Luke didn’t avoid eye contact, as he remained looking at her eyes, until he looked down at his own hands, with gray and yellow dust particles in each hand.

(Luke) None of this could have happened if I tripped …

(Hope) Tripped?

(Luke) I … I killed them …

(Hope) You didn’t kill them, Luke.

(Luke) Why are you defending me? Just why? I don’t deserve to be forgiven …

(Hope) Luke!

Hope raised her voice, her tone serious and strict. Bending down to Luke’s face, she couldn’t see herself in his eyes, the room still dark and grim as she desperately wanted him to keep moving forward but …

(Hope) You’re not a killer! You didn’t kill them! Those zompires got to them!

(Luke) But what about—

(Hope) He was killed by a zompire too!

(Luke) What are you saying? Why are you making me the good guy…

Luke then stood up and towered over Hope, his body feeling heavy. Eyeing Hope as he barely tilted his head, his eyes were restless as the guilt continued to crush him.

At this point, everyone in the room was staring at Luke and Hope. Even Luna, who usually didn’t like Hope near Luke, kept to herself this time, trying to depressurize herself from many minutes ago.

(Hope) Because you are—

(Fred) Wait a damn minute …

Fred then stood up and melancholically walked towards the two of them, his head wobbling back and forth as he carried a handgun in his left hand.

(Fred) Luke? A good guy? Why do you believe in him, Hope?

Fred then stopped in front of the two, looking up to see Luke’s soulless eyes and Hope’s watery eyes, with his eyes beyond dark and baggy. Instantly, Fred reached for Luke’s collar, his right hand gripping hard as his left hand that held the handgun started to shake violently.

(Fred) He killed a girl that made a vow to me, she saved my life yet I couldn’t save hers. Ever since four years ago, I’ve felt someone has been pulling the strings … hey Luke …

Fred then put the handgun slowly to the temple of his left temple.

(Fred) Am I lucky enough for this world?

Everyone jumped up as Fred put the barrel of his gun to his head, running to stop Fred from—

(Fred) Stay Back!

Fred put himself in a corner, putting his finger on the trigger so that nobody makes a sudden movement. As 10 of the candidates, excluding Cameron, begged Fred to put the gun down, as his right started to violently shake.

(Stan) Fred, calm down!

(Gary) Fred … it’s ok …

(Diego) Don’t do it, Fred …

(Luke) Please no…

Luke put himself in front of everyone, putting his hands forward to try to bring him out of it.

(Luke) Don’t do this … I always cared for—

(Fred) Care?! You Care?! Tell that to Gemma! Tell that to Ryan!

All the other candidates murmured amongst themselves, their voices bringing in ambiance and echoes in the room. Luke looked down, noticing his sweaty palms and the brownish dust he still had.

(Fred) I knew something happened to Ryan … but I wanted to believe that he was with the second group. And what I’ve found, when we were all charging towards the gate, he was nowhere to be seen. Did we leave him behind? Did he chicken out and run? Tell them, Luke!

(Luke) Fred…

(Fred) Tell them now!

All eyes were on Luke, their ears perking up as their stances became rigid. Turning his body around, Luke looked at the 10 other candidates, his eyes squeezed shut.

(Luke) … I tripped onto a tile and he helped me get back up. But … just as we were about to leave an explosion happened right where Ryan was standing … so … he got blown up …

Their eyes were shell-shocked and open, with most of them putting their hands onto their mouths, except for Hope and Loraine…

(Luke’s thoughts) Please don’t forgive me…

Luke felt everyone’s eyes continuing to deepen into his soul, putting guilt and regret into his burdened heart. His legs wanted to move, yet he remained standing. His back wanted to arch, yet he remained standing for any punishment…

(Luke’s thoughts) Just please don’t…

(Fred) I don’t think I’m cursed…

Everyone then turned their attention to Fred, as he still pointed the gun at his right temple. They remain silent yet again as they see the broken teenager still in a corner.

(Fred) You know what I think … I think you’re just too lucky Luke …

Fred then slowly pulled the barrel away from his temple, moving with caution as he grudgingly put the handgun to the ground.

In an instant, Fred then slightly kicked the gun towards Luke’s feet, the magazine clip touching Luke’s shoes, the barrel pointing towards Fred.

(Fred) You have a choice to make Luke … either you shoot me …

Fred then pointed towards Luke, his finger quivering intensely.

(Fred) Or you shoot yourself…

As everyone held their breath, Luke looked at the black handgun that was touching his boots.

(Luke’s thoughts) Don’t make me.

He didn’t move, his body not wanting to touch that gun, his heart screaming to not lay a finger on that trigger.

(Luke’s thoughts) Why me…

(Stan) Don’t touch that gun.

Stan put a shoulder on Luke, his hand sweaty and pale as his tears started to roll down his face.

Miles and Luna, upon instinct, ran towards Fred, tackling and pinning him to the ground. As Luna used force on Fred’s lower half and Miles on Fred’s upper half, both of them gripped Fred down hard, their teeth clenching with nervousness.

(Stan) This conversation is over… everyone!

Stan then directed everyone’s attention, his eyes looking at every candidate, including Fred and Luke. Swatting away the tears that were rolling down his cheeks, he put his arm up high.

(Stan) This whole program! This everything … is done! We’ve been sold hopes and dreams! We’ve been training for what, to be a zompire’s dinner?!

Everyone listened to Stan’s declaration, their bodies slowly started to loosen. Pretty soon, everybody started nodding their heads the more Stan spoke.

(Stan) I say we go backward! We go backward so fast that we may have a shot of escaping!

Selling out a dream, Stan managed to woo the candidates over, his speech trying to turn the tide of despair. Looking at Luke, he softly whispered to him, his tone relaxed and reassuring.

(Stan whispering) Come on Luke … let’s go home…

As Stan and the rest of the candidates went to the door to pry it open again, leading back to the second stage, Luke looked at the gun that was still by his feet.

Hope was nearby him, as Miles and Luna were still holding down Fred who was trying to break free. Hope was nervous as Luke kept on looking at the gun intensely, his eyes not losing focus.

(Hope) Luke … hey Luke …

Hope put her smooth hand on Luke’s shoulder, and she then started to tug gently to try to unfocus his focus.

(Hope) Are you going to follow Stan?

Out of sight, he slowly picked up the gun, gripping the grip with his right hand and putting his pointer finger on the side. He then slowly walked towards where Miles and Luna were holding Fred, all of them focusing on the gun, and then—

Luke pointed the gun at Fred…

(Miles and Luna) LUKE!!

(Fred) WAIT!! WAIT!! WAIT!!

(Hope) Don’t!

Then Luke pointed the gun at a brick wall, right next to the area where Fred was cornering himself.

(Luke’s thoughts) In a forest of dead bricks…

Putting his finger on the trigger…

(Luke’s thoughts) Take the tunnel to see a cool trick…

Luke pulled the trigger, straight at the abnormal brick wall.

The room sounded with the pulsating gunshots that came from Luke’s direction, as all the candidates stopped to see Luke…

(Stan) What are you doing?!

Unloading the magazine, Luke threw the gun towards Fred, who was still trapped by Miles and Luna.

(Stan) Why the hell did you do that!?

Stan tackled Luke to the ground, and everyone tried to hold down Luke who thought went insane.

(Luke) Wait, look over there!

(Stan) Why? Just what the hell are you thinking of this time?

Someone pushed down the old brick wall…

With little to no ease, the person—or rather the horse-human, saw a bright light coming from the other side of the wall.

(Gary) Cameron?

As everyone was curious as to what lay beyond the brick wall, everyone let go of Luke, as well as letting go of Fred. Luke stays close to Fred, hoping that Fred doesn’t go on another mental breakdown.

Cameron, who remained deafeningly silent, glanced at every candidate, his red eyes healing from the breakdown he had a couple of hours ago.

As the 12 candidates saw the tunnel, it was vastly different from the dark storage room they were in. For one, the walls were white and modern, with no steel pipes to be found on the roof or sides. The more they walked, the closer they got to a white glass door…

Stan noticed that the door wasn’t budging, as he tried to push or pry the handle hard.

(Stan’s thoughts) Guess we’ll have to break down the door…

(Stan) Miles and Luna, I’m going to need your strength.

As the three strongest candidates rolled their sleeves up to their triceps, the three took back several steps, readied a stance, and then charged forth to bust down the door.…

(Stan, Miles, Luna) AAARRRGGHH!!

The white door managed to not only open, but the entire door frame fell as the three used enough force to pry its screws loose. Because they busted down the door, dust clouded their nostrils and eyes, forcing them to cough and gag as they pinched their noses.

After several seconds of coughing, the dust started to clear off.

(Luke) Is this … is this an armory?

All around the room were weapons. Assault rifles, RPGs, Sniper rifles, shotguns, hand grenades, ammunition, smoke grenades, flashbangs, handguns, and many more.

(Stan) No … this is a miracle…

Stan then walked forward and turned around to see everyone glancing at the room, their eyes sparkling as their hands started to clasp together.

(Stan) Everyone stock up! Choose whatever weapon that may suit you best!

Everyone started to pick their preferred weapons, ones that suited their fighting style best.

(Luna’s thoughts) Hmm … two twin-bladed double-edged swords…

(Mile’s thoughts) Dual-wielding sawed-off shotguns… I always preferred close-range weapons…

(Jack) Finally, a sniper rifle!

(Sean) A Thompson submachine gun! This is a classic!

(Loraine) RPG!!

(Stan’s thoughts) This AK is pretty cool.

(Gary) Sticking to handguns Diego?

(Diego) Yeah … more of a revolver type of guy. I’m not really into pistols like you.

(Cameron) …. Ryan always liked using the Thompson Contenders …

The last three to pick out their weapons were Fred, Luke, and Hope. Fred kept his hands in his pockets, not wanting to touch any gun that he saw, his legs shaking and his arms quivering.

(Fred) I don’t think … I don’t think…

(Luke) Fred…

(Fred) I don’t want to hold a gun … What if … What if I …

(Luke) Fred!

As Luke yelled at Fred, he then grabbed Fred’s collar, looking directly at his eyes so that Fred’s eyes wouldn’t look away. Luke’s hands tightly and firmly gripped Fred, as Luke towered over him.

(Luke) You made a promise with Gemma, right? Did you make a vow? What type of vow did you propose to her?

(Fred) I just …

Fred then started to slump down, his legs wobbled as he decided to sit down on the floor he was accustomed to.

(Fred) She … wanted to spend the rest of her life with me … I wanted to make it happen … but she …

Slumping even more, Fred started to let out more tears coming from his face. Red marks already formed along his cheeks, as Luke still held onto Fred’s shoulders.

(Fred) Why did she … Why did she have to …

(Luke) Fred …

Luke then tightly wrapped his arms around, the same tight hug that they had when they first reunited.

Fred responded by gripping his arms around Luke too, his arms tightening like he was gripping for his life.

(Luke) She sacrificed herself to save you … can’t you understand that?

Luke’s voice started to crack, his hand firmly tightening around Fred’s back. With both of them not wanting to see eye to eye, Luke had a couple of tears starting to drip on Fred’s shoulder.

(Fred) But she … have you ever gone through that before?

(Luke) I have …

(Fred) And … you still carry onward?

(Luke) I don’t have a choice Fred, neither of us have.

(Fred) Do I … Do you still miss your mom?

(Luke) Yeah … all the time … but Fred.

Letting go of Fred, he took a couple of steps back. As he put his hand on Fred’s shoulder, they both saw each other in their own reflected eyes.

(Luke) Live. For Gemma.

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