Burning Ashes

v2 Chapter 69 - : Scary Oscar

“Oscar, go up.” Shire ordered, his voice cold.

The face of Chu city does not change color, and his team is behind him, everyone is silent, like the light on Rusher.

Oscar’s deep voice came from the helmet like a dull thunder. Chu Cheng saw that the metal staircase was bent by his foot, Oscar’s figure disappeared, and on the deck came the sharp sound of a sea monster.

“They are mammals.” Chu Cheng arrived at the people behind him.

Shire did not understand, but did not ask.

Thinking about Wang Qinglong, Galactic research on Gaia is being carried out every day. But the part involving the sea did not invest too much money. Everyone stared at the Pantheon, at the most terrifying power in the world.

But after all, it is a comprehensive study, and marine life is still captured and classified.

There is not much difference between and the earth, but there are many marine warcraft on the Gaia system. According to the principle, the intelligence of mammals in the ocean is quite high. However, a large and complex society has not been formed.

The scene before is different.

These sea monsters can make armor, the social system will not be too small, and there will be millions of ethnic groups. Considering that Gaia ’s oceans are much larger than the earth, millions of people are just the bottom line of speculation. But after so many years, the ancient gods have fallen, and they have not seen any national civilization in the sea of ​​Gaia.

Powerful Warcraft is quite a lot, some even exceed the seventh order, eighth order, ninth order.

But they did not challenge the gods, the storm master can still open a route at sea and own the site. What if a new **** is born in the ocean? At least these wisdom sea monsters, if the ethnic group is large enough, can make the gods in the ocean have powerful divine power.

Wang Qinglong understands that Chu Cheng told him this because intelligence can sell money.

And about the ocean part, you can sell high prices.

Oscar carrying a spear, rushed to the deck, and faced a sea monster more than three meters high, he launched the charge without hesitation. No matter how big the magic ship is, it’s no match for ships on earth. He didn’t summon mounts.

The iron bar of the sea monster swept across, the air buzzed, and Oscar did not change his posture, allowing the iron bar to hit him on the shoulder. On Oscar’s shoulders, bronze-colored metal cast two runes. When the iron bar hit, he was bounced.

Oscar’s spear sprang up and penetrated the sea monster’s armor.

The sea monster was full of blood, and the position of the heart was long heard by him in the ear. The spear pierced the center of the heart. Feeling that the spear was stuck by the armor, Oscar burst into anger, and the other two arms of the sea monster softened, failing to attack Oscar’s head.

“Go back to rest.” Oscar tackled the enemy with a spear. In the dark, another sea monster pounced out. This sea monster is only two meters. The lower body is like an octopus-like tentacle, but the face is more like a human.

Its waist is surrounded by iron armor, it is very rough, and it does not know what to help.

The sea monster held a steel fork and rushed towards Oscar. The two tentacles in the lower body rolled silently.


Oscar roared, the steel boots slammed out, an earthquake broke out on the deck, and the remaining six legs of the sea monster couldn’t stand, dumping to the right.

Rush into the jab!

Oscar’s body is like a phantom, and a layered afterimage is taken off behind him, and a spear penetrates the sea monster’s head.

Third-order knight, the power of the master, hurts horror.

And each skill, he did not fully expand, on the narrow deck, exerted artistic control. It looks fierce and Oscar is actually saving energy.

“I can break through the defense.” In the palace of the dead, Chu Xiang quietly approached Chu Cheng.

Chucheng didn’t reply, he lost the landing panel, but the four-dimensional panel was saved by him in the book of ashes. Both he and Chuxiang can also use this thing to store life crystals and gain experience points.

This was what he tried later, and it can only be said that he was lucky.

“It’s fierce!” Wang Qinglong lamented the power of Oscar behind Chu Cheng. He now feels that he can’t hold back this guy. And Shire can confuse Oscar, it is not easy to hold her back, or even die. If the dragon vein warrior has enough blood power to open, the combat power is hundreds of times that of the so-called demon warriors.

Because the Dragon Warlock has no shortcomings, if there are a few helpers around him, his current skills are basically the same as Shire.

“Lao Wang, I think our team should have a Taoist.”

Wang Qinglong shuddered and asked humbly, “Why?”

“Look at others, the boss is in the back, and there is a knight charge in the front. What about our team? The boss wants to rush to the front line, do you wave the flag behind and shout?”

Wang Qinglong breathed a sigh of relief and thought what the boss would do was Lagerstroemia.

My sister is a Taoist priest. If you say a word, you can come. But whether this team can develop depends on whether the ruins that the boss said can be done.

If it can be done, a large amount of gold will be accounted for, and it will be no problem to construct a noble identity.

Noble identity is very important and can be recognized by Gaia deities. The Gaia deities are experienced, blending with other worlds, how to deal with the intelligent life of other worlds at first, people are not earth buns.

With the status of nobility, he changed his skin.

The gods will not stare at everyone. After you put on a layer of skin, the gods will not treat you as an alien in the kingdom of God. Not only the issue of trade share, but also the communication issue of the **** of contract.

Second World, the contract is not settled. If the boss can handle it, then he can have a stable team.

There are a lot of secrets in the boss, he does not want to explore, but he will not pit sister.

The secret cannot be transformed into power, it will be a giant pit.

Chu Cheng continued: “This scene may have a lot in the future, we don’t have knights, but also want to get an oriental heavy soldier, right?”

Wang Qinglong simply did not answer the call. He did not believe in Chucheng and did not know how good the Eastern Heavy Armor profession was. Become a general, you can have a tiger symbol, and the power is all over the world. Becoming a ambassador can open a government and build a government, which is equivalent to a small court.

Even if it is a general, it can hold the festival, you can privately recruit teeth soldiers.

It was like this in ancient times, but in the second world, it was another scene.

You can summon an army by using the Tiger Rune. You can save a party by using a letter. Even if you are just holding a festival, it will not be a problem to summon hundreds of fierce teeth.

The general himself is a stronger profession than knight, plus the summoning skills, in addition to keeping expensive, there is no disadvantage.

Wang Qinglong did not understand why Chucheng felt that he could get out of this disaster?

He didn’t know that Chucheng had already begun to transfer materials. The important things were all placed in the core building of Baigui Nightwalking Clothes, where he merged and transformed the login interface to isolate the inside and outside. Both Chu Xiang and Fei Kang moved in. In this way, when burning the tears of the seventh-order dawn, it would not be possible to pit the two undead.

Can resurrect himself, Chu Xiang is still there, summoning the ghost ship, after all, there is still a ray of life.

Wang Qinglong may have a way to live and change the landing location, it was decided by his origin. Bai Yexing may die, which makes Chucheng uncomfortable.

Bang Bang Bang Bang …

Xiaer’s expression leaned preferentially on the stairs, his body radiating magic. The light penetrated through the door, and there was only a few meters of light on the deck.

Oscar rushed left and right in the light of these few meters, and the iron-gray knight armor gradually became the bronze of the two runes on the shoulders.


An iron bar swept over, Oscar kept shining, and a spear pierced into the sea monster’s eyes, the spear trembling, and instantly disturbed the sea monster’s brain. His armor was struck by the iron rod and split open directly.

The crack spread from the front chest to the back. Chucheng leaned in front and saw it in the faint light, and said to Shire: “Will I help you?”

“He’s a real knight.” Shire is quiet and authentic, at this moment, she looks like a little girl infatuated.

Chucheng stopped talking, he saw that the crack started only one, and soon spread throughout Oscar’s body, a golden radiance penetrated into the crack like flowing water.

“Just warm up, my knight.” Shire’s gaze brought a little obsession. Even if Oscar fought against her, her expression was impeccable.

The Oscar bronze armor is as if covered with golden magic patterns, and at the same time, the metal spikes spread out at each joint and protruding part.

Everyone ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ can hear Oscar breathing, like a giant ’s bellows.

And Oscar’s deep voice in the helmet is also clearly recognizable.

“I will maintain humility, honesty, mercy, justice, courage, sacrifice, honor. I will guard my goddess Shire with my spear and ward off evil. I will guard my heart with my sword and never betray … “

Chucheng was awe-inspiring, as Oscar’s voice echoed, his power exploded above the spear, and its speed almost doubled. The spear, which was originally carrying a residual image, is now difficult to capture the trajectory.

As a Necromancer, the former Juggernaut of Light, he was still in the oath of Oscar and heard something terrible.

Oscar did not say the soul in the virtue of the knight.

Soul can also be said to be spiritual and spiritual, representing respect for God. Oscar must have had faith before, until she met Shire.

Shire became his goddess and he betrayed his own god.

Dark knight, evil dragon.

Is really an epic legend …

Shelby imagined it was difficult to deal with, and with the terrifying third-order knight Oscar, it can really cause damage to yourself. The radiant armor, the spear with a cold front like electricity, and the dreaded bloodline spell of the dragon warlock.

If she would release Long Wei, even if she made a one-hundred-second pause, Oscar could create a lore.

Oscar is a church name …

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