Burning Ashes

Chapter 61 - : On board

Chucheng made origami horses on the only table in the cabin. He had already folded two, one for Wang Qinglong and one for Bai Yexing. This is for Green. The material is of course Green. It happens that Green has rune paper for practice. This kind of paper is full size, and it can’t make real runes, nor can the scrolls be good enough.

Green looked at him eagerly. After Chucheng folded the paper horse, he couldn’t wait to pick it up and sense it mentally.

“It’s really interesting, is this your outland gear?”

“One-time, nor the thing used by Necromancer, after activation, it can run for more than a hundred miles, much faster than ordinary horses.”

“Unfortunately it’s not cheap, I can’t use it to hurry.” Green sighed.

Practice paper is also quite expensive. He took out three sheets and couldn’t say he was not distressed. But in theory, he got a one-time equipment worth more than three practice sheets.

“Yellow paper is not cheap, it is ten times the price of this paper, but it is durable and can be used repeatedly.”

Wang Qinglong has also studied almost, and asked: “This thing, can it be urged with physical strength?”

“It’s better to use two legs.” Green carefully put away the paper horse. He knew very well that if it was driven by magic, it would be very expensive. If you use physical drive, I am afraid it will be drained soon. There is something in common between the Necromancer and Ghost Repair. Green’s professional knowledge is solid, and it can be seen at a glance that the driving method of the paper horse is very limited.

“That would be even worse if it was inlaid with magic crystals?” Wang Qinglong didn’t give up.

“There will be better mounts in the future, this material will definitely not work, can’t afford the power of magic spar.”

Wang Qinglong was also not discouraged. He nodded, put away the paper horse, and said, “There is still a long distance from the Hessen Islands. These days we hurry up and train to cooperate. Mainly Green, you know that we come from outside, There will be different fighting habits and styles. “

“I’ll try.”

“Then let me talk about my purpose first.” Chu Cheng said, grabbed a handful of bone meal, and sprinkled it into the air, a smell of paper burning appeared in the entire cabin, and there were stars in the air. Flare floating. This will not isolate the detection of outsiders, but at least it can serve as a warning.

Chucheng will not trust the reputation of nobility. There are a lot of gold jewels in the ruins he said, and the Duke will be tempted to hear it. He intended to use this money to buy a knighthood. If you miss this relic, a similar relic will have to go to the northern end of the continent of the gods, and it will take too much time.

“First of all, this adventure, I will distribute wealth, you may have nothing to gain.” Chu Cheng must say the ugly words in front, do not want to leave a thorn in anyone’s heart.

Most of the adventure groups fell apart because they did not allocate benefits.

“I only hope the boss can guarantee my practice speed.” Wang Qinglong said.

“Help me update the equipment this time.” Bai Yexing quickly asked, not because of anything else, the equipment on hand was not good, and his combat effectiveness was severely restricted. If he has blue equipment, he can at least assume the responsibility of the thief.

“I hope to learn from you.” Green said to Chu Cheng.

“Yes. Wang Qinglong is the captain and also responsible for the team’s warehouse. When I’m away, the captain needs to do all the logistics, right?”

“My space equipment is not that big.”

Chu Cheng lost a space bracelet directly, which was left after he killed the young necromancer, he was not dealing with it at the time, the young necromancer was actually killed, and his equipment will not return to the landing interface. . And he broke the bracelet.

But the red equipment, the size of the space is still there, but it is impossible to upgrade.

Wang Qinglong put on the bracelet calmly and checked it. It contained the food and water he bought, and then some low-level potions and whiteboard weapons. In addition, there are some gold grains, silver nuggets, and copper coins that can be used on all continents of Gaia.

There are many things, even if the level is not high, they add up to a fortune.

“It won’t take long for the offline to become troublesome.” Wang Qinglong said to Chucheng Road.

“I know, the process has accelerated.” Chu Cheng was a little upset. Now he cannot get off the line, Wang Qinglong is his source of intelligence. This process in the last life was very slow, because the joint conquest was never prepared. There is a huge flaw in the creation of gods by technological means, which is the lack of samples.

The Sun King has the blood of the gods, and the level is high enough, even killing the twenty-four angels.

This sample is enough for scientists in the administrative region of China to quickly break through.

The two worlds collide and merge, and the laws of science and technology are suppressed. Sooner or later, most of the technology on earth will fail during the fusion of the two worlds.

After calming down, Chu Cheng continued: “I know a ruin, underwater. The surface of the ruins has been explored. Over the years, countless adventure groups have cleaned up cleanly. But no one has entered the next level, I The goal is there, the four of us get the monsters in the ruins. “

“Is it an independent space?” Green was surprised.

“Yes, I ca n’t draw a map, the geological changes, the map will not be too accurate. In the Hessen Islands, I first buy a small boat, transform it into an undead ship, and then match a dozen skeleton sailors, we can get high speed Mobility. Externally, our goal is to look for mermaids over there. “

“How dangerous?” Bai Yexing asked.

“The risk is there, but the monster inside should not exceed level four.” Chu Cheng replied according to his memory that this would not be wrong. There are relics of legendary monsters. As long as they appear, the Temple of Light will be recorded.

The four-person adventure group conspired in the cabin, the captain’s room of the Sunflower …

Master Captain leaned on his large and comfortable chair and listened to the first officer’s report. The captain was tall and strong, his skin was tanned in fried wheat color, and his dark brown curly hair was not too long, and was cut off behind his neck. His right eye was covered with a black blindfold embroidered with gorgeous magic patterns. The beard is short and retouched. There is a thick cigar in his mouth, and two feet stand on the table, spitting mist.

“That’s it.” The first officer closed his diary and said, “Except for the adventure group stuffed into the Temple of Storms, the rest is not a big problem. I have verified that everyone is a familiar team.”

Is different from the captain’s bold style. The first officer is gentle and gentle, wearing leather work clothes, and a pen is inserted in the chest.

“Ma De, I miss the chick of the Seagull Hotel a little bit.” The captain spit out a circle and said leisurely.

“Master Captain is old and strong.” First Officer Ma De stood straight.

“Ah, my gun is going to rust.”

Ma De tried to be as calm as possible, looking at the bookshelf behind the captain’s eyes, hoping that there would be no third-rate novelists in it. It would be embarrassing if a shelf of yellow books were on it.

“You said, what is good for them? Will perfume like it?”

“They only like money.” Made wanted to remind the captain.

“People also talk about feelings. Let me give you some extra gifts, which can unlock many poses.” The legendary captain’s words made Ma De depressed.

“It’s the same with adding money.” Ma De worked very hard, and the consequences were not very good. .

The captain lowered his leg from the table and waved to Madel. “No, no, adding money is a broken rule. What should you do if you can’t afford it? If I pay two gold coins, someone else pays a gold coin. When the girl is in a bad mood, the technology will be reduced, the guests will be angry, they will not go when they are angry, and they will close when they do n’t go. Then when I come back next time, I find that the Seagull Hotel is gone It hurts everyone! “

Ma De found that the captain’s logic was smooth, he was speechless.

“Ah, Ma De, you are all good, just too serious. This time I will take you to go shopping and open up a whole new world in your life! By the way, have you been with me for several years?”

“Four years, sir.”

“Four years, four years, you have not stepped into the Seagull Hotel, you tell me, do you like men!”

Ma De looked serious and shook his head.

The captain discouraged: “You look like this, I’m afraid others will doubt our relationship.”

Ma De covered his mouth and coughed.

“You go to arrange, post a task, let all adventure groups help find the remains.” The captain suddenly got serious, and Madele breathed a sigh of relief.

“Or is it a treasure thing?”

“This time it’s interesting, the release task is mainly a routine business ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ lest people in the Hessen Islands be chaotic.”

“What if those private adventure groups really found it?” Mader was worried.

“So let you go to publish the mission, they can get rewards, but they are not allowed to hide the benefits. Besides, the map is here with me. Even if they find something, they will follow up with some soup. The Sunflower family is not so mean.”

“These people were sent by the Temple of Storm.” Ma De reminded the captain.

The captain groaned a bit and said to Made: “I know, you go do things, and yes, get Anne and Bryan.”

First Officer Ma De paid a salute and exited the room. He made a special detour and passed the front door of Chucheng ’s cabin. He stopped and watched for a while before leaving.

It’s not easy to deal with the temple. I knew that I had this task, so I wouldn’t arrange them on board.

Alien adventurers are sheltered by the temple, which is not a good thing.

Those outsiders still have a means of resurrection. They are not legendary shots. They simply do not know to be afraid. Fortunately, there was a captain sitting in town, otherwise something really happened, it would be impossible to end.

The name of the flame gun king Myers, should they be able to scare them?

Chu Cheng looked at the hatch until the first officer, Ma De, left.

What does this mean, threaten yourself? The Sunflower family is really extravagant. The captain is a legend, and the first officer is a fourth-order grandmaster. Coupled with the two Grandmasters of the Sunflower Family Adventure Group, this ship is no problem against two legendary enemies. But I was completely bored in the cabin all the way, not going anywhere except to go to the toilet.

Could it be that the Sunflower family has any big moves, worrying about adding chaos to them?

After all, he was arranged on the ship by the temple. For the noble forces, he was not willing to provoke people like himself.

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