
Chapter 29 Death

Chapter 29 Death
Jordan taunted Bai Jidong for a while, but Bai Jidong chose not to retaliate.

That's right, if he talks back, be prepared for a steady stream of trash talk during the rest of the break.As long as he doesn't fight back, Jordan will lose interest in him in a while and turn to find the next target.

Jackson's return made the lounge quiet for a while, and he emphasized Bai Jidong's performance in the first half.

Bai Jidong accepted his praise frankly, and Jackson's praise cheered Bai Jidong up from Jordan's trash talk.At least in the eyes of the coach, his performance is okay, not as unsightly as Jordan said.

In other words, if one day Jordan can't find fault with you, it means that you are really playing well.

Chen Qi nervously waited outside the locker room.He is just Bai Jidong's accompanying reporter, and he is not qualified to enter the lounge.He was curious to know how the Bulls adjusted at halftime.

Taking advantage of this time, Chen Qi sorted out the materials in his hand.Tonight's game means a lot.

This is Bai Jidong's longest game so far.In Chen Qi's plan, this match will occupy a certain amount of space in Bai Jidong's autobiography.

"Chen, why are you here?" Karami Hoss walked by and found Chen Qi.

Chen Qi smiled and said, "I can't enter the lounge yet." "Don't mind, Phil just doesn't know you well." Hoss said.

Chen Qi shook his head and said: "No, I know the rules. I believe that I can go in and out of the lounge like you in the future, but not now. I completely understand this."

After exchanging pleasantries with Chen Qi, Hoss entered the waiting room to inform Jackson that the intermission was about to end.Jackson called the crowd to stand up and shouted slogans to boost their spirits, and more than a dozen people walked out of the locker room at the same time.

Bai Jidong continued to stay on the field.In the first round, Avery Johnson used a pick-and-roll.He quickly regretted his pick-and-roll picks.

Because it was none other than Jordan who switched defenses in front of him.

Jordan opened his hands, and his center of gravity was lower than that of Johnson. His murderous eyes stared straight at Johnson: "Dwarf! Come here if you have the ability!"

Johnson tried to do a change of direction to shake Jordan.It's useless.

Jordan's center of gravity is as stable as Mount Tai, and his few moves in front of Jordan are tantamount to juggling and have no effect.

Johnson had to plug the ball to Elliott who was cutting.Elliott made a throw near the paint and was blocked by Pippen.

The ball was picked up by Langley, and Bai Jidong appeared on the spot to catch the rebound.

"How many rebounds did he have?" Manoski asked the team statistician.One person replied: "So far, he has grabbed 4 rebounds. His position is very outside, and the number of rebounds is very good." "Interesting." Manoski said with a smile.

Bai Jidong was once again in the same district as Jordan.Jordan is stuck in the low post, and he waits for the ball on the outside.Bai Jidong doesn't like to stay in the same area with Jordan.Because once he makes a mistake, Jordan will see it clearly.

Jordan got stuck in the low position.Pippen's ball quickly passed into Bai Weidong's hand.Relying on his height, Bai Jidong was not afraid of Johnson stealing the ball, so he threw the ball in high.

Jordan catches the ball, feeling uncomfortable, and throws the ball back to Bai Jidong's hands.Then, he squeezed hard, leaning against the person firmly.

It's this set again!
The moment Bai Weidong received the ball, he passed it back to Jordan.Spurs backup guard Doc Rivers gets kicked out of the way by Jordan.He didn't want to just let Jordan score, so he stretched out his hand, so he fouled.Jordan made the ball after he fouled.

Jordan chewed his gum, without even looking at the defender, he gave Bai Jidong a high-five.Bai Jidong didn't say anything, Jordan's shot added another assist to his statistics.

"The bald man is amazing!" Bai Jidong didn't have a good relationship with Jordan, but he was often shocked by Jordan's performance.In just a few games, Bai Jidong has developed mixed feelings of dislike and admiration towards Jordan.

Soon, Johnson continued to use the pick-and-roll.This time it was Pippen's turn to him.Johnson suddenly accelerated and entered the paint to score a throw.

Pippen snorted, quickly went out of bounds, picked up the ball and threw it forward hard.

"Bulls attack! Scott Pippen passes the ball to Bye!" the commentator yelled.

Bai Jidong received a long pass at the LOGO and accelerated to overtake Elliott who was almost catching up with him.Take a big step, step on the free throw line, collect the ball and take another step.

Robinson appeared suddenly, his long arm fell from Bai Jidong's.

The referee didn't blow his whistle.Bai Weidong maintained a steady center of gravity, lifted the ball with his right hand and scored a layup.

Maybe it was because the referee turned a blind eye to the foul, maybe Robinson's foul couldn't stop him, maybe it was because of this wonderful layup that Bai Jidong excitedly shook his fist.

Qiao Dan raised his hand and walked towards Bai Jidong.

As soon as the two met, Bai Jidong retreated: "It's easy to say anything if you don't pat my ass." "China doesn't like to pat my ass?" Qiao Dan was a little surprised.

Bai Jidong told him solemnly: "I don't like people being afraid of my ass!" "Oh." Jordan imitated Bai Jidong's tone, as if giving up, and when he got close to Bai Jidong, he suddenly slapped him. on the ass.


"Fuck!" What else can Bai Jidong do besides being rude?

From the beginning of the third quarter, the Bulls' defense has improved a level compared with the first half.

The sudden increase in defensive intensity made the Spurs extremely uncomfortable.Their ball was in the hands of David Robinson.Robinson pretended to play a post-up single, but actually faced the basket for a jumper.Langley couldn't guard him and was shot.

"Luke, your position just now is really like a street girl in Perth." Jordan immediately let Langley feel his dissatisfaction.

Langley didn't say anything, and ran forward silently.

Pippen dribbles at the top of the arc.Jordan no longer sits still in one half.His range of movement covers half court.It's one of the ways he scores.Flexible movement allowed him to appear on the outside, and Pippen handed him the ball.

When Jordan saw the others pull away, he turned his back and bumped into Rivers from outside the three-point line.Rivers only felt the pressure was heavy, and the people in front of him made him unable to cope.Jordan's collision did not rely solely on brute force.He only uses enough force to knock opponents away each time.

Three times in a row, when Jordan was preparing for the fourth impact, Rivers had already decided to foul.

The impact that Rivers was looking forward to did not come, because after Jordan's body separated from him, he wiped away his body in one step and turned over to shoot a jumper.

"Shua!" The so-called explosion is nothing more than that.

Jordan's mouth is quiet, but expressive.He raised his eyebrows, and there was a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth that made people want to flatten him.It all goes to show how relaxed he is.

"There! Chicago's 'Doberman Defense'!" shouted the commentator.

The Bulls' outside line bit the Spurs' outside players as ferociously as a Doberman Pinscher.Johnson is always entangled by Bai Jidong, while the rest are eaten alive by Pippen and Jordan.These three can rotate multiple positions, no matter how it is called a pick-and-roll, they will encounter either Pippen or Jordan.

As soon as the intensity came up, it collapsed instantly.Johnson's pass was intercepted by Pipen, Bai Jidong saw the opportunity and wanted to break fast, Johnson made a foul to stop it.

Bob Hill thought they could make it through the third quarter, and he was wrong.The Bulls' defense in the third quarter surpassed this level in the regular season.

The defensive power of those three people is too amazing. Is this how powerful the Bulls are when Rodman and Hubble are absent?Hill didn't want to think about it, because it was scary and hopeless.

Jordan once again took over the Bulls' offense.Serving from the sideline, Jordan catches the ball and throws Rivers away with a float, breaks into the basket and takes off into the air.

Robinson's block was passed by him in a flash, the ball from his right hand was handed over to his left hand, and he picked the basket to score.

As a result, the difference expanded to double digits.

The scene gradually became quiet.The third quarter was bloody and cruel, and the Spurs were about to become the ninth corpse in the third quarter of death.

(End of this chapter)

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