Buio Pichi

Chapter 9: Gold Badgers Guild

After his confrontation with guild master Dominaire, he had a very good gauge on just how much he could push the abilities of the flea beast bond. He couldn't quite achieve the same speed which someone who's abilities revolved around velocity could with it's pure capabilities but with enough refined mana usage and his near precognition like senses, it was possible to contend with them. That was one of the things on his list of short term goals.

Due to his exceptional performance despite placing a limit on the amount and type of abilities he used, Buio otherwise known as Purple Coat had been a hot pick among the guild masters and decided to join the Gold badgers guild. He was also accepted into the Elite Force, Tanoshi better known as Float, his trusted disciple was also a choice pick among the masters but chose to join him at the Gold Badgers guild of course. As for the other contestants he wasn't privy to their information, infact he only knew Float's information because she told him plus they would meet each other at the Gold Badgers headquarters either way.

The Guild's headquarters was located inside the walls of a waterfall with the falls covering it's entrance. Guild master Fukutsuno could contact one of the guild members who could manifest portals to transport them behind the waterfalls and directly into the headquarters, however Buio's apprentice had offered to create mana bubbles which they could use to float to their location. Fukutsuno was fascinated with the nature of her ability, so he accepted her offer and guided her along.

While they floated several feet above water within the confines of the mana bubbles towards the guild's headquarters, Fukutsuno engaged in conversation with them. "So Float seeing as you are Purple Coat's apprentice, can i take it that you are as adept as he is or somewhat relative in mana manipulation?" She nodded in agreement then decided to elaborate on the matter: "Well, i'm not exactly relative to him in that regard but very well versed." The guild master smiled and looked forward with a distant expression. "It was quite something watching your permaclone defeat both Fade and his permaclone so thoroughly and within such a short period of time. You didn't just stop there either going on to make Stream turn tail and flee. Now that was amusing to watch." Fukutsuno finished, sounding like a proud father.

"Why thank you guild master, it was quite the exhilarating experience fighting against someone with a superior ability to that of my own, it always is." He glanced at her for a brief moment then asked: "What was it that you attacked her with when you trapped her in that mana bubble by the way?"

Tanoshi raised a hand and there was a distruption in the atmospheric mana so small that it was almost imperceptible, hovering above one of her fingers was a bubble so small that one would be unable to see it without prior knowledge of it's existence. She gave this bubble to Fukutsuno who took it... holding the miniscule bubble between a finger and a thumb so gently that one would find it almost comical, as he would look like a mime pretending to hold something. Then said: "That small amount won't harm you."

The guild master then brought it closer to himself and popped it. As he did so a slight look of discomfort appeared on his face. "Hm, so a vast amount of this substance being inhaled or taken into the human body would cause similar effects multiplied many fold huh... i see."

By this point in their conversation, they had finally reached the water gushing down the falls and were about to go through it. "As for you young man, your performance was simply breathtaking. Do you have any idea how fast you have to be to keep up with that cocky bastard? Well i guess you do, how did you achieve such a feet?" He said addressing Buio. "Well most of you must have already figured out that my other ability i used was similar to that of Death Web and already surmised that i had some type of spider beast bond. If you did your assumptions were correct. As for my speed i was using the beast bond ability of a flea." In truth Buio had been using more than one beast bond to amplify his speed, instead of utilizing pure mana manipulation in tandem with it. But it was best not to reveal all your secrets to anyone.

Just then, they arrived at an entrance which was carved or created by some other means out of the cliffside and landed there as Aizuru dismissed her mana bubbles. The inside of that archway however, was completely composed of diamond. Contrary to what one would expect the interior was smooth and close to flawless as one could get as far as the eye could see. Purple Coat couldn't see all of this beauty while they traversed the diamond inlaid tunnel, however he knew what a smooth structure or surface felt like and ran his hand along the tunnel walls as his beast bond communicated the nature of his surroundings to him telepathically.

They eventually ended up before a mirror at which point the Guild master stopped them. Apparently they had to contact one of the guild members to gain access through the mirror or something. But a moment later the image of a young man with ghost white hair addressed them upon appearing like a reflection in the mirror: "Welcome back Guild master Fukuts..." the young man paused as if momentarily distracted by something. "Oh these two must be the famous mages we've heard about, Purple Coat and Float was it? I can't exactly see how beautiful you are seeing as you're wearing a mask and all that, but my my the rumours never properly described how volup..." he stopped abrutly again as if someone had covered his mouth.

"I mean nice to meet you both, welcome to our humble abode. Well considering it's a diamond fortress, it's not really humble is it. Welcome to the Gold Badgers guild headquarters. Step on through, don't worry you won't smack your faces against the glass, i can allow others to traverse vast or short distances via the use of mirrors and other reflective surfaces."

'Hm, nice ability. I bet that's not all there is to it tho.' Buio thought wistfully.

Upon stepping through on the other side of the mirror, they entered a very spacious area with a roof tall enough to accommodate a giant. Buio could detect the many different partitions and inanimate objects spread here and there obstructing the flow of the atmospheric mana. His beast bond explained away describing the colors and other things which he could not make out using pure mana sensing. He already knew what this place was like in detail and as far as his imagination could take him because he had an inside man, well somewhat.

The white haired young man who came across as friendly and sociable met them immediately: "Sorry i forgot to introduce myself to you guys, my name is Garasu and it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. The other guild members currently present at the headquarters will meet you soon."

Buio could sense that there were three other beings present in the hideout aside from the three which stood in his immediate vicinity. There were two approaching and one was seated in a meditative state based on the shape of the atmospheric mana being displaced around them. While they stood awaiting the approach of their senior guild members, one presence stopped in it's tracks. A female, he guessed from the outline of their body. There was another telepathic relay of information once more informing him as to who were the guild members currently present, hidden beneath the mask a geniune smile slowly appeared on Buio's face.

As if on que a humanoid figure which had become disfigured arrived before him after making one unnecessarily elongated step, a vine like appendage grasped his left hand and shook it while a similar vine pressed a bouquet of flowers into his right hand. Fukutsuno chuckled then said: "These two would be Gomu and Hanabira, forgive their behaviour... one finds you intriguing purely because of how formidable the rumors portray you despite the fact that you're visually impaired. The other simply adores particularly powerful men in general."

Just then the third being arrived not physically in the room but via opening a dark portal the size of a human of average height, through the portal the figure clad in a full burgundy sweat suit and red sneakers with a design akin to that of dragon scales could be seen still seated on a bed. This being which seemed like an ordinary human teen, extended a hand as the two females stepped aside making way for him, the young male took Buio's hand and shook it. Then Fukutsuno announced: "this is the final guild member currently present at the base today, a young man of exceptional talent akin to yourself in certain ways... he doesn't speak much this is Kokyu Ryu." He finished with pride radiating in his tone.

Buio Pichi smirked beneath his mask, Fukutsuno had no idea just how right he was.

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