Building Harem And Dungeon With Monster Girls

Chapter 116: 116: Pain

The blow struck.

Pain burst through me. My armor crumpled more. The next hit would break my ribs. I had to act. A spell popped into my mind as he drew back for the next crushing blow that would end my life. End all my women's life.

Garnet and Lana Fulmine flashed before my eyes at that moment. Then the will o' wisps and wildhounds. Usiku. Halia.

"Darkness hides and shadows conceal, let the curse of Lord Zuen fall!"

My spell struck Jindag. Patches of darkness covered his eyes. He gasped and staggered back. He shook his head, the world suddenly stolen from him. He stumbled to his right as I groaned and staggered to my feet.

"What did you do to me?" Jindag snarled. He turned. "Where are you? Coward! Face me! Your mother is a whore! A fucking whore, coward!"

I picked up my spear. It made a steely rasp against the stones. He whirled to face me. I felt his rage slam into me in that moment. He boiled with rage over his need to tear into me. To rip me apart. I didn't care. He couldn't see me. I would--

"Water's crushing weight surround, feel the grasp of Lord Enki squeeze!" he cried out.

I started to chant, "Spark of lightning, crackle of electricity--"

Water engulfed me a second time. It squeezed about me, holding me in the center. This time, I didn't have Static Aura going. It pressed down at me. I had to finish him off. I opened my mouth to chant the spell, but the water poured in past my lips.

It choked me, keeping me from speaking the words underwater. My limbs thrashed. I fought to escape. I could see the rippling surface all around me. It was just out of reach. I kicked my legs hard, fighting against the pressure.

It held me tight. A grasp that I would not escape from.

Fury screamed out of me. I didn't want to die like this. Drowned. My lungs burned. Spots of darkness dotted my vision. The edges fuzzed as the black swallowed it. I had to breathe. Needed to breathe.

Couldn't breathe.


"Oh, yes, yes, you're going to squeal on his cock," the rakshasa cooed. "It won't be long now. Look, he's engulfed."

Lana Fulmine gasped at the sight of Leo trapped in a ball of water. Fear for her number one fan rippled through her. She had to save him. Protect him. Lightning crackled over her wings. They bristled with power.

The rakshasa hissed and leaped back in time for the blast of electricity to miss the feline monster girl. It struck a patch of vines on the ceiling. They burst into sizzling flames. They devoured along them. Ash rained down, but Lana ignored them.

"You bitch!" hissed the rakshasa.

Lana rose and gathered more of her lightning. But she didn't aim her attack at the feline monster girl. She focused on the man she loved, drowning in a sphere of water. It was a ball of rippling liquid eight or so feet across. He was just out of reach of the edge.

The rakshasa slammed into Lana from behind. Furry arms reached around her and claws raked across her belly. Pain flared, but she didn't care. She focused her all on the attack. She unleashed her passion. It arched out from her, crackling with her love.

"Leo!" she screamed.


I drowned. I was dead. I had failed my monster girls. Failed Souleen. I had agreed to protect her and now I would drown in a ball of water. My vision had almost been swallowed by the darkness. My hand relaxed on my spear.

The water sizzled.

Current burst through it. I felt it dancing around me. Every hair on my body stood up. My limbs spasmed. The watery grip holding me tight relaxed. I gasped as the water flowed around me. I struck the floor, landing on my knees. Water gushed out in every direction and then vanished, the spell disrupted.

"Leo!" Lana cried out.

I glanced at her. The rakshasa's claws raked up my movie starlet's torso, leaving bloody wounds behind. My heart lurched as they reached up her chest for her neck. The rakshasa ripped out Lana Fulmine's throat. Blood spurted.

She smiled at me, her blue eye shining with joy.

Then she vanished, her body destroyed. The rakshasa focused on me. She snarled and lunged in at me, fury in her face. Her tail swiped behind her. I coughed, struggling to regain my breath, dizzy from my near drowning.

The feline monster girl leaped.


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