Broly In Naruto

Uncontrolled Rage & Cooldown Time

  While the impending rock was coming toward Broly, the two sword welders jumped towards Broly's back while he was still falling down and aimed their swords towards his exposed back.

"HAHAHAHA NOW THIS IS A FIGHT!" Broly laughed manically while smashing the rock towards the purple haired katana welder and then diving foot first towards the girl.

'He couldn't be planning on taking a sword through the chest just to get to me could he? He's not that crazy is he?' She looked at his face and saw a smile that said he's planning to cause as much pain as possible to her.

  She quickly shifts to a defensive position while in the air to tank the kick with her blade.

  The large boy was helping the purple haired boy by taking the rock off of his chest. He noticed that he fainted and scowled deeply. He looked up and noticed Broly and the girl were about to clash foot to sword in the air.

  He took off as fast as he could while weaving through hand signs.

"Earth Style: Earth Flow Wave!" Suddenly a wave of earth appeared under the large boy and sped him up towards Broly and his partner.

  He realized he wouldn't be able to make it in time to stop the clash, so he went through some more hand signs and yelled, "Earth Style: Stone Pistol Jutsu!" and shot it towards his partner!

  Broly and the girl clashed and her tanto was broken on contact with Broly's foot. Broly's foot was continuing to crash towards her stomach but suddenly the girl was knocked out of the way by a bowling ball sized rock crashing into her arm and the side of her ribs. Broly continued to dive towards the ground without a target to smash into now.

*BOOOM* A large cloud of dust rose as he landed.

  The large boy holding the purple haired katana welder and the girl reconvened and looked at each other and then looked at Broly.

"He's a monster…." The girl says frightened.

The boy's face behind the mask turned grim.

"We have to retreat. This mission is a failure. Let's go." They took off leaving behind the civilian man with his legs and wrist broken.


  If the previous noise didn't alert the surroundings of anything was going on this shout certainly did because as soon as the shout finished 3 Anbu came and surrounded Broly.

"Aomatsuna. Let's calm down and talk about what is going on." The dog masked Anbu man said.

"Are you my appetizer? Those 3 weaklings didn't even satisfy me as a drink." The green aura surrounding Broly grew even denser.

  The three Anbu looked at each other with increasing worry. They didn't want to take down the boy forcefully because these three have been watching the boy since he grew up.

  Broly barely took notice of this as he charged the one he sensed as the strongest. The dog masked man. Broly swung towards the dog mask guy with a grin. Dog masked ninja deflected the young saiyan's blow towards the ground making him miss and crack the ground slightly. Broly swung upward with his other fist and Kakashi grabbed his arm and pushed him to the ground while holding both of his arms behind his back.

"FIGHT ME COWARDS! GIVE ME A BATTLE THAT MAKES MY BLOOD BOIL!" Kakashi sighed and took out his kunai and used the butt of it to smash it against Broly's head. Knocking him out and dispersing the green aura surrounding him.

"Well that was… something." The cat masked Anbu said.

"Well we definitely have to take him, that passed out guy with a couple broken limbs, and report this to the Hokage immediately." The boar masked Anbu said.

"Let's go." Kakashi slung Broly over his shoulder and they body flickered away towards the Hokage Tower.


"I see.. Although he was attacked first, I know he could've easily run away from the civilian." Hiruzen looked at the past out child with a sad smile.

"It appears that the name of the man is Mukai Tadamichi. He has no family. No job. No real relations with anyone around him except those at a pub he frequently visits, and even those aren't much."

"He couldn't have wanted to attack Aomatsuna-kun for no reason. Someone either offered him something for this or forced him too. Aomatsuna-kun isn't like Naruto where people place their misplaced hatred on an innocent child. He hasn't killed anyone."

  Hiruzen's face turns dark as he thought about the fate of the two boys. While the hokage is pondering about this, Broly slowly wakes up. He looked around and noticed the Hokage and the dog masked man.

"Old Man I've failed my side of the deal. I'll wait the three years to enroll in the Academy." Broly says with a strange calmness.

"Very well Aomatsuna-kun. I need to ask you about what happened to you."

"Go on ask away." Broly says in an unrespecting tone.

"Can you tell me of everything that happened to you?" Broly looks at the dog mask wearing man with a certain glean in his eyes but then looks back at the hokage and nods.


"It sounds like Danzo is still running Root behind your back Hokage-sama. We don't use faceless anbu mask anymore." Kakashi says slightly upset. The hokage's face turns sour.

"It looks like I need to have a word with Danzo about doing things behind the Hokage's back."

"Hokage-sama won't Danzo just deny any involvement in this situation? We will need to gain evidence in order to go against him. With the civilian council being against Aomatsuna due to his behavior and unknown lineage, I don't think we should make our move right now."

"Yes. You're right Inu-san. That doesn't mean i still can't threaten him." Hiruzen takes out his pipe and lights it before breathing in deeply and breathing out the smoke.

"Alright, Inu-san you're dismissed." Kakashi disappeared but this time without the leaves.

"What did you want to talk about old man?" Broly asked

"Why do you have a craving for fighting?" Hiruzen asks with a rare but serious face.

"It's in my blood. My "Kekkei Genkai" drives me towards fighting." Broly answered

"Is it a feeling you get? Or is it like a voice telling you to fight?"

"There is only my voice. No one will control me. I like to fight old man and I will continue to fight till my dying breathe or I run out of people to fight." Broly answered with the calmness that doesn't seem like that of one of a 5-year-old.

"I see. Well Aomatsuna-kun please try to avoid fighting as much as you can till you are a genin. And by this I mean against people who are weaker than you physically. If you can't do that then reduce the damage you cause them. I can't protect you forever Aomatsuna-kun. If you keep injuring civilians the Civilian Council will force me to do something I'd really rather not do. I don't know how much you're able to control yourself before you have this craving for a fight, but if it ever gets to where you need to fight or you're going to go crazy. Come to me. Or Inu-san. I like you boy. It crushes me to have to restrict your nature, but it would crush me even more if I had to treat you like some sort of animal by the council. You're dismissed."

  Broly walked towards the door but then turned back and said,

"I may not like this, but you have my thanks old man. For treating me like I matter and not forcing anything upon me. Goodbye."

  Broly walked out the door and heads towards the orphanage while deep in thought.

"Three years is quite a while to train me and my slaves. And even then I have to wait 4 more years to become a genin and officially start my shinobi career. By then I will truly be able to embrace my Saiyan blood and genes. So, for now I will have to control myself and hone my body and mind. If I can't even wait how could I possible reach the peak as a Saiyan?" Broly reached the orphanage while he was thinking of all this and was greeted by his two 'friends' at the door.

"Welcome back Aomatsuna-kun. How was your day?" Esumi asked with a slight smile.

  Broly looked at both of his slaves.

"Tiring, I'm going to bed. Be prepared for training tomorrow." After Broly said this, both Esumi and Jabie shivered from remembering the pain they still felt from yesterday.

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