Broly In Naruto

Tricking the Shopkeeper!? More Training!?

As the four "demons" reached the shop they met with the shopkeeper from last time.

"Did the seals work or not brats? Did they have some sort of side-effect?" The shopkeeper asks rapidly.

"We'll talk Friday. For now we're here for other purposes. I need another Gravity Seal." Broly says.

"So it does work fine! Why would you want more if it caused some sort of damage or weird effect?!" The shopkeeper says in glee.

To this response Broly uncurls his tail he had hidden underneath his sash when he entered the shop and showed it to the excited man whose face quickly turned horrified and distraught. He drooped his head at the lost of money he could have made with the gravity seals. He took out a box filled with them and gave them to the boy.

Esumi, Jabie, and Naruto were chuckling softly in amusement at how Broly was taking advantage of this shopkeeper who hasn't done his research on one of the village demons. Broly took the box and walked out with his chuckling entourage behind him. Once they left the store entirely, Naruto busted out laughing while falling on his behind and pointing towards the shop. Esumi laughed while holding her stomach at the dumb shopkeeper. Broly ignored them and started walking towards their training ground. The three giggling children followed behind him while still laughing from time to time.

The four demons walked into the forest clearing that three of them are clearly very used to. They stood in a circle as Broly handed out gravity seals to Esumi, Jabie, and Naruto. Naruto saw Esumi place hers on her stomach underneath her shirt while Jabie placed his on his neck. Naruto tried to place his on his forehead but couldn't figure out how to make it stick.
"Surge your chakra through the seal to make it stick." Broly explained.

Naruto did as Broly said and yelled in surprise.

"Why the heck is it so hard to move around!?" Naruto questioned while trying to take the seal back off.

But the seal slowly sunk into his forehead as it did with Jabie's neck and Esumi's stomach. The only evidence that the seal was ever there was the kanji on his forehead that said Resistance.

"Uzumaki-san did you just place a seal on yourself without asking any sort of questions about what it could be or what it could possibly do?" Jabie asks quite shocked.

"Well I saw you guys doing it! And you're my friends, so why wouldn't I do what you do?" Naruto explained.

"I guess that makes sense in your own special way.." Esumi says almost as shocked as Jabie.

To this response, Naruto just smiled and nodded.

"Esumi, Jabie is the first level difficult?" Broly asks.

They shake their heads and Broly orders them to increase it two more times. Broly increased his to level 5 once he got used to level 3 from yesterday and felt like he was in a world of mud that he constantly has to move through. They did as Broly said and immediately felt off. Naruto tried to do the same as they did, but Broly grabbed his arm and just shook his head.

"You need to get used to level one first Naruto. Once you find you have no problem moving your body and chakra like you usually do then you can move on to the next level. These seals increase the amount of resistance your body faces, it also affects your chakra network system as well. It makes it harder to use your chakra like you're used to."

"I see.. So these seals make our body and chakra stronger and more resilient against change." Jabie explains. Broly just nods his head.

"And we just acquired a whole box full of these seals! If we ever reach the last level of one seal we can just slap on another seal to make us even stronger! We should have zero problems becoming the strongest shinobi in the world with these seals as long as we keep training like we usually do!" Esumi says in a rare show of excitement with her high-pitched voice.

"Let's get to training for today. No warm up today. We're only gonna have enough time for learning these techniques before it gets dark." Broly says as he takes out the 5 scrolls and passes them around.

"Choose which one you want to start with and switch once you get the hang of it. We'll continue practicing these until I say we stop." Broly grabs the scroll with the Body Replacement Technique on it, Naruto grabs the Transformation technique, Esumi grabs the Rope Escape Technique and the Cloak of Invisibility Technique, and Jabie grabs the Clone Jutsu technique.

The group began practicing the jutsus they grabbed and struggled quite a bit doing these very easy jutsus.

"Why is this so hard to do Aomatsuna?" Naruto asks as he created another misshapen version of their sensei.

"Because the resistance seals also affect your chakra network, making it harder to gather the right amount of chakra necessary for techniques. It's constantly working against you and its up to you defeat it and take control over your chakra." Broly explains.

"Hehe I'll teach my chakra to not listen to me! Believe it!" Naruto says confidently and continues to practice the Transformation technique.

Broly throws another log in the air and attempts to latch onto it with his chakra, but once again fails to keep it connected after he tries to switch with it.

"If touching it isn't enough I'll just have to wrap my chakra around it." Broly says to himself.

Esumi is unable to start her two techniques because she needs rope and some sort of cloak or clothe so she goes towards Broly and attempts the body replacement technique along with him after reading the scroll. She throws her sheath in the air and go through the necessary hand seals and finds herself still on the ground next to Broly. She smiles embarrassed and quickly goes to pick up her fallen sheath to try again. She tries again but this time throws it straight up in the air and once again goes through the necessary hand seals, but this time finds herself falling towards the ground.

She was about to cheer in excitement but quickly realized now wasn't the time for such and used the body replacement technique once again on the sheathe to arrive safely on the ground. She grinned as she noticed Broly looking at her with a face that confused her.

"How did you manage to keep your chakra connected enough to finish the technique?" Broly questions.

"Simple my dear boy, I just covered the whole object in my chakra." She smiled as she said this.

Broly just nodded and attempted once more with a thrown log, but this time he succeeded and appeared quite high up in the air. Everyone watched the tailed boy fall from a high height and crash with a *BOOM* towards the ground.

"WOW! That can be a whole attack on its own with how strong you are Aomatsuna-kun!" Naruto exclaimed.

"We can do the same thing once we get far enough in levels with our seals." Jabie tells the young blonde Jinchūriki.

When Jabie said this both Esumi and Naruto cheered. Esumi slightly blushed at realizing she copied the spiky haired boy's mannerisms. Jabie appeared to have mastered the clone technique by creating three perfect copies of himself and started to read the transformation scroll.

Eventually all four demons learned the jutsus except for Broly and Naruto being unable to do the Clone jutsu. Without knowing the reason why he was unable to get the clone technique caused Broly to be slightly annoyed and Naruto somehow sensed this and patted Broly on the back.

"Don't be so down Aomatsuna-kun, we can just ask Jiji why we can't use the Clone jutsu!" Naruto exclaims.

Broly just looks at the young fox carrier and nods. It couldn't hurt to have a more knowledgeable input about this situation. Broly tells Jabie and Esumi to head home without him while he and Naruto head towards the Hokage tower while it is getting late.


"Jiji! Why can't I do this stupid clone technique! It doesn't matter how much chakra I use for it, it just makes a stupid clone of me!" Naruto says angrily.

Hiruzen looks at the two young boys with a slight smile.

"It seems Aomatsuna will find his bond to the village through Naruto if we're lucky." The hokage clears his throat and is about to talk before he notices words on Naruto's forehead.

His face slightly darkens before he asks the boy a question.

"Naruto-kun, why is the word resistance on your forehead in Kanji? Are you learning how to write Kanji boy?" Hiruzen questions.

The boy looks towards Broly before seeing him nod his head at him, causing the young fox carrier to smile.

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