Broly In Naruto

First Mission!! Reunion!?!?

Team 11 has arrived at the mission assignment desk at the Ninja Academy to receive their very first ninja mission! The hokage, Iruka, and other important looking people were sitting at a long desk across from them. The hokage smiled as he saw Aomatsuna and his friends. He noticed both Esumi and Jabie were excited but were acting as if they weren't. He noticed how Aomatsuna-kun still had his non-expressive face but every now and then he would flex his fingers.

"Team 11 is here for our first mission." Ko says in a professional manner with a slight smile hidden at the edge of his lips.

Esumi and Aomatsuna noticed this. Esumi quickly thought about the type of missions a genin gets and quickly got enraged.

"Our first C-rank mission!" Esumi corrects.

Iruka looks shocked and the Hokage looks as if he expected this all along.

"You're fresh out of the academy! Why do you think that you are ready for a C-rank mission that could have you face against bandits or highwaymen? Capturing and suppressing wild animals or thieves?!" Iruka shouts.

"Because I've been facing the animals in training ground 44 since I was 6! The very same animals that kill even Chunin and potential Chunins! If you believe that a few little civilians with weapons can one over me then you really are just a bug-sensei!" Esumi shouts back

"Now now Esumi-chan let's keep things professional. Lets just get our D-rank and get out of the Hokage's hair okay?" Ko tries to defuse the situation peacefully.

Iruka was about to shout back at her until the Hokage just waved his hand. Esumi just looked at Ko as if he's pathetic trash for even suggesting about backing down when she's in the right, causing a slight laugh from Jabie who put his hand on her shoulder to try and reign in her anger. Esumi backed down from interference from Jabie and just sulked angrily in silence.

"Fine. Just get the stupid D-rank mission and let's go." Esumi says before muttering something about promising to ruin every D-rank mission they go on.

Jabie thinks about the implications of this before deciding to ask a question.

"How many D-ranks do we need to accomplish before we can do C-rank missions?" Jabie asks politely.

"You need to accomplish 25 D-ranks before you can official start C-rank mission, unless your jonin explicitly says that he believes his team is ready for a C-rank." Hiruzen answers.

"What would happen if a genin team happened to fail a D-rank mission?" Esumi asks containing her devious little smile back.

"Well you wouldn't be paid for your services and it will take a lot longer to get a C-rank mission unless your jonin sensei says otherwise."

"Sensei do you think we are ready for a c-rank mission?" Esumi asks in her little girl voice with hidden killing intent behind it.

Although Ko is not afraid of his little genin, he does find them a bit unnerving. They seem the listen and respect Aomatsuna-kun more than him! Although he just met them he's still their sensei, A jonin of Konoha!

"Okay we'll do 10 D-ranks before you get your first C-rank. If you do this first I'll only sign you up for C-rank missions in the future." Ko bargains with his genin.

Esumi looks at Jabie and sees him nod with a calculating smile as if he just got off with an easy steal. Causing Esumi to also smile deviously. She nods at her sensei.

"Okay Lord Hokage, what D-ranks are there available?" Ko asks

"There is helping out a local civilian by pulling weeds, collecting trash out of a stream near the village, walking the Inuzuka's ninken, and helping out at a farm." Hiruzen lists.

"We'll choose the weeds for today." Jabie responds instead of Ko. Causing Ko's eyes to slightly twitch, which did not go unnoticed by the hokage.

A smirk appeared on the hokage's face. Team 11 left the mission assignment desk and headed towards the civilian who needed their weeds pulled from their garden.

They arrived to see a old lady with a gentle smile point towards her weed-filled garden that would definitely take genins more than a couple hours. But little did this old lady know, she didn't just hire any old genin fresh from the academy. She hired the Trio of Demons! She would soon come to regret wishing to see young children laboring away for her. Especially ones known as the Trio of Demons.

The young up-and-coming blue-haired beauty known as the Tiny Demon! Known for her fierce and thuggish attitude, along with her petite figure that is slowly shaping out in the right places! The next Demon is known as the Gentle Demon and if his appearance is any indication of his title, it's entirely correct! This heavy-set boy with his nice smooth complexion has the face of a scholar with the body of an Akimichi! Not many people know how he actually became a member of the Trio of Demons, but they do know he isn't any less of a demon than the rest of them! The last and most terrifying member of the Trio of Demons, who is commonly called the Tailed Demon or the First Demon! He is known for his lack of wearing shirts and cruel nature. Although he may be seen with a blank look on his face or a non-interested most of the time, what lies behind that façade is a horrifying young boy who will crush anyone that annoys him or interests him. It is said that the laughter he makes when he is torturing or crushing his enemies is nightmare-inducing.

"Alright Team 11. Get to work!" Ko says before watching his genin do absolutely nothing.

"You don't expect us to work when you do nothing do you?" Esumi asks as if questioning if god hates her for assigning her this particular sensei.

"I'm here to watch over you and make sure you don't fail our first ninja mission as a team." Ko defends himself.

This response only served to make her look down on her sensei even more than she already has and look towards Jabie. Ko was slightly interested in why they haven't started yet until he saw Jabie take out a water bottle chug the whole thing in a couple of seconds before spitting it out in the air and watching it form into a medium sized puddle with chakra laced inside of it. He only noticed the chakra part when he used his Byakugan.

Suddenly the tubby boy put up a single hand sign. "TIGER" From the puddle came 6 water clones of Jabie, who proceeded to pull out the jungle of weeds from the old lady's yard, who retreated into her house after they arrived and watched the shinobi she hired through her window. Her eyes widened in shock.

"What are they teaching students nowadays in that darn academy!? No genin teams before ever used any type of clones to get the weeds in my garden! Grrrr How am I supposed to enjoy some suffering of children if they aren't even doing anything! What a terrible day!"

Ko's eyes widen in shock and slight sadness over seeing his genin use a C-rank jutsu without having any knowledge of his team knowing any jutsus besides the academy requirement ones and not being able to see them slave away over menial tasks! Every jonin gets to see their genin suffer through D-ranks but why do mine have to get away with it?!

'I was overjoyed when Jabie-kun decided to pick such a physical-orientated mission for our first just, so I can see how this group of orphan prodigies would look toiling away through dirt.' He sighed in defeat, causing two smiles to appear on Jabie's and Esumi's face.

"Hahahah got one over you didn't we sensei!" Esumi gloats.

"Yeah, yeah you got me. You got other surprises you want to tell me before we move further as sensei and students?" Ko asks in a defeated manner.

"Nope!" Esumi says before giggling in a manner befitting that of her age.

The water clones finished up pulling the old woman's weeds and then proceeded to turn back into water. Team 11 got paid 5,000 ryo for their work and then were dismissed by their sensei. The trio of demons then headed towards their training ground to train the jutsus they learned from yesterday. Aomatsuna felt as if someone was following them and smiled.

The genins arrived at their usual clearing in the Forest of Death and were about to practice until Aomatsuna stopped them. Jabie and Esumi were confused but didn't question Broly.

"We have some bugs for you to test your power on." Aomatsuna states. The three figures following the Trio of Demons froze up. The leader of the three, a purpled haired young man jumped in front of the Trio of Demons with a tall muscular guy and a black-haired busty woman behind him. All three wearing faceless masks. The purple hair took out a katana. This prompted Jabie and Esumi to also their out their equipment. Jabie took out his defensive gloves and got into a defensive position. Esumi took out one blade. Aomatsuna just looked at his slaves and nodded his head.

Jabie's figure blurred and he appeared in front of the black-haired woman, causing her eyes behind the mask to widen. He thrusted his palm towards her chest and it went through it. Her body faded as Jabie felt a foreign energy enter his chakra stream.

"A genjutsu huh. Let's see how she plays this out."

The body builder looking guy ran towards Jabie when he realized he was trapped in a genjutsu. Esumi looked at Jabie before continuing to run towards the purple haired swordsman. Esumi went through some hand seals before saying "Ninja Art: Tile Shuriken!" and causing the surrounding earth to harden and shape into tiles before flying towards the masked swordsman. The swordsman quickly dodged the tiles of harden earth before dodging a blade that was set course for his throat.

The swordsman retaliated against the young genin swordswoman by slashing towards her midriff after dodging her attack towards his throat. She sliced towards his blade and they clashed. Sparks flew as the purple haired swordsman realized the tiny young genin was actually pushing him back in strength! He immediately disengaged only to see the blue haired girl go through some hand signs and mouth some words. "Fire Style: Phoenix Fire Jutsu!" She spat out baseball sized fire balls towards the purple haired swordsman who proceeded to dodge by running to the side.

The largely built man weaved a hand sign and slammed his palm on the ground and then shouted "Earth Style: Mud Wave Jutsu!" Suddenly the forest's ground started to head towards Jabie in the shape of a wave. It appeared underneath him and then launched him. The man started to go through some more hand seals and shouted "Earth Style: Earth Flow Wave!" But instead of the forest's ground moving as a wave this time it branched off and started to gather more and more earth from the forest's ground and charge in the air with a rock surfboard surfing towards the seemingly dazed Jabie intending to crash into him midair. But unfortunately for this doton (Earth) user it turns out the round-figured boy wasn't as dazed as he appeared because when he crashed into the boy he turned into water.

The masked body builder was surprised and furious. He looked around for the boy only to notice him holding the busty woman by the throat, choking her and looking at him with a serious expression. He rushed towards the heavy-set boy on his stone board without regard of the captured woman in his clutches. This surprised Jabie, but he didn't think much of it as he knew Aomatsuna would definitely make sure he regretted showing mercy to his enemies. Since he was watching Jabie slapped an explosion tag on the woman's back as he launched her towards the body builder on the stone board.

The masked woman screamed as she was flying through the air at an impressive speed. The largely built man although shocked quickly grabbed his ally and removed her cloak and threw it high in the air to avoid the resulting explosion. While he was doing this he nearly failed to notice the fuma shuriken (Large shuriken) sailing towards his back from another Water clone of Jabie. He quickly hopped off his stone board with his ally and landed in a tree, dodging the weapon. Jabie nearly smirked at the two before composing himself and looking towards his ally.

While Jabie was finishing up his battle, Esumi also was doing similar. After the purple haired swordsman dodged her fireballs, they engaged once more in a battle of Kenjutsu. The swordsman sliced towards Esumi's midsection before leaning back and avoiding her incoming slash towards his face. Esumi didn't let up on her aggressive offensive towards the masked swordsman and started to smile. Somewhat reminiscent of a known female snake mistress of Konoha. But the man was no slouch, as he dodged the constant barrage of sword attacks before carving the ground upward and launching dirt towards Esumi's eyes. Esumi stopped in her assault to cover her eyes only to be sliced in half by the swordsman.

The man grinned under his mask until he noticed what he sliced was actually a log! His senses screamed at him to duck! He quickly listened to his instincts but not before being given a nick on the side of his neck. Another slash by the tiny genin above him caused him to quickly use the Substitution Jutsu to get some breathing room from the freakish genin who was giving him a bit more trouble than he thought he would have. He only believed that the monster behind her watching the battles was the only ones his team needed to watch out for, it seems his source of information was wrong once again..

The purple haired swordsman was saving this for the tailed monster, but it seems he can't get rid of this annoyance so easily. Esumi just watched the swordsman with a grin of her face as if she couldn't wait for what else he was going to show her. The swordsman took a huge breath beneath his mask and from the mask's mouth expelled fire that coated his blade in flames without somehow melting the blade and stayed on the blade. Esumi's face turned from glee to euphoria from the ideas she just got from masked swordsman. This did not go unnoticed by masked swordsman who quickly wanted to get this over with and stop seeing the crazy young kunoichi.

He dashed towards her and slashed towards her throat. Esumi sliced straight towards the blade as if unafraid of the fire katana at all. The two blades clashed and unlike the first time where the masked swordsman was overwhelmed, this time Esumi's blade started to overheat and cause her hand to burn slightly. She kicked towards the man's midsection and swiftly disengaged from the clash. She started to blow on her sword as if it could possibly help the blade.

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