
Chapter 77

Hyunh stood over the sink, staring at herself as the acidic smell burned at her nostrils. She struggled to right her mental state, reign in the horror that was gripping her. She could barely comprehend the nightmare her life had turned into in just a matter of hours. Reports had stopped coming in at some point and even her phone had been disconnected at one point. Her hair was a mess, bags hung under her eyes and her makeup was smeared. The emptiness gave way to a maddening ache before slipping back into numbness again. She couldn’t breathe long enough to feel anything in any normal way.

It was a living hell. She’d lost everything.

His presence entered the hotel room.

Everything but him. He was all she had left, his power, his connections, his authority. If she lost him then she would have nothing. She would be a nobody, a helpless tumbleweed in the merciless winds of the world. She gripped the sink and bore her teeth. Ishtar. Her true enemy’s name was Ishtar. Whomever this person was, the enmity had been more than personal. The agent of the Night Society had been instructed to tell her without reservation that Hyunh was to be the sole survivor of the extermination of clan and syndicate. It was intentional. This person wanted to leave her with nothing, to make her feel unimaginable suffering.

If she wasn’t sure that Sonya Chernovna wasn’t capable of such absolute wretchedness and evil, she would have believed it was her. But while the woman was a bit conniving, she was so obviously a disgusting paragon of the new world and heroes that Hyunhs mind couldn’t rationalize any form of connection. What would Hyunh have done to her to deserve this sort of wrath anyway? It didn’t make sense. None of it made sense. Who had she wronged so deeply to deserve this? She chewed her lip until the flesh tore and blood dripped onto the sink. A knock came to the door and she turned her head frantically.

“You’re fraying,” Was the only thing he said.

She snarled and threw the door open, looking him in the eyes and baring her teeth. He looked back at her without a lick of sympathy in his eyes. She drove her fist into the wall next to his head, her eyes blazing with amethyst light. “Who the fuck do you think you are? You’re mine, mine!” She snarled, “Talking like that to me!”

He grinned at her, his hands twitching involuntarily at his sides, “I’m awake, but I can’t hurt you,” He said with a chuckle, “But for some reason I’m enjoying this way more.”

She held back a scream as she punched the wall again, getting right in his face. She felt a spark  jump between his nose and hers and she winced, hauling back and slapping him across the face. “Like you deserve any better! Murderer! Psychopath! You fucking lunatic, if it wasn’t for me you would have gone off the deep end long ago, killed the wrong person. Put down like the rabid dog you are.”

He just looked away, amusement in his eyes as his cheek turned red from the blow. She felt him push back against her control again. He wanted to kill her. She knew it. If she lost control of him it would all be over, he could walk away and it would be worse than killing her. She grabbed him by the shirt and she felt him try to attack her with his powers. She pressed down on his mind with all of her might. She knew he was more powerful than her, but that didn’t matter, while his power was greater her reserves were greater still. She’d never felt exhausted while using her powers even while others claimed that they had felt tired or weary when pushing themselves.

As far as she knew, she was limitless. Her concentration may waver but her power, my power. She reminded herself as she pushed and pushed and pushed while he raged and rallied with all his might, trying again to break his containment. She knew that it was the wrong way to handle this. She knew that wearing him down slowly was the more effective course of action. She knew that she could fragment his psyche and turn him into an animal if he ever managed to break free while under this kind of pressure. At this point, she didn’t give a fuck. She wildly smashed his psyche over and over as she took her grief out on him, crushing his mind into powder.

When she was done, he stood there, vacant, while she laughed.

“See? I’m still in control here! Not you!” She snarled and slapped him again, “Not you! Me!” She slapped him again and again, tears streaming down her face as her laughter filled the room.


The cold, unfeeling text message came through and Blackrazor held it up for Sonya to see. She was sitting on her bed now, stroking her helmet and reflecting on the memories sent over to her through her connection with her copy. The copy had done exactly as she would have if she were in the role of Ishtar, still, it felt strange experiencing it all vicariously. It was still her committing the acts, she understood that on an instinctual level from the way the duplication ability worked. Yet there was an unsettling separation there. She could honestly say that Ishtar had done those things and not Sonya.

She stared at the text message for only a few heartbeats before waving it away. “Thank you, Blackrazor. Good work as always,” She said and returned to stroking the helmet. Her eyes fixed on the wall in thought. “You know what to do next?”

“I’ll be ready, mistress,” He said before giving her a sidelong look as he got to his feet. His face turned a bit rosy.

She glanced up at him with a raised eyebrow before pursing her lips and smiling at him, “Was it that nice?” She teased him.

He cleared his throat, “Just unexpected.”

She barked out a laugh and relaxed, leaning back on the bed and glancing over at Marta who had taken to reading a comic on her own bed. The woman looked up with a frown of confusion at the exchange and Sonya clarified, “My copy decided to strip down out of the regalia in front of dear Blackrazor here,” She said with a light chuckle. “Poor thing is all worked up now.”

“Mistress!” Blackrazor protested.

Sonya raised an eyebrow, “Go play or something, I want you focused tomorrow.”

He tensed and then nodded, “Yes ma’am,” He said and disappeared into the floor.

“Things are going smoothly,” Marta said absently, looking back down at her comic and flipping a page. “Are you alright?”

Sonya let out a sigh and got to her feet, crawling onto the bed with Marta and wrapping her arms around her friends waist, peering over her shoulder to read the comic as well. She barely understood what was going on so just closed her eyes, “What happened with Ironsides feels unsettlingly separate from me,” Sonya said with a sigh and rest her head on Marta’s shoulder, 

Without prompting, Marta reached up and stroked her hair. Her friends hand felt warm and it loosened a knot in her chest. She squeezed Marta tighter, “You’ve been committed for a while now,” Marta said, “There’s no turning back.”

“I’ve said it before,” Sonya said quietly, “I’ve accepted that.”

“Then let's see tomorrow through to the end,” Marta agreed. “I’m your weapon. Wield me.”

“Thank you, Marta.”

Sonya was surprised she’d managed to sleep as deeply as she did after that. She had figured she would have dreams or nightmares. She had expected that the thought of something going wrong would leave her tossing and turning. Yet all she felt was confidence. She was satisfied with how things had turned out with Ironsides. She was elated that her revenge against Hyunh was progressing to its conclusion. She was ready for what was to come. She had built herself up, hardened herself, tempered herself with one crime and act of villainy after another.

Tomorrow was going to be a big day.

Chunhua rested her hand on her sword as she watched the vehicle go. The Chief Inspector of the North American division of the Pandora Committee was onboard with the body of his partner. They were being transported to the airport to return to New York for an official funeral. Martin had told her that he would be taking a leave of absence for a while. It wasn’t required by the committee but he had been a police officer before his current work and had a strong sense of responsibility and self awareness. She had applauded his decision, right now his judgment would be clouded by what had happened.

It was for the best.

She sensed the Chairman approach her from the side. “Chairman.”

“Black Lotus,” He said, trying to sound more merry than he felt, “I got your message, you’ve decided to stay for a few more days?”

“Ishtar is a serious threat to the worlds security and I want to know what her scheme is,” She said, “She murdered one of our own, as honorable as she’d been, she’s still a hated enemy. I may respect how she composed herself but-” She trailed off and gripped the handle of her sword tightly.

“I understand, it’s fine,” He said with a nod, “Will you be coming with my little party to the dungeon to see it firsthand?”

She shook her head, “That had been my plan initially, but I think it’s best if my team patrols the city and stays on alert. You have what Euclidia gave you?” She asked.

He nodded, “I have it, I’ll call you if something serious happens.”

She let out a breath, “Good, good.”

They stood in silence for a moment before he cleared his throat, trying to change the subject to something a bit more light hearted, “So, you took quite an interest in Miss Chernovna. You were hanging on her every word last night.”

Chunhua nearly jumped, whipping her head in his direction as heat rose to her face, “Ch-Chairman! That’s not an appropriate topic of conversation, sir!” She protested.

He raised an eyebrow, “She was eyeballing you as well,” He said with a shrug, “I don’t know, young lady, I just think that in times like these we should take advantage of moments to find a little joy and enjoyment. Maybe I’m just an old man, though.”

She scratched her nose, “It has been a long time since someone spoke to me like that. I am used to formality, sir.”

He snorted, “Everyone noticed.”

She groaned, “Was it really that bad?”

He pat her shoulder, “Good luck on your patrol, young lady. Be safe.”

Afternoon came faster than anyone was really prepared for. There was no fanfare with their departure from the hotel. No grand conversations or witty banter. Sonya, Marta, Hyunh, An Set, and the Chairman simply got into the car and drove through town until they arrived at an abandoned construction site. The fences around it were ten feet high, keeping out all but the most intrepid troublemakers. Outside the skeleton of what would have been a high rise, the life and lights of Vegas moved on as if nothing was coming.

Sonya got out first, stretching and grinning brightly to herself. She felt immensely satisfied. The reason came in the form of the pair that stepped out after her. An Set had no light in his eyes at all, his expression nearly dead, he was practically a walking corpse at this point. Next to him, Hyunh wasn’t faring much better. She’d managed to clean herself up at least, her appearance immaculate as always. Her eyes were trembling though and she flinched at small sounds. Sonya savored the sight and could practically taste those final moments already.

Just a little longer.

Marta got out next, she was wearing her Handmaiden regalia with the full armored gauntlets and maid uniform. Her expression stern as she moved to stand next to Sonya and shadow her protectively. Sonya cast her dearest friend a smile and for a brief moment the veneer of the focused bodyguard broke to return it. Finally, the most oblivious man on the planet as far as Sonya was concerned stepped out of the car with a belly laugh. 

“Is it really here?” He asked, amused.

“It is, according to the radar,” Sonya said and gestured to the gates. “We have permission to go in?” She confirmed.

“Of course! I’ve already handled it,” The Chairman said, walking over with them. Marta stepped up when they arrived at the gates and with a quick motion she grabbed the chains keeping them closed and ripped them apart. The Chairman made a surprised noise, “My goodness! That’s a way to do it!”

Sonya snorted and locked arms with him before glancing over her shoulder at Hyunh, “Are you alright, miss Feng? You were so excited to be here yesterday.”

Hyunh shook herself and forced a smile, her eyes still unsteady behind the paper-thin veneer of confidence, “Just lost in thought! I’m thrilled to see this place, aren’t you, dear?” She asked An Set who nodded numbly.

The Chairman nodded proudly, “Not even tragedy can bring down your spirits, I applaud you lot!” He said with a chuckle and walked arm in arm with Sonya into the building. 

It didn’t take long to find the portal. The pylons grew out of the ground in sharp relief from the off-gray metal of everything else in the skeletal structure. They stood tall at the very heart of the place, the only reason they weren’t visible to outsiders was the ceiling above and the fences around the place. Otherwise it was down right out in the open. Between the pillars, the swirling lights of a dungeon portal glimmered and rippled as the air grew thick with energy the closer they got. 

The Chairman came to a stop and let out a breath of excitement, “My word, it’s beautiful.”

“And incredibly dangerous,” Sonya confirmed.

“So this is what happens when mana gathers and packs itself together, fascinating,” The old man said, walking forward to get a closer look. Sonya walked over to join him and regarded the portal thoughtfully. She’d been through this portal once before, she’d watched Chunhua go through it as well, she remembered the ache of seeing the woman she hadn’t realized until that moment that she loved enter. She almost reached out to touch it before pulling her hand back.

“You like pretty things too?” He laughed.

She grinned at him, “I have my tastes.”

He laughed harder, “Duong, my boy! Hyunh dear! Get over here and have a good look! It’s amazing up close. Like water!”

Sonya took a step back to give them some space, meeting Hyunh’s gaze briefly and shrugging at her. The woman glared at her but otherwise paid her no mind, stopping in front of it. Sonya could tell that the woman couldn’t appreciate what she was seeing, her mind far away. She took a moment to appreciate the look in Hyunhs eyes, the faint slouch to her posture, the image of herself during those last days after losing both Marta and Chunhua. You know how it feels, now. She thought darkly. Good. Now die like that.


<I’m here.>

<The woman.>

<Yes Mistress.>

What happened next happened so fast that for a moment the world seemed to go completely still. Veloce, who had been hiding in the building since the previous night, darted out of her hiding spot and zipped across the ground at top speed. Marta was the first to notice, already aware of the plan. A true actress, she shouted Sonya’s name in horror and tackled Sonya protectively to the ground. The Chairman was the next to react, turning his head around and looking wildly at the blur approaching him and his family.

An Set didn’t move, his mind buried so far down that he didn’t even flinch when Hyunh turned and let out a cry of panic, the blur of Veloce colliding with her and sending both of them hurtling through the portal.

Hyunh landed in a heap atop dirt and rocks, rolling several meters before stumbling and scrambling to get some sort of sense of what had happened. She stood up, breathing hard, panic rising in her chest as she looked around. She was standing in a barren canyon, rocky terrain stretching out behind her and walls of sheer stone stretching up on either side. It only took a second to realize what had happened when she turned to see the strange woman standing in front of the portal.

“Who are you? Do you realize what you’ve done?!” Hyunh screamed.

The woman just shrugged, “Don’t really care, Ishtar says jump and all that.”

Hyunh stumbled backwards, “Ishtar?” She blinked, “Ishtar? She sent you?”

She frantically reached for her connection with Duong, stretching her will out as far as it could go but she felt nothing. Not a hint of his presence in her mind. She looked up at the portal as the woman just waved and turned back, darting out. Hyunh started to run to follow her but slid to a stop. He’s loose on the other side of that portal. She realized. I can’t go back! She held up her hands to her head. I can’t go back! She turned around, looking for another route out when she saw figures racing towards her, they looked like little men with doglike faces and snouts. They were carrying spears and waving them with wild abandon.

Monsters. She looked back at the portal. Duong. She looked back at the monsters again and gripped at her hair. Her eyes bulged, her face contorting as nearly all reason began to melt from her mind. She tore at her hair, her emotions exploding into a single scream of hate and terror.



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