Bring the System To Join the Chat Group

Chapter 7

After half an hour, the activity ended.

Li Huan and his friends in the guild said goodbye, and they went offline. If it was placed in the past, he would definitely take everyone to do daily routines and refresh the dungeons. But now, when I think about it, the daily dungeons are really sand sculptures, no No matter what.

Off the line, drink a mouthful of happy water from the fat house.

I was about to enter the chat group to chat with everyone, but suddenly my mind kept beating. .

=== Chapter 6 Ning Zhongze: Husband is dying? ===

After entering the chat group, Li Huan couldn’t laugh or cry. Source of this article [Sheng Ying Download] WeChat Mini Program

Head Yue: “Dear brothers, please help!”

Old Tai Chi said: “What’s the matter? Could it be that you stole the female disciple’s underwear and were discovered by your wife. You are currently being hunted down. I told you a long time ago that a man can be strong when he is single. Look, look, it’s so embarrassing and vain. For men!”

A big eagle who can’t fly: “What stuff are panties?”

Pi Zilong: “Same question.”

When Li Huan saw this, he suddenly laughed. These group of friends really laughed at me.

Head Yue: “Shameless and old-fashioned, no one will treat you as dumb if you don’t shut up!”

Old Tai Chi said: “Friend Yue, where did your mind go? I just sent you a message with your mouth closed! Is it possible that you still send a message with your mouth open? Shocked!!”

Huashan, Yue Buqun yelled: “Shameless and old-fashioned, you wait for the boss. If this hatred is not reported, I, Yue Buqun, is not a man!”

At this time, when Hua Deng first started, Ning Zhong was teaching Yue Lingshan to arrange flower arrangements.

Suddenly hearing the lie of my husband again, he frowned and said: “Lingshan, it seems that your father’s condition is getting worse. Tomorrow you go to the city and ask the best doctor to go up the mountain to show your father. “

Yue Lingshan blinked her big eyes and nodded: “Okay, mother!”

Chat group.

In reality, Yue Buqun took Zhang Sanfeng’s scolding dog bloody, but in the chat group, he replied like this.

Head Yue: “Shameless and old-fashioned, don’t you know that you can speak nasty words only if you have something nasty in your heart? You slander your head, you have reason to believe that your heart is nasty, like a sea Deep, higher than the mountain, it’s simply a scum in the world, no one can compare it!”

Yue Buqun: “My head is ashamed to be with you!”

The head of Yue, who is familiar with poems and books, is not inferior to scolding people. Zhang Sanfeng was scolded by this swearing, and he didn’t know how to reply ingeniously. Source of this article [Sheng Ying Download] WeChat Mini Program

The big eagle and the ruffian dragon watched with relish.

The big eagle who can’t fly: “It turns out that cursing is so particular. Every time I read it, I will have new insights. It can be said to be cursing, broad and profound. @岳掌门, Dadiao is convinced!”

Pi Zilong: “Da Diao, you are done!”

At this time, Tai Chi Old Tao did not say a word, as if the Taoist heart was as broad as the sea, you scolded me, slandered me, slandered me, deceived me, I just laughed at me, ignored me, this kind of coping method also let Yue The head was convinced.

It seemed that he had the upper hand, but in fact, only Yue Buqun knew in his heart that he hadn’t released his anger yet!

The qi is stuck in my heart, it’s uncomfortable!

Yue Buqun became more uncomfortable the more he thought about it, and even almost forgot what he just wanted to say, shameless and old-fashioned, you deceive me and humiliate me, I am at odds with you!

At this time, the group was in a strange and quiet state, the two beasts were watching the show, Zhang Sanfeng dived, and Yue Buqun was so angry that he was not in the mood to send a message for the time being.

Li Huan saw this and shook his head. It is really a group of noisy group friends, but although the group needs to be active, it also needs a prestigious group leader. Someone thought to himself.

Li Huan coughed, his mind moved.

Evolver of Everything: “@岳掌门, I think you are not very stable, but you have trouble in reality?”

Yue Buqun’s anger came quickly, went faster, and quickly sorted out his emotions. He was about to tell his own thoughts and ask the group of friends to give ideas, but he was overjoyed when he saw Li Huan’s reply. Last time The red envelopes I grabbed, the bread was really delicious, but unfortunately there was too little to eat.

Such delicious food, is there any more?

Head Yue: “Thank you for your concern, and listen to me slowly.”

Head Yue: “In the past, my Huashan Sect was also a big faction, and it was able to fight against the demon sect that is now in full swing. However, a battle of sword spirit caused my Huashan Sect to decline from the second time. Even though I was still young. , But I witnessed the battle. The battle was extremely fierce, and there were countless deaths and injuries. In the end, although Jianzong traveled far to Huashan and my Qizong won, but my Qizong also suffered a huge loss. The elders never said that they died, and even passed on. It’s all broken.”

“In the sword qi fight, the sword sect failed and left, and the grievances in my heart have not yet dissipated.”

“Just today during the day, when I was practicing swordsmanship in the back mountain, I suddenly found a masked figure. This man is tall and long, with white hair and good temperament. I can see at a glance that the man made the Kungfu of my Huashan School. After I saw it, I suddenly felt cold, because that figure made the swordsman’s light skill, and this person’s skill was extremely deep.”

“I caught up with this person and hit several swords, but I lost within ten rounds!”

Evolutionary of All Things: “So you are now worried that the other party will target you Qizong, that is, the Huashan faction now. You may even want to find a place back? Are you worried?”

Head Yue: “As expected of you to be a big man, you can see the worry in my heart at a glance, and I am convinced!”

Li Huan secretly said, you are convinced too early, and I will make you more convinced later.

All things evolver: “You don’t need to be nervous about this matter. I just calculated it. Your good fortune is shining, the evil is hidden, and there is no trouble in the near future, so you can rest assured!”

Yue Buqun was stunned. He didn’t believe in fortune-telling, but he felt more comfortable.

Head Yue: “Then my boss, what should I do?”

The evolutionary of all things: “If you believe in me, you don’t need to do extra things. Your worry is nothing more than a person who is not as strong as that person. Last time you received your gift, but only gave you some food. It’s really not good. I watch you. There are many loopholes in the cheat book, it has been patched, and I will give it to you today!”

“The evolution of all things sent a red envelope to Head Yue, please check it out.”

Yue Buqun had no waves in his heart, but silently received the red envelope sent.

Huashan, the night was getting darker, his mind moved, and the red envelope passed through the endless space and appeared in his hand.

He looked at the secret book exactly the same as before, feeling a little lost, but he was deceived unexpectedly, he sighed in his heart and opened the secret book.

At a glance, he was deeply attracted.

Then I started to read word by word, and slowly flipped through it, just flipping to see the dawn, but still didn’t finish reading the cheats.

Early in the morning, when Ning Zhong saw the figure in the study, he felt a pain and made a bowl of lotus porridge and took it in.

“Husband, get tired, drink some porridge and warm your stomach!”

Yue Buqun shook his head and said, “Don’t drink it now, I want to read it all in one go!”

Ning Zhong had no choice but to put down the porridge and left alone.

Since a month ago, my husband has become more and more homely.

Even the teaching disciple practicing swordsmanship was replaced by himself and the second disciple Lauderno. As for the older disciple Linghu Chong, I don’t know where he went to drink.

Three shots on the day.

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