Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 16 - Picking fragrant fruit

“When I go home tomorrow, A Chuan and I will go to see if there is any candy for sale, and then we will buy some and make jam when we come back.” Chen Xiayue smiled.

Anyway, like pears, fragrant fruits should not be well preserved in this age without refrigerators. It is better to boil them into jam.

While Zhang’s family was busy dividing fruits and making dinner, the rest of the village went up the mountain with the team leader and went to the banana valley to pick fruits.

All the young and strong people in the village went up the mountain. It was getting dark, and women and children were not allowed to go up the mountain together. A group of men went up the mountain one by one carrying bamboo baskets about the size of Zhang Chengchuan just now.

“A Chuan said that there are many more fruits, but I don’t know how many.”

“A Chuan said that it is as big as two acres of land, and I don’t know how much fruit it can bear.”

“A Chuan said that there are still several thousand pounds.”

“So much fruit?”

“The fruit is very delicious. Ah Chuan really did a great thing this time.”

Along the way, these men were discussing fruits, and of course they talked about Zhang Chengchuan. Most of the men who were about the same age as Zhang Chengchuan envied him.

Zhang Chengchuan was envied not only by being able to marry a beautiful wife in the city, but also by the care of his eldest brother and his eldest sister, which was envied by many people in the village.

However, even if Zhang Chengchuan has a bad reputation and is not a diligent person, his popularity is still good. His bad reputation is that he is lazy and lazy. Of course, the most bad reputation is that he is supported by his brothers and sisters.

But Zhang Chengchuan himself has a very good character, and young people in the village who are about his age like to play with him.

Along the way, everyone chatted and laughed, and soon reached the cliff of Banana Valley, and then the group of people widened their eyes when they saw Xiangguo.

“My God, isn’t this too much fruit?” One of the young people in his twenties was shocked when he saw the branches full of fragrant fruits.

“These are all? Is it too much?” Another teenage young man was also surprised. He ran to the underside of the fragrant vine and picked a ripe one, wiped it, and took a bite. The taste was captured.

“This fruit is so delicious.” The teenage young man said happily.

The others also came over to pick one and ate one. They were very excited while watching the fragrant fruits on the branches.

“Captain, should we pick and eat these fruits by ourselves or sell them? We can’t finish so many fruits, can we?”

“Captain, if we sell it, can we sell it to the food factory in the county? This fruit is also delicious.”

“team leader……”

A group of people are very excited, because the yield of fragrant fruit is very high, these people also found that not all the fragrant fruit ripened together, after the ripe fruit there are some green fruits that are not yet ripe, and even some that have just grown. out of the fruit.

Of course, they also saw some white-to-yellow flowers on these vines. If they still bloom at this time, it means that the fruiting period has not passed so quickly.

“Pick it back first.” The captain was very satisfied when he saw so many fruits. Everyone was poor at this time. Now that they have income from this kind of fruits, they should be able to make a fortune in the village.

With the captain speaking, everyone nibbled the fragrant fruit and picked the fruit neatly. They all automatically figured out which ones are edible and which ones are not yet ripe, so everyone picked them quickly.

Soon the bamboo baskets brought by everyone were full, and the captains of the bamboo baskets that were filled first decided to let some people carry them back first, while the rest continued to pick fruit.

In this way, it took several hours, the sky was completely dark, everyone was still picking fruit with torches, and finally they went home together.

The guys didn’t pick all the ripe fruits, leaving about one or two hundred kilograms of ripe fruits left for the animals in the mountains to eat.

And those fruits that are not yet ripe should be almost ripe after a while. The captain and the people in the village all know what to do.

After all, they are all farmers. Although they don’t know “sustainable development”, they still know the simple truth.

Also because we plan to keep these vines and keep the unripe fruits on the vines to grow, everyone is very careful when picking the fruits, and they don’t tear off the vines much.

The Yunhe Brigade that night was really lively, especially the children in the village were very happy, because there were many, many fruits.

The captain and the accountant, that is, Zhang Deping and the people in the village, calculated together, and the fruits that were picked were about 4,000 to nearly 5,000 catties.

“Five thousand catties of fruit? Is that so much?”

“I heard that these fruits are only about two acres of land, and they can pick up five thousand catties of fruits.”

“Wow, how much can you sell for so many fruits?”

“How about a few hundred dollars?”

“Is this fruit delicious? Such a delicious fruit should be able to sell for a good price.”

There was a lot of discussion in the village, and they all had high hopes for these fruits, hoping to make money from so many fruits.

The captain and Zhang Deping counted all the weights of the picked fruits together, and then told the villagers, “Fruits are collective, and they have to be kept and sold for money. But you can’t treat everyone badly. After all, everyone picked them back, so you can’t share them all. never tasted it.”

“In this way, a family can take twenty or thirty pieces to eat at home, and the rest have to be kept and sold.” After all, these fruits are grown by themselves in the mountains, and they don’t have to worry about losing money if they are eaten by the villagers.

“Really, Captain? Can we take the fruit home and eat it by ourselves?”

“Of course you can. It’s just that the fruit has to be kept and sold, so each family can only get twenty or thirty pieces of fruit.”

“No problem captain.”

“One more thing, the money from the fruit sold will be kept, and the money will be divided at the end of the year. So it will be divided according to the work points. The fruit was discovered by A Chuan, and he can get some work points.”

Because this fruit was discovered by Zhang Chengchuan, even if he did not follow the villagers to pick it later, it was counted as his work points, but it was not as much as those who went up the mountain to pick it.

Zhang Chengchuan has no objection. After all, he doesn’t rely on this work point to live his life. It is very good to be able to get the work point.

Others have no opinion. After all, Zhang Chengchuan’s work points are really not many, and everyone doesn’t think it’s unfair for the captain to do this.

Everyone happily divided twenty or thirty fruits and went home. After Zhang Chengchuan and the others calculated all the weights of the fruits, those who closed the warehouse also left.

Of course, there are too many fruits. Although they are not food, they are also very important. The captain arranged for a few young people to guard the warehouse.

It is impossible for Zhang Chengchuan to stay and guard the warehouse. How could he be such a lazy person?

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