Brightest Doom

Chapter 23

Brightest Doom

Chapter 23

By: BigTofu




Everyone that was within the vicinity of the sound turned to look and witness as a lady came jumping out of a bar with what appeared to be a massive mallet held above her head. On the other side of the street from where she was located was some guy who appeared to have been some biker thug.

That same thug was leaning against the light pole that he crashed into bleeding from his nose with a mean scowl upon his face. The people on the street watched as the thug rolled to the side before pulling out his personal knife. He did a little flick of the wrist popping the blade out before standing up.

"You fucked with the wrong one, clown bitch," The thug growled as he stood up. "Do you even know who I am?"

The people on the street turned towards the woman who clearly had a frown on her face.

One hand went to her chin as her head tilted to the side, "Well, nuhh, but I don't think I need to know who you are to kick your butt. Well, I think I don't think that I need to know who you are," Then she squatted down. "But I think, therefore do I really need to know who you are? Or does my knowing who you are affirming your identity of who you are necessary for me to know who you are." Those who were watching could only put their hands on their heads to steady themselves from the building confusion.

The thug that was kicked into the lamp post scowled and growled as he took two strides forward. He was unfortunately unprepared for the lady that was squatting down, contemplating the meaning of life. She bounced upwards with a yell of 'I got it!'

This action clashed harshly with the thug as he took a clean hit from the giant mallet that swung around wildly. Sadly for the thug, the lady wasn't even paying attention as she pounded a fist into her palm.

"Doomy told me awhile ago that I didn't need to learn the name of every two bit insect on the streets which is mean, but it's not like I invited you to my weekly poker game anyway, so," The lady with the red and black coloring stopped and looked around after her little rant lost its steam. "Huh? Why are you clutching your arm like that?"

"Bitch! You broke my arm!" The Thug screamed from the ground.

The lady in red and black looked down at him with a frown, "Well, that's the second time you called me that mistah! Apologize!"

"Fuck you!"

She frowned and they all took a step back as she brought her mallet around.

"I said to apologize mistah for calling me that." The lady in red and black said with narrowed eyes.

"FUCK! YOU! BITCH!" The thug spat enunciating each word with a glare on his features as one arm cradled his broken one.

"Okay!" The lady in red and black popped with a smile. Then with a swig of her mallet, the people on the street watched amazed as the back started to flare with rockets. The lady in red and black flew into the air with a squeal of joy before she then performed two flips. Then before anyone could blink, she came back down with a flaring of the hammer's rockets.

The parents among the crowd had to cover the eyes of the kids as the lady in red and black came down with her hammer upon the thug. The reason for covering the eyes of the children was due to the very meaty crunch that was produced from the man's rib cage.

They watched as she then proceeded to ruffle through the thugs pockets before standing up with a wallet fat with money. She took out all of the money before dropping the wallet on the thugs chest and cartwheeling away as a GCPD patrol car pulled up.


Harley Quinn

Upstanding Citizen

Smiling at the cops that pulled up, Harley couldn't stop the smile that spread across her face as two of her favorite detectives came out of the patrol car.

With both feet on top of the rocket hammer, Harley did a little hop that took her over to the side of the first detective.

"Heya Renee, you didn't come to last week's poker game." She said with a pout.

Detective Renee stood there with one hand at her hip and the other pinching the bridge of her nose. "Harley, what happened to that promise about not causing any more trouble?"

"But, I am staying out of trouble." Harley spoke with a continued pout on her features. Then that flipped as quickly as it came into a bright smile. "Aye, you wanna join my team?"

Renee could only sigh as she looked at her partner Bullock bent down to check the man's vitals. The groan that she heard from her location was all that Renee needed to know that the guy at least wasn't dead. Then again, from the way he looked, Renee was sure that he might wish he was dead.

Her attention was of course stolen as Harley decided to glomp her from the side.

"Come on, it'll be fun," Harley chirped from Renee's shoulder.

Letting out a sigh, the detective had to pry Harley from her shoulders before pulling out her notepad. "Okay, I need to know why you left the poor man in such a state."

Harley swung the giant rocket hammer around and perched it on her shoulder, "That's easy, I am a booty hunter."

Everyone within earshot stopped what they were doing and turned to look.

"You mean bounty hunter?" Detective Renee asked with clear exasperation within her voice.

"Nope, I hunt the booty," Harley smiles before bringing up some sort of hologram over her wrist. On the hologram was a bounty with a picture of the assailant on the floor. His price was sitting at an even five thousand alive. "Look at all that cheddar Renee, it's five big ones!"

Letting out a sigh, Renee had to admit that maybe it was time for her to retire because she was certain that she could feel her vitals spiking.

"Harley, did you even file the paperwork?" Renee asked since she clearly didn't remember anyone saying anything about Harley hunting bounties within Gotham. Hell, she doesn't even remember Gorden even mentioning that Harley was back in town.

Everyone knew that Gorden and Batman worked together and with Harley being one of Batman's rogues, they at least got passive updates on who roamed around where. Then there was also the fact that Harley hasn't been seen in who knows how long. Shit, when was the last time that any of them even heard anything from the Joker.

That alone was putting the whole precinct on edge since that would only mean the asshole was planning something big. Turning around, Renee felt a shiver run down her spine as she could no longer locate Harley. That was impossible since she was wearing red and black while carrying such a large weapon, fuck, they were gonna have to confiscate her weapon.

Unfortunately, she wasn't able to capitalize on any of that as a shout came her way.

"Bye Detective, happy Labor Day." Then with a spin, Harley activated her rocket hammer. Then as she finished a full cycle, Harley brought the hammer down and around underneath her and used it to pivot and fly to the top of the nearest rooftop.

As she hopped from rooftop to rooftop, her giggles sprinkled around her like rain as she worked herself back to the same parts of town.

For those with ears sensitive enough they would have heard the small telltale sounds of gas discharging from a grappling hook.

Harley would have wanted to fight the bat but her doomy had told her to stay away from the man. Something about the bat being unhinged and using his position to beat down on the poor people.

With a giggle, Harley leapt over an alleyway as she did a twist and noticed the flaring of a bat-shaped cape flare out more than half a block away. With a cracked smile on her features, Harley then pulled out two homing stars from her fanny pack. Coming out of the twist, she landed with a flourish and roll to steady herself before popping back up onto her feet.


Harley's danger sense flared and she jumped and rolled out of the way as the grappling hook aimed at her feet completely missed the mark. Jumping up with a resounding 'HA!'

She couldn't help her eyes going wide as Bat-Girl of all people was right there before her lashing out with a high kick aimed at her beautiful face. Ducking low, Harley leaned backward to dodge the incoming fist as she leaned with the move and lashed out with her leg.

Bat-Girl's eyes went wide in surprise, but still adapted with the flow of battle as she jumped and tucked her legs in with an easy flip. Letting out a laugh, Harley used the leg sweep to roll away while activating her rocket hammer.

One hand on her hammer and the other hand brought to her lips, Harley blew Bat-Girl a kiss as her hammer took her skyward and away from the gravity star that she had left behind.

"Missed me bat-brat!" Harley called with a mad giggle. Batgirl barely had time to react as the gravity star pinned to her cape exploded and suspended her within a wide antigravity field. With a mad cackling laugh, Harley blew a kiss at bat-girl before vanishing over the edge of the building.

With a giggle and a cackle, Harley brought her rocket hammer down between her legs. Then with a twist of the handle, the hammer turned into a piece of rocket-powered flying equipment. Most if not all who heard her laugh had shivers down their spines. It was clear that they weren't going to have much of a good night's sleep within Gotham knowing that they might have the wicked witch Harley watching over them.

From there it was easy for Harley to meet up with her Pammy and take the jet down to meet their hubby.


4 Hours later...

Waking up with a yawn and a stretch, Harley leaned over and placed a kiss on Pam's cheek before popping up out of her seat with pep in her step.

"Come on, come on, big Hubby found me some friends," Harley giggled as she tried to pull Pam out of her seat but only failed in her attempt.

Ivy sighed as she placed a hand on Harley's cheek, "Harley dear, we just finished a five hour flight, please calm down."

Pouting, Harley released a huff with upturned lips. "Come now Pammy, you are looking at her royal highness, owner of the Harleen Quartets."

"Of course she is!" Boomed a masculine voice from the exit of the private jet. Strolling in without a care in the world was her hubby with glimmering eyes. Those same eyes sent a shiver down her spine as they not only roamed across her body but drank everything in.

Letting out a squeal of joy, Harley bounced over and into her hubby's arms. Right as he caught her, Harley couldn't stop her hands from roaming across his body looking for it. Honestly, she was so busy that she really only caught the second half of what he was saying and even then, Harley was certain she had to ask him to repeat once more.

"HUH?" She asked, tilting her head to the side cutely. Instead of an answer, the only reply Harley received was a peck on the lips by her hubby. Throwing her legs around his waist, Harley pressed her lips against his once more and brought their tongues to duel.

Her blissful moments were interrupted as something hard brushed across her calf muscle. Wait, that felt like rolled up paper. With a squeal, Harley let go as she turned her hubby around, giving his buns a nice squeeze before pulling the paper out and looking at its scribbles.

Blinking hard to turn the scribbles into words, Harley couldn't help but tilt her head at the names, "Who the hell is Fire?"

"A pyrokinetic out of Brazil." Hubby replied. "Since the sport will be international, might as well pick the good ones. I would also suggest Big Barda but getting her here might be tricky."

"Okay, ohh, I like this name." Harley squeaked before purring the name. "I wanna meet this Vixen, Ohh, I got KillerFrost's number, we used to hang out on Waller's task force, good times."

If she knew better than to dismiss the flashing murderous look that came across her hubby's face. Huh, she wondered if it was something she said. No matter, she had some new recruits to go and recruit. With paper in hand, Harley bounced around the plane and picked up her super mallet before cartwheeling down the stairs.

Wait… How was she going to find this Fire chick or that Vixen? Ohh doesn't matter Harley shrugged before performing a hop, skip and jump for the open car door that was just waiting for her to jack. Yet, none of that came to be as she found herself floating backward.

With a pout on her lips, Harley relaxed and hung like a dead fish as her hubby turned her around to look at him.

"Not so fast my dear, there are some ne'er do wells that we must cleanse from this beautiful city." Her Hubby spoke with those soothing tones of his. She really didn't want to listen, until what he said next got her knickers all wet and heated. "The plan was to take down some drug dealers, a little death, destruction, with a touch of mayhem on the side and I was going to ask you to be my super sexy spy, but if you want to go run off then…"

Her pout rapidly shifted into a smile as she tossed a hand over her hubby's shoulder while the rest of her body molded to his. "Well, flyboy that's all you had to say." She whispered while trailing her finger up his chest.

Then he said something that almost made her cream her tiny little shorts.

"Then, since you want in, I'll even let you pick your disguise. "Hubby whispered into her ear his own index finger trailing underneath her chin

Doing some little tappy clasp, Harley struck a pose. "I wanna be a delivery girl and wear those cute little summer shorts."

"Then you can be the finest damn delivery spy around." Hubby replied with a smirk and a kiss that made her swoon.

"Let's go, let's go, I wanna be an ice cream delivery girl. No, I wanna be a cake delivery girl." She chirped happily bouncing from one foot to the other.

Her hubby shook his head from side to side before sighing and then giving her a nod.


3 Hours later...

It was about three hours later and Harley could barely contain herself as she looked over her super cute delivery outfit. Harley didn't know how he had done it but her hubby had sourced her three different delivery outfits all in her colors and sizes.

The pencil skirt that she was wearing was in her iconic black and red with little diamonds on it matching the spanks that she wore underneath. The red shirt went with the black diamonds also matching the bow-tie around her neck.

With one leg in the air, Harley pulled on her stocking that was also red with black diamonds which wrapped around her ankles up her thighs . With a smile as her second foot was covered, she stood up, did a cartwheel, and landed inside of her waiting pair of combat boots.

With her booties on her feet, Harley stood tall and looked herself over in the mirror before fluffing her hair once. Back straight with her head held high and proud she walked out of the dressing room, ignoring the door that went bang.

"Secret Agent Quinn reporting for duty."

Everyone in the room stopped and turned to look at her. No one said anything but with the way that a few rushed around, Harley was certain that they were ready for her. With a sniff, she walked over to what was clearly the control area and took a look at the monitors looking over the cartel drug houses.

Before she could say any more a freaking ninja fell down from the roof and handed her a metal clipboard. Looking over the front, Harley noticed the address first and then the list of names that she needed to be aware of. Bahh, those names were too hard, but at least the birthday boy had an easy name.

It was mister Leo's birthday and she was about to deliver the bestest cake ever. Twisting away from her location before the monitors, Harley made her way over to where the cake was sitting inside of its box. Then after a quick inspection, she strapped it to her little moped before speeding out of the building. Doing a once around the block, Harley then pulled up in front of a nice blue building with a little fence around the front.

As she got off her moped, Harley did notice the guys across the street checking her out. Since she was on a secret mission, the only thing she could do was blow them a kiss. Then after giving them a wink, she opened the little gate to the fence before knocking on the door.

Plastering a professional smile on her face, Harley then knocked on the door to the house.

Knock, knock, knock!

Three rapid taps of knuckles had her waiting at the door for a few before a big burly ugly bastard answered the door. The man was supremely hairy and it took a lot of her self-control not to gag.

"Cake gram for Leo the birthday boy!" Harley cheered as she pushed past the doorman and into the building.

"Bitch don't just barge in-wait!"

Ignoring him, she did a pirouette around the hairy guy and into the building proper spotting only one other person, even if she could hear another one moving around upstairs.

Turning to face the hairy bastard, she kept her smile perfect, "I have a cake-gram for the birthday boy."

She noticed how his face went purple but his answer was interrupted by the person upstairs stomping down. He was bare-chested and carrying a powered cube-shaped package with him.

"Yeah, I'm Leo, gimme the damn package."

With her head tilted to the side, they never knew what hit them as she smiled sweetly. The clipboard in her hand flew out ricocheting off the wall and into the so-called Leo's throat. He missed the last two steps and tumbled to the ground as she bounced off the couch behind her to pounce on the furthest guy reaching for a gun.

Snatching her clipboard out of the air, Harley came down with it hard on her perps wrist, then brought it upwards into his throat to stop him from screaming. Certain that he wasn't going to scream out, Harley then bashed his nose in with the flat side before whacking him in the side of the head with the edge.

"YOU BITCH!" Snarled the hairy one that had let her inside.

Harley didn't allow him to get another word out as she bounded over the couch, then commando rolled right into his personal space. He raised his leg for a kick and Harley made sure that his bloodline ended when the sharp edges of her clipboard cracked his walnuts.

A swift knee and then quite the liberal application of her clipboard later had another one biting the dust. Letting out a breath of relief, Harley caught herself a second to recover before strolling over the moron that had fallen down the stairs with her assistance.

The fool was still rolling on the floor hugging his throat as he struggled to breathe. Honestly, she could have sworn that she didn't even hit him that hard since the blow had ricocheted off the wall. With a kick, she rolled him over onto his back before getting on him in a mounted position. With his upper torso underneath her control and his arms pinned by her lovely thighs. Mister Leo had no choice but to allow her the chance to improve upon his health with the clipboard.

His screaming stopped after the third chop at his throat and he finally stopped trying to breathe once his mouth and lungs filled with blood.

Mission accomplished, she decided to roll the place for some lunch money. Her nose wrinkled at finding more drugs, but at least she found ten thousand. Unfortunately, all this must come to an end and her own fun was interrupted by her communication device, but at least it was her hubby calling.

"Harley, you there?"

"Yeah, Hubby I'm here," Harley replied with a smile as she counted out her cash.

She could hear her hubby clear his throat on the other side of the call before he spoke up, "Wrong house dear."

Blinking, she looked up, then looked down at the clipboard. "What, no way." Frowning, she went back downstairs and then compared the photo to the dead moron, then she looked at the address. "But I'm at 44 Van Lue."

She could hear the cringe in her hubby's voice, "That's across the street Harley, you're in their lookout house." Harley heard him sigh before he spoke up once more. "The houses on that block all have a shared mail space."

"Ohh, well can I keep the cake at least?"

"What?" Hubby asked, confused.

"The cake, can I have it since they aren't going to eat it," Harley replied wiping some blood from her face. Looking down at her hands, she decided that it was best to wash them. No sense in trying out her healing factor right now.

Sigh, "Yeah, just, yeah, you can have the cake."

Jumping up with a cheer, she could barely contain her excitement. "YAY, CAKE!"

Authors Note:

So Harley clearly just happened, too bad those guys got rolled to death by a clipboard.

Let me know what you guys think about the chapter.


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