Breaking Supers With the Ultimate Ero Skill

Chapter 5 – The Iceberg Lounge (R18)

A blast of cold air hit Leon as he stepped past the glass double doors and into The Iceberg Lounge.

The lounge lived up to its name as one of the premier nighttime spots in Gotham. The interior was cavernous and about the size of a large stadium. Black stone pillars held up the roof, creating expansive spaces that gave off a sense of scale and grandeur.

Large sweeping staircases connected the three levels and viewing areas. The first level was for crowded gatherings. There were multiple dance floors, each with a DJ and seating area/bar. Moving up one floor was where there was a collection of smaller spaces reserved for patrons who were less interested in mingling in crowded spaces.

The second floor had no dance floors and was composed of small tables and intimate seating. Waiters and waitresses walked to and fro, serving food and drinks to private parties. The people present brought their own company instead of seeking it on the first floor.

The uppermost level was comprised solely of private lounges. The floor connected the large pillars, creating little islands of private area walled off with glass overlooking the lounge. The height made it difficult to tell the exact details of these spaces, but they all had various amenities, obviously specialized to cater to different customers.

And the centerpiece, both literally and figuratively, was the large indoor pool in the center of the lounge. Following its namesake, a massive iceberg was in the pool's center. Even more impressive were the penguins waddling around and swimming inside the pool. Apparently, during special events, live entertainment of all kinds was performed on the iceberg for everyone to see.

"If you would follow me, Mr. Leon."

While as impressed as Leon was with The Iceberg Lounge, it wasn't enough to keep him from immediately turning his attention back to the person next to him.


The woman standing next to him was the textbook definition of the sexy secretary type. A pair of high-waisted pants practically glued to her lower body perfectly shows off her long, slender legs that flare into well proportioned hips.

Her breasts were modest, but they were strategically presented with a few buttons undone on her white blouse to show off a lacy black bra and plentiful cleavage.

Golden locks that curled towards the end draped over her shoulder and framed an elegant face. Plump lips tinged pink sat below a narrow nose and two green jewels that were her eyes. Her smile was incredibly casual, but there was an underlying current that made it clear she was perfectly aware of her sexuality and that she was more than happy to use it to her maximum benefit.

"Of course, Jay. Lead the way."

The woman turned away and walked toward one of the stairs leading up to the private lounges on the top floor. Leon followed behind, happily enjoying the view of her swaying hips.

While Leon was happy to ogle the blonde beauty before him, he had to remember that this person was not to be taken lightly and that she was also crucial to his plans to take over The Iceberg Lounge from The Penguin.

While Jay might look like a harmless, although sexy, secretary, she was one of the head honchos of The Penguins criminal organization. Along with her sisters Lark and Raven, the triplets ran The Iceberg Lounge and various criminal functions when Cobblepot wasn't available. Knowledge of the animated Batman series meant he knew of their existence, though in that series he didn't think they were sisters.

Just another difference that just highlighted how this world was a mishmash of DC universes with a sprinkle of random tossed in. While his knowledge was a bit unreliable, a few hundred bucks to a information broker and Leon got all the information her need three.

Raven was the group's muscle and one of the top enforcers in the organization. Lark ran the logistics, ensuring people were paid and the 'goods' moved as needed. Finally, Jay was the consigliere, handling interactions with the seedy underbelly of the criminal world and ensuring relationships with politicians and other criminals were where they needed to be.

If Leon could get them on his side, he could uproot The Penguins organization from within.

So why was she guiding an unknown like Leon in The Iceberg Lounge? Someone who wasn't even in this world long enough to get the notoriety or fame required to enter The Iceberg Lounge. Well, because he bought his way into being a VIP. More specifically, he used the system to make a reservation for one of the private spaces on the top floor.

With Leon's massive influx of cash and increase in level, the options in the system shop had greatly expanded, including things like Leon's new set of skills.





The collection of new skills cost Leon $72,000, with Avator of Asmodeus being the lion's share of that amount at $50,000. And while that was an astronomical amount of money, it wasn't helping by sitting in Leon's inventory.

Skills weren't the only thing Leon bought; plenty of new items were also available. Things like the reservation for a VIP lounge at the Penguins establishment or the little trinket he had hidden in his pocket.


The dispenser was something unlocked when Leon hit level 4. Unlike the Canisters, it could store two types of pheromones. Also, unlike the canister, the dispenser released pheromones at the same rate as when Leon charged it instead of an instantaneous effect. It also had a much smaller area of effect, being only 1 yard from the dispenser instead of being able to fill a small room like the canisters.

The dispenser's workings made it the perfect tool for targeting a specific individual nearby, such as a sexy guide just a few feet away.

Of course, Leon had no way of knowing Jay would personally take him to his VIP lounge. The original plan was for Leon to use the dispenser on a worker, such as a bartender or waitress, with whom he could have prolonged contact without raising suspicions. But apparently, spending $50,000 through the shop to get a reservation meant that Leon apparently got THE reservation and justified Jay greeting him herself

His plan was always to work his way up to the triplets, but the original idea would have probably required far more time before he finally got access to one of the girls. Thankfully, luck seems to be on his side, and the world serves Jay on a silver platter to Leon.

Leon could tell that the dispenser filled with submission and lust pheromones was already working on Jay. The light blush that tinged Jay's white skin showed her body heating up, a sign that the pheromones were working.

And it had better be since Leon had spent considerable funds buying new rings.



He had bought five of each ring of the Super Rare variety for Lust and Submission. Each of his fingers currently had a small gold band, which looked strange, but it was a worthy trade-off to bring his stats up to what it was right now.


Since the dispenser worked at the same effectiveness as Leon's powers when he was charging it, Jay was currently experiencing what it was like to have her lust rocket up. Leon couldn't help but silently thank The Penguin's inferiority complex for building such a large building because it meant the walk was much longer.

By the time Jay and Leon reached their destination, a slight sheen of sweat was visible on her skin, and her body trembled slightly.

Deciding to take advantage of the situation, Leon stepped behind Jay. He put his hands on her shoulders before she could say anything else.

"Are you alright? You look... flushed."

The feeling of having a pair of strong hands grasp her shoulder, and Leon's proximity to her caused Jay's knees to go weak for a second.

"I- I'm fine, sir. Just a little tired, is all."

"Oh, well, we can't have you returning to work now, can we? You should come inside and take a break."

"I couldn't possi-"

All it took was a little squeeze from Leon, and Jay's lips zipped shut.

"I insist."

A slight nod was all that Jay could trust herself to do before she opened the door and allowed herself and Leon in.

The moment the door closed behind them, Leon activated his Lust pheromones, allowing them to permeate into the room.

"This room is more of a traditional setup. The TV is on the desk next to the couch, and the remote is there. We also have a self-serve drink cabinet, but if it doesn't have what you are looking for, you can order any drink through the intercom near the door or the phone."

Leon sat down on the L-shaped couch while Jay was talking and made himself comfortable. The room was much warmer than outside and it was actually quite cozy even without a coat on. 

Once Jay was done talking about the room, Leon gave her an order to start testing the water to see how much he could get away with.

"Why don't you fix a drink for both of us. Help me get into the mood and help you unwind a little."

Making a drink for a customer was obviously something way below her station, but Jay only hesitated momentarily before she shuffled over to the drink cabinet. Seems like the submission pheromones and the Avatar of Asmodeus skills were working as intended.

Leon enjoyed watching her bend over, showing off that fantastic ass of hers as she perused the collection of liquor.

Jay picked out a bottle of whiskey and decided to keep things simple. She plucked two rocks and glasses from the drawers and filled them up before plopping a few ice cubes from a nearby bucket.

With a glass in each hand, Jay started walking towards where Leon sat.

A devious thought passed through Leon's head as Jay approached. Seeing no apparent downsides other than Jay potentially getting a slight bruise, Leon decided to proceed.

As Jay was just a few feet away from him, she seemingly tripped on nothing and fell forward. At least, that's what it would look like for any bystanders, but what actually happened was that Leon used his new telekinesis skill to give Jay just a little push at the right moment to imbalance her.

Demonstrating incredible athleticism, Jay was able to catch herself and right her path before she could fall over entirely. While she didn't trip, the liquid in the class couldn't stop like she did, so it flew out of the glass and splashed right onto Leon.

Having planned the whole thing, Leon immediately feigned anger.

"What the hell did you just go!?"

Jay, utterly embarrassed, immediately started apologizing.

"I'm so sorry! Let me dry you off."

Jay quickly grabbed some paper towels from the drink cabinet before rushing back to where Leon was, kneeling before him, and started trying to dry his off with the paper towels.

The whiskey mostly got on Leon's dress shirt, soaking the thin material and sticking it to his body. The wet cloth clung to every nook and cranny, perfectly outlining his abs.

Leon watched as Jay slowed in her attempt to dry Leon off, and her breathing became more ragged. At one point, it became evident that it was less about drying Leon off and more about her getting a feel of his muscles.

Seeing the way Jay looked at him, Leon decided to push forward.

"Don't bother. The shirt's ruined at this point. I expect to be compensated."

Jay's eyes flicked up to Leon.

"Of course. Ho- How can I make it up to you."

Leon grinned. He knew he got Jay right where he wanted her. The way she looked at him, the blush on her face, the way her hands slithered down to his thighs.

"Unzip my pants."

This was the first direct command Leon had given Jay. Everything up until now had been nudging Jay to see how she would react. If she would say no. Clearly, they were long past that.

Proving his point, Jay's hands trembled as she reached for the zipper on his pants and pulled it down, exposing the tented boxers from Leon's semi. Another order wasn't needed for Jay to know what was expected of her next.

Fingers digging under his boxers, Jay pulled down, and Leon's member plopped out from underneath.

Leon had made sure that his new body had a proper bitchbreaker, and the hardening slab of meat fell upon Jay's hand.

As if it was molten metal, Jay quickly pulled her hands back as if she were scalded.

Snorting at her reactions, Leon grabbed the base of his cock with one hand before it up and then down right onto Jay's face.

Leon's cock was almost fully erect now, and the sizeable appendage nearly covered the entire left side of Jay's face.

Not being able to help but take a deep whiff, the pungent aroma traveled up Jay's nose and hit her brain like a Mack truck. Her body shuddered, and Leon watched as the eye not covered by his shaft rolled up into fluttering eyelids.

Enjoying the effects he had on her, Leon decided to raise and plop his meat on Jay's face a few more times. Once his cock was fully erect, Leon pulled it off of Jay's face before swinging it from left to right, cock slapping her and snapping her out of her trance.

Jay's eyes snapped back into focus and zeroed in on the member in front of her, mind no doubt wondering what it would be like for such a monster to be inside her.

Deciding to not keep her waiting anymore, Leon gave another command.


One word. Even in Jay's currently lust-addled brain, she instinctually understood what that meant, and her plump lips opened wide.

Leon grabbed Jay's chin with one hand while the other reached in and played with her tongue. Leon's index finger was quickly wrapped around by her tongue and slathered and caressed as if it was an audition for the main course.

After a minute or two of playing around with Jay's tongue, Leon's pulled his hand away before grabbing his cock again. He plopped his cock right onto Jay's face again, but this time, he kept it there. Jay immediately knew what the assignment was and started licking Leon's cock.

Jay first dragged her tongue over the underside of Leon's shaft, traversing up and down his length, even occasionally sucking on one of his testicles.

When she was satisfied with how lubed that portion of his erection was, she moved onto the sides and did the same thing, drenching his cock in her saliva. When the only thing dry left was the tip of his cock, Jay finally dragged her lips over to the head.

Seeing the prcum that had begun collecting from the urethra, Jay flicked her tongue over it, collecting all the precum and using the combined lube of precum and spit to thoroughly lather the head with bodily fluids. Once it was covered, she repositioned her lips directly in front of the head before pushing forward and taking it into her mouth.

Leon groaned at the feeling of having her warm apparatus envelope his member. Her tongue swirled around every inch of the gland, occasionally poking and prodding at sensitive areas like the frenulum.

While having Jay sucking on his gland was nice, Leon needed a bit more than this if he ever wanted to get his rocks off. Reaching over Jay, Leon placed one hand behind her head. Jay immediately got the message and began slowly bobbing her head back and forth.

While she was sucking Leon's cock, Jay's hands roamed over her body. Her left hand sneaked under her bra and started fondling her own breasts, and her right hand snaked its way underneath her pants and panties and began caressing her lower lips.

Jay was able to get just a couple inches past the head at first but kept working at it. Slowly, inch by inch, Jay was able to get a little over halfway before, finally, the tip of Leon's cock hit the entrance to her throat. Thinking that was as far as she could go, Jay was about to pull back before her head was held in place.

While Jay thought she was at her limits, Leon was getting fed up with this slow and steady method and was tired of waiting for things to pick up. So, instead of waiting for Jay to pick up her pace, Leon decided to quicken things up alone.

With both hands now behind her head, Leon simultaneously thrust upwards and pulled Jay's head towards his crotch.

Jay wasn't ready to be manhandled out of nowhere and couldn't resist. Leon's cock slid through the mouth before the gland barged into Jay's throat.

Something about this sudden violence turned a switch on in Jay's brain. Instead of fighting against it, she let Leon take control and started mauling her own breasts and furiously fingering herself.

Leon pulled out and then repeated the action, only needing a few thrusts before he was able to firmly lodge himself within Jay's throat.

With her nose forced against Leon's pelvis and her throat used like a sex toy, Jay came hard, squirting through her panties and utterly soaking the crotch area of her pants.

Jay instinctually sucked in the air while she came, her cheeks hollowing and creating a vortex-like effect around Leon's cock. The sensations pushed Leon over the edge, and he was just able to pull himself out of Jay before his load erupted from his cock, completely covering Jay's upturned face with his hot baby batter.

Semen smeared and dripped from Jay's face, falling on her shirt and bra, staining them with Leon's stench. Once she collected herself from cumming, her tongue darted out, licking around her lips and collecting the surrounding cum before taking it back into her mouth.

Her tongue swirled the semen around for a bit, making sure that she got the full taste of Leon's essence before she closed her mouth and swallowed it.

"I hope *pant* that was satisfactory compensation pant, Mr. Leon?"

Looking at Jay panting, her mascara streaking across her face, lipstick smeared in the corner of her mouth, dribble mixed with semen coating her face made Leon'c cock harden again.

Grinning, Leon grabbed a handful of Jay's hair and dragged her face close to his cock. The woman immediately started licking his member again, quickly bringing him back to full mast.

"No. I don't think I'm quite satisfied yet. This is just the beginning."

Chapter End Stats/Quests


The first lewd of the series. More to come, as in literally the next chapter.

Made an update to how the system looks, and now item/skill rarities are color-coded. I'll probably make these changes as I go, so don't be surprised if things change on that front.

I also made a slight edit to chapter 3 clarifying the pheromones don't effect Leon and included a section on the process of him releasing the pheromones the first time. It's super small and really you don't need to go back to read it. Just did it for future readers.


Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.