Chapter 2: Rin The Fox Princess
(Trigger Warning ⚠️)
Context will involve violence
The sun began to shine on my face as I began to open my eyes, I looked towards the window and notice the bright blue sky that had teased me to go and take a peak. So, I rose out of bed and walked towards the window and looked out to see that it was rural town. There were cottage homes that were spread out, along with a river behind the resident area. I also noticed there was an outdoor market and what looked to be some sort of school at the end. But what really caught my eyes was there little slimes that were by the river?
"Wow" as I backed up from the window and turned around to see the room I was in. For an apartment it was actually pretty spacy. It had the most soft, fluffy pink bed with a knitted rug and dresser with a couple of night stands, a vanity and couch with a coffee table in the room. I noticed there was also a closet, so she walked over to the closet and opened it see some knitted long skirts and blouses. So I found a white blouse with a orange and brown skirt.
I got dressed and looked over to the vanity and saw a very unique necklace that had a ruby in the middle of it, for some reason I was just drawn to it. So I picked it up and put it on my neck and for some reason I had felt little lighter, like a spell that had been lifted.
When the Madam came to check on me, she knocked on the door and began to open it..
What happened next was a suprise...
*Good Morning Rin!, I heard you moving around so I thought I would come and bring you a wash bucket.* the Madam said.
My eyes grew wide
I could understand her.
"Wh...who is Rin?, is that my name?" As I spoke, I felt my sharpened teeth puncture my tongue.
I gasped in pain and tears came out.
The Madam walked over with a concerned look on her face and gently rubbed my shoulders. " Are you okay, Dear?" She quickly walked to the kitchen to grab a towel and brought it back so I can put it on my tongue.
"Yes, Your name is Rin, and until yesterday you've been fox for over 75 years." As she spoke calmly.
"7...75 years??? Why do I look like a child???" Confused and shocked.
"Mhmm, and my name is Peggy. You have been with me ever since I was 3 years old." As Peggy explained
" Though before I go into your history, I have made breakfast for you and i do not want it to get cold. " As Peggy gestured towards the kitchen.
Rin obidently followed along and sat at the table, the plate had some steamed fish and rice with a side of stewed potatoes, finished with a freshly baked loaf of bread and some tea to go along with it.
The smell once again began to roam around my nose, beginning to make me drool and I began to devour my meal.
During my past life, I only ever lived on scraps of my foster family's leftovers and then when I lived on my own I just lived on Ramen noodles and TV dinners.
So these meals were just absolutely the meals I had ever had. Once I had finished, I drank my tea and looked up at Peggy.
"What about downstairs? I dont want to keep you when you have customers." As I looked down on my lap
Peggy reached over to my hands and held it in hers. " No need to worry about the Diner, I already have my staff has it covered today. I wanted to take this time to spend some time with you and answer any questions that you may have. I also noticed yesterday that you were uneasy, so I want to do whatever I can to help ease any uncomfort you may have." As she stroked the back of my hand.
I looked up at the middle aged woman that had brown and grey hairs and brown eyes. No matter how I looked at her, she just felt like a mother that I could talk to.
I inhaled and exhaled, and finally spoke up " I don't remember anything beyond yesterday."
Peggy looked at her warmly. " Allow me to fill in the blanks then."
Peggy began with the tribe that I had lived in before I came to live with her family.
" You were born in the fox demon tribe, your mother was Queen and had about 35 husbands and had multiple litters with each of her mates, though you were the 2nd female to be born through her litter and it was peaceful. My mother actually served for your mother, although she was human. They were actually very close friends. And all of your dads absolutely cherished and loved you, and protected you at all cost. "
"But one day, the crown prince of the Regal Empire discovered your land, and went to speak to your mother and wanted to buy there land. Though she refused, and no matter how badly the crown prince wanted the land. Your mother just refused, because it was not only her home, but it was home to all of your relatives and to your clan that had been there for over thousands of years. "
"The crown prince, wouldn't take no for an answer. Though he left that day, and the came next. Nobody expected. 7 days later at night fall the crown prince came back with an army full of knights and began killing everyone of your members to your clan. Your mother quickly handed you to my mother and told her of a backwards she could leave. She gave her all of there money and magic tools that would help you with your growth."
" so my mother took you, and ran as far as she could go until it was complete black and with no one around. She set up camp, and kept you warm and had been on a long journey until she reached my grandparents home where me and my father had waited for everytime she returned from your village."
" my mother brought you over to us after she arrived and went inside with my family to discuss what had happened. A week later, my mother had left with my father to go and check on the village. When she did, she found that there was nothing left. The homes had been destroyed and there bodies that had been through down a cliff. Nobody survived."
Peggy looked up to see Rin in tears, which was rightfully so. " Your mother and all of your clan were very strong mages,believe it or not. Though, the crown prince also had some tricks up his sleeve and overpowered them."
"After you joined our family, for the first few years you didn't approach any of us and we didn't know how to approach you. Though one day, after I learned how to bake some cookies you wondered into the kitchen with your stomach growling and for the first time, I gave you the homemade cookies, and after you had finished you crawled over to my lap and fell asleep. From then our we began to have a bond, and it became deeper as time went on. I knew what your were thinking, what you liked and what you didn't like. We even slept in the same bed for a long time. "
" As time went on, I became curious as to when you were transform in your human form, so I began to study about your species and learned you began to change when your ready. So I wanted to prepare for when you did. Because you loved my cooking, I began to make practicing cooking and the more meals I made, the more happier you became. So I was inspired and realized I wanted to open up my own diner, and since we were close my mother decided that when we moved out that she would leave everything that your mother had left for you."
"So when I bought this diner from the money I saved up for when I was a maid for a noble family, I set up that room for you and knitted clothes you would need for when you changed. I read when you first change, female fox is usually about your size. But once you awaken, your body will take up a 2nd form. You will be not much taller then you are now, but you will be more endowed. Resulting in an adult form, so I went ahead and prepared two lines of sets of clothes for when you do."
As Peggy began to wrap up " the very last week before your transformation, you became very sick with a high fever and became very frail. The night before your transformation, along with your heart you had stopped breathing. For about 5 hours, you had died. Then miraculously, you began breathing again and your heart began to beat once more. The next thing I knew, you became a woman." As Peggy weeded.
After Rin listened to the full story, she couldn't tell if she had been born there or if she literally took over a body from the soul that had just died. All she knew, is the amount of sadness but also the warmth she found in her friend and her family.
So Rin stood up and pulled Peggy into her arms, wrapping her into a hug with tears streaming down her cheeks " Thank you for being a wonderful friend. It means the world to me on what you and your family has done for me."
Peggy sobbed harder" l thought I lost you, I'm so glad you came back go me"
After about 20 mins of comforting each other the broke out of there arms.
Peggy blinked looking at Rin as she wiped her face and laughed " I'm sure I look like a miss, give me a minute to clean my face off and I will come back. Are you hungry? It's been about a couple of hours now since we began our talk"
Rin smiled warmly at her " I'm okay"
Peggy came back after refreshing herself and sat back down at the table. " Do you have any questions for me?"
"Can you start with where we are? And what world in a sense are we living in? I've learned I'm a fox demon, does that mean there are other demons? I saw what looked to be like slimes near the river, and you said there is magic in this world." As Rin directly looked onto Peggy's eyes
"Yes. Demons along with many other types of special beings live in the world along side us humans. Magic has been around since the beginning of time. Almost everyone in the Empire has the ability to use magic, although others aren't as strong as others and there are ones who are not able to use magic."
Peggy stood up to make some tea " Hold on Dear, I know you just have to be getting thirsty just like I am."
Peggy came back after pour two cups and asked if I would like to try milk and sugar in mine. " sure, that sounds lovely"
After doing so, she sat down and we pour sipped our tea. " You said my mother had 25 mates, was that only in the tribe? Or does that go for the whole Empire?"
" years ago it was only certain tribes that had done that because they had less females, now it is indeed everywhere. Although it is in the royal family where the Emperor also has a harem of his own. Though he is the onIy who does. The Empress was the one who made the law, along with her husband and all of the royals look down on the male society. Im not interested in those kinds of things though and I never was. I just wanted to cook, and to make sure you were taken care of." As Peggy explained
After hearing Peggy's explanation, I couldn't think of but one thing.... why are we tolerating the Royal Family? Then a thought struck. " Peggy, Do they know I have been living with you and your family this entire time?"
"No. We have made it clear, that you are to be protected. We have made sure they never even knew of your identity." As Peggy sipped her tea.
"How much trouble will you be in if they ever found out?" As Rin became nervous about the answer.
"My family and I would of been executed back then, but now there have been a few foxes around the Empire. Some believe it's the children of the tribe that had been kidnapped and forced into slavery. But do not worry, you are safe Rin. No one is going to hurt you." As she smiled warmly
" it's you who I'm worried about, you act like it's no big deal if you get caught! I need to leave here today!" As I began to stand up
Peggy caught my hand " Dear, I promise you that I am fine. We are in safe haven far into the mountains and although I know you want to rush out of here on my behalf. I would reckon that you would wait. I have more to tell you"
Rin sat back down and remained calm.
"Your mother had another friend, that was went all the way to South region of this Empire that practically rests on the Blairmount Empire borders. Incase something ever happened to your tribe, she secured more funds and even an entire village for you to live on your own. That way,you can carry on with your life without the Royal Family ever knowing you even exist."
" If that is where you would like to go, anytime. I will get a carriage ready for you to set out." As Peggy began to tear up
" But then I would never see you again, and I literally just woke up yesterday. I would like to see where we are and sort of explore it a little bit. I will let you know when I am ready to go." As Rin came to a conclusion.
" Of course that would make me happier then anyone else in the world." As Peggy wiped her tears
" Now,what can I do to help around the Diner? I can't just stay here for free" as Rin asked
"I..." As Peggy began, but was shortly cut off.
" If your going to say I can't let you do that, then I will make it a point again. Put me to work, I want to do this. For you and for me. We are family, and I want to help." As Rin eyes grew wide as if she was a puppy
" Alright then. You will start this weekend then. I will tell you, today is Wednesday October 18th, year is 1056. You will start on Saturday. First thing in the morning. " As Peggy caved
Rin became very cheerful, " That being said, I think I am going to explore the town. Can you tell me about this town?"
" Well, this called Porter town. Our population consists of 300 at best. There is outdoor market when you walk out, along with a river that travels to the north, and we are on the east side of the Empire. We do have plenty of monsters or other special beings that live outside our town. There is a temple that was mins away from our that also serves as library as well. Then to top it off with, along the streets of porter, there is a school for all of our youngsters, as well as a couple of boutiques. One antique and one for clothes." As Peggy finished speaking.
Peggy got up and walked to her bedroom, and came back with a heavy pouch to place it in Rin's hand.
Rin opened it and took out a gold coin " what I'd this??? As her eyes widened."
" Money, and thats not even half of what you have. There's about 24 billion worth of money that was left to your name. You could probably buy out the Royal Palace if you absolutely wanted to do so and possibly more." As Peggy explained.
" Would you like me to explain the value of money? And what coins value are? As Peggy asked
" p..please? " As Rin tried to hold back her inside joy of money.
" The copper is the least amount of money people typically use around here and around commoners. Apples are typically 3 coppers, if you wanted to stay at an Inn, that would cost you about 10 copper, for an night. A piece of silver can cost you a out 3 nights in a hotel. Next you have your gold, for about 3000 golds you can buy land and a mansion. Next is platinum which costs more then 10 mansions combined. " As Peggy finished explaining.
Rin thought to herself... and your telling me that I am actually rich? Me?? At this point she was beaming.
"So then why don't you buy a bigger restaurant Peggy? You would have more staff and you would be able to cook to your hearts content! I can even buy you a house! A mansion even!!!" As Rin became excited
" No, no! That is your money. I wouldn't dare of even touching it. I could never. " As Peggy shook her head.
" You sacrificed your whole life for me though! Please me do that for you, as a matter of fact who do I speak to around here about building and buying?" As Rin was eager to do something for her kind friend.
Peggy calmed herself. " I love you to my old friend, but watching you become you has been worth being with you all these years. I don't need anything else. Thank you though." She stood up, brushed the wrinkles out of her skirt from sitting down for so long.
" Now, I am going to go down to prepare for supper for our customers. Your welcome to go explore, to come down to diner or stay up here and rest. This is your home." As Peggy took the tea cups to the sink to rinse and walk out the door to go downstairs.
Rin sighed to herself. " Okay then"
Rin stood up and looked at herself in the mirror again in her room and she walked up closer to it, she looked into her eyes and to her acute nose and her pink lips. Then she looked back up to her ears, and went to touch them. " there so soft" she saw her teeth and grinned.
"This is crazy." As she looked closer to herself and she began to think about her past. She couldn't stop thinking about the Royal family. They threatened and killed her family because the prince wouldn't get his way.
" When I get my powers, I'll get them back for everything they did to my clan. How dare they take what was mine." As she Looked at Rin in the mirror.
"I will make them pay for what they did to you and your family. Don't worry Rin, no one will mess with us anymore and will repay Peggy for all of the kindness she has done for us. " As I put my hand up to the mirror.
Rin looked back to her coin purse and back to herself as she looked at her body. " I guess it's time to go shopping."
She picked up the back, and walked out the door