
(OsiriumWrites) Breachers -I- Path of Steel – Chapter 23 (Originally Forged)

Breachers – Path of Steel



 Originally Forged

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Five days later



The man stood hunched over beside the wall; one hand braced against the solid concrete as if it were his lifeline, a small blue mist forming around him. His face twisted with discomfort as another round of queasiness washed over him before he puked it all out. The process continued for another few rounds until there was nothing left. A few seconds later, Kay felt a comforting hand pat his back while a bottle of water pressed at his shoulder.

Sweat-soaked, Kay’s blond hair clung to his face. He took a generous sip from the offered water bottle, swished it to rinse his mouth, and fought back another surge of nausea when he swallowed the water. Wiping his mouth on his gauntlet, a blend of steel, leather, and reinforced plastic, his trembling hand came to rest on his chest. ‘I’m a Breacher now. I’m not the same person as I was before the operation. I can do this!’ he thought as he slid his hand across his chest, mentally following the intricate red marks underneath his armor, stopping just short of his neck.

“Great way to make a first impression on my first job, right?” Kay remarked, taking another sip from his bottle to wash away the lingering taste of vomit. He shot a sheepish glance at the woman, Jessie, who was still standing beside him.

The woman at his side flashed a mischievous grin, her eyes dancing with amusement. “Well, it’s definitely one way to leave an impression,” she quipped, her voice tinged with mirth. “Maybe not the one you were gunning for, but it could’ve been worse. At least you didn’t shit yourself. You’re also bleeding Mana. Keep it in check or you’ll be out before we even go in."

Like Kay, the woman wore protective leather and steel gear, including a thick breastplate adorned with countless battle-worn scratches and the faded traces of a salamander that had been painted on it along with the number two. Her brown skin hinted of an Indian heritage, and her hair was braided and dyed in vivid green. White Marks graced her exposed arms in circular patterns, accompanied by several scars.

“Yeah,” Kay whispered, draining the last remnants of water from the bottle. He attempted to hand it back to her, but her eyes darted to the bottle for a moment while taking a step back.

“Why don’t you hang on to that?” she suggested, “Like forever.”

Kay secured the bottle in his pack and straightened himself against the concrete wall. Behind it, the Sphere loomed, its blue glow a constant reminder of their task today. ‘Today’s the day, Kay’ he reminded himself, his gaze shifting upward at the cloudy weather. ‘I’ve endured too much, buried myself in debt, and made too many commitments not to see this through.’

The woman’s voice brought him back to the present as she went over their mission again and discussed some tactics and monster types. “You’ll be fine, Kay. Just don’t mess up and-”

“What in the world? Jess, since when do you actually bother to show up on time?” A man asked from a distance as he made their way over towards them, adorned in leather armor and wearing a long jacket lined with protective material. Kay could see a patch sewn onto the right shoulder of the jacket, displaying the number three. The left shoulder displayed a similar animal that was visible on Jessie’s breastplate. He had a staff nonchalantly slung across his shoulders, arms dangling on the ends. The staff visibly shimmered with some sort of material, and two steel boxes dangled from each end. “You aiming to impress the greenhorn?” His amusement was slightly hidden by the sturdy helmet he wore, its straps still dangling loosely, and bits of his brown hair poking out, giving him a rough-and-ready appearance.

Jessica countered a grin as she cast a sidelong glance at him, wordlessly mouthing, 'Bite me.'

“Tempting offer, but I’ll leave that to the monsters,” the man replied, approaching Kay while extending a hand for a handshake. “Julien Maes, Beta+ rank Breacher, Caster specialization. And a fellow forged, just like you.”

Kay met his grip with a firm handshake. “Kay de Wever, rank two… I mean, Beta rank like Jessica,” he said with a slight hesitation, “Fighter specialization for now since I don’t have any Abilities.”

“No need to worry about Abilities, rookie. We’re in the same boat,” Jessica reassured him, giving his back a friendly pat. “Most of us don’t score an Ability when we get Forged. But, of course, there are always those annoying exceptions to the rule...”

Julien’s pale complexion clashed with his toothy grin that was forming as he took a step back, a small flicker of fire appearing in his palm. “While those favored by the gods get two,” he commented, nodding in Kay’s direction. “Just listen to our squad leader and don’t puke on my new boots, and you’ll do fine.” Afterward, Julien left the two of them behind and strolled toward the entrance of the junkyard, where a few others had gathered.

“Thanks for giving me a shot today, Jessica. I really appreciate it,” Kay said, understanding that it was largely because of his connection to her younger brother, seeing as they had gone to the same high school. After getting himself mentally ready, Kay followed her lead and headed toward the entrance, carrying the sealed boxes he had brought with him.

A security post marked the entrance, its presence reinforced by two armed officers and a thick steel gate. Beyond it, additional security personnel clustered closer to temporary buildings and the Breachers that were already signed in. Kay and Jessica approached the entrance as they provided their Breacher IDs for scanning, confirming their spot among the group assigned to run the Sphere that day. “Green light. You two are good to go. Happy hunting,” one of the security officers conveyed, prompting Kay to respond with a respectful nod.

Kay surveyed the security setup and the on-site personnel, noting their uniforms. ‘Government employees,’ he mused silently, his gaze lingering on their attire. ‘It’s bonkers to think that some guilds manage and maintain multiple Spheres, handling their own security and logistics. Supposedly, their security is top-notch as well.’ They passed through the checkpoint, catching sight of lockers and shower cubicles in a nearby building as they continued toward their group.

Kay spotted Julien, the pale man, standing alongside two others who were clearly brothers, seeing as they had a similar muscular build, facial features and the same brown hair. One of them had a missing right arm and was covered in scars. What stood out the most were brown Marks that extended across his amputated side and up to his neck. “Holy Shit! Jessica, you didn’t mention that there was an Original in your party,” Kay hissed at Jessica, his eyes widening at the unexpected sight. ‘I’m fighting alongside one of the first Marked? A bloody Original? How in the world am I supposed to make a good impression next to someone like him?’ Kay wondered, his mind racing with thoughts about the man’s experience and the Abilities he might possess.

Kay and Jessica merged with the group as Julien took the lead in introductions. “Meet Jessica’s cub, Kay,” Julien quipped, nodding toward Kay. “I saw him puking his guts out just outside, but he’s at least dressed for the occasion.” The two brothers acknowledged the introduction with nods, their grey eyes narrowing on Kay. “That’s Lefty,” Julien continued, gesturing to the man with the  right arm. “He’s actually Sebastien Stieler, but we all just call him Lefty once you get to know him. And this is Benedict, his older brother and our trusty squad leader, or party leader, whichever you prefer. He enjoys long walks on the beach and, being a feisty Sagittarius, he’s passionate about-”

Benedict shook Kay’s hand firmly, locking eyes with him. “I see you’ve encountered our charismatic Caster,” he commented. “He can be a bit of an acquired taste, but when the going gets tough, he’s the man you want beside you. Same goes for Jessica.”

“The guy is a prick with a loud mouth. Don’t follow his lead and try to be at least more useful compared to Jessica,” Sebastien muttered, narrowing his eyes at Kay. “Also, if you call me Lefty, you’ll find out what it’s like to lose a limb.”

A chuckle escaped Benedict when he noticed Kay’s green eyes widen, and he gave his brother’s shoulder a pat. “Sebastien, how about you handle the weapon and ammunition registration instead of bothering someone who looks like he just got his Forged status three hours ago?” Sebastian clicked his tongue briefly and walked away. “Apologies for my brother. He’s intense, but he means well,” Benedict said, his gaze fixed on Kay. He examined Kay’s gear as if conducting a final inspection. “Jessica mentioned you’re an Beta rank, power rating around 18?”

"19, sir," Kay replied, a hint of uncertainty in his voice, wondering if it was wise to correct the man.

“We’re not in the military, so you can drop the Sir part.” Benedict paused for a moment, circling around Kay. His hand gripped the straps on Kay’s armor, fingers probing for any weak points. “Shame, just one point shy of Beta+ rank. But being at the high end of your rank is usually better than getting a higher rank and struggling,” he remarked. The man stopped in front of Kay once more, locking eyes with him. “Your gear looks good. Decent quality, yet modest enough so that I know you don’t come from money. Good.” There was a pause for a moment after that. “Ever killed something?”

“You mean like a monster?"

"Anything. Monsters, wolves, livestock, that pet rabbit that got sick... people?" Benedict asked, his tone staying even throughout. "Have you ever had to spill blood?"

"No," Kay confessed, his hands tightening. "But my old man ran a butcher shop. I did my fair share, packing meat and tossing out the scraps."

“It will have to do, because you’ll be seeing a lot of blood in a few minutes,” Benedict remarked, shifting his gaze to his brother who was finishing up on his end. “Whatever you’ve read online or seen in movies, it’s different when you’re right in the middle of it. They don’t tell you about how much of their blood gets sprayed on your face when you cut into them, or how many of those monsters shit themselves when they die. The noise of battle and death drowns out pretty much everything.” Benedict let the words sink in as he turned to face the light blue Sphere, just a stone’s throw away. “Just stick with us, keep that shield up, and prioritize defense. It’s a light blue today, so with a power rating of 19 you should be fine.”

Kay nodded, his mind grappling with the potential horrors awaiting inside. When Sebastien finished discussing matters with the site personnel, the party headed towards the lockers, stashing personal items unsuitable for the Sphere’s interior and anything electrical. Kay followed suit, placing his phone, wallet, and car keys inside. He sealed the locker using a thumbprint lock. With their belongings safely stored, the group gathered in front of the Sphere, each unlocking their respective boxes with a thumbprint while personnel on site double checked it. They retrieved knives, swords, assault rifles, a shotgun, and several sidearms one by one. Benedict carefully inspected Jessica’s assault rifles and Julien’s shotgun, followed by their sidearms, before handing them back along with extra ammunition.

‘I wish I could have a gun as well,’ Kay thought, yet he remembered the contract Jessie had made him sign two days ago. ‘It makes sense, them not trusting a gun in my hands just yet. If I panic... or slip… I could hurt or even kill someone. Less chance of that if I stick to melee only. That and I don’t have the training, paperwork and License. Still, I do feel a bit naked without it,’ he thought as he opened up his own boxes, afterwards retrieving a thick steel shield from it and a one-handed axe. His gloved hand clenched the handle of his axe, the thick layer of protective material creaking as his grip tightened.

“You all set?” Benedict’s gaze swept over the team one last time, and his face broke into a confident grin when they all nodded in agreement. “Excellent. We move in slowly, hug the wall, and take out any nearby threat. If things go wrong, we move back through the barrier. No need for heroics; this is just a job.” His voice was firm and determined as he withdrew a steel cylinder from his pocket and pressed it against his neck. Instantly, a syringe jabbed into his flesh, injecting something.

Kay’s gaze fell upon the canister, and he squinted to read the text inscribed on it: MBP-2ML. His eyebrows shot up, and a momentary widening of his eyes betrayed his surprise. ‘MBP... Mana-Binding Proteins?’ he pondered. Without hesitation, he leaned in toward Jessica, his voice hushed but hurried. “Your squad leader’s a civie?” The hushed words rushed from his lips. At that, Jessica and Julien exchanged a quick, hushed "shit" under their breath before their eyes shifted to the side.

The one-armed Breacher’s piercing gaze zeroed in on Kay as he advanced, an odd distortion rippling through the air around him. It was as if a faint, eerie blue mist seeped from the Marks that covered his scarred body. His tone instantly shifted into something filled with menace. “What the hell did you just call him? You’ve got an issue with my brother?” He closed the gap between them, his anger almost tangible, but came to an abrupt stop when his brother intervened.

“Sebastian... relax, please. The lad seems like he’s on the verge of a meltdown,” his brother remarked, tone tinged with amusement. “He’s probably just surprised or curious. Give him some space.”

Sebastian snorted disdainfully, then spat forcefully on the ground in front of Kay. “Consider yourself lucky that my brother is the one in charge. He’s worth more than most Marked, and a hell of a lot more than you Forged... freaks,” he said, emphasizing the last word.

Julien flashed an impish grin, as if he enjoyed making things a bit more complicated. “Charming, really. But, you know, technically, most of us here are all Marked,” he teased, ignoring Jessica’s sigh. He then casually rolled up his , unveiling a canvas of greenish Marks etched in straight lines across his forearms. “See... spots and all.” His demeanor suggested he knew exactly how to push the one-armed Breacher’s buttons.

Sebastian’s anger surged anew, even fiercer this time. His neck veins throbbed visibly, and the strange distortion around him became more pronounced. He hissed each word through clenched teeth, “Fuck... you...” His finger jabbed into the Caster’s chest, emphasizing his point. “You Forged aint Marked. All of you are lesser copies of us Originals. You didn’t earn those Marks with pain... you just paid for it. All of you are fucking lab experiments.”

A soft, awkward whistle escaped Jessica’s lips as she leaned closer to Kay. “He tends to be protective of his brother and his ‘Original’ title,” she murmured. She then pulled back but leaned in once more to clarify, “Just thought I’d give you the heads-up.”

“I think I got it… thanks,” Kay said, his tone tinged with a defensive sarcasm as he distanced himself from Jessica. Inwardly, he reached out to whatever higher power might be listening for guidance. ‘I’d rather deal with the Sphere alone than stay here another moment.’

He kept his eyes on Sebastian and Julien, their standoff brimming with tension. One emitted a violent glare, while the other feigned politeness, barely concealing his amusement. ‘It seems like the Original Breachers really look down on us Forged. I didn’t know it was this bad,’ he considered, noticing the simmering hostility. Kay knew that nowadays there were far more Forged than there were Originals, but he had hoped that in the field that there was more unity. ‘Is it always like that, or is it just those two?’ The unmistakable sound of a nearby rifle being racked interrupted his thoughts and made him pay attention again.

Benedict stepped in, his voice stern. “Cut it out, both of you, or your pay takes a hit,” he declared, addressing the bickering duo, afterwards checking his watch. He then made his way to the Sphere, coming to a stop right in front of the light blue glow of it. The squad promptly formed around him, ready for action. “On my count... three... two... one...”

Kay swallowed hard, steeling himself for what lay ahead. ‘This is it. Today I become a Breacher!’ He clutched the axe handle and shield firmly, his grip resolute, and took a step forward, a touch quicker than his companions. He winced as his nose slammed into the unyielding surface of the Sphere. It felt like face-planting into a brick wall that instantly brought him to an abrupt stop. Jessica’s soft laughter echoed beside him as she effortlessly passed through the peculiar crystalline membrane, afterwards silently mouthing ‘rookie’ before passing through. ‘Come on… I’ve got this,’ Kay reassured himself, taking a deep breath. He followed her lead, gently slipping through the Sphere’s exterior and into the unknown.



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Copyright: OsiriumWrites

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