Bow and Arrow

Chapter 29 — That Works Too?!

That Works Too?!


The second thread he read was:

[The foreshadowing of Demons, our first big Enemy?]

Author:Lotion Lost  -  Posted 4 hours ago

Hi everyone. I know not many actually care about the game's story, in fact, other than me... I've never seen anyone else in the library, well, at least from the Sub-Division I'm at anyways... what I wanted to get at, is that after doing many side-quests for many NPCs I've noticed that every single one of them mentions their born with-like hatred towards demons.

At first I took it as anyone else probably did, simply as the game hinting at you that... there'd be content in the future where you're facing off the Demon Race. But if you actually ask them or try to pry information from the Demon Race they instantly become somewhat embarrassed... and... kinda dumb. 

I went to the library of the main City as I started to go looking around for any information but I also found nothing, only a small amount of mentions from events happening hundreds of years ago (in the game...). 

To... to be honest... if I use modern words, it's like... some kind of Gods trying to warn the people on this planet, ah, they are called Kingdoms right? haha...

Anyway, I also didn't discover any information about Gods, Goddesses or even any statue, temple... something like any kind of structure built in their 'grace'... I didn't find anything at all. Which, considering the voices some of us players have been hearing... well, I think it might be the very same from the books.

Ah, sorry I took too much time writing this. I suddenly grew too much absorbed into this game's lore and haha... since I saw no one talking about this, I though to point it over... thanks for reading my post.

(12M Upvotes) - (20M Comments)

Though the author seemed to be somewhat quite... insecure, Tongqiu instead focused his whole attention on the fact that there was indeed no such thing as a religion, nor was there any information of the Demons, but... so what? This being the first two months of the game is pretty much 'contentless' as there was enough time to add a story should there really be any. Sure, there were some people who got suddenly interested with such a thread in the forums, but mostly were just thinking that they were uncovering a big surprise or something. Though it in did seemed as an obvious hint from Crestfallen Industry, it just didn't seem to be any important at all. For now.

'However... these 'Gods' or Goddesses'... hm.' Tongqiu pondered silently, he clearly remembered his and Natalia's own unique first contact with such 'entities' such as the 'guiding voices'.

Finally, Tongqiu went towards the last thread he got interested in as he read it calmly:

[Hidden Classes can lose vs normal Classes!!!]

Author: Little Star  -  Posted two days ago


"I've seen, many, many, MA FUCKING NY people worshiping Journeyers with hidden classes as if they're supposed to be their messiahs!? Seriously, what the heeeell!! What's next? An association full of hidden IDIOTS?! Perhaps some self-sucking meetings here and there as they treat normal classes as poor and unworthy?! Ptoey, ptoey!!"

"I'm here to let everyone know that hidden classes are merely an advanced foundation! Nowhere near becoming op from to hero nor the likes of it! Look at this!:"

What was below such... invigorating text was a video in pause. As Tongqiu clicked on it with his finger, a video of an obviously hidden fellow recording from afar was spectating the battle between what seemed to be a sorcerer and a completely unseen class's abilities, movement and even weapon! The area was a meadow with high vegetation, and the hidden fellow was obviously really good at being unnoticeable.

The sorcerer class's equipment was all between Powerful and Valuable grade, pretty alright. His equipment had a style like that of a reverend from ancient times but was instead completely white as the main color while the borders were a bright light blue as it was pretty much a complete set except for the helmet which was merely a headband made of a strange flexible wood while it had an unique circular decoration at its front. Meanwhile, he held a small dagger in his right hand while his left hand was empty. He was obviously a human as well as having an elegant and matured face.

As for the hidden class's equipment, he wore a complete outfit consisting of a black coat covering all his body along with a hood that barely covered his face, letting anyone know he had a beard; a leather-like shirt which had a black chrome color to it. Pants which seemed to be fully made of cotton, black as well. He held a staff-rod looking pole weapon that had two weird blades at its tip. It was like a 50 cm large and 15 cm wide bullet-shaped cylinder was cut in two, then some kind of delicate looking metallic small material was connecting each blade to the staff-rod pole arm as their interior sides were facing each other with the shaft in between them.

The first to make a move was the sorcerer as he seemingly levitated while energy-like electricity currents flowed beneath his feet as he moved in circles with the black-robed man as the center. He was making some other small circles whenever he traveled around 5 m, making a weird looking pentagram all around the black-robed man.

Then, the black-robed man finally attacked as he thrust his unique pole arm towards his front where there was only air and an open space. Strangely though, the sorcerer's face panicked at the moment he made that move as he began to sway his arms in a circular/rotating fashion. An incoming shadowy spearhead suddenly attacked him from behind, from his shadow! At that moment, however, the sorcerer had already finished his crazy movements as the circle he previously traversed from before was now lighting up as his body disappeared and what the shadowy collided against was a mini-explosion of energy!

Shocked, the black-robed man instantly tried to jump in the air but... 


As if exactly waiting for that moment, the mini-circles that were made previously suddenly summoned the surrounding magic particles as they created each an immense energy mass that resembled a huge amount of electricity made into a navy blue colored ball with a blinding white in the middle, while the 'electricity' itself was dancing around the perimeter of the energy ball. They all converged at the same height in the middle of the air as each energy ball then struck out with a flash of lightning towards the foolish black-robed man. Then, the sorcerer reappeared between two of the mini-circles as he then pointed his dagger in his right hand towards the black-robed man as his left hand was throwing even more energy-like electricity towards each of the mini-circles. After he did so, a snake made of electricity started slithering around the perimeter of the big circle as if it was trying to amass as much possible magical power as possible. All this happened in a short 7 seconds from the moment the sorcerer discovered the hidden spearhead in his shadow to the moment the black-robed man was caught in a trap while the sorcerer was powering up the mini-circles.

The sorcerer's skills were fast but not offensive, only his entrapment was truly somewhat offensive as the black-robed man wanted to move but couldn't even think straight, after all, being bathed in electricity and going through it like a walk in the park was not something he specialized himself with.

The black-robed man seemed to have used a skill as a smallish red aura enveloped his figure in an instant. He was then able to move his arms slightly and slowly. He didn't want to know what would happen should he try and 'tank' the next move from this crafty player so he rather made the reckless decision of going for an all-out last stand against him!

Indeed, the sorcerer also didn't wanted to test his luck by letting this man use his skills however he wanted, his first move had already scared him so much that he did not dare use any of his long incantation spells as he instead went for the approach of synergy focused skills and self-buffing.

Finally, his arms were surrounded by two genuine flood dragons made of electricity, real electricity that was actually tearing his skin apart as his HP went lower and lower. Then, his arms moved towards his front as his hands made a gesture resembling that of Yin and Yang, yet with a different posture coming from his folded fingers.

Meanwhile, the black-robed man's pole weapon was about to aim at the sorcerer. As it was happening so, the center between the two weird-looking long blades at the tip of his pole arm emanated a red-orange glow as it slowly started to become more and more resplendent and as some extremely small electricity currents of the same color were produced from it, which then traveled around the entirety of the pole arm without ceasing.

Both parties were already aiming at each other as loud and deafening 'shshkshkshshkshshshk' sounded from the sorcerer's side while the sound of an energy-like weapon charging up was heard from the black-robed man's side.

The electricity currents, ever so mightily, were sent out in extreme speeds towards the black robed man.


The sound coming from the pole arm like that of an immense laser being shot was also then shot towards the sorcerer.

As both energies exploded in an intense blackening for an instant, both of them disappeared at the same time. The black-robed man struck forwards as he turned blurry and his image disappeared, mimicking that of an afterimage. The sorcerer himself suddenly became electricity as his body seemed to be torn apart at lightning speed as he moved towards the left.

30 meters away from the explosion was the sorcerer's body being propelled backwards by the pole weapon, as he was being sent away, almost being killed even though the pole arm barely hit him and without a single skill. The black-robed man was once again shocked to see his well-prepared strategy be clowned again. What he even less expected, however, was that innumerable amount of little snake-like electricity were now moving towards him from above him right from where he sent flying the sorcerer! There was still remnants of the explosion form both parties' full-out attacks or rather skills, and the circle itself was also left untouched, right when the electrical little snakes were 1 meter before reaching the black-robed man, the circle dissolved as every mana and magical power in within each mini-circle traveled towards the snakes as they also dragged along the remnant residual power from the explosion!

Once the mana and magical power coming from the previous battlefield connected and merged to the little snakes, half a meter away from the black-robed man in practically an instant, each snake transformed into a ferocious and cruel flood dragon as they all the black-robed man's limbs as well as some in his torso before finally being sent away with a surprise attack; there actually was another trap encompassing a 60 m circle area where he was barely a few meters away from being out of the circle! In but an instant, a perfectly drawn pentagram below his feet materialized as it ever so powerfully lightened up as a roaring huge flood dragon -at least 6 times thicker than an adult's body- came out of it, easily 'eating' the black-robed man sending him to his death.

The last seconds from the scene was a panting and crouching sorcerer with a bitter expression on his face before smiling in victory, clueless to the nearby spy.

"See that?! Not only did that hidden class lose because of his ignorance, but also because he thought his hidden class could counter all normal class. That means that no hidden class has omnipotent precedence over normal classes. That means that anyone good enough like that of rivaling a genius, like me, could easily beat them up!"

"Gooo~d Byeeeeee~!"

(3.57B Upvotes) - (2.88B Comments)


This was the first time that Tongqiu himself saw PvP, and a high-level at that, well, for current max level that is. He was nonetheless, impressed by this author, specially their very energetic, vigorous, positive and cheerful personality. He was damn sure it was a girl, a very carefree one at that. 

Tongqiu shrugged his shoulders to the thought of such a mad girl, which also seemed to be quite renown among the player base of Rising Essence. That is, of course something dear Tongqiu would never care about.

In his good mood, he decided to first do some little BOSSES around to reel in the aftertaste of low-level omnipotence, as idiotic as it sounds, it wasn't a lie...

As he was sending the link of the thread to 'Mommy Heals You' in case she hadn't seen it before as a surprise to let her feel cheered up, Tongqiu purposely ignored all the people that seemed to oh so obviously look like guards as he got closer to one of the mining areas. He also simply brushed them off whenever they tried to stop him as he kept on advancing. They kept on saying things like 'hey stop! This is Blacksun Guild's territory!' or 'this is OUR zone, get the fuck out you pussy!', but Tongqiu merely kept on foolishly thinking of Natalia's gratefulness of his thoughtful caring.

After a couple minutes he arrived before a cave entrance which was obviously not a natural one. He entered, ignoring all the shouting in the far away distance as he entered into the mine at full speed.

Not long before he entered, he realized that there were many people collecting all the available materials, mere leaving some alone for some reason.

He stopped one of the miners, probably a 'sub-class' only as the player was obviously irritated from being interrupted. Tongqiu said: "Um, are you from an Union? I'm just looking to collect certain minerals among other materials, I won't sta-"

For once, Tongqiu was interrupted instead as the annoyed player answered: "We are not! We are the Blacksun's workers, what you want? Just piss off from here, fucker." As he proceeded to go back towards his previous mining.

Tongqiu was taken aback 'Ah... not an Union...? So... I can kill them, hehe.' He then was about to take out his gladius when suddenly, many loud and enraged voices came from behind him.

"There you are, you're finally scared? HUH?! You little bitch."

"So you're... huff... out of... huff... false bravado ah? Fucking retard- huff..."

"Seriously! What is it with these morons just thinking they can barge anywhere, Eh you, didn't our people told you this place's off limits you faggot?!"

Tongqiu: ಠ_ಠ

The group of people then saw an unwilling to even speak Tongqiu as a bow, and as an arrow were suddenly materialized right in front of their eyes with an incredible cool effect. Their eyes went wide. They. Wanted. That.

"Heh, heh. Kiddo, listen to big papa here and gimm-" He couldn't even finish before two wide-shots of double arrow attacks landed on their heads. 

-11,203, -11,192, -11,087, -11,013...

Out of this world explosions sounded out as every player he saw coming in from the entrance died in a mere amount of 5 seconds. In 5 seconds, dozens of players died with merely Combustion active and half a dozen of two-arrows wide-shots.

Terrified, the players mining to their hearts content jumped ever so frightened by the inhumane explosions just then. They saw a man wearing almost no clothes and with an eccentric mask slowly disperse the bow he just used, then as he turned around with both hands holding a Sunfacing Brilliant Gladius sword, he looked towards every single one of them as he inched closer and closer.

He first moved towards the person that he so 'rudely interrupted' before raising and hacking down his sword with speed they themselves have never seen a player move with, along with an extremely scaring precision that allowed him to cut open the player's front neck as his head was also simply pierced by another of Tongqiu's swords without Combustion.


Tongqiu moved towards the rest of the players, the mine was big, sure, but it wasn't endless. If one walked at normal speed, merely 12 minutes would be required to reach the end... he had time to play.

-2,009, -1,818, -1,917, -1,999, -2,019, -2,010, -1,896...

"Okay, my bad, it's taking too much time." Somewhat disappointed, Tongqiu took out his essential weaponry once again but instead of activating combustion, he instead performed his other AOE skill, Tongqiu's Rain Showdown. He didn't use Combustion because it definitely wouldn't mimic other skills, only the shapes of the item/weapon used.

And it worked nicely.

-8,445, -8,380, -8,420, -8,394, -8,488, -8,447...

18 shadows of two arrows, meaning, 36 free attacks with 180% of that of his magical and physical power damage for each arrow. Not only that, because of the fact that he was in a mine, or rather, an extremely small tunnel; Tongqiu didn't had to wait even a moment for his skill to materialize completely and then attack. Thanks to the non-existing high sky in such environment, shadows of his arrows were instantly summoned to his sides and behind him. But before Tongqiu had the chance to even think, they were already moving, the one from behind him merely went through his body as if the shadows were illusions but once they reached their targets... mayhem.

'Suc...cess!' Only losing 10 MP and 10 Stamina, this made it so that he'd only use Combustion against genuinely strong enemies but not only so and Tongqiu's Rain Showdown was able to allow him to AOE any group that came at him. Maybe he couldn't spam the skill like crazy, but he could at least use it every 8 seconds! Along with his ever increasing agility, flexibility and even damage mitigation stats, that was easy peasy for him to abuse of.

Tongqiu: "..."

Everything was silent, merely 5 minutes went by since he started the massacre as the final dozen people were finally felled.

*PING*... an anomaly has been discovered... processing data...

'Siiiiiiiiigh~...' Now used to it, Tongqiu merely stopped in place as he waited for the damn long thing to end processing its mother.

After 15 long, boring and mining minutes, another notification popped up, as usual.

*PING*... you've unlocked yet another 'mystery': [Players killed 258/1,000], reach the current milestone to receive an unique reward. Thanks to your 'Evil Saint' class, this feature has been unlocked!

'I... That works too?! Meh, I'm not even surprised any more, how bloody, as if a premonition of something... hehehe.' Tongqiu chuckled somewhat in a silly and creepy manner, in his thoughts, as he proceeded to mine until even his heart was full of dirt.

'Ugh, maybe I should actually contact an Union, mining's way harder than harvesting flora... maybe--' Tongqiu was thinking very wisely according to himself. But then he slapped himself incredible hard on the face. Of course it was difficult... he didn't had a pickaxe.



Author's Note: I hate when something like that happens to me in games. I. Hate. It.

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