Bow and Arrow

Chapter 26 — For Them

For Them


It went like this: Natalia rebuked Tongqiu for being quite the brainless dick, then after being coaxed so tenderly and so sincerely for about 20 minutes she finally turned around and gathered his other girls before making a little circle far away from him -in the same room- on the bed before taking another hour and a half to discuss. Amidst their non-ending chatter, giggles were the most common from the girls, especially Tonkia and Irllytia. As for Natalia, though she also would giggle with them, she would more often than not blush crazily. It was as if she were being told the anatomy of a certain male through stories. Natalia is no ignorant little girl so she understood the peculiarity from each of the stories the other two girls narrated for her... and she was liking it. Ehem, then after almost 2 hours of just nothing 'fun' happening, Tonkia finally called the 'bout to sleep Tongqiu while waving her hand and glancing at him playfully. With such ambiguous development, Tongqiu could do nothing but fear for himself in silence before complying.

What came right next once Tongqiu arrived to their circle... was more chatter. This time, the conversation was about how Tongqiu had a heavenly-like relic called True Wish in which Tonkia and even Irllytia could get in and out in the most omnipotent of ways, as if reality itself was to be bent anytime they wished just to get in or out of that White Space. Of course, Irllytia still had to attend the Inn so she didn't had the chance to enter there just yet. She did, however, mentioned with a lot of excitement that once she was done helping her family business, she would -without hesitation- move out to live with Tonkia in the White Space, form a family and other really important matters in a cute yet silly way; causing Natalia to smile bitterly as well as sweetly.

Natalia understood that this was a game and things like this may be happening later on in this 'second life' but she never imagined that it'd be possible right away, it was truly rocketing in her mind even more the fact that his beloved was the reason behind this discovery. How to take it? 

Sigh... Natalia's soft and long sigh made Tongqiu relax a little as he saw her expression growing more relaxed and also... competitive? Matters not, for Natalia's next words allowed Tongqiu to understand her thoughts: "Hm, seems you really had a blast before you fell ill, hm hm. Your body is still weak so take more rest and do exercise. At the end of this month I'll... go live with you- BUT! Until then you have to show me your bodily progress as well as take me on dates, okay? I won't allow for laziness to take over you nor to mistreat me, or else!"

As Natalia started speaking, she feigned reproach as well as disdain ever so badly that Tongqiu's smile made her go soft. Hence, after her first sentence she merely turned back to that angelical, soft and gentle voice of hers as she kept on nagging at him as a worried wifey. Even more when she arrived to the topic of 'going out' with her.

Merely content with her acceptance of his style of life, Tongqiu smiled deviously as he tackled her into the bed ever so softly before burying his face on her almost flat chest smooth and soft skin. Which reminded him of the other red-haired actual flat chest as he suddenly looked towards the other girl's chest; his tastes may be quite different from majority but he felt so fortunate to have them both.

"Ehem." Noticing Tongqiu unusually extreme interest on looking at hers and Irllytia's torso, Natalia coughed in annoyance a little as she then flicked Tongqiu's head with her right hand's index finger as she then proceeded to put both her hands on his head, cupping his slightly warm-tired cheeks as Tonkia herself just stole a peck from his lips before saying "Goodbye~! Enjoy!" and vanishing into the White Space.

'Hm, enjoy?' Before Tongqiu could even have a couple breathes of time, Natalia turned his head towards her as she  kissed his forehead before saying: "After having your nice little fun, go ahead and rest before moving your body 'properly'. Understood? Mwah." 

She ended up kissing his nose right after speaking, which she then proceeded to lay next to him in the bed as her head was on his chest with her eyes closed and a sincere big smile on her face. Then, a little light shone on her body before enveloping her. Once the light disappeared, she did it to... she logged off.

Tongqiu had no time to consider her actions, as he hadn't notice his dragon was already out, in its 'worm' form. Right when he did felt that his sleeping dragon was already out with a furrowed brow and thoughts of 'why is it outside' - a warm and slightly playful cave enveloped his entire sleeping dragon. There were stalactites that were naughtily playing around with the sleeping dragon's whole body, purposely ignoring the sleeping dragon's head, giving the dragon's master an immense need for immediate and brutal action!

But he didn't had the need to, as Irllytia's hands dropped ever so slowly and seductively on his pelvis as they made their way for his abdomen before slowly making circles with her hands wide open. Invigorating in Tongqiu a strange feeling of being dominated, not in a positional way but by a domineering ferocious hungry beast. Which only wanted to take their fill before simply going on to take care of their daily life issues.

And so, there was an Irllytia who was hungrily-looking going ups and downs without an ounce of shyness nor hesitation or awkwardness. She proved her devotion for him as she would occasionally look up to him with seemingly half-sleepy yet extremely clear and provocative eyes as well as dragging the now awakened and fully enraged dragon along her hard palate, soft palate before finally being so unnoticeable caressed by her uvula. At first she only did so with the 'back' from where the dragon was facing her, but then she started doing a complete tour all over the dragon's whole body. After probably half an hour, the dragon became covered in an unknown yet very tempting looking 'slimy' substance, as well as the fact that it got tamed by the invincible cave that never stopped nor slowed down in the slightest.

Finally, Irllytia did something utterly unexpected which drove Tongqiu insane. She first stopped by no reason, then her hand moved towards her neck, surrounding it without doing anything else. After a few seconds, she gobbled down the entire enraged dragon as she then proceeded to choke somewhat hard herself before going back to her endless ever so amazing motions, this time causing a friction so immense that Tongqiu couldn't help but stop her, let her take a few seconds of a break before forcing her head all the way down again. Then he himself put his hands around her neck before he firmly tightened it as she started moving to an even faster speed. Her motions had to be incredible flexible, it may not be too large but it definitely was more than 'too' thick and as such a completely teary eyed Irllytia looked at Tongqiu with a begging expression.

That sparked the last needed flame as he unrestrainedly unleashed his 'dragon's fury'. Irllytia may not be as beautiful nor heavenly as other women he'd had his love-making with. But he never cared about it, the only importance Tongqiu had towards Irllytia was the girl entirely, not her looks. So when her face had turned completely teary he understood this was to her own enjoyment too. As if to prove Tongqiu's words right, she first let the 'fury' travel down her throat and as each 'load' of fury traveled down there- she would close her eyes in deep enjoyment. After quite some fury loads, she then put the dragon's head pointing towards the tip of her tongue as even more and more fury 'loads' made their way for her gloat over. Once her mouth was quite full and extremely sticky, she gloated over it with ecstasy invading her entire being as her eyes rolled here and there, narrowing then closing in enjoyment before opening to glance at the entranced Tongqiu before going watery and repeating all over.

Gulp! Gulpgulpgulpgulp...

Then she passed it all down to her stomach, successfully maintaining the dragon's fury inside her.

The last gift Irllytia gave him today was her lips grazing non-stop over the dragon's still a little enraged head. In and out at also incredible speeds for another 5 minutes until Tongqiu finally relaxed his whole body.

Once everything was done, she was about to stand up then leave. But then her right wrist was held tight by Tongqiu's both hands as he roughly pulled her over. 

"Yiaahp!" After Irllytia's yelp came complete silence...


As Tongqiu was calmly looking over the kitten asleep with her head on his left arm, he started having a kind of different train of thoughts he'd ever had. In truth, Tongqiu didn't ever had something he aspired for in his life. And even when the thought of 'that' girl waiting for him to come take her was always in his mind, he wouldn't shackle himself just because of that... he was ready to die at any moment.

His meals, as garbage as possible and selected in the utmost uncaring manner. His clothes, only wearing them because he doesn't like exposing his body to any kind of person, even a great beauty so as to say.

Always letting his eyes lose focus, never noticing when someone is watching him but always 'feeling' their eyes as well as thoughts. His incomprehensible unique experiences and capabilities confusing him every day of his life, even to the point of not allowing to see his own affect on people.

He understood the kind of man he had become- no, chosen to be. He embraced it, he didn't deny it or tried to change it. He refused or maligned anything or anyone that could ever give him a chance. Only for the sake of being driven apart. In his childish ways, he became an unavoidable self-destructive idiotic and moron of a person. He was ready to die, foolishly even.

So when Rising Essence came to him as an eventful opportune choice he took it without thinking. So he felt alive again. So he felt... alive again.

But there was this dilemma. Did he really care that much about a game just to live for it alone? Was it really so even when 'that' girl wasn't enough of a reason to take him out of his own befuddled and chaotic broken mind? 

He hesitated, he felt gloomy. For them.


'Wait, that's right... for... for them. For them I... I-I... I can...'

As Tongqiu's eyes abruptly widened from such obvious realization, then his body slightly trembled, which woke Irllytia up. She only needed one second before discerning the tremendous change of heart this man of hers was going through. As she extended her arms towards him, she cupped his head with her hands as her entire slim and delicate body moved forwards as a deep and passionate kiss was born from her actions.

After what seemed a minute of physically healing another's mental state. Tongqiu and Irllytia's faces were now linked by a trace of saliva, them being apart from each other by only 3 inches, the sun getting ready to change roles with the night and creating a wonderful contrast between the two of them.

She smiled, he never noticed her actual, natural and unrestrained glorious smile, until now. Her lips puckered ever so slightly as she whispered to him while caressing the sides of his head, fondling his messy hair: "Don't ever back down from us. We'll always be there for you, as much as each of us needs you, okay? For now and for the future, we'll be there!"

'Right, I will always have them. And I can live too, for them.' 

Having her so close with a smile so pure, the heart of Tongqiu felt incredibly peaceful as he reached out a hand to bring her head over to him and deliver another couple of pecks on that girl's of his face. "Mn, mn, mn."

Tongqiu gave her a smile and a look, towards which Irllytia easily understood as she gave a smile and a look of hers in response. 'Then, I'm going.' - 'Mn, take your time, we and Tonkia know you need it. Take care.'

Then he logged off as he gave Irllytia a final, long caress to her cheek while she tilted her head towards him in enjoyment.


As soon as Tongqiu stood up from his bed right after logging off, he went towards one of the unnecessarily big closets in the adjacent room. He picked up selectively, since all these clothes were chosen by 'her', he wouldn't slight them in any way. He choose a darkish-brown rough looking jacket which was actually soft both inside and out. Then, he headed out.

The villa he lived at was one consisting of only apartments, households to live in. There was a great pool, made so majestically to look as if it was naturally formed. There was even enough space for a 'little' airport as well as helicopter landings, and not even that took more than 15% of the villa's space. Also being quite a few minutes far away. But there was nothing in them, no vehicles, no jets, no helicopters not even people.

It seemed as if the last time there were people was actually just a few days before he arrived. 

As such, he needed to go out... go out and meet new people, converse with them and make contracts.


But first he needed to take on necessary 'paperwork' to do so. And so, Tongqiu did something that he'd not realize of until later on that day. He simply felt his 'presence' able to go far away from just what he was capable of seeing and hearing as he gained 'vision' of his surroundings inside his mind. He had to close his eyes and enter a state similar to that of meditation, standing still. Then he saw a couple hundred meters a group of 4 men, 2 old and 2 young, as he went closer to them.

The group was alarmed when Tongqiu merely left the villa, let alone once they noticed he was walking towards them as they entered in panic and hurriedly took out their strangely thick phone-like devices as they were ready for any weird action of this idiot. But then they realized even more, that this 'idiot' bluntly looked at them just now.

A few dozen seconds later, Tongqiu arrived before them and said: "Eh, could you tell anyone from the Yun Clan to bring me my villa and identification data? They know what I'm looking for, just pass the message, in 15 minutes at the front of the nearest bank, hurry please."

Then he simply walked off. The nearest bank was 15 minutes in car, but this idiotic moron never took one, not even public transport even though it was free... and so comfy! Nevertheless, they had to report such weird activity whether they wanted to comply at his commands or not.


40 minutes later at the nearest bank. The sun was already almost non-existent in the sky as darkness tried to invade Nascent Herb City just to be repelled by the ever so glorious lights from all over the city, making it astonishingly bright but never blinding nor hurtful. It was truly one of Crestfallen Industry's many wonders in life. In New Earth.

Anyway, what surprised Tongqiu at the moment he arrived at the front of said bank; was that a woman not coming from the Yun Clan was holding another ultimate generation, as well as customized to be extremely durable, extremely- as well as what seemed to be an identity card. Ultimately, he recognized her, and when he did another woman appeared. It was that one 'gracious' looking woman that along with another even younger woman that managed to bond with his brother Yun Lei in the previous 'party'. Now thinking about it, it seemed as if both of them were sisters and if nothing happened in these few two months then most likely they got together with him.

"So, what happened?" Tongqiu opened up his mouth to interrupt the 'gracious' woman right when she was opening her mouth to speak, or rather, greet him.

The reaction from the 'gracious' woman was that of being cut off rudely, while the younger one merely turned her gaze towards him to that of hostility. The 'gracious' woman composed herself by shaking her body a little before replying modestly: "Your brother was tasked with his... matter. He didn't had the time to do carry on with it but, he didn't wanted to let you down so he tasked me instead to deliver this to you."

Maybe she did, or maybe she did not; but her bouncy and bountiful breasts swayed quite the attractive amount of times while she was trying to 'compose' herself, which made Tongqiu lift his right eyebrow immediately while his left eyebrow merely remained low. This action of her made Tongqiu already not like her, it was a mix of being 'elegant' and 'sincere' but at the same time flirting; used to have advantages over others obviously. He didn't care about the fact that she did it, or why. He only cared about the fact that it was not needed, so he merely rebuked her in response: "Oh, then that's a thanks for me. Let me take these things before you decide to become conscious of all the parasites in your body even further, we, specially the Yun Clan, would want that now, would we?"

"Anyway, is not like you I nor you care whether Lei even knew of this, thank you for bringing it up to me. Now you can bring that puppy at your side and those at your sides with you and leave now, could you? Once again, thank you- in fact, why not give my thanks to my brother himself? Ah, nevermind, I'll just tell him myself, wouldn't want to bother you to tell him the obvious, goodbye." He finally stopped speaking towards them as he turned around and started walking away. Leaving a 'gracious' woman breathing heavily while a younger one's eyes were hardened in hatred quite a lot. Impossible to know what was going on in their minds... for everyone but Tongqiu, that is.



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