Bow and Arrow

Chapter 1 — Item grading and Classes

Item Grading And Classes




And so, the easily one hour of pure reading about the developers, admins, GM, designers and even K.C. words of encouragement for the soon to become 'players' to do their best and find out all the wonders within the game itself, and the world within the game and bla, bla, bla; went by inexplicably fast. One thing they definitely did not do for sure was to make a short video about it, but knowing Crestfallen Industry, these kinds of distribution of information was quite like them, never doing any videos nor promotions, just taking out something and letting the 'peasants' admire.

Scrolling down the bible-sized paragraphs with utter attention, he finally arrived at the item grading for this update. Before that, he found out that basically max level seemed to be 30, and that there are quite some melee and magic-based classes but not so many large distance battle classes, though they'll probably be one of the most talked about in this update, but will actually become the most popular ones in the future.


The next information, which is item grading then, was as follows:

Useless (White) --> Common (Green) --> Valuable (Light Blue) --> Powerful (Dark Blue) --> [???] (?).

-Useless items only lasts from 10 to 50 hits or uses until it breaks (for magic classes and long distance, as well as hitting someone with any weapon if you'd like) and only having attack/magic power for attributes.

-Common items endure at the very least from 50 hits or uses to 150 and much better attack/magic power than Useless items.

-There's a change at the Valuable grade, at which point, items like gear, weaponry and accessories (as well as some special/specific refillable items) are no longer breakable, instead once they reach '0/100' they enter a 'Fix Needed' state, where they are also no longer droppable and can instead be repaired at any moment. But if too much time goes by, like weeks, with an item spending time in the Fix Needed state, then it'll start to worsen in degradation until it disappears; it also changes by having an additional main basic attribute bonus in a very small amount.

-Powerful items now have one dominant attribute point and an auxiliary one, the dominant being the stronger and the auxiliary the weakest.

-As for [???] (?), find out yourselves.

There's some other items with grades that are very important, for classes like archers or gunners, and even melee classes who desire at least mid-distance attacks, these are the 'munition' and 'throwing' weapons:

Arrows, bolts, daggers, kunais, shurikens, short spears, javelins, traps, bombs and usable scrolls. These are all 'throwable' weapons and they all share the same item grading than before.

-From Useless to Powerful grade, there's only an extra bit of damage added when using them, strength varies depending on the grade, of course.

As for resources type items, there are herbs, minerals, materials and food.

-Herbs: plants of any kind which can be used to make a potion, or 'ointment' for weapons and equipment for any kind of buff and debuff.

-Minerals: those items that are either in extremely high altitudes or deep underground that can only be mined in those exact places. Used to make equipment, weapons and even some buildings or structures.

-Materials: mostly any collectible item in the wild, like any kind of wood, stone, dirt, animals, insects, monsters and beasts. Can be used to create food (some) but mostly buildings, structures, special items and crafting.

-Food: basically anything edible, from fruits, vegetables, to meat from animals, beasts, monsters and some other flora too. 

Just like before, these items are all sharing the same grading system from before, and the better they are, the more results and more shockingly effective will they bring forth.


Next, we got [Classes]. But, before we actually get to them, something very important that'll be valuable even to the endgame of Rising Essence. And, that is 'Talents'.

Talents are extremely special abilities or passives (sometimes an active skill to buff or debuff). Every single one existing is incredibly amazing, but there is the synergy factor. If synergy with your class, race and initial Talents do not 'mingle' well, then you can pretty much be at a clear disadvantage towards those who do not have the same problem, or even be affected negatively, which is 1 in a million chance, but taking into consideration how many billions can play the game... maybe there'll be really sad sob stories right from the release... anyways, the distribution of Talents is also completely unique, no doubt about that.

One is given to the player considering the player's character, way of life, nature and beliefs (yes, we the Crestfallen Industry can make a completely normal person live for a few hundreds of years, we naturally are able to 'see through' people). Another one is given once the initial states are selected; as well as taking the selected race into consideration. Last one is given by the system, which is when one chooses a class, from LV10 to LV30. Here's the thing, if the synergy is 'perfect' or just great you can have up to 2 new talents (when choosing class) and at least one of the previous talents will be mutated to benefit you, if it is perfect, it can be up to 2 mutated talents as well. Not guaranteed.

The only way to get rid of a talent or talents, it's to be stripped off them. Which will cost levels and materials in exchange for some... 'people' in the game (NPCs). Or as reward in events, or main quest/story line main quests. Though that is pretty hard. 

To explain the classes in Rising Essence, it is necessary to take a deep breath and sit comfortably, for the purposes of there being classes alone, is already quite meaningful. For starters, there will be 10 'special' stats to 'showcase' the general playstyle of any and each class. However, those stats have nothing to do with the growth that a class is meant to get at, at least not always. And these 'special' stats are also different to similar named other stats. Classes are:



1.- [Inner Martial Arts Master]:

Imagine a muay thai that can grow in over human level of understanding and power. [Adds 1 STR every level up].

2.- [Spiritual Martial Arts Master]:

May not be as nimble and even slower than Inner Martial Arts Master, but has a better control and extra damage in energy controlling to attack enemies at a slightly larger distance than fists. [Adds 1 WIS every level up].

3.- [Battlefrenzy]:

Can use 5 different types of weapon, as well as change them in the middle of combat, all like a Master, and though slow, it quite endures any harsh battle. [Adds 1 STR every level up].

4.- [Swordsman]:

Maybe movement is slow, but once a fight has a swordsman, it becomes a lethal force to never underestimate. [Adds 1 STR every level up].

5.- [Vanguard]:

Pike, lance, spear, javelin, halberd user. [Adds 1 STR every level up].

6.- [Guardian]:

Once a guardian catches their prey, there's a guaranteed beating. The most tank-styled class in the game, if you are afraid to die in this second world this one'll do it. [Adds 1 REC every level up].

7.- [Assault Bountyhunter]:

A blade (short sword, bastard sword, long knife, saber, scythe and scimitar) and a shotgun. Some minor self-healing in combat, but strong restorative abilities out of combat. [Adds 1 DEX every level up].

8.- [Assassin]:

Not the strongest, nor resistant, but surely enough even if they don't oneshot their enemies, they'll surely die. [Adds 1 LCK every level up]

9.- [Drunkard]:

Just don't ask, it's a supportive-minor healing-agile tank, and it's attacks leave their enemies befuddled for some time, even though Drunkards can barely move as well, their nimbleness makes them useful the most. [Add 1 Mind Power every level up].

10.- [Grim Challenger]:

Long Scythe, short, chained and double so- user. It's one of the strongest at the first class choice category. An almost all-rounder full stats terror. [Adds 1 DEX every level up].

11.- [Skullcrusher]:

Basically, 'stronk damage and no big brain'. Gigantic Claw-gauntlet user. May get perma cc'd their enemies if too slow, beware. [Adds 1 STR every level up].



1.- [Archer Expert]:

Contrary to other (almost all) games, to wield a bow, one needs not only the raw strength and resilience to pull the string over and over at unimaginable speed and the greatest sharped mind to never fail nor miss an arrow, and still going as far as maximum speed even at 1 km distance, that is an Archer Expert. The most Legendary profession in wars and duels, and the most difficult, yet is merely a beginning, hence the why is not 'master' but 'expert'. [Adds 1 STR/DEX every level up].

2.- [Gun Master]:

Not really nimble nor fast, mediocre raw strength and can only depend on traps and the like to keep the enemy at bay if left alone. But can change between small guns (pistols, short shotguns, dual or not), and while he uses some, the ones not being used are automatically recharged. Of course, the ammunition isn't infinite, they are little crystals born in magic areas, able to replenish its use if used little by little (they don't really last long, especially in wars). [Adds 1 DET every level up].

3.- [Gunner Specialist]:

Reaaaaaally, really damn slow, and vulnerable vulnerable. However, the GS traps and methods of combating an enemy are perfectly the most tactical in the game (for initial classes). And while that's a fact, their powerful sniper-like immense weapon class is the main attraction. Undoubtedly, immense damage. [Adds 1 Mind Power every level up].

4.- [Tamer]:

Now, this is where we, the Crestfallen Corporation once again showcase our might. For this class to work as intended, natural strong emotions are required for the player to select this class. As well as a strong mentality and intellect, otherwise you'll not only suffer, also end up just harming whatever entity you tamed. Only good individuality of the class (without tamed allies) is the strong individual target CC. Can tame up to 9 creatures/entities, that being 2 melee, 3 ranged, and 4 supportive. Can only go so far as to tame plant Kingdom, beast Kingdom and low-level entities with non-physical form entities. [Add 1 WIS every level up]. 


1.- [Sorcerer]:

Only useful for magic spells and excelling at the fast deploy of them, as well as possible synergies between combos. A fairly easy class. [Adds 1 INT and 25 mana every level up].

2.- [Witchcraft Spellcaster]:

Tank stance style play class. Entire skillset is based on AOE taking damage and debuffing, as well as self-buffing and huge reliance on CC. However, the class' main focus is, instead, its vampirism. [Adds 1 INT and WIS every level up].

3.- [Apprentice Elementalist]:

Apprentice, like in Archer Master, is but a terrible mistake if they were to be taken not serious enough, slow, sure but also a cannonball capable of resisting any ambush and bombardment of projectiles. After all, to master the elements, one has to have a body capable of maintaining and in the future, even creating elements themselves, no room for a weakling. [Adds 1 WIS and REC every level up].

4.- [Spellcaster of the Dead]:

Somewhat tanky, but also powerful magic as well, and though this class has movement impairment at most, with their minions, it's enough to build up damage and survival capabilities. Scythe, scepter, cursed dagger (dual as well), cursed staff and small dagger (dual as well) user.[Adds 1 WIS and INT every level up]. 

5.- [Summoner]:

Truly hopeless to give a real fight, that is why summoners are more focused towards being the best support to their pets than to be a highly skilled protagonist from a mary sue novel. Needed strong mental prowess to command many pets, at the initial stages of a summoner, is fairly difficult, imagine later on... later on, there's even more surprising things. [Add 1 Mental Power and 1 WIS every level up].

6.- [Cleric]:

Slow, really slow. But each of their healing, supportive/buff spells are the most powerful and efficient, that along with their immense mana pool, creates a nuclear-level green numbers for their allies. Crosier, holy staff, blessed short sword, magical dagger (dual as well) and even war hammer user. Their main focus strength is their unique affinity with the Core Element, Water. [Add 1 WIS and 100 mana every level up].

7.- [Shaman]:

Great Crosier and Great Staff user. While they're a moving tower, even to breathe, their immense AOE buffs and debuffs from an extremely long distance away from the battle, surrounded by meat shields to keep them well protected is their main use, their massive AOE healing dot to allies is merely secondary. [Add 2 WIS every level up].

8.- [Bard]:

Particularly useless to damage enemies. However, bards are the main buffers in all class branches in the game, and their complete passive play style that even attacks are only to mark, debuff and later on activate (to make very strong debuffs in chain), while possessing some minor small AOE healing, make it a very fun class even in the bloody and grim battlefields to come! [Adds 1 WIS and 50 mana every level up].


Before anything else, main basic stats will be explained next:

-[STR]: Body strength, raw power. Every increment grants 4 attack power and more resistance towards physical attacks.

-[DEX]: Speed at which attacks are made. Every point added increases stamina by 10, bonus % speed in 1% every 10 total DEX points (every class has 100% movement speed), dodge in 0.5% to a max of 60% (from raw DEX) and hit rate in 1.5% (for a max of 140%).

-[LCK]: Each point added increases critical hit % in 0.5% for any attack, and debuffs, buffs, DOT and healing (for a max of 60% from raw LCK).

-[REC]: Each point added increases 10 hp and augments your resistance to any kind of attacks.

-[WIS]: Each point added increases mana by 10, also grants you a resistance to magic and +2% healing effect.

-[INT]: Each point added increases 7 magic power.

-[DET]: Each point added increases Tenacity, gives you a little more defense overall and 5 stamina as well as 5 mana.

Tenacity= less time in cc.

1% dodge is negated in exchange of 2% hit rate being negated.

[Mind Power]: Indicates the increment in mental prowess? (???) -(?).

'Extensive, huh? Is more like a guide... hmm, could it be that they already know the game can be so complicated so soon?'

But here was more, soon enough he re assumed his "in concentration" pose and read the last few pages of information, between those, one of the most attractive ones, and being discussed the most in the comments:

Sub-Classes, passive classes and Hidden Classes:

"We want to make sure that players are there not only to level up, find items, go to place A so that in weeks then can go to place B. We are now introducing the "recreational" and antique slice-of-life that was the high powerhouses of their moment-kind of feature."

You get 2 available sub-classes slots at lv 1 and 3 total slot once you've chosen your initial class:

-Tailor: Light category for any crafting and decorations as well as decorative buildings.

-Craftsman: Decorations, buildings of all materials except for light ones as well as specific item tools.

-Blacksmith: Weaponry and equipment making. As well as repairing and preparing minerals for construction.

-Gardener: Care, harvest and use of herbs to make potions and special liquids (bottle of venom, transforming, etc).

-Caretaker: Animal breeding, care and slaughtering.

-Architect: Building creation, management of construction works.

-Miner: Mining, minerals collection.

-Lumberjack: Cutting trees, tree's seeds plantation care.

-Trade Merchant: Distribution of materials, minerals, consumables.

-Book Writer: Scrolls, books, writing in jade, wood, metal and so on.

Builder: ---

"And, finally, as for what passive classes is; they are really rare but nowhere near impossible to find nor obtain. They are classified as Heroic, Told by the Sage, Legendary and finally, Universal. [???].

And now, about hidden classes. It's very simple, there are the Legendary Class tier, and the Universal Tier. The legendary ones, we may see quite a few times fore each region in the first month of the game, with our estimates of 7 out of 15 billion people in New Earth, we believe that's at least what'll go for in the best situations. So you can imagine it's rarity. Which is all well deserved. After all, just a lone single hidden Legendary Class is enough to go against a small army, in the same level as them, of a Sub-Division in the game. As for hidden Universal Class... they pretty much can go against a whole army from a Sub-Division alone, at their same level. And they both types would eventually win, although it isn't as easy as just said, since possessing a hidden class is already the most demanding system, managing it to perfection is another entire different matter, and it's much more important than having one."

Afterwards, he went and continued with the last paragraphs, which mentioned the associations, basically the typical group of people that one can form, whether by friends or uniquely for monetary business as well as more important and serious life-style. Which were: Union, Sect, Hall, Guild, House and finally League.

'...well, there was no mention of Lore nor how the world is inside the game, so I don't know whether they are all just uncaring or simply felt like not including it, sigh... man this was a tiring day, I even had to call someone and all. And now I'll even have to go out, and attend more bloody superficial and pretentious interviews, what a bother' He said with a disgusted face and a  disdainful attitude as he was shutting off the PC, he stretched half his body until finally deciding to move on to his bed, and just pass time with enjoying nothingness as long as he could with as much fervor as never before, and then fuck up everything once again just by existing, as always.




Author's Note: I've changed the stats from what they were when I first wrote this chapters. I forgot to delete the part where INT also gives mana, sorry!

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