Blue Silver Grass Strategy (Douluo Dalu Fiction)

Chapter 1: Yu Xiaogang’s Regret

The outer edge of the 'Mysterious Canyon', atop an unnamed solitary peak.

Yu Xiaogang, covered in blood, gazed painfully at the figures encircling him. "Was it Ling Yi who sent you to kill me?"


Ah Rou shook her head, her face expressionless. "He asked us to protect you and bring you back to the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan, and to never appear again..."

Ah Yin's face was filled with indignation. "He said he would announce to the continent that he has personally killed you."

Liu Erlong stepped forward, brimming with murderous intent. "But we believe that only with your death will this truly end."

"Yu Xiaogang, you selfishly conducted evil experiments at the cost of numerous civilians and soul masters. There is no place for you on Douluo Continent!"

Tang Hao, who had just caught up to the mountain peak, wielding a massive hammer, secretly glanced at the goddess-like Ah Yin, and righteously declared.

Behind Bibidong, eight purple-red spider spears spread open, her face icy cold. "Eliminating evil soul masters is the duty of Spirit Hall! Yu Xiaogang, today you must die!"

"Right! Today is your death day. Blood for blood, your debt will be paid with your life!"

"Who would have thought such a kind person as Master Ling could have such a blood-soaked brother like you!"

"Bah! Brother? Does Yu Xiaogang deserve that?"

"Exactly! Yu Xiaogang is just a good-for-nothing. If Master Ling hadn't been kind enough to involve him in the research of martial arts theory, what would he be?"

"He turned to evil, an evil soul master, betraying Master Ling's nurturing!"…

Amidst the waves of scorn and disdain, a wicked glow emerged in Yu Xiaogang's eyes, his unkempt beard and hair fluttering as he spoke viciously. "How laughable, you fools have all been deceived by him; he is the greatest evil in this world!"

"Do you think you're worthy of taking my life?!"

"Let me show you the power Ling Yi can never possess, the 'Blood-red Nine-headed Evil Dragon King'!"

As he finished speaking, a crimson glow burst forth from Yu Xiaogang's body.

"Roar—! Roar—! Roar—!…"

The repeated roar of a dragon shattered the white clouds in the sky, as a towering blood-red figure over ten feet tall appeared above Yu Xiaogang's head.

Bat-like wings unfolded, and on nine slender necks relative to its massive body, ferocious dragon heads hung with sharp fangs dripping viscous, blood-colored saliva. As it fell, it turned into a mist of blood, spreading out in the air.

“So powerful!”

“Could this really be the so-called waste from legends?”

“This scent of blood, what kind of massacre has this devil wrought?!”

The aura Yu Xiaogang was emanating now shook the pursuers arriving behind him, and even made the powerful figures like Ah Yin, Tang Hao, and Bibidong ahead in the distance prepare themselves with solemnity.

In the next moment.

“The true form of the Blood Red Nine-headed Demon Dragon King—!”

“Invulnerable Golden Body!”


“Inferno Hell Dragon’s Blaze—!”

“Haotian’s True Form! Great Xumi Hammer—!”

“Eternal Creation—!”


Several hours later, the thousand-foot high solitary peak was inexplicably reduced by over a hundred meters. In the chaotic piles of rubble, Yu Xiaogang was like a broken puppet reassembled, his lifeless eyes filled with a deep yearning for life.

Suddenly, like the final radiance of sunset, Yu Xiaogang lifted his head, gazing at the cold faces surrounding him. The evilness faded from his eyes, replaced by a clarity hidden for years. Whispering towards Ah Yin, Liu Erlong, and the others not far away, he said softly, “Tell Ling Yi, in this life, it was me, Yu Xiaogang, who let him down. If there is a next life, I would like to call him Yi Bro once more...”


『Lingyun City』

Listening to the returning group narrate their tale, Ling Yi remained silent for a long time, his eyes filled with pain and self-reproach. "It's my fault... I harmed Xiao Gang..."

"Don't say that!"

Ah Yin stepped forward, pulling Ling Yi's head into her embrace, stroking his long black hair gently. "It's not your fault," she said softly.

Liu Erlong squatted beside Ling Yi, grabbing his warm hand and pressing it against her jade-like cheek. Her once fierce gaze softened like water, saying, "He brought this upon himself. You've done everything you could. Those who lose themselves to power release the demons within, and the part that is human has long since died."

"Exactly!" Ah Rou crouched on Ling Yi's other side, resting her cheek on the man's thigh. Her ruby-like eyes looked directly at his guilty ones. "You're too kind-hearted, always carrying everything on your own shoulders and thinking of others before yourself..."

Three distinctly melodious and gentle voices alternated around Ling Yi's ears, comforting him.

The efforts of the three women were not in vain. Ling Yi's low spirits gradually began to improve.

Of course, it could also be that Ling Yi didn't want Ah Yin and the others to worry, so he feigned relief.

He was such a gentle and kind person.

Declining further consolation from the three, Ling Yi returned alone to the rear courtyard of the city lord's mansion, isolating himself in a small house woven from 'Blue Silver Grass.'

On the other side, as they watched Ling Yi's departing silhouette, Ah Yin and the others remained silent.

"This incident has been a severe blow to him," Ah Rou said, looking toward the courtyard, her voice tinged with heartache.

Liu Erlong's eyebrows arched sharply, biting her lips in frustration. "It's all because of that bastard Yu Xiaogang! His reckless pursuit of power led him down the wrong path, causing Ling Yi to blame himself."

Ah Yin said nothing, merely staring blankly at the courtyard, as if she could see through the thick walls to the azure little house and the person she cared for so deeply.

"I've decided that in a little while, I will sacrifice myself for him!"

Her words were abrupt and resolute.

Yet, this statement, which would have sparked an uproar outside, did not faze Ah Rou and Liu Erlong.

Ah Rou furrowed her brows slightly. "Isn't that too hasty? Yi is only at level eighty-five now. We should at least wait until he reaches level ninety, right?"

"Also—" Ah Rou paused before continuing, "let me be the first to sacrifice. You can do so when he reaches level ninety-nine. Perhaps, then, he can truly reach that realm..."

"It's different,"

Ah Yin shook her head, calmly saying, "I am the manifestation of the hundred thousand-year-old 'Blue Silver Emperor', while you are the 'Soft Bone Rabbit'. In terms of origins, his Blue Silver Grass martial soul is naturally more compatible with mine."

"Only my sacrifice can give him hope of reaching level ninety-nine."

"Don't worry, I haven't spent these years in vain." Ah Yin raised her delicate hand, placing it over her left chest, feeling the powerful pulse within, and the immense vitality locked inside. She continued, "Mind you, the highest secret of the 'Blue Silver Domain' allows me to revive within forty-nine days after death. Coupled with the 'Life Spirit Crystal' we've nurtured together, and the unique environment of the 'Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well', in ten years at most, I can completely shed my soul beast form and return to his side as a human woman..."

Seeing the yearning and sweetness in Ah Yin's words, Ah Rou and Liu Erlong couldn't help but show a trace of envy in their eyes.


A loud noise came from the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, interrupting the conversation between the three women.

In a few breaths, a swiftly moving figure appeared before Ah Yin and her companions. __Where is that guy?__ The newcomer asked bluntly after scanning the room for the person she was eager to see and not finding them.

This was a tall, striking female general whose features exuded valor and charisma. Her figure, clad in obsidian armor that accentuated her jade-white, exquisite beauty, was even more captivating with the fierce aura she carried.

"Sherley, he's not in a good mood right now, don't bother him," Ah Yin immediately advised upon seeing the female general.

"Not in a good mood?" Sherley raised her elegant brows, assertively saying, "The three of you are so useless? Have you not exhausted him after all this time?"

"I don't believe it! Once he's drained, he won't even think about that useless Yu Xiaogang!"

"Sherley, can you stop harping on about draining him..." Ah Rou brushed her forehead with her hand, speechless, "'s just too much."

Ah Yin and Liu Erlong nodded in agreement following her words.

However, facing the trio's attempt to draw boundaries, Sherley smirked disdainfully, boldly retorting, "And who was it that got him drunk and dragged him to the bed?"

Liu Erlong's gaze slid down to the bottom left corner, as if something there had captured her attention.

Sherley: "And who was it that lured that guy into the lair of the ten-thousand-year-old soul beast, destroying the passage and staying with him inside for three whole days and nights?"

Ah Rou looked up, carefully examining the decorative patterns on the ceiling.

Sherley: "And also..."

"Enough!" Ah Yin interrupted firmly, "Yang Sherley, that's enough!"

"Hmph~~" Sherley met Ah Yin's intense gaze nonchalantly. "So what? If I lusted after his body and took him by force, I own it. I'm daring enough to do it and admit it. Are you?"

With this, she swept her domineering gaze over Ah Yin, Ah Rou, and Liu Erlong. Not waiting for their response, Sherley turned and headed towards the backyard of the city lord's mansion. Knowing him as she did, he was probably there right now.

As they watched her tall figure disappear into the backyard, Ah Yin and the other two women's eyes flickered, their thoughts unknown.

"As expected of the bloodline of the Breaker Clan, full of aggression!" Liu Erlong commented, a hint of excitement in her voice.

Ah Rou nodded, responding, "He once said that the 'Soul Breaker Spear' of the Breaker Clan is all attack, no defense. Embracing such a philosophy allows one to advance quickly in cultivation."

"That's why Sherley, even as a branch family member, has a faster cultivation speed than the Yang brothers."

"Sherley's 'Soul Breaker Scythe Spear' probably already possesses the destructive power of a top-grade martial soul," Ah Yin added.

After a few words, silence once again enveloped the grand hall.

They exchanged glances, each woman seemingly recognizing the true thoughts hidden beneath the others' calm facades.

High above, the sun poured its warmth enthusiastically, bringing the warmth of life to all things on earth.

Fleeting clouds gathered and parted, faintly forming the ordinary face of Yu Xiaogang, a hint of a smile lingering as he gazed at the earth below.

At some point, the grand hall of the city lord's mansion stood empty.

(End of Chapter)

TL Note - Read up to 50+ chapters ahead for some really good novels (according to my taste, which is good) and other perks on my Patreon - Thanks a lot for the support


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As we kick off this novel, I want to share a few things with you. I'm a tech guy by profession, and as you might guess, the translations here are done using LLAMA (similar to ChatGPT). Since this is automated, the quality is good but there may be some errors, so please feel free to point them out in the comments. Your feedback will help improve the translations.

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