Blue and White Society

Chapter 15

Chapter 15 – Money Is Not So Easy To Get

Chapter 15 Money is not so easy to get

After figuring this out, Mo Poor was a little speechless.

There are some hormones in the human body, and they even specifically transmit biological information about **** to attract the opposite sex. These parts are called pheromones.

These pheromones, which were originally emitted naturally, will all be transmitted to one person because of their abilities…

Obviously Yang Zhi received the charm of this concentration because of his close-range hit.

Physiology affects emotions, making her impulsive towards Mo Poor, and she is much more enthusiastic than before.

This is still her boyfriend next to her. If the two of them are alone and only ‘soaked’ in his pheromones, it is estimated that Yang Zhi will be more bold and proactive.


At the moment, everyone is watching the show, and there are girls from the dance club on the stage.

He picked a random girl and started staring at her.

There was nothing at first, but after a while, the girl who was circling on the stage suddenly stared at him.

Among the many audiences under Ming Ming’s stage, Mo Poor was not that outstanding and distinctive.

But she was, in the crowd, couldn’t help but take another look.

One glance, one glance, another glance, she seemed to be sinking into a certain feeling.

After the whole dance, almost whenever she had a chance to look at the audience, she would peek at Mo Poor. No matter how she turned around, when she finally turned back, her eyes still fell on Mo Poor.

Seeing this, Mo Poor simply stared straight into the girl’s eyes.

Under the beautiful dancing posture of the girl, she and Mo Poor looked at each other.

One on the stage and one off the stage, their eyes met.

After staring at it for a long time, the girl suddenly blushed, and she didn’t know what she was thinking.

After finishing the dance, she retreated behind the stage with her blushing face lowered.

“As expected…”

Mo Poor can’t laugh or cry, from the girl’s reaction, it can be seen that he can really concentrate the hormones on one person…

He doesn’t believe that he has such a great charm. Although he is tall, his appearance is average.

Obviously with the help of hormones, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and ordinary looks will be particularly attractive.

In her eyes, Mo Poor was the only one who was particularly attractive to her, and her charm was highly concentrated. Compared with the others, they were like the background atmosphere, so… didn’t take it seriously…

The programs came one after another, and it ended at eight o’clock.

For the rest of the time, eat, drink, and play games.

Acquainted clubs will get together to play games to help students quickly integrate into the club atmosphere.

The rules are sometimes very simple, but in actual play, more than a hundred people interact with each other, and the atmosphere will be very lively. The more people, the more fun.

Some old fritters, those who don’t want to play, just drink and chat aside.

Of course, there are some old fritters who are obviously tired of playing, but if they have an idea for a certain school girl, they will join in and play.

Usually at this time, Mo Poor would just find a place to nest, and the time for fooling around would be withdrawn.

But today, Wang Xiong led everyone directly to surround Luo Qing.

Luo Qing just came over, still wearing his jersey, when he saw Wang Xiong walking to the side and sitting down, his face darkened.

He has already heard that the school team won the sports school in the afternoon, still 4:0.

Isn’t that ridiculous? Everyone knows how strong the school team is, and their jokes mocking the school team can be compiled into a collection.

For this reason, he made a bet with Wang Xiong without any worries. Wang Xiong is a bit straightforward, and he knows that he will lose if he has a temper, and he will not admit defeat.

It was obviously a matter for him to win, but how could he know that the school team won?

If it is a small victory, it will be fine, and 50,000 yuan will be handed over to him. It can still be said that they are lucky.

But it happened to win by a big score and crush the opponent.

In the past, he has been stepping on the school team, but now he wants to give the 200,000, but he is quite aggrieved.

Honestly give the money and admit that you were wrong? Losing all face in the face, this is not something Luo Qing’s temper is willing to accept.

“I’ll transfer the money tonight…” Luo Qing said.

Hearing this, Wang Xiong smiled, and Mo Poor mingled behind the crowd, heaving a sigh of relief.

He is really poor, and he has many ideas of making money in his heart, but he only has a little over a hundred dollars on hand. Now if he can get 20,000 yuan, he can save a lot of time.

Unexpectedly, Luo Qing changed the subject: “When the time comes, you can make a report and go to the director. The reason is that you scored four goals, and one goal was 50,000.”

“What? Won’t you just give it to me?” Wang Xiong said angrily.

The money is going to the school, so what else do they have to do? That is the association fund. I don’t know if I can use up the 200,000 yuan after graduation.

He let out all his words, the money was shared among ten of Mo Qiong and the others, and he couldn’t get the money in the end after bragging about it. He, Wang Xiong, would no longer have the face to pretend to be the boss in front of everyone.

God **** the reason for reporting is to get 50,000 for one ball. If he dares to write this reason, the captain of the school team will do it.

Han Dang and the others immediately looked at Luo Qing unkindly. This is really shameless. We are all classmates. Since we gambled secretly, we have some credibility. If we force it to the teacher, we would rather donate the money to the club than to Wang Xiong. shameless?

Mo Qiong in the crowd frowned. Seeing Luo Qing’s calm expression, he felt that with Luo Qing’s face, he couldn’t do such a shameless thing.

Although it is in line with the rules, it will be despised in the circle of students.

Sure enough, Luo Qing immediately said: “I can’t help it, I also want to give it to you directly, but I have heard countless people talking about it all the way here, and I am helpless if you talk about it everywhere.”

“We made a secret bet. If I lose, I will just give you the money directly, but you want to make it known to everyone. How dare I give you the money?”

“This is a gamble. We two student cadres still gamble so big. If someone jealous stabs the director, you are not afraid of punishment, but I am afraid.”

After saying a few words, Wang Xiong was dumbfounded.

Indeed, before he won, no one said anything about it, including Mo Poor and his team members. After all, he also felt that he was sure to lose, and secretly regretted it after accepting the bet.

However, this unexpected victory, or a big victory, he was too embarrassing, feeling finally elated, telling people about it everywhere.

More than a dozen associations knew that Luo Qing mocked the school team and lost 200,000.

He thought this would make Luo Qing feel aggrieved, but who knew that Luo Qing would take this opportunity to turn against the general and make Wang Xiong sit on the ground: It’s not that I won’t give it to you, you just want to make a fortune in silence, but you want to spread it everywhere The money has to be sponsored by the school, anyway, it will be used on your association in the end.

Wang Xiong lost his momentum, and hurriedly said: “You give me the money directly, and I will declare to the outside world that you did not give the money. This bet is just a joke. We will not let outsiders know about the actual transfer.”

As soon as these words came out, Luo Qing’s face changed, and he said solemnly: “Are you kidding me? Admit the bet and admit defeat, I must give the money, two hundred thousand is ready!”

“I paid the money, but no one knows, and outsiders think that I, Luo Qing, have reneged. I don’t want to lose face? You made this known to everyone, and finally got the money, and you want to ruin my credit?”

Luo Qing’s words were so aggressive that everyone in the nearby basketball club glared at Wang Xiong.

Wang Xiong’s words were not authentic. He took money and gained fame, but Luo Qing paid money and lost faith? How can there be such a thing?

“This…” Wang Xiong said anxiously, “Then what do you say?”

As soon as the words were spoken, the initiative changed hands.

“It’s over.” Mo Poor held his forehead in the crowd, shook his head helplessly and said to himself, “Wang Xiong, Wang Xiong, you are being led by the nose.”

Sure enough, Luo Qing said: “Let’s do this. The 200,000 I donated to the association will remain the same, and I will give you another 200,000 personally. The extra 200,000 belongs to the mutual help among classmates, and it is our private matter. It doesn’t matter either.”

Wang Xiong was stunned for a moment, and everyone said: Luo Qing is rich. This is really a problem that cannot be solved without money.

“Yes!” Wang Xiong said, and he agreed quite neatly.

Mo Poor smiled wryly in the crowd: I’ll go, Wang Xiong, is there such a beautiful thing? Is the extra 200,000 yuan paid for nothing?

“My 200,000 can’t be paid for nothing, right?” Luo Qing said as expected.

“Uh…” Wang Xiong and the team members all looked at Luo Qing to see what he had to say.

Luo Qing said: “I will give 200,000 to the association, and 200,000 to you, which is 400,000. Why should I pay 400,000? Did you score eight goals?”

“No…” Wang Xiong said.

Luo Qing said: “That’s right, you scored four goals, why should I pay for eight goals? The reason why I paid this extra money is all because you messed up things with your big mouth. But I Why do you want to wipe your ass? Who knows if you deliberately go around saying that you want to cheat me by an extra two hundred thousand?”

“If I was scammed by you for 200,000 yuan, people would think I’m a fool with a lot of money.”

Wang Xiong said aggrievedly, “What exactly do you want?”

Luo Qing said with a smile: “It is agreed that one ball is 50,000 yuan. I will transfer the previous 200,000 yuan to the school. This is four balls. If you want me to pay eight balls, you have to give me the difference. Those four **** made up.”

“But it’s still early for the next game, and…” Wang Xiong was speechless. God knows how long it will take before scoring four more goals. Mo Poor’s state may not always be so brave. The ball is probably next year.

Luo Qing said: “Don’t worry, I don’t want to procrastinate. Football is too troublesome. You just pick five people to play basketball with us. As long as you score more than four goals, I will give you the 200,000. This is not gambling. , It’s just a competition to enhance friendship between classmates. Uh, you won’t be able to get in even four of you?”

What he said really seemed to be deliberately giving a chance.

Because it is too easy to score four goals in basketball. It is trivial to score 20 or 30 goals in a game, and 40 or 50 goals are not uncommon.

Football clubs will give 200,000 yuan if they enter four, which is equivalent to sending money.

But is it really that simple? Mo Poor knew that the rhythm of the whole matter had been taken away by Luo Qing. He successfully turned a matter of conceding the bet into giving Wang Xiong a chance to redeem the bet that Wang Xiong messed up.

Sponsored 200,000 to the association, solved the hidden danger of cadres gambling, and gave another 200,000 to prove that it was not that he didn’t want to give money to Wang Xiong, and almost gave half of the land to Wang Xiong.

He successfully saved his face, and even made some money.

Giving an extra 200,000 is a trivial matter. On the basketball court, with the skills of Wang Xiong and others, it is not a problem for Luo Qing to score 100 points.

At that time, Wang Xiong and others may just work hard to score a few goals and get the 200,000. But in terms of scores, God knows how much Luo Qing will score, the scene must be extremely ugly.

Ten points here, more than a hundred points on the other side, the 200,000 points, can you still be arrogant?

Luo Qing deliberately half-givened 200,000, which saved the whole situation and suppressed Wang Xiong’s previous arrogance. Afterwards, outsiders will still feel that Luo Qing did it carefully.

“It’s enough to score four? Do you really think that our football club can’t even score four?” Wang Xiong said.

Mo Qiong was speechless: Brother, that’s not the point.

Wang Xiong finally agreed. It can be said that from the beginning of the conversation, he was led by Luo Qing’s words and gave up the initiative.

The so-called Wang Xiong has a big mouth and spreads gambling everywhere. Although it is indeed too embarrassing, the director will definitely punish him if he finds out.

But it’s not irreversible, Wang Xiongruo can be a little bit tougher and say directly: Forget it, what nonsense? The matter between us also brought the teacher into it. If you don’t want to give it, you don’t want to give it. Why are you making so many excuses? I paid the money myself, so let’s treat that bet as a joke.

In this way, Luo Qing has nothing to do.

The initiative is in Wang Xiong’s hands. He directly posted 200,000 posts to everyone, which means he has completed his task. And the bet can be said to be a joke, and the school will not really deal with it.

On the other hand, Luo Qing, no matter how formal his reasons are, the fact that they gave money to the school for the incident among their students has become an excuse.

Because in the circle of students, this matter will not be regarded as a joke. If you don’t give it, you don’t give it. Is it disgusting to deliberately give the school evil? In the end, it was Wang Xiong who paid attention to it, and made up the money himself, as expected of the captain.

Even, Luo Qing is also a decent person, if he is robbed by Wang Xiong, he will definitely give another 200,000 to redeem his credit afterwards.

In the end, Luo Qing also paid 400,000 yuan, but the beneficiaries are completely different, and the rhythm and direction are completely different.

It can only be said that Wang Xiong never thought of so much, far behind Luo Qing.

Mo Poor stood in the crowd, although he thought about it, he couldn’t stand up and say it.

Because he didn’t pay the 200,000 yuan, so he couldn’t pay it either. He couldn’t stand up and say: Luo Qing, if you don’t give it, you won’t pay it. This bet is just a joke. Wang Xiong, can you share the two hundred thousand with us?

What is this nonsense?

Although Wang Xiong is not as rich as Luo Qing, he can still afford 200,000, otherwise he would not have accepted this seemingly inevitable bet.

But if he has money, he has money. When it comes to paying money, Wang Xiong has to think of it himself, and Mo Qiong can’t help him.

“Money is not so easy to get.”

p.s: I stayed up late last night until now, feeling sorry for a certain bald man. As a **** friend for three years, I am depressed. I don’t know if depression can be sprayed on depression?

(end of this chapter)

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