Blossoming Path - A Xianxia LitRPG

9. First Steps

My heart raced as I stood there, watching Tianyi's fragile form resting on the Moonlit Grace Lily. I couldn't just stand idly by, waiting for the flower to do all the work. In my desperation to save her, I racked my brain for a solution, feeling the weight of helplessness bearing down on me. I recalled the time when Tianyi had selflessly transferred her own energy to me when we were trying to activate the stone pedestal in the ancient ruins. If only I could do the same for her now.

With nothing left to lose, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to focus on my inner energy. I remembered Elder Ming's teachings about visualizing the pathways within my body as a series of rivers and streams, flowing through me and connecting each part of me to the others. My brows furrowed as I concentrated, trying to grasp the elusive concept that had evaded me for so long.

At first, all I could sense was darkness and the distant sound of my own heartbeat. But as I focused more intently, the darkness began to fade, replaced by a faint, shimmering light. I could feel the energy pathways in my body, like tiny threads of light weaving through me. They were weak, barely perceptible, but they were there.

Desperate to unlock my qi reserves, I concentrated harder, recalling the sensation I felt when Tianyi shared her energy with me. My mind's eye traced the path of my internal rivers and streams, willing the energy to flow through them, to break free of their confines and surge forth.

Slowly, as if responding to my desperate pleas, the energy within me began to awaken. I felt it gradually building, like the first drops of water forming a gentle stream. The sensation grew stronger, my inner rivers swelling with newfound power, until finally, I felt a breakthrough. My inner qi, previously dormant and untapped, now coursed through me, a torrent of energy waiting to be directed.

You have learned a new skill:

Qi Manipulation: The basic manipulation of one's inner energies.

Your Qi has transcended into the next stage, Qi Initiation Stage - Rank 1.

With my heart pounding in my chest, I dismissed the slew of boxes and placed my hand near Tianyi, focusing on channeling my newfound qi toward her. A warm, soothing flow of energy emanated from me, enveloping her in a comforting embrace. As my own strength mingled with the healing power of the Moonlit Grace Lily, I could see her condition improving, her wings straightening out and her aura regaining its luster.

My manipulation wasn't as precise, and some of it spilled onto the Moonlit Grace Lily, but it seemed to strengthen the subtle aura around it, releasing a fragrant smell that soothed my nerves.

My body was covered in sweat and I gasped out in exhaustion. That move had taken a significant amount of my energy and I was beginning to feel light-headed.

But...I did it! I unlocked my qi reserves! Not even a day after Elder Ming guided me, I was able to do it on my own! I'm a genius!


I fell onto the grass and collapsed, my surroundings becoming fainter and fainter. Trying to open my eyes was an impossible task, and I let sleep claim me.

I shot awake, my stupor vanishing as I searched for Tianyi. The overhead moon had shown me just how much time had passed since I passed out. Using my qi was no joke!

She was no longer laying atop the Moonlit Grace Lily, and I feared that another crow may have taken its chance to capture her once more. But the glimmering motes of light from my peripheral vision showed that wasn't the case.

Name: Tianyi

Race: Mystical Butterfly

Affinity: Wood

Cultivation Rank: Qi Initiation Stage - Rank 2

Special Abilities:

Qi Haven: Transforms frequented areas into concentrated qi zones, boosting recovery and cultivation efficiency for those within its boundaries.

Moonlight Empowerment: Gains increased power and vitality under the moonlight.

Qi Siphon: Can absorb small amounts of qi from its surroundings to sustain itself.

Qi Transfer: Can imbue living beings with energy by transferring its qi, providing a small boost to those who receive it.

Bond Level: 3 (Close Companion) - Tianyi has formed a deep bond with you, displaying loyalty and commitment to your shared journey. Her abilities may strengthen in response to your connection, and she will be more attuned to your emotions and needs. Additional abilities or enhancements may become available as your bond continues to grow.

I could see she grew stronger. Her cultivation rank had increased, and so had the bond level which showed just how much closer we got. It seemed quite silly, having such a deep connection with a butterfly, but what was wrong with that?

Kai Liu always repays his debts! Regardless of who it is towards.

A foreign feeling echoed in my head, which felt like...agreement? I turned to Tianyi, fluttering away with her wings more vibrant than ever.

"Are you able to talk to me, Tianyi?"

The foreign feeling appeared once again, but I could sense it was closer to affirmation. This new connection between us was truly odd, and I'd have to take some time getting used to it. After confirming her well-being and the Moonlit Grace Lily, I sat down and observed my quests. The area had many resources I could use to fulfill several requirements in regard to my path as a cultivator.



Interface Manipulator - Allows manipulation of the Heavenly Interface and access to special features.

Race: Human

Vitality: Sufficient


Affinity - Wood

Cultivation Rank: Mortal Realm - Rank 2

QI: Qi Initiation Stage - Rank 1

MIND: Mortal Realm

BODY: Mortal Realm


Herbalism - 9 (...)

Gardening - 9 (...)

Cultivation Techniques: N/A

Herbalism (Level 9): A skill that grants knowledge and understanding of various plants, their properties, and uses in medicine and alchemy. Herbalism enables the user to identify, harvest, and process plants effectively.

Next Stage: Spiritual Herbalism


Qi Initiation Stage - Rank 1

Herbalism Proficiency - Level 10

Infuse Qi into a plant successfully.

Find a plant that inherently possesses Qi.

Quest: Cultivation Technique (Wood)

- Find five different areas that have sufficient wood qi in the surroundings, and meditate in them for one hour. (1/5)

- Areas with sufficient wood qi will be marked with a glowing, yellow orb only visible to you.

The Moonlit Grace Lily was a plant with qi. I also had plans of taking it with me back home. Having it in the same spot where there was sufficient wood qi for my cultivation technique quest seemed too good to be true, but I realized that areas where the Moonlit Grace Lily can grow overlapped with areas that had sufficient wood qi. It made sense, I suppose.

"Tianyi, I'll be meditating. Make sure to alert me of any presences nearby!"

I was giddy; I had unlocked my qi reserves, and now all I had to do was circulate them and take advantage of the qi in the surrounding area!

I crossed my legs and resumed the same position I did when Elder Ming taught me, and I could feel the strands of energy this time. They weren't as dense or firm as the one Village Head showed me, but it was my own, and I felt particularly proud of that.

With the goal of meditating and cultivating at the same time, I let things flow. The sound of my heartbeat began to increase, getting louder and louder, but I stayed my pace and tried to keep going.

Time passed, although I don't for how long. Meditating was more fun like this, circulating the small tendrils of energy throughout my body and just getting used to it. It gave me something to focus on. Although I couldn't really-


I felt a shooting pain right where my heart should've been, snapping me out of my meditation. My chest tightened, and I could hardly breathe. Fear gripped me as the pain intensified, and I instinctively knew something had gone wrong. I remembered Elder Ming warning me about the improper circulation of qi – could this be the dreaded qi deviation?

Panic welled up inside me, and I gasped for breath. Desperation gnawed at me as I recalled Elder Ming's teachings, trying to figure out what I had done wrong and how to fix it. The pain was unbearable, but I knew I had to act fast, or the consequences could be fatal.

My struggle alerted Tianyi and she darted over to my side, fluttering frantically. I tried to speak, but no words came out.

She seemed to sense my predicament and quickly began to circle me, her wings glowing with a soft, healing light. As she did, I could feel the soothing energy she emitted seeping into me, helping to alleviate some of the pain and stabilize my erratic qi. It was much more prominent than before. It was as though she doused the flame in my heart with cool water, allowing me to regain some control of my qi.

With Tianyi's support, I took slow, deep breaths, trying to regain control of my qi. My focus shifted to the pathways within my body, and I cautiously guided the energy back to where it belonged, ensuring that I didn't aggravate my condition further. That was far too close. I wouldn't even know where I'd be without the butterfly's timely intervention.

After what felt like an eternity, the pain finally subsided, and my breathing returned to normal. I slumped back onto the ground, utterly exhausted, and looked up at Tianyi, gratitude shining in my eyes.

"Thank you, Tianyi. You saved me," I whispered, my voice barely audible. "I suppose I should be doing this under Elder Ming's supervision..."

Tianyi fluttered closer, her wings brushing against my cheek in a gentle, comforting gesture. I could sense her concern and relief through our bond, and it warmed my heart to know that she cared so deeply for me.

Determined not to repeat the same mistake, I resumed my meditation, but this time, I decided not to circulate my qi. Instead, I simply focused on keeping my focus on a single point.

Before I knew it, enough time had passed for me to get some progression on the cultivation technique quest. I got up and stretched my arms, feeling Tianyi resting on my shoulder. I harvested the Moonlit Grace Lily as carefully as I could, keeping it as whole as possible. I wanted to grow more of the qi plant, and with Tianyi's Qi Haven skill, I had a feeling it would have ample energy in its surroundings to grow.

I did the best I could to navigate the forest, but with the darkness and unfamiliarity of my surroundings, it made it difficult to rely on my knowledge. Tianyi seemed comfortable moving forward, a far cry from when we initially entered the forest. I supposed that was a good sign. Through our connection, I could feel her beckoning me, almost as if she knew the way back home. Her glimmering trail made it easy to follow her every step of the way.

What a day. I had imagined it to be a simple one, but it was far more chaotic and hectic than I ever thought it'd be. But I received great boons and deepened my bond with Tianyi, so I don't mind.

My thoughts were drawn to the bird. It was the first of its kind I had seen. Crows were not unusual, but one so aggressive and intelligent was far from the norm. Could it be related to the Heavenly Interface? If everyone got it, including animal and human, then that would mean...

I glanced at Tianyi. Her cultivation rank had increased by one stage. Perhaps she could evolve into a higher form as well?

Within an hour of walking, I finally came across the end of the forest, with the village in sight. I thanked the Azure Moonlight Flutter for her services and made my way back home, careful not to disturb the others when it was so late at night. I scratched the wound on my cheek, feeling a slight twinge of pain as I did so. I wonder how I'd explain such a thing to Elder Ming. An aspiring cultivator getting injured by a bird. Bah!

I had been getting myself into too much trouble during my excursions into the forest. Perhaps it is time for me to learn how to use that iron staff I had Wang Jun make? It wasn't too bad of an idea.

My garden knife was far too unwieldy, and I'd need a reliable weapon if I were to keep going back into the forest. There was no guarantee that the animals would stay as peaceful as they were now. The crow was just one example. I couldn't imagine if a boar or some other manner of beast had decided to attack me. I shivered, knowing it wouldn't have ended well.

Upon reaching my garden, I selected a spot that I felt would be ideal for the Moonlit Grace Lily. I chose an area with rich soil, surrounded by other plants with wood affinity, which would help nurture and support the flower's growth. Additionally, I ensured that the location was bathed in ample moonlight, as I knew the Moonlit Grace Lily thrived under such conditions.

Before planting the Moonlit Grace Lily, I carefully prepared the soil, removing any debris and weeds that could potentially harm the delicate plant. I then dug a small hole, gently placing the flower's roots into the earth and covering them with soil. I don't have too much information in regards to the sort of nutrients it needs, but I can guess it needed more than a regular plant.

I glanced at my hands. Perhaps I could imbue it with some energy? I was a bit apprehensive, considering the fact that even circulating my qi nearly led me to having a heart attack. But I glanced over at Tianyi and knew she'd likely be able to help me if the same thing happened again.

Cautiously, I manipulated the tendrils of energy from the core of my body and guided them past my arm and into my palm. I closed my eyes in deep focus, trying to make sure that I didn't undergo any sort of Qi Deviation. As qi flowed out of my palm, I could see the Moonlit Grace Lily being imbued with it and standing up somewhat straighter.

I let out another breath and stopped the transfer of energy. That was easier than I thought. It felt natural to do it...Perhaps it had something to do with my affinity towards wood qi? I would have to ask Elder Ming.

Flopping onto my bed, I went to sleep bearing more questions than ever. From the disappearance of the ruins to the path of my cultivation. There was so much to learn. But all would be answered in time.

Just as soon as I rest.

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