Blossoming Identity: The Life of Harumi the Vampire Princess (Dropped)

Chapter 4: Woven Hearts

The bond between us was palpably growing stronger with each passing moment. I knew that with their support and Sayaka-san's guidance, I would evolve into a formidable vampire, capable of protecting my loved ones and honoring my family's legacy. It was a future filled with promise, and it was all thanks to the two remarkable individuals who stood willingly by my side. 

Sayaka reentered the room with my parents, her eyes twinkling with a mix of pride and amusement. “My, my, it seems you were able to successfully make Yuna and Emi your blood servants,” she remarked, a light chuckle escaping her lips. 

I felt my cheeks heat up, the memories of the intimate moments shared with Yuna and Emi flooding back. “Ye...Yes, I was able to, and I feel a strong bond between us,” I managed to say, my voice a little more than a whisper. 

Sayaka's gaze softened as she turned to me. “You know, Emi has longed to be reunited with you. As her mother, I ask that you continue to care for and cherish her, Harumi,” she implored earnestly, her eyes locking onto mine in a silent plea. 

Emi, who had been watching the exchange with wide, expectant eyes, suddenly turned a deep shade of red. “Mama, please don’t embarrass me!” she squealed, her voice filled with a mix of mortification and affection. 

I reached out, taking both Yuna and Emi's hands in mine, feeling the warmth of their skin and the pulse of their lives intertwining with mine. “I promise I will cherish Emi from now on and forever,” I assured Sayaka with a newfound resolve, my words firm and unshakable. 

My parents stood by, their expressions serious yet filled with an undeniable warmth. “We ask the same of you for Yuna. Please continue to cherish and take care of our daughter,” my mother added, her voice carrying the weight of a parent's concern and love. 

“Of course, I love Yuna as well. I promise I will protect and cherish her for all eternity,” I vowed, feeling the weight of my words and the significance of the promise I was making. 

My father, who had been quietly observing the scene, finally spoke up. “And Yuna, we are glad to see your wish to be with Harumi forever has come true. Please continue to take care of and protect our daughter Harumi as well,” he expressed, his tone gentle yet firm. 

Yuna nodded, her expression serious and filled with determination. “Yes, I promise,” she said, then glanced at me with a sheepish smile. “Also, Harumi,” she added, her face turning an even deeper shade of red. 

“Yes, what’s wrong?” I inquired, noting Yuna's unease. 

Yuna took a deep breath, her eyes fixed on mine. “I don’t want to call you Onee-chan anymore. I don’t want to be seen as your sister, but rather as your friend and girlfriend. Is that okay?” she asked, her voice trembling slightly with the weight of her request. 

Her vulnerability in that moment was endearing, making her seem even more precious. I couldn't help but smile, my heart full of love and affection for her. “Of course, it’s okay. What would you like to call me?” 

Yuna's face lit up, relief and happiness shining in her eyes. “I want to call you Haru-chan, like how you call me Yuna-chan,” she replied, a shy smile spreading across her face. 

“I like that nickname. It’s cute, just like you, Yuna-chan,” I giggled, the tension of the moment dissolving into a comfortable warmth. 

Emi, who had been watching the exchange with a small smile, suddenly spoke up. “Don’t leave me out of this! I want to join in too, Harumi, Yuna,” she chimed in, pouting playfully. 

“Haha, sorry Emi-chan. Please feel free to call me whatever you like as well,” I reassured her, happy to see her wanting to be part of our special moment. 

“Then, I’ll call you Harumi-chan,” Emi decided, her expression serious yet soft. 

“Very well, Emi-chan,” I agreed, feeling a slight blush on my cheeks as I accepted the new nickname. 

“Thank you, Harumi-chan,” Emi responded with a grateful smile, her eyes sparkling with affection and gratitude. 

My mother, who had been watching the scene unfold with a tender gaze, finally spoke. “My daughters, I know a three-person relationship isn’t the norm, and you may face judgment, but as long as you communicate and think of one another, I am confident you will have a fruitful and loving relationship,” she said, her voice filled with conviction and love. 

“It’s getting late. Starting tomorrow morning, I will be training you three on controlling your powers for the next three weeks. Also, Emi and I moved into the house next door so she can better serve and protect you, Harumi,” Sayaka announced with a light chuckle. 

“That’s great news!” Yuna exclaimed happily. 

“I’m thrilled Emi will be right next door. I promise we’ll be ready for training in the morning. Thank you for everything, Sayaka-san, Emi,” I expressed my gratitude. 

“You’re very welcome. Now let’s head home, Emi,” Sayaka instructed. 

In the tender silence of the night, my parents' solemn words lingered in the air. "We are so sorry for keeping your adoption a secret until now. We promise we have always loved you as our own," they confessed, their heads bowed in a rare display of vulnerability. 

Their apology was heartfelt, and it stirred something deep within me. I urged them to raise their heads, my voice steady but filled with emotion. "Please, don’t apologize. I know you loved me, and we will always be family. Thank you for taking care of me all these years." 

The room was heavy with emotions, a mix of relief, understanding, and an unspoken bond of love that tied us all together. My mother then cleared her throat, her gaze shifting to Yuna and me with a mix of sternness and concern. "Regarding you and Yuna, we accept your relationship, but there will be ground rules," she stated firmly. 

She outlined a series of guidelines, emphasizing that there would be no intimate relations until we were older and more settled. As she continued, Yuna and I exchanged embarrassed glances, our faces flushing with a mixture of bashfulness and understanding. 

"Okay, okay, we get it. We promise!" Yuna eventually exclaimed, her voice a mixture of exasperation and amusement. "Come on, Haru-chan, let's take a bath. I'll show you how to wash your hair properly." 

The suggestion caught me off guard, and for a moment, I could only stammer a surprised response. "Ba...bath?!" 

My mother chuckled softly, shaking her head with an expression that was equal parts fondness and exasperation. "This girl," she sighed, her eyes twinkling with unspoken love. 

Later, after Yuna showed me the proper way to wash my hair and we enjoyed a relaxing bath, we settled down in the living room, a comfortable silence enveloping us as we watched a TV drama. The simple act of sitting together, sharing the quiet end of the day, felt incredibly soothing and intimate. 

Yuna then turned to me, her voice soft but filled with earnest emotion. "Thank you, Haru-chan, for accepting my feelings. I was scared you would be weirded out by me." 

I turned to look at her, my heart swelling with an affection that felt as natural as breathing. "Of course, I wouldn’t Yuna-chan. I’ve always felt a special connection with you. And now, I'm relieved and happy we can be together openly," I confided, my words echoing the depth of my feelings. 

As the night wore on, my mother's voice gently broke the comfortable silence. "Ahem! It’s getting late. Head to bed, you two. You have an early start tomorrow." 

With a synchronized motion that spoke of our deep understanding of each other, Yuna and I stood up, our movements harmonious and fluid. "Yes, Ma’am," we replied in unison, our voices a mixture of obedience and lingering amusement. 

As we turned to leave, my mother called out softly, "Also, Harumi..." 

I paused, turning back to face her, a question in my eyes. "Yes?" 

Her smile was warm and loving, a radiant expression that seemed to fill the room with gentle light. "Happy birthday," she said, her voice tender. 

I went to bed that night feeling a profound sense of love and acceptance, and looking forward to the days ahead.

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