Blossoming Identity: The Life of Harumi the Vampire Princess (Dropped)

Chapter 1: Path to the New Self

"Is this really necessary, Mama?" I hesitantly inquire as I look down at the hem of my skirt, still feeling the unfamiliar fabric brush against my skin. I had just gotten used to the idea of being Harumi, and now there was so much more to learn, to adapt to. 

My mother chuckles softly, her eyes twinkling with a mixture of pride and understanding. "Yes, Harumi, it is. Blending in is crucial for us, especially for you now. But don't worry, you have us, and you'll have Yuna with you every step of the way." 

I nod, feeling a bit overwhelmed but also strangely excited about this new chapter in my life. "Okay, I'm ready for my girl training." 

"I will help Onee-chan learn the ways of a girl as well!" Yuna declares with bright eyes and an enthusiasm that's both comforting and infectious. 

"Hehe, I will be in your care then, Yuna-sensei," I state, wondering how I ever got so lucky to have such a wonderful younger sister. 

"Fufufu, just leave it to me!" Yuna poses confidently, though I can tell she's as new to this as I am. 

"I swear you two, flirting again. I can't take my eyes off you two for a second," my mother teases, giving us an exasperated yet affectionate look. 

I roll my eyes playfully. "Let's start the training, I'm excited to learn." 

"Okay, first we will work on your speech," my mother begins. "You have been using a more gender-neutral term to refer to yourself, but as a girl, and especially in our society, it's important to express yourself more femininely. From now on, try to use 'watashi' when you refer to yourself." 

"Yes, Ma’am," I reply, a bit awkwardly. I've practiced several times referencing myself in my speech before, especially when playing games as a female character. It's just a matter of flipping that switch in my brain. "I am quite sorry for that rude behavior earlier. I will ensure that I watch how I speak from now on." 

My mother and Yuna stare at me, their expressions blank for a moment before bursting into surprised laughter. 

"Is something wrong? Did I misspeak?" I ask, still using 'watashi.' 

"What is this, Onee-chan? You sounded so natural and like a princess!" Yuna finally manages to say after catching her breath. 

"Well, in my video games, I designed my character to look just like I do now, so I was referred to as the silver princess in-game. To keep up with appearances, I practiced and practiced in the mirror on how to speak and act," I answer, my face growing hot with embarrassment. 

"You always tried to keep from disappointing others, and I understand why you decided to make your character into your ideal self. It was the only place where you felt your wish could come true, wasn't it, Harumi?" my mother asks, her voice gentle and full of understanding. 

I nod, feeling a bit emotional as my mother seems to understand my struggles. "Yes, that's right. In the game, I could be whoever I wanted to be, without any judgment or expectations from others. It was my safe haven." 

My mother nods in understanding. "I see. Well, now you have the opportunity to be who you truly are, both as a girl and as a vampire. And we will support you every step of the way." 

A sense of relief washes over me, knowing that my family accepts and supports me for who I am. "Thank you, Mom. And thank you, Yuna, for helping me with my training." 

Yuna beams at me. "Of course, Onee-chan! I'm excited to teach you everything I know." 

My mother smiles warmly. "Alright then, let's get started with the rest of your training." 

As we continue with my training, I realize that adjusting to this new life as a vampire girl won't be easy, but with the support of my family, I know I can do it. And who knows, maybe I'll even enjoy high school this time around. 

“Next, let's work on your mannerisms and posture,” my mother instructs. 

Yuna starts to demonstrate some basic movements, such as how to sit with crossed legs and how to walk gracefully. I try to imitate her, but my movements feel awkward and clumsy. 

“Don’t worry, Onee-chan,” Yuna encourages me. “It takes practice to get it right. And remember, confidence is key. If you believe in yourself, others will believe in you too.” 

After a few hours of training, I feel like I've made some progress. My posture is straighter, and my movements feel a bit more graceful. Yuna gives me a big hug and tells me how proud she is of me. 

Suddenly, we hear a knock on the door. My mother talks to someone at the door, and when she comes back into the room, two people I know very well are with her. It's my and Yuna's childhood friend Emi and her mother Sayaka. 

"Harumi, Yuna, look who's here!" my mother exclaims, gesturing towards our visitors. 

I jump up from my seat, excited to see my childhood friend after so many years. "Emi! It's so good to see you!" I exclaim, running up to her and giving her a tight hug. 

Emi laughs and hugs me back. "It's good to see you too, Harumi. You look different though, did you get a makeover or something?" she says with a slight joking tone. 

I blush, feeling a bit self-conscious about my new appearance as a vampire girl. "Uh, yeah, I guess you could say it’s something like that. I am fully a girl and a vampire now," I explain, hoping that Emi won't judge me. 

Emi's eyes widen in surprise, but she quickly recovers and gives me a warm smile. "That's so cool! I always knew you were unique, Harumi. And you look beautiful, by the way." 

I feel my cheeks heat up even more, feeling grateful for Emi's acceptance. "Thank you, Emi. I'm still getting used to this but I'm excited for the journey ahead." 

Sayaka, Emi's mother, approaches us and gives me a hug as well. "It's so nice to see you, Harumi. You've grown up so much since the last time I saw you." 

I smile, feeling touched by her words. "Thank you, Sayaka-san. It's good to see you too." 

My mother chimes in, "Why don't we all sit down and catch up over some tea and snacks?" 

We all settle down at the table, and my mother brings out a tray of tea and cookies. We chat and catch up on each other's lives, with Emi and Sayaka telling us about their recent travels. 

"It has been great catching up, but I guess it is time to move onto the topic we came here for," Sayaka starts, her tone turning a bit more serious. "Emi and I are both servants of the Blossom Clan, and given that you just transformed, I am sure there is a lot you are confused about. However, I will explain everything to you now." 

Just as we start to delve into the deeper conversation, we hear the front door swing open. 

"Guess whose home! Now, where is my new daughter!" My father yells, running through the door with a cake and flowers in hand. He always has the worst timing. 

"Harumi, look at you! I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner," he exclaims, sweeping me into a hug, his presence filling the room with warmth and energy. His return marks not just a celebration of my new chapter but a reunion after his absence during my critical transformation period. Despite the timing, his love and excitement are unmistakable, and the room fills with a lighter, more joyful atmosphere. 

As the room buzzes with renewed energy and conversation, I look around at the faces of my family and friends. Despite the myriad changes and revelations, one thing is clear - I'm supported, loved. 

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