Blood Princess and the Knight

Chapter 1438

Isn’t it? As soon as he was ascended to God, he put it back on his predecessor, and he almost couldn’t tell which was true and which was false.

“Cuckoo…” Just as Bai Ji was thinking, a hungry voice came from her stomach.

“His Royal Highness, you are hungry, too. You should be hungry after you have been in bed for so long. Get out of bed. I will serve you to put on your clothes and eat. Hurry up. There will be nothing to eat later.”

“Oh, okay.” Put aside things like whether you don’t wear it or not. It’s the biggest meal in the world, and you don’t need to fill your stomach first. How can you continue to analyze the current situation and come up with countermeasures?

But Bai Ji obviously didn’t understand the meaning of Ke’er’s saying that there was nothing to eat when she was too late.

Kerr’s service can be said to be very skilled. In her eyes, Bai Ji is a small hanger. She puts on the one-piece skirt and fastens the belt.

Bai Ji, who sat down to receive Kerr combing her hair, observed her appearance in the bronze mirror.

The standard silver-haired red pupil is standard for the royal family, and the small and beautiful appearance is a little bit green, giving people the feeling of a small bird, and the pale skin is mixed with inconspicuous sallow and some cracks. Her small nails, it can be seen that Solanya seems to be malnourished.

Is this the unborn queen of the Blood Spirit First Empire? Bai Ji couldn’t help but look closer.

The pitiful face was full of timidity, and although it was as pitiful as the little match girl, there was no merit other than this.

To put it bluntly, it means that she has no temperament and is weak. The girl’s face can tell how she used to deal with things, or perhaps it is the predecessor of Solanya as Bai Ji, which makes her feel empathetic.

Seeing this, Bai Ji had a subtle feeling.

Solanya, it seems surprisingly ordinary.

After taking care of her hair, Bai Ji was like a tofu man and allowed Kerr to pull out of her boudoir and head to the restaurant.

“Now, Kerr, let’s ask you, do you know someone named Lilias?”

“What kind of silk come here? Turnips? Your Highness, do you want to eat that? But there doesn’t seem to be any turnips in today’s breakfast.” Ke’er was shocked for a moment, then said.

“It’s okay.” Bai Ji shook her head, convinced in her heart that she was in a wrong time.

At this time, Lilias was afraid that she was not even a cell.

“By the way, we should have a younger sister named Yana, right?”

“His Royal Highness Yana? Yes, that’s right, but why do you ask about that person, you are rude, I mean, why did you suddenly ask about your sister.” As if realizing that you have committed a big bogey, Kerr Changed words instantly.

“Isn’t it really a matter of course.” Bai Ji felt that Ke’er’s question was very strange. Does her sister care about what’s wrong with her sister, and listening to Ke’er’s tone just now, she seemed to be very dissatisfied with Yana.

At this moment of thinking, Ke’er has dragged Bai Ji to the restaurant.

To be honest, the royal hall of this era looks a bit remote, but Kerr took Bai Ji and ran a few blocks before ran there.

When I got here, there were very few people in the hall.

Bai Ji took a cursory look and found that this restaurant was unexpectedly simple, very down-to-earth, and did not have any royal style at all.

“We are here, Your Highness.”

“Well, speaking of it, is the royal dining hall designed so concisely?”

“Huh? Royal dining hall? Your Highness, this is not the royal dining place, but the dining area of ​​the lowest-level personnel of the palace” Ke’eryu stopped, and said with a little twist.

“His Royal Highness, you are deemed to be ineligible to dine with members of the royal family.”


Chapter 1 ~ Solanya and Yana (Part 1)

“What are you talking about?” Bai Ji was a little confused. “Why are we not qualified to eat in the royal dining room?”

“His Royal Highness, have you forgotten all of them?” Ke’er seemed a little hard to tell about this matter, as if it was taking care of Bai Ji’s emotions and it was difficult to speak.

“For some reasons, you have not inherited any blood of Her Majesty, unable to release the curse, and you have been criticized by the ministers.”

“So, because we have no blood, have we been expelled from the emperor?” Bai Ji frowned slightly.

“It’s not expelled from the emperor, but um, I intend to avoid meeting you as much as possible, including your sister Yana, and will deliberately avoid contact with you.” Kerr watched Bai Ji’s face carefully, carefully The way.

“Oh, that means they all dislike us and don’t want to admit that we are a family with them, do they have the same blood?”

Ke’er was a little surprised by Bai Ji’s calm analysis.

These things were the big taboos of his Highness in the past. When I mention them a little, my Highness will always respond with a smile as long as it doesn’t cause trouble to the mother, but his face will become particularly ugly, and his fingers will tremble unbearably.

Because of being rejected by his family and criticized by the ministers, His Royal Highness’s body will become thinner and thinner. He doesn’t think about food and tea. He stays in his remote palace all day long and depressed.

Her Royal Highness Solanya is a docile but weak Xing Zi, and cares too much about the speech of others.

“That is to say, they dislike us and think it’s embarrassing to eat with us, right? Okay, I know, then you can’t eat with them.” Bai Ji was very free and easy, as if this matter is not a big problem. , No need to worry about it at all.

“Ker, just help us get something to eat. I’m hungry.”

“Ah, oh okay.”

Seeing Ke’er trotting to the back of the kitchen with her long skirt, Bai Ji squinted her eyes.

Keer, is she really the Kerr in her own impression, or is she just the same name?

Bai Ji thinks that the same name might not be a big deal. Although she has some memories of Solanya, she doesn’t remember exactly what the maid who once served Solanya looks like, but Kerr feels very similar to her, and she shouldn’t be wrong.

However, the Kerr in front of him seemed very ordinary. It should be Kerr who hadn’t obtained the main organ for reincarnation.

Bai Ji tried to summon her awakened bloodline, greedily devourers, and failed unexpectedly, without any bloodline reaction.

After all, the greedy devourer is the acquired bloodline that Kerr put on himself afterwards. It is normal that the original Solanya didn’t have it.

“His Royal Highness, Your Royal Highness.” As she was thinking, Ke’er ran out of the back kitchen violently with a dinner plate on her head, with a little baby fat face and cheeks puffed up, a little cute.

“Huh, my lord, it’s okay, we didn’t come late, the uncle of the back chef specially reserved some dishes for us, hehe, eat it while it’s hot.”

“Ker, greedy devourer, what are the organs of the Lord God?”

“Huh?” After hearing Bai Ji’s explanation for a while, Ke’er was stunned. “His Royal Highness, do you mean you want to eat organs?” Update.

“No, no, nothing.” After observing the subtle changes in Ke’er’s facial expressions, Bai Ji was convinced that the only one in front of him was just an ordinary vampire maid.

Of course, as a maid of the royal family, the maid herself must also have a certain status, for example, Kerr herself is the eldest daughter of a **** viscount.

Bai Ji glanced at the food that Ke’er served on the table, the simple processed animal blood, and the crude tea leaves were indeed worse than the royal meal by more than one star.

But not to the point where he couldn’t talk.

After eating hurriedly to fill her stomach, Bai Ji decided to visit the palace of the blood family a thousand years ago.

Perhaps Bai Ji’s mentality is different from that of ordinary people. Others will think about how to go back after passing through. She thinks that she can’t miss this good opportunity and visit more, otherwise this trip will come in vain.

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