Blood Lily

1. Wish

Content warning (to be updated as needed):



I slumped back in the park bench, gazing up at the myriad of stars. You’d think that today would be a special day, but for me, it was just as cold, dark, and empty as any other. For most people, it was the day families get together to appreciate the things they’re grateful for, and to eat a lot of food, of course. It was Thanksgiving.

I never understood that day, after all, what is there to be thankful for? Friends? I’ve never had such a thing. Food? I’ve never had a warm meal in my life, just the cold leftovers my “family” leaves for me. I suppose “family” is another thing people are grateful for, and I guess I do have a mother and father, but what’s the point if they act as if I don’t exist?

They’ve given me the bare minimum, like an unwanted puppy you feel too guilty to put down. My “father” has never looked me in the eye, and “We give you a place to live, so shut up, stay quiet, and enjoy your life,” is the only thing my “mother” ever says to me. Like a good son, I obeyed the “shut up and stay quiet” part, but I just couldn’t obey the third. I’ve never enjoyed living, yet that’s another thing people are “grateful” for.

Gazing mindlessly into the abyss of space and pondering why I was born was the only thing I could consider as my hobby. A chilling wind howled, carrying an ominous sensation with it. I was about to fall asleep until I noticed something unusual; a dazzling streak of light. It looked as if a star was weeping.

“Is this a falling star,” I wondered aloud to no one in specific.

I’ve never had hope nor wished for anything, but I felt oddly lucky on this night. “I wish… I had something to be grateful for.”

Moments later, clouds enveloped the night sky, hiding the mesmerizing streak of light from view. About 10 minutes passed. It was dead quiet and pitch dark.

“Of course, I can’t even enjoy the sight of a falling star,” I chuckled. It was stupid of me to have a something as ambitious as a wish.

I closed my eyes, thinking to try and sleep.

“It’s still there, even if you can’t see it, you know.”

My eyes shot open, surprised someone else was nearby. “Who’s there,” I asked.

As I sat up to see who it was, the clouds dissipated, revealing the falling star once again. But, to my surprise, the streak of light was intersecting the moon, acting as a prism for the moonlight. But it wasn’t the only beautiful thing, for there stood a woman with long, silver hair and deep, scarlet eyes.

“An opportunity,” she said.

It was a scene out of a fairytale. With the streak of light and full moon above and behind her shoulder, she could only be described as an angel. The moonlight made her silver hair seem as if it was sparkling.

Nearly forgetting to respond, I asked, “What do you mean?”

“I overheard your wish. Would you give anything for it to come true?” she said with a soft and gentle voice.

I paused for a moment and, humoring her, spoke, “Anything… though I don't really have anything at all.”

She, too, paused for a moment, and asked, “Do you mean it? There’s no going back.”

I gave her an honest answer, though I mostly figured she was just joking around. The seriousness in her final question startled something within me, but seeing as I had nothing to lose, I answered, “I do.”

Maybe I was just seeing things, but it seemed as if the moon was suddenly stained crimson. She smiled, revealing two sharp fangs. I was surprised, of course, and felt an instinct to flee but... I chose to stay. Whatever she was going to do could never be worse than continuing life as is. She wrapped her arms around me and bit into my neck. I flinched, expecting pain, and it was but... it was also surprisingly comfortable. I could only think about how nice it felt to be held by someone. It was in that moment that I realized I was hugged for the first time in my life.

I was grateful.

I found myself hugging her back. She was taken back a bit from my odd response, but tightened her embrace, still biting into my neck. A few seconds later, I fell unconscious.





Hi! This is my first story and I've been wanting to get it out for a while. I plan to simply post new chapters as I write them, but honestly I'm not sure how often I will be writing a new chapter (I'll admit I have motivation issues) but I'll do my best, and I certainly do not plan on dropping the series! I welcome and encourage any and all feedback. Please enjoy! :D

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