Bleach: The Authority to Protect

Chapter 2: ARC 1: Part II

Chapter 2



Ishida Manor 7 a.m


"I know you've been spending time with my father again Uryuu... How many times have I told you not to go there " Ishida Ryuuken frowned in dissatisfaction.

"B-but.. I want to-" 

"I don't want to hear excuses. I've told you about that , too. Uryuu there's no sense in saving the dead. Your time would be better spent learning to save the living. That's the Shinigami job... I'm not interested in Quincies and you don't have the talent for it anyway. Let the Quincies die out with my father generation. Understood? " 

"But, dad why do you hate Quincies so much?" 

"Because no profit in them" Ryuuken thought being quincy would take away his son future as spiritual world is a dangerous place for a child and he wanted to spare his son from its cruelty. 

"Dad... " 

"I'm going to work Uryuu and I expect you to not fight hollows with my father, understood?" 

"Okay..." Uryuu sadly answer as he solemnly look at his father leaving the manor.



Kurosaki residence around 7 a.m


"Are you awake Ichigo? Did you get nice sleep?" gazing at Ichigo in fondness.

"Mmmm... Yes.. Good morning ossan.. " Ichigo yawned. 

"Good morning too Ichigo" I greet him. 

"Ossan actually I want to ask something... but.." asked Ichigo nervously.

"Ichigo I know you're eager to talk but you should've breakfast first then we will continue our conversations after. Ichigo don't worry I won't go anywhere" I replied. 

"Okay.. If you said so.. " Ichigo murmured. 



After breakfast around 8 a.m 

"You promised you'll talk. So Ossan can you tell me how do I get to use quincy power? I want to get strong. I don't want to became helpless. Please teach me!" Ichigo begged at me. 

"You need physical basic training to increase your stamina. Basic comes first and after I find your level sufficient by my standard then I'll train you in everything regarding quincy and it will be tough. Are you ready for such harsh training?" I asked him. 

"Yes! I'm ready! Don't you dare hold back ossan! Give me your all!" Ichigo said with determination burn fiercely in his eyes. 

"Good. We'll start training today. Good thing today is your first day of summer vacation so we'll have plenty of time to cover your basic capabilities" I told him as I decided to put forward my plans.

Indeed this is good opportunity.

I'll make him run around the town as an excuse to increase his stamina while in truth I'll have Ichigo run towards Karakura Hospital and using my skill to use Ichigo reiatsu by flaring his reiryoku to attract hollow so Ishida Ryuuken would interfere.

Ishida Ryuuken meeting with Ichigo is inevitable. 

As Ichigo start running out of his house eagerly.

I keep guiding him towards predetermined route that I prepared for Ichigo eventual meeting with Ishida Ryuuken.

In matter quarter an hour soon Ichigo will near Karakura Hospital.

As I spread my sense I managed to pinpoint Ishida Ryuuken reiatsu hidden neatly proofing his proficiency in his Quincy power.

Then I began pulsing rhythmic reiatsu to lure hollows towards Ichigo. Not long after that a Gillian and two Adjuchas managed to show up.

Then Gillian start to screaming so loudly that it startled Ichigo and the other two Adjuchas began chasing Ichigo. Being panicked Ichigo start sprinting towards parking lot of next to Karakura Hospital.

As the jaws of hollows tried to devour Ichigo those hollows exploded in burst killed by none other than Ishida Ryuuken. 

"It seems you're managed to comes out unscathed. Well then, there's nothing worth continuing. I'll take my leave, boy" sighed Ishida Ryuuken as he lit his cigarette.

"Wait... Oji-san*! What's that blue bow that you used at masked monsters?" 

"Why do I have to explained it to you boy?" Ishida Ryuuken expressing his reluctant to answer Ichigo. 

Then it's time for my interference as I advised Ichigo to say that his mother use blue bow when she fought hollow. 

"Because my mom also use a blue bow too when she fighting those masked monsters last month.. " explained Ichigo.

"Last month?!" 

"Yeah.. Last month at June 17th." 

"Boy, what is your name?" 

"Ichigo Kurosaki" 

"I see... then I suppose introduction is in order. I'm Ishida Ryuuken your mother Masaki Kurosaki former fiance." 

"You know mom?" 

"Indeed I knew her... I think we need to change place to continue this conversations. Parking lot isn't proper place to talk delicate issues regarding Quincy. Come with me, Ichigo Kurosaki. I'll guide you to my office at Karakura Hospital." 

"Ryuu-oji* are you a doctor? " as Ichigo followed him towards Karakura Hospital. 

"Yes to be precise I'm a surgeon."


Ichigo followed him as Ishida Ryuuken opened the door through his office.

"Take a sit. This will be a quite a strory. After the war against the Shinigami two hundred years ago, the Quincy were almost completely wiped out. But those of us who survived went into hiding. Many gave up the Quincy way of life…",

"-but some pureblood families did not. The Ishida and Kurosaki were two such families who continued the traditions. To maintain the purity of the blood, Kurosaki Masaki and I were betrothed, and she came to live with the Ishida. As you can guess that was how Masaki and I known each other.",

"Then she got bitten by a hollow in an accident after that Masaki decided to leave Ishida household resulting in our broken engagement. She married your father and they lived an ordinary life faraway from spiritual world " Ishida Ryuuken explained his story. 

"Ichigo I need to tell you something...." I called him. Then I told Ichigo that Quincy needed someone to jolt their reiatsu into awakening.

"Ask Ishida Ryuuken. If he didn't want to awaken your quincy power tell him that you just need to learn enough to avoid hollow. You don't have to worry I'll teach you quincy techniques even if Ishida Ryuuken won't " I explained. 

"Sure Ossan! " Ichigo replied enthusiastically towards Ossan.


"So Ryuu oji-san can you help me with Quincy power just enough to awaken my own quincy power " asked Ichigo.

"Let me ask you this boy. Why should I teach you?"

"Well I just need to learn enough just to avoid hollows attack. So having my quincy power controlled would help me hidden from hollows. I mean Ryuu oji-san you didn't even got tracked by hollows and it would be nice to know how" 

"Very well then I'll awaken your quincy power and teach you how to control your reiatsu so you could hide from hollows but don't expect me to teach you how to fight. Is that alright with you Ichigo? " 

"Okay Ryuu oji-san " 

"Give me your hand Ichigo I'll transfer my quincy reiatsu towards your veins" as Ishida Ryuuken reiatsu bagan to flow towards Ichigo hands unexpectedly many lines with blue coloring began to appears and spreading to Ichigo whole body.


"Huh? Blue lines? " Ichigo appears confused. 

"Blut Vené! How?" Only Echt quincy would be able to make Blut Vené appears instinctively without training Ishida Ryuuken began to think about the implications. 

"Let me check!" then Ishida Ryuuken used his own Blut Vené to check Ichigo conditions and discovered that Ichigo Quincy blood is pure not mixed or tainted. 

"Err.. Ryuu oji-san can you explained those weird blue lines? " 

"As I said those blue lines that you just saw is Blut Vené. Blut is a Quincy ability that gives a practitioner inhuman defensive and offensive capability. By making Reishi flow into their blood vessels, Quincy increase their attack power using Blut Arterié and increasing their defense drastically using Blut Vené. Though Blut has one big flaw; the two forms of Blut work using two different Reishi systems, so they cannot be used at the same time. Blut is an ability that only pureblood quincy or Echt Quincy inherits it from birth while a Gemischt Quincy must train to attain it. From what I discovered it seems you're Echt quincy not Gemischt Ichigo " explained Ishida Ryuuken. 

"Ryuu oji-san how you can be so sure that I'm a Echt quincy? " 

"Channel Blut towards your arm" 

"Okay... " 

"Can't you see that you activated Blut Vené just like that easily? That is a sign that you're Echt quincy in hindsight it was quite obvious in fact . It seems you've inherited your mother pureblood heritage. Her strong Blut Vené is passed down to you" 


"Excuse me Dr.Ishida we have an emergency! A patient got into accident and in need of surgery! " a nurse knocked to informed Ishida Ryuuken. 

"It appears I have emergency appointment so I have to end this teaching session short Ichigo. I'll clear my schedule tomorrow then I'll teach you how to hide your reiatsu at 8 a.m tomorrow here. I expect you to come at designed time, understood?".

"Okay! Ryuu oji-san see you tomorrow. Bye" Ichigo replied as he exited the office. 

Ichigo continue to exercises that Ossan taught him for another hour even after leaving Karakura Hospital.

When he's done it was already noon, Ichigo began walking home and during the walk I decided to explained about Reishi as spiritual particels, Reiatsu as spiritual pulse, Reiryoku as spiritual energy, Reiki as spiritual body even Rei-i as spiritual density in soul.

Indeed today were quite the harvest Ichigo managed to awake his quincy potential.

When Ichigo passed certain threshold I'll arrange a talk between Ichigo and White Zangetsu. 



Ishida manor , evening around 6 p.m 

"Dad I'm home... where is dad? " Uryuu wondered. So he began to explored the manor until he came to basement and seeing a light coming from a door and what he saw shock him to his core. 

"Dad... What are you doing? That's mom isn't it? Why are you cutting her. She's dead." Uryuu eyes began to tearful. 

"Dad... please don't..." Uryuu pleaded his father to stop cutting his dead mother.

"Leave Uryuu... " Ishida Ryuuken glanced backward. 

After his wife Ishida Kanae's death, Ishida Ryūken performed an autopsy on her corpse for an extended period of time despite his son's pleas for him to stop.

Ishida Uryuu having witnessed that decided to not become doctor anymore. 

'If becoming a doctor means cutting apart your dead wife then I don't want to be one anymore' thought Uryuu inside his mind as he leave the basement. 



The next day 

"Good Morning Ichigo!" Isshin shouted as he flying kicked Ichigo stomach in his bed. 

"Ouch.. It hurts you know dad! Why did you kick me!" Ichigo angrily asked. 

"Training of course! This is how I will train your body! " grinned Isshin. 

"I've never agreed to this training method of yours!" shouted Ichigo with anger laced in his voice.

"Well Ichigo one day you'll realize how useful my training is " said Isshin as he left Ichigo room. 

"No" Ichigo stated decisively "I don't need your training at all " then Ichigo decided to ignore Isshin words and take a shower.

Changing to fresh clothes then head down to kitchen for breakfast that was made by Yuzu his little sister.

Breakfast were spent with Ichigo in silent ignoring Isshin enthusiastically rambling his daily life.

Ichigo then left Kurosaki clinic and walking to meet with Ryuu oji-san at Karakura Hospital. 

"Ryuu oji-san! Here!" Ichigo loudly call as he came. 

"You came right on time. Good. Follow me " 

"Soo.. where are we going? " 

"Ishida manor" 

"Why? " 

"I have a training room made of silver glass specifically for quincy training in there" as Kurosaki Ichigo and Ishida Ryuuken arrived at Ishida manor and then Reiatsu training took some time even the training room got damaged. 

"You even managed to control your reiatsu to this degree with that kind of mastery hollows would find it hard to detect you and your spiritual perception is excellent. There's nothing left to teach you about reiatsu control."

"Okay thank you Ryuu oji-san" 

"No need to thank me you've succeeded because you have talent and enormous potential that is all"

During Ichigo training with Ryuuken, Ishida Uryuu saw it all that his dad training someone despite claiming uninterested towards quincies. 

"So dad teaches you. Not me. Just because you're more talented than me" mocked Uryuu in his heart. 

As Ichigo left the training room he meet a black haired boy with glasses in a hallway. 

"I'm Ishida Uryuu, who are you?" 

"Kurosaki Ichigo" 

"Hmph... you know nothing of Ryuuken. Just because Ryuuken taught you something doesn't mean you know of him. Let me tell you I don't like my father for what he's done to mother" 

"What did he do? " Ichigo asked curiously. 

"He cut apart my mother" exclaimed Uryuu spitefully.


'Cut apart?!' 

"I see that's make sense" Osaan remarked. 

'What do you mean Ossan?' asked Ichigo

"Remember Ishida Ryuuken told you that he is a surgeon right? Surgeons are doctors who specialize in surgical procedures. Surgery is any procedure that alters body tissues to diagnose or treat a medical condition. If Ishida Uryuu mother is dead then perhaps Ishida Ryuuken performed an autopsy to find his wife cause of ailments and to treat Ishida Uryuu should he fall the same ailments as his mother. In my opinion Ishida Ryuuken is thoughtful because he thought about Ishida Uryuu wellbeing to prevent him from dying the same ailments as his mother"

'Oh I see Ossan. I suppose that's make sense.'


"I see... your father is kind" Ichigo blurted out in front of Uryuu. 

"Kind! He cut apart my mother! And you think he's kind! How dare you!" Shouted Uryuu.

"Wait! Let me explained Uryuu" Ichigo tried to explained in panic to clear Uryuu misunderstanding. 

"There is nothing that can be explained! Don't call me Uryuu! You have no right to called me that KUROSAKI!" Anger could be seen on Ishida Uryuu. face aimed at Ichigo. Fuming in anger Ishida Uryuu left Ichigo. 

"WAIT Uryuu.... I.." with Uryuu abrupt departure Ichigo then just keep walking towards the front door as Ishida Ryuuken standing there as if waiting for Ichigo. 

"Ichigo it's getting late I'll escort you back home." as they walk outside.


Silent stretched as two of walking in silent before suddenly Ishida Ryuuken decided ask Ichigo about his previous words.

"Why did you think I'm kind?"

"Ryuu oji-san I... I think you did autopsy to your wife to protect Uryuu from suffering the same ailments as her.." Ichigo nervously replied.

"You know you're truly your mother son" as Ishida Ryuuken reminiscing Masaki similarity with Ichigo.

"Thank you Ryuu oji-san" Ichigo accepted Ishida Ryuuken compliment.

Before long Kurosaki clinic can be seen not to far.

When finally both them are in front of Kurosaki clinic.

"It seems we've arrived at Kurosaki clinic"


"Goodbye Ryuu oji-san. Thank you for bring me home" waved Ichigo as he going inside his home. 

"No problem. Goodbye Ichigo" Ishida Ryuuken walk away. 


Somewhere in the dark a man with rimmed glasses could be seen looking at a monitor. 

"How interesting Kurosaki Ichigo.... you've always managed to exceed my expectations of you... I wonder..."

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