Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 99

The blinding explosion of light from Niko's well-timed flashball temporarily incapacitated three of the drug-enhanced Hollows. The unexpected brilliance disoriented their senses, buying Niko a brief respite as she nursed the pain from colliding with the tree.


Despite the success of the flashball, one of the Hollows had managed to evade the blinding light, and it seized the opportunity to launch a surprise attack. The creature, driven by an instinctual ferocity, lunged at Niko. With a deft maneuver, she managed to evade the direct impact, but the force of the attack sent her sprawling across the uneven terrain.


Pain shot through Niko's body as she collided with the ground. The relentless pursuit and the physical toll of the encounters had taken their toll. She gritted her teeth, determined to press on despite the injuries. The three blinded Hollows, recovering from their disorientation, closed in on their injured prey, their otherworldly roars echoing through the darkened landscape.


As the drug-enhanced creatures approached, Niko, battered but not defeated, clutched something in her hand. With a defiant yet calculated motion, she opened her hand, revealing another flashball. The small, spherical device emanated a soft glow, a beacon of defiance against the encroaching darkness.


The Hollows, perhaps underestimating the resourcefulness of their prey, hesitated for a moment. The small amount of hesitation was enough. The flashball worked and the blinded hollows, roaring in frustration, thrashed about in their disoriented state. Niko seized this crucial moment, and fueled by sheer determination she limped away.


Carrying herself as far as she could before hiding behind a rock. Niko’s plan had worked even after losing her the four hollows were still continuing to search for her. The only problem was that she was out of flashballs and had no concrete way of killing these hollows. In her practical lessons, she had been in charge of distracting the hollows while her partner finished them off. This was because she lacked the physical strength to even harm regular hollows.


Niko, with her back pressed against the rock, awaited the inevitable. The echoes of the hollows' frustrated roars reverberated in the darkened landscape. She had successfully evaded them for the moment, but without a clear plan and no means of dispatching these enhanced creatures, her situation seemed dire.


Just as the hollows closed in on her hiding spot, prepared to deliver a potentially fatal blow, the sudden intervention of Yuichi altered the course of events. With precision, he unleashed Bakudō #9. Geki, momentarily freezing the movements of the drug-enhanced hollows. Niko, eyes wide with surprise, saw an opportunity for reprieve.


Mei, quick to capitalize on the opening, utilized Shunpo to appear beside Niko. With a swift and practiced motion, she scooped Niko into her arms. The freezing effect of Bakudō #9. Geki had provided a crucial moment for a strategic retreat.


Mei, carrying the injured Niko, dashed toward Hanatarō, who had taken a decisive step forward. His zanpakutō, Hisagomaru, gleamed in the darkness. With a command that resonated through the quiet night— "Fulfill" —Hisagomaru's Shikai was awakened.


The moment was both tense and mysterious, as Hanatarō, typically known for his timid nature, embraced a newfound resolve. His zanpakutō, now activated, held the power to absorb and store wounds, a peculiar ability among soul reapers. As Mei reached him, Hanatarō didn't hesitate. He struck Niko with the blade.


A red smoke emanated from the wound, an otherworldly display of spiritual energy at work. The mysterious power of Hisagomaru began to heal Niko's injuries. The empty gauge on the side of the zanpakutō, representing the stored damage, started filling up. Mei, with a mix of relief and awe, witnessed the healing process unfold before her eyes.


As Niko's injuries were mended, Mei placed her down, and Hanatarō shifted his focus toward the approaching hollows. With a wave of his zanpakutō, he released the concentrated damage stored within Hisagomaru.


A surge of red energy erupted from the blade, resembling a powerful Cero. The stream of energy streaked through the night, colliding with two of the hollows with devastating force. The unleashed power of Hisagomaru obliterated them, leaving only two of the enhanced creatures remaining.


However, with the culmination of this mighty attack, Hanatarō's zanpakutō underwent a transformation. Hisagomaru, having expended its stored energy, now took the shape of a weakened scalpel. The shift in form signified the depletion of Hisagomaru's formidable power, leaving Hanatarō vulnerable and armed with only a fraction of his usual combat capabilities.


Mei prepared herself to face the two remaining enhanced hollows. Hanatarō had retreated to a safer distance, his zanpakutō now reduced to a weakened scalpel after the formidable display of Hisagomaru's power. Niko, though healed, was still weakened from her earlier injuries, leaving the brunt of the impending battle on Mei and Yuichi's shoulders.


The hollows, undeterred by the loss of their companions, advanced with ferocity. Mei took a deep breath, steadying herself for the confrontation. She held her released Shiro no Shikaku in a firm grip, the blade gleaming with the residual cold energy from her earlier attacks.


As the hollows closed in, Mei moved with a sudden burst of speed. Her zanpakutō danced through the air, striking with precision. The enhanced hollows, their enhanced abilities on full display, retaliated with equally swift and unpredictable movements. Mei's strikes were met resistance as the creatures countered with their powerful claws and relentless assaults.


Yuichi, positioning himself strategically, began his support role. He unleashed kido spells with calculated precision, creating bursts of spiritual energy that targeted the hollows. Bakudō spells temporarily restrained one of the creatures, creating an opening for Mei to exploit. Hado spells, like arrows of concentrated energy, struck the other hollow, forcing it to momentarily stagger.


The coordination between Mei and Yuichi was a dance of strategy. Mei, with her relentless attacks, kept the attention of the hollows focused on her. Yuichi, exploiting their distraction, continued to barrage them with kido spells, aiming to weaken and disorient them.


However, the enhanced hollows were proving to be formidable adversaries. Their enhanced speed and strength made them difficult to predict, and Mei found herself dodging powerful strikes with increasing difficulty. Yuichi, sensing the urgency, intensified his efforts, alternating between defensive and offensive spells to create opportunities for Mei.


Despite their combined efforts, the hollows adapted to the unpredictable nature of the battle. Mei, feeling the strain of the relentless onslaught, knew they needed a change in tactics. She signaled to Yuichi, and with a shared understanding, they shifted their strategy.


Mei, utilizing Shunpo, maneuvered around the Hollows, drawing their attention. Meanwhile, Yuichi, hidden within the shadows, prepared a more potent kido spell. Mei, with a sudden burst of speed, lured the hollows into a vulnerable position. The creatures, momentarily disoriented by her movements, became susceptible to Yuichi's trap.


With a focused incantation, Yuichi unleashed Bakudō #9. Hōrin (崩輪, Disintegrating Circle), a binding spell of considerable strength. Ethereal tendrils materialized, ensnaring one of the Hollows in a web of spiritual energy. The bound creature roared in frustration, its movements restricted.


Seizing the opportunity, Mei delivered a powerful strike with Shiro no Shikaku. The blade, now charged with both freezing energy and the force behind Mei's shunpo, cut through the restrained Hollow. The creature, unable to escape the combined assault, dissipated into the night.


However, the second Hollow, witnessing its companion's demise, intensified its aggression. Yuichi, still concealed, prepared another spell. This time, he opted for a direct offensive approach. Mei, understanding the necessity for a decisive blow, engaged the Hollow in a relentless exchange of strikes.


As Mei and the Hollow clashed, Yuichi chanted an incantation with focused intent. The air crackled with spiritual energy as he unleashed Hado #33. Sōkatsui, a powerful burst of blue flames. The spell engulfed the enhanced Hollow, searing through its defenses. Mei, seizing the opportunity, delivered a final, decisive strike.

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