Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 77

Returning home from the operation Yoruichi was greeted at the gate by her little brother Yūshirō. “What’s wrong? I assume it’s urgent or you’d be waiting for me at my office.”


"A few things happened while you weren't here and we need to discuss them, sister," answered Yūshirō.


Yoruichi listened intently to her brother's words, immediately sensing the seriousness in his tone. Without further delay, she responded, "I see, Yūshirō. Let's discuss these matters in my office, then. Lead the way."


Yūshirō led the way and when they were seated Yūshirō began by asking, “How did the operation go today sister?”


“It went well. The Ankoku have taken the bait, and now we just need to wait for them to make their next move. Rather than that tell me what’s so important you needed to discuss it so late.” said Yoruichi


Yūshirō then started telling Yoruichi about the event he encountered two days ago. He went into great detail about trailing three soul reapers who were hunting for the mysterious hollow that she was ordered to kill. He then told her about how he was attacked along with the three but he managed to escape with two of them.


Yoruichi listened attentively as her brother recounted the events of two days ago, her expression growing more serious with each detail. “Hmm, so whoever attacked you was near captain class. That’s foreboding but I’m glad you’re okay.” The fact that the attackers appeared to be near captain class raised concerns, but she couldn't deny a sense of relief that Yūshirō had managed to escape unscathed.


After Yūshirō concluded his account, Yoruichi's mind began processing the information. She contemplated the situation before responding, "I'm glad you're safe, Yūshirō. You did well in handling that situation. As for the two captives, let's wait until the morning to question them. I want you to get some rest, and we'll proceed with the interrogation then. In the meantime, I'll prepare the necessary security measures."


Yoruichi's priorities were clear: ensuring her brother's well-being and putting plans in place to handle the situation with the two captive Soul Reapers.


As she was about to return to her room the item Urahara gave her flashed. She sighed as she put on Urahara’s reiatsu-blocking cloak and headed for the Study Room. Using shunpo she reached it rather quickly and used her token to bypass the barrier and head down the ladder.


“Kisuke, where are you?” asked Yoruichi


“Over here, sorry about the late-night meeting,” said Urahara as he exited the shack inside the training area.


Yoruichi acknowledged his presence and replied, "It's not a problem, Kisuke. I'm here now. What's the matter that required us to meet at this hour?"


She looked at him with a curious expression, awaiting the information or task that he had in store for her. “Well, things have changed on my side and I’m sure they have for you too. So I thought it’d be better to exchange information now since you returned.”


Urahara's plan to meet and exchange information with Yoruichi was met with understanding, despite the late hour. He was also curious about whether the execution of the plan involving the fake seal had been successful.


"Well, this could have waited until tomorrow. Whatever, on my side, the plan worked out, and they attacked the fake location. So I expect things will get a bit hectic soon. Thanks, by the way, for making that fake seal for them to discover," she said with a yawn, revealing the impact of the long day.


Urahara responded with his typical smile, "I'm glad to hear that it worked out well. I was worried it might not look authentic enough since it was such a rushed job. As for my side, Yuichi came to me to ask for a favor. He wanted a training area, and I gave him a token for the Study Room."


Yoruichi considered the information and nodded, "Yuichi, huh? He's been quite active lately. Well, the Study Room should serve his training needs. What did he give you in exchange for letting him use it? If I know you as well as I think, then unless he made you an offer you couldn’t refuse, you would have let him use this area. So what did he give you, Kisuke, please do tell."


“He didn’t give me anything,” said Urahara with a goofy smirk.


Yoruichi started cracking her knuckles as she slowly approached him, “Kisuke, I’ve had a long day and I’m tired. If you don’t tell me soon, then I’ll beat it out of you.”


With a sly grin, Urahara finally revealed, "Well, I allowed him to use it because he confirmed a theory of mine. I suspected he had already met us and knew us quite well. He acknowledged that he's apparently from the future."


Yoruichi's expression shifted from mild irritation to genuine surprise. She leaned forward, her golden eyes locking onto Urahara's as she processed the revelation. "From the future? That's quite the claim. Did he provide any proof or explanation for his assertion?"


“No, he didn’t, but I verified it when I brought him here. When I was bringing him to the Study Room, I took the long way, and he unconsciously kept looking in its general direction. So he knew about it but he didn’t seem to know how to enter it. I scratched the surface; he acknowledged it, but I don’t think he knows us but rather knows about us,” explained Urahara.


After a moment of thought, Yoruichi commented, "If he knows about the Study Room but doesn't seem to know how to access it, it's possible he has limited knowledge of specific details. We should exercise caution when dealing with someone from the future. So do you know how he came to be here and why he’s here?"


She had many questions about Yuichi's origins, intentions, and how his presence might impact their world. Yoruichi was determined to get to the bottom of this mystery and ensure the safety and security of their realm.


Urahara thought for a while before hypothesizing, “No, but I can figure it out. Due to his obsession with growing stronger as soon as possible, I can assume that an event will occur sometime in the future where the Soul Society suffers great damage. He’s behaving desperately, so it might be he fears for his survival or he’s trying to become strong enough to prevent it. Either way, it shouldn’t be anytime soon because if it were, the most logical action would be to gain our trust and help. Yuichi hasn’t done that, so I assume he’s trying to keep events relatively the same until the time draws near.”


Yoruichi absorbed Urahara's analysis, nodding in agreement. The puzzle pieces were starting to come together, and Yuichi's behavior indicated that he might be attempting to maintain the timeline of the Soul Society for as long as possible.


With a determined expression, Yoruichi remarked, "It seems we have an interesting individual on our hands. We'll have to keep a close watch on him and monitor him more closely than before."


She continued, "Kisuke, please keep me informed of any further developments. If there's even a hint that he might pose a threat to the stability of the Soul Society or its future, we'll need to act swiftly and terminate him. By the way, Kisuke, I wanted to ask, have you lost any of these cloaks or gave them to anyone else?"


“No, why do you ask?” asked Urahara, who received the answer, “Because Yūshirō was attacked by someone wearing the same cloak, and it also hid their reiatsu.”

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