Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 5

“Hi Mei! Is my sister back yet? Who is this? Why is he here?” said Yūshirō in an excited manner but then showed a confused face.


Mei bowed and answered gracefully, “Yes, Young Master Yūshirō, Lady Yoruichi has returned. This is Sir Yuichi, whom Lady Yoruichi brought back with her. It seems she plans on having him stay with us for some time, so I am showing him around the complex.”


Like before, Yūshirō's expression showed joy when he heard of his sister, but when Mei talked about Yuichi, his face showed a scowl. Mei's expression didn't change, as most likely she was used to this behavior.


‘Ah right, Yoruichi’s little brother is a siscon. He didn’t show up until the end of the story, so I only remember that he can also use Shunko. Yoruichi was lightning, Suì-Fēng was wind, and Yūshirō was fire. It’s a very powerful technique, so I should try to befriend him and learn it. Here comes the third degree, so I better act accordingly.’


Yūshirō, still scowling, stepped closer to Yuichi and asked, “How did you meet my sister? How long have you known her? Why did she bring you home? Does she plan to marry you?”


Yuichi took a step back and showed a confused face to try his best to show he was uncomfortable. He coughed and then said, “Hello, my name is Yuichi. I haven’t known your sister long. In fact, I just met her earlier today. I was attacked by a creature she called a hollow when I woke up, and when I ran away, I bumped into her. She brought me here because she said I have the potential to be a soul reaper, but since I wasn’t sure I could do it, she said she’d train me. I believe she said the entrance exam will be soon, so I’ll stay here to train until then. I don’t plan on marrying her since I don’t know her. She’s a very strong and beautiful lady, so you must be proud to have her as a sister.”


Yuichi said all that without taking a breath, so when he finished, he was out of breath. Yūshirō, with his face down, stepped closer to Yuichi and placed his hand on Yuichi’s shoulders. When Yūshirō lifted his head, he showed a bright smile as he said, “Oh, so you’re only going to stay here for 2 weeks until the exam. You’re right; I am lucky to have the best sister in the world. You’re a good guy. How about we be friends, and I'll train you instead of my sister?”


“Sure, that's fine if your sister is okay with it. I just woke up in the Soul Society, so I don’t really know anyone. I’d be glad to have you as a friend,” said Yuichi as he stuck out his arm for a handshake.


Yūshirō grabbed Yuichi’s hand to shake and said, “Same here. I don’t really have any friends either. I hope we’ll get along great. Also, I’ll warn you once: if you look at my sister in a lecherous way, I’ll kill you.”


Yuichi laughed nervously and said, “I wouldn’t even dream of it. I look forward to getting to know you.”


‘The best way to get along with a siscon is to praise their sister while making it known you have no chance with them. I can say mission accomplished.’


Mei then cut in by saying, “I’m glad to see you make a friend, Young Master Yūshirō, but we’ll have to go now if we want to be done in time for dinner with Lady Yoruichi. Allow us to proceed, Sir Yuichi.”


She then left, followed by Yuichi, who turned to see Yūshirō had returned to his practice of punching and kicking a practice dummy at rapid speed.


‘So that’s the hand-to-hand they call Hakuda. I have to get the basics of that and how to manipulate my Reiryoku or spiritual energy. If I can do that, then this time here will have been well spent.’


Mei nodded and gestured for Yuichi to follow her as she began to lead him on a tour of the main house. She showed him the spacious tatami mat living room, where a warm fire crackled in the hearth, and the simple yet elegant dining room, where a low table was set with delicate porcelain tea cups.


As they walked, Mei explained the various customs and traditions of the house, such as removing one's shoes before entering and the proper way to sit on the floor. Yuichi listened attentively, asking questions, and expressing his appreciation for the rich culture.


Finally, they arrived at the guest house, a small but cozy annex attached to the main house. Mei showed Yuichi to his room, which was outfitted with a comfortable futon bed, a small desk, and a window overlooking the garden. Mei said, “Here we are, this will be your room, Sir Yuichi. My room is the one next to it, so call upon me no matter the time if you are in need of me.”


"I hope you find everything to your liking, sir," Mei said, bowing once more. "Please do not hesitate to let me know if you need anything during your stay. It is my pleasure to serve you. I shall come to call you once dinner is prepared."


"Thank you, Mei," Yuichi replied, returning the bow. "I am sure I will be very comfortable here. Your kindness and attention to detail are greatly appreciated."


Mei smiled and left Yuichi to settle into his room, closing the sliding shoji doors behind her. As she walked back towards the main house, she couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and satisfaction in being able to serve her guest so well. She knew that it was her duty to gather as much information as possible without arousing suspicion, and she was determined to fulfill her mission to the best of her ability.


As the evening drew to a close and the stars began to twinkle in the dark sky, Mei retired to her own room. She had guided Yuichi as ordered, but during the entire thing, she had paid close attention to his reactions and responses, committing them to memory for her report later. She had been tasked by Yoruichi, the owner of the house, to keep a close eye on Yuichi and report back on his behavior and any unusual actions.

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