Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 27

Yuichi made his way to his science class, eager to learn more about the world of soul and body. As he sat through the lecture, he jotted down notes, determined to understand every aspect of the topic. After class, he met up with his friend Niko Kuna, who was also interested in the field of soul and body research.


"Hey, Yuichi! I've been thinking a lot about our project on the artificial human," Niko said, a sparkle in her eye. "I think we've got the theory down, but to really put it into practice, we'll need a gikon and a gigai."


"A gikon and a gigai where on earth will we get one of those?" Yuichi asked, unsure of what Niko was referring to.


"Yes! A gikon the artificial soul, and a gigai the artificial body. If we can get our hands on one of each, we can combine them to create an artificial human," Niko explained excitedly.


Niko smiled slyly. "I know someone in the 12th Division, also known as the Shinigami Research Institute. They have access to gikons and gigai that are scheduled for termination. I think they could get us what we need to try our experiment."


Yuichi's eyes widened in shock. "You're not serious, right? The 12th Division doesn't just hand out gikons and gigai to anyone! That's illegal contraband!"


"I know, I know," Niko said, her voice hushed. "But we have to take the risk if we want to make this project a success. You just have to keep it a secret, or we could both be expelled and executed for handling illegal items."


Yuichi thought for a moment, weighing the consequences. He wanted to make the project a success, but he was also afraid of the consequences. But Niko was right, they couldn't just let this opportunity pass them by.


‘It’s dangerous but the payoff may be worth more than the risk. If I remember correctly Nemu a lieutenant-level soul reaper was created using the same theory so if we can gather some data I may be able to one day create someone as powerful as her.’


"Okay, let's do it," Yuichi said, making up his mind. "We'll try our experiment. But we have to be careful and make sure no one finds out."


Niko nodded, her eyes shining with excitement. "I'll get in touch with my contact in the 12th Division and see if we can get the materials we need. Let's get to work!"


Yuichi knew that Niko was determined to prove the worth of their creation and prove that their work was not just illegal but also important for the future of science and technology. In the end, she hoped to be able to negotiate a deal with the 12th Division once the result came in.


Niko soon left and Yuichi heard nothing from her and didn’t even see her attend most of the lessons. A week later Yuichi heard a soft knock on his door in the middle of the night.


"Yuichi, I've got great news!" Niko said, her voice hushed as she knocked on his dorm room door late at night. "My contact in the 12th Division came through. They managed to get us four gikons and four gigais."


Yuichi's eyes widened with excitement. "That's amazing, Niko! We can finally start our experiment."


"Yes, we can," Niko said with a grin. "But we need to be careful. I made a copy of the key to the science lab. It's old equipment, but it'll do the job."


"We'll need to be quick and quiet, so no one finds out what we're doing," Yuichi said, his tone serious.


"Agreed," Niko said, nodding. "We'll work through the night and see if we can get this project off the ground. Are you ready?"


"I'm ready," Yuichi said


With that, the two friends made their way to the science lab, eager to start their experiment and prove the worth of their creation. The future of science and technology was at their fingertips, and they were determined to make it a success.


After Niko and Yuichi snuck into the science classroom with the gikons and gigais, they quickly set to work on creating their artificial human. They began by encoding the first gikon with a base personality, designing it to be that of a curious and inquisitive young boy.


Next, they carefully attuned the wavelength of the soul to match that of the gigai, making sure that the two were perfectly in sync. This was a delicate process, and they worked into the night, checking and rechecking their calculations to ensure a successful synchronization.


Finally, just as the first light of dawn began to fill the room, they inserted the gikon into the gigai. They held their breath as they watched, waiting for the two to synchronize and create their artificial human.


At first, nothing seemed to happen. But then, with a sudden jolt, the body began to stir. The eyes fluttered open, and the young boy sat up, looking around with a look of wonder and curiosity on his face.


Yuichi and Niko watched in amazement as the boy's soul and body became fully synchronized, bringing their creation to life. They had succeeded in creating an artificial human, a being that was both a soul and a body, united as one.


However, they didn’t have much time to drink in the splendor of their result for long. They quickly cleaned and took the boy, the remaining gikons, and gigais back to Yuichi’s room. The boy was inquisitively looking around and messing with things but they managed to placate him by sitting him down with the books Yuichi regularly read.


Once done Yuichi and Niko were so tired they fell asleep together missing the lessons scheduled for the day. When Yuichi woke up he was being hugged by both Niko and the nameless boy who also seemed to have gotten sleepy.


Yuichi managed to pull them off his body without waking them and went to wash his face when he heard a knock at the door.


‘Who could it be? If I had to guess it’s probably Mei whose job it is to observe me. Damn, I’m screwed if she sees this then it will undoubtedly get back to Yoruichi and then it might get back to the head captain who will differently kill me.’


“Who is it?” asked Yuichi in a hushed voice


Kira’s voice responded, “It’s me Kira I have something urgent to talk to you about please let me in.”


‘Okay, so it’s not as bad as I thought. All I have to do is open the door slightly and go out and talk to her without letting her enter my room. She’ll find it a bit weird but for now, it’s the best decision.’


As Yuichi slightly opened the door to exit the room Kira’s hand forced him back in as she entered the room. Yuichi who fell backward was dumbfounded as Kira looked around the room seeing all the evidence of their work scattered around the room.


“I was doing my morning exercise when I saw you and Niko carrying a bunch of bodies into the boy's dorm. Would you care to explain?” said Kira with a gentle smile

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