Bleach: Gazing Mirage

Chapter 16

The two of them faced each other on the training grounds, surrounded by a crowd of onlookers. Yuichi and Kira stood in the training field, facing each other with determined expressions. Yuichi had been training hard, but he knew that Kira was far more experienced and skilled than he was.


The match began and both of them started off strong. Yuichi used his Kido abilities while Kira wielded her sword. Yuichi held his own for the first few minutes, but as the match progressed, Kira's experience and skill began to show. She was able to anticipate his moves and dodge them easily. Yuichi's Reiyoku quickly depleted, causing him to struggle to keep up with her. Kira's fighting style became more calculated and her attacks became more precise. Yuichi was struggling to defend himself and was unable to land any hits on Kira.


As the fight continued, Yuichi realized that Kira was not holding back as much as he thought. She moved with lightning speed, striking with deadly precision. Yuichi tried to defend himself, but he couldn't keep up with her speed. Kira immediately took the offensive, her sword moving in a blur as she attacked Yuichi with a series of quick strikes. Yuichi did his best to defend himself, but he was quickly overwhelmed by Kira's skill and precision. She was able to land several hits on him, causing him to stumble and fall to the ground.


Yuichi knew he had to think fast if he wanted to win the fight. He remembered something his Mei had taught him, to use his opponent's strength against them. He focused on Kira's sword arm and began to counter-attack with his own sword. He landed a hit on her, but she was able to quickly regain her footing and continue her relentless assault.


As the fight continued, it became clear that Kira was the superior swordsman. She was able to land hit after hit on Yuichi, and he was quickly running out of stamina. He knew that he had to end the fight soon, or he would be defeated.


With a final burst of energy, Yuichi launched himself at Kira, attacking with all his might. But it was too little, too late. Kira was able to easily dodge his attacks and deliver the finishing blow, a powerful slash with the back of her blade that sent Yuichi flying through the air. He landed hard on the ground, bruised.


Kira walked over to him and knelt down beside him, checking to make sure he was okay. The match was over and Kira had won easily. Yuichi was lying on the ground, panting and sweating. He was exhausted but proud of himself for putting up a fight against such a skilled opponent.


"Good match," Kira said as she offered her hand to help him up.


"Yeah, it was. I learned much from this," Yuichi replied, taking her hand and getting up. "Although I could see that you were holding back. You're really strong."


"Thanks," Kira said with a small smile. "You had me on the ropes there at the beginning."


"You're a tough opponent, Kira," Yuichi said, panting and sweating from the intense battle. "I have a long way to go before I can beat you."


Kira smiled, "You're getting better, Yuichi. Keep training and you'll get there," she said.


As Yuichi walked to the bathrooms to clean himself off, he couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for Kira. She was a skilled warrior and he knew that she would go far in her career as a soul reaper. So it was even more confusing as to why he could remember her or Mei playing a significant role in the story later on.


As Yuichi cleaned himself off and headed to his science class, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed that he had lost to Kira. He knew that she was a skilled fighter, but he had hoped that he would have put up more of a fight.


As he walked into the science class, his mind was still on the match with Kira. The teacher said today’s lesson would be on the topic of Modified Souls and Artificial Souls. Yuichi had done some research on the topic in the library previously and had wanted to learn more. As he took his seat, he noticed that the teacher had set up a device that functioned like a projector and was going through a PowerPoint presentation on the topic.


"Good morning class," Instructor Rin greeted them as they settled into their seats. "Today we will be discussing the difference between Mod Souls and Artificial Souls. Can anyone tell me the difference?"


Yuichi raised his hand, "Mod Souls are artificial souls that are designed to enhance regular human physiology, making them capable of battling Hollows equally. While Artificial Souls are souls that are designed by Shinigami scientists, which separate a Shinigami's spirit from a Gigai, should they be inhabiting one, or evict stubborn spirits from their corpses if necessary."


"That's correct Yuichi," Instructor Rin said with a nod. "Mod Souls were created through Project Spearhead in an attempt to even the gap between Shinigami and Hollows, as Hollows generally outnumber Shinigami. However, due to ethical reasons, the Mod-Souls were exterminated after the experiment was halted. Artificial Souls, on the other hand, are used by Shinigami to inhabit Gigais, which are artificial bodies that allow them to remain in the Human World and interact with Humans."


Yuichi raised his hand again, "Is it possible to use a Gigai and an Artificial Soul to make a human?"


Instructor Rin paused for a moment, considering the question. "It's a possibility, but it would require a lot of experimentation and research. It's an interesting idea, but it's not something that has been done before and would raise a lot of ethical concerns. But as scientists, it's important to always question and explore new possibilities."


The class continued with Instructor Rin discussing more on the properties and limitations of Mod Souls and Artificial Souls. Yuichi listened intently, taking notes on the information provided. He couldn't help but wonder about the possibilities of using a Gigai and an Artificial Soul to create a human. It was definitely something he would have to research more on.


"All of you will be writing an essay on Kido, the art of spell casting," the teacher announced. "You will have 2 weeks to research and write your essay, which you will submit at the end of the month."


As Yuichi was leaving the classroom, he was caught up by Niko, one of his classmates. "Hey, Yuichi, I heard you asking that question in class. I'm also curious about it. Can we talk more about it?"


"Sure," Yuichi said, smiling. "I'll be heading to the library to start on my paper. You're welcome to join me."


Niko nodded excitedly, "Yeah, let's do that. I'm really interested in this topic."


Arriving at the library, Niko said excitedly, "So, Yuichi, I was really interested in that question you asked in class today about using a gigai and an artificial soul to make a human. I've always been fascinated by the concept of artificial souls and their potential uses. I'd love to hear more about your thoughts on the matter."


Yuichi was surprised by Niko's interest but was more than happy to talk more about his idea. "Well, I've been thinking about it since I learned about mod souls and artificial souls in class. I think it's possible to use a gigai and an artificial soul to create a human-like being. It's an interesting idea, and I'm curious to see if it's possible."


As he explained what he thought to Niko, Yuichi couldn't help but think back to what he had seen in the show. He remembered Mayuri Kurotsuchi, the future captain who would later replace Urahara when he defects from the soul society, using this concept to create an artificial soul reaper.


Niko nodded, her excitement growing. "I'm glad you feel that way, I would love to work with you on this. I think it would be a great opportunity for us to explore the possibilities of artificial souls and see if we can make this theory a reality."


Yuichi was surprised by Niko's offer. "That sounds great, I'd be happy to help you but what do you mean when you say work with you on this."


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