Blasting Off! (Pokemon)(Team Rocket OC)

Chapter 14: Ariana

"Ah, Cam! Just the Grunt I wanted to see!"

Giovanni's jovial and warm tone would have been enough to get Ariana's attention off of her laptop, just to see what had suddenly put the Team Rocket Boss in such a good mood. But when the name he just used registers, she's even more intrigued. Looking up from her computer, the red headed Rocket Executive licks her lips as her eyes land upon the same pink-haired Grunt from before. The one she'd given such a tasty, scandalous under the table handjob to with that old goat Blaine being none the wiser.

He was also their new star-child, having gone off to complete missions in not one but two different cities at this point, earning the respect and admiration from not just one, but two Rocket Higher-Ups. As Giovanni's right-hand woman, Ariana was of course privy to pretty much all of the Boss' communications. She'd read the same reports he did. Reports that painted Cam in quite the impressive light, especially when compared to their other new recruits.

"Archer and Proton had nothing but good things to say about your work in Cerulean and Vermilion."

Giving the stoic young man a sharp nod, Giovanni sits back on his couch.

"Well done. Keep showing up not just your fellow Grunts, but also my less than worthwhile Admins like Petrel, and I'll have no choice but to promote you. After all, if a waste of space like HIM gets to be a Rocket Admin, we can't exactly leave you scrambling for scraps, now, can we?"

Privately, Ariana agreed. In fact, she more than agreed. Based on the reports she read, Cam deserved that promotion now… IF they were keeping Petrel in his position, that is. Frankly, the purple-haired Admin was a disgrace to the organization. That mess in Mt. Moon was pretty much his fault and a product of his laziness and 'hands off leadership style'. Which was really just a complete lack of leadership altogether.

He was SUPPOSED to be the one putting the new recruits through their paces personally and training them up. Instead, Ariana had just shaken her head in mute disbelief when she'd heard that the idiot had given everyone a Rattata and then told them to go find or steal a Pokemon capable of Fly in order to get to Mt. Moon.

The result was that only fifty percent of that new batch of recruits had even made it to the mountain in time to take part in the mission, while the rest just milled around the base like the lost little lambs they were. And on top of that, those same recruits from the failed Mt. Moon mission had been sent on to Cerulean City to help Archer with the TM Collector Job.

Except Archer wasn't an Admin, he was an Executive like Ariana. He didn't have time to hold anyone's fucking hands, that was SUPPOSED to be Petrel's job. Unfortunately, somewhere along the way, communication had clearly gotten very shaky. Not only had Petrel fucked up the Mt. Moon job beyond salvaging, but he'd let no one know that the new recruits freshly 'blooded' on that failure of a mission still hadn't received any actual real training or tutelage of the like.

Was it any wonder that the Cerulean Job had gone so damn poorly? Archer had his hands full with the operation under the Daycare Center. A team of Grunts SHOULD have been more than capable of handling a simple smash and grab burglary all on their own. But instead, the end result was Team Rocket being hunted by all of Kanto, and this crazy bounty system that Lance and his goons had implemented.

Personally, Ariana fully believed this could all be laid at Petrel's feet. Unfortunately, Giovanni had ultimately rejected her recommendation that they bounce the purple-haired failure of an Admin back down to Grunt status as a fucking example of what NOT to do.

So, privately, Ariana thought they should just promote Cam here and now, if they weren't going to demote Petrel. The young man was certainly more capable than his recruiter had proven to be of late, with two successful missions to the two failures that Ariana felt could be laid at Petrel's feet. It would only be fair…

… Alas, Giovanni had ultimately rejected THAT recommendation of hers as well…

"-ith any luck, that situation will have been a one-off freak accident. Isn't that right, Ariana?"

Jolting, the Team Rocket Executive realizes she's got so caught up in her own thoughts that she's zoned out of the conversation between the Boss and Cam. It takes her a moment to realize what he's talking about. In this case, he's referencing the little kid and the young woman who smacked around their Grunts at Mt. Moon.

Seeing as Giovanni had ultimately refused to let her send a hit squad after either, Ariana just shrugs and nods her head.

"I suppose so, Giovanni."

Nodding decisively, the Team Rocket Boss looks back to Cam.

"With that out of the way, we have more pressing matters at hand. I'm sorry to say it, but all of your hard work has made you too damn reliable, Cam. So your reward, for now… will have to be more work."

Far from looking upset, Cam just nods in response, waiting in patient silence for Giovanni to explain. Ariana can't help but lick her lips at the young Rocket's stoicism. It's one of his more appealing traits, that robotic, almost mechanical way of interacting with the world that he has. She just… she just wants to break him of it so badly~

"Reports say that Mr. Fuji of Lavender Town has finally hit a breaking point regarding our operations in the Pokemon Tower. Apparently, he's taken matters into his own hands."

Ah yes, that whole mess. Hm, what was it with old men stepping on Team Rocket's toes these days? Still, sitting at her computer, Ariana has to admit, she personally agrees with Giovanni's intention of sending Cam to deal with the situation. The Grunt gets results after all and doesn't seem to balk at even some of the more heinous acts, like Pokemon Smuggling.

"Fuji was already old back during the War. He's even older now, almost twenty years later. You might think he would be one of the best Trainers in the Region after all this time… but the truth is, his focus has never been in training Pokemon, but in science instead. Only in more recent years has he become rather doddering and intractable in his advanced age."

Smirking slightly, Giovanni shakes his head.

"Still, he has experience enough to be a thorn in our side. He's managed to defeat every single Grunt that we'd stationed at the Pokemon Tower. And these aren't new recruits like your batch, Cam. These Grunts have been with us for a while. Yet… somehow, I think you might be more than capable of showing all of their efforts up, wouldn't you?"

"… Yes."

Ariana bites her lower lip and rubs her inner thighs together at Cam's quiet confidence as he agrees with Giovanni's assessment. One might mistake his agreement as arrogance, but she sees it for what it truly is. An utter surety in his own capabilities. Admirable, to say the least.

Giovanni pauses for a moment, before chuckling throatily.

"Right. Fuji has made for the top of the Pokemon Tower and has vowed to stay there as a form of protest. Some utter bullshit about waiting for 'the souls of the murdered Pokemon to have departed', or something like that. Obviously, we can't afford to wait that long… however long that would even be."

Bringing his hands around and down onto his desk palm first, Giovanni scowls.

"The man has cut off our supply of Cubone skulls at a time when demand is at an all-time high! I hope I do not have to tell you why this state of affairs can NOT be allowed to continue!"

Eyes flashing, the Team Rocket Boss shows a bit of the spine that Ariana has always greatly admired him for, and that gained her respect and loyalty all those years ago when they were first starting out.

"I want you to go to Lavender Town, Grunt. I want you to infiltrate Pokemon Tower. And I want you to put a stop to Fuji's foolishness once and for all. Detain him, incapacitate him… do whatever you have to do to deal with him. The most important thing is that he stays out of our way for good, whatever the cost!"

Pushing back off the desk, Giovanni sits back down on the couch behind him with a sigh.

"I won't lie to you, Cam. This is Admin work, full stop. But my competent Admins are all on other missions, and the more incompetent ones… well, not only do I know I can't rely on them for something like this, but I also suspect most are too afraid of ghosts to take this on."

Smirking, Giovanni reaches into his jacket and pulls out a particular device, holding it out and sliding it across the desk.

"But you… you're just waiting for the perfect opportunity to prove your worth to me, aren't you Cam? Here, take this Silph Scope. It'll let you see and properly fight Ghost Pokemon. Use it, get to the top of that tower… and take Fuji down once and for all. Dismissed!"

Cam turns and leaves, with Giovanni letting out a sigh. He looks up, however, when he hears Ariana stand from her chair.

"Ariana? Where are you going?"

"Mm, you might think more work is a reward enough for competence, but I think our little rising star deserves something a bit more. I'll be back soon~"

Giovanni just shakes his head but doesn't try to stop her. After all, he knows better than to get between Ariana and her prey, especially when she's found one that REALLY gets her engine revving.

Luckily, Cam isn't the type to race off as fast as possible. Ariana catches up to him before he reaches the stairs, and cuts him off, planting a hand on the wall and blocking him with her arm as she puts her other hand on her waist and gives the young man a broad, wide grin.

"Before you go, Grunt… there's something you and I need to discuss, privately. Come with me~"

Following her in silence, Cam seems completely unconcerned, as she leads him into a private side room. Once he's inside, she closes and locks the door behind him, pushing back against it for a second to make sure it's properly shut, and then pushing off of it to step in his direction.

As he turns to face her, Ariana wastes no time. Dropping not to her knees, but into a crouch, she nevertheless brings herself down to eye level with the Rocket Grunt's crotch. His gaze sweeps down to meet her own as she reaches out and unbuckles his belt, pulling down his pants and boxers and cooing as his cock is freed from its confines for the second time in her presence.

He's already growing hard for her, and Ariana licks her lips as his dick twitches and slowly embiggens the more she stares at it.

"Such a good boy~ You've been so very helpful, Cam. Your efforts have NOT gone unnoticed NOR unappreciated. Consider this your proper reward for being such an asset to the team."

With that said, Ariana reaches down… and yanks her top down off of her chest with a sharp tug, exposing her bra-clad breasts right then and there. They bounce and jiggle for a moment, before she tugs the cups of her bra down as well, exposing her upper body in all of its glorious, pale nudity to the young man in front of her.

Each of her large breasts are capped with a rock hard nipple, Ariana's arousal obvious as she crouches there in front of him, licking her lips enticingly. Her eyes dance with delight as his cock grows to full mast for her.

"Like what you see, Cam?"


His verbal response sends a jolt through her, and Ariana blinks in surprise for a moment before giving him a coy grin.

"Oh, you bad, bad boy…"

She laughs to make it clear she's only teasing, and then leans forward. Lifting her tits up and wrapping them around his cock is the work of a moment, and then it's off to the races as the cougar of a Team Rocket Executive pleasures the organization's most competent new recruit with her tits. Sliding her soft mammaries up and down his length, she makes sure to spit plenty into the valley created by her cleavage.

This slickens and lubricates her chest more and more, allowing her to bounce her fat tits up and down his equally fat shaft faster and faster.

"Team Rocket has, mm, need of m-men like you, Cam. Giovanni is a good, solid leader, but I fear he's losing sight of what's truly important and allowing himself to be bogged down by some of the bullshit that an organization as large as ours tends to, nngh, produce."

Leaning in, she gives a quick kiss to the glans of Cam's throbbing, pulsating cock as it protrudes out of the top of her cleavage for a moment. Then, she goes right back to jerking his dick off with her tits, while giving him a bright, predatory smile.

"In a perfect world, our organization's practices would ensure the chaff was separated from the wheat, and that excellence always rose to the top. But alas, this world is far from, mm, perfect. And in the end, some bad apples will always slip through the cracks~"

Cam is staring at her intensely as she pleasures him. It feels good, to have him listening. More and more, it feels like Giovanni doesn't, these days.

"Archer and Proton aren't bad sorts, though they could both stand to be a bit more loyal. But Petrel? The man isn't worth the uniform he walks around in. Not like you, Cam. You, my precious young Grunt, have such a bright, bright future ahead of you~"

She can tell he's getting close, even if he's not giving her nearly the reaction she wants, even now. But she's getting a better idea of how to read him, and so Ariana knows just what to do to tip him over the edge this time. Leaning forward again, she wraps her whole mouth around his cockhead this time, giving it a single, solid suck and slurp with both her lips and tongue before pulling back.

The result is… explosive as Cam's throbbing 'rocket' blasts off all over Ariana's face and tits, covering the Team Rocket Executive in his sticky, hot deluge of white stuff. Moaning happily, Ariana scoops some of his seed off of her tits and into her mouth, making a show of sucking her digits clean before standing back up and giving him a broad, beaming smile. They make for quite the sight in that moment, her with her tits out and her front covered in cum, and him with his dick out and slowly going soft.

"Go and get 'em, tiger. Go to Lavender Town and deal with Fuji. Once you do, Giovanni will have no choice but to promote you. And maybe, with someone like you as an Admin, Team Rocket will finally be back on the right track~"

More than that, Ariana thinks as she watches him fix his clothing and leave the room, she'll be able to work a lot more closely with Cam once he's an Admin. Mm, a LOT more closely…


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