Black Witch from Another World

Chapter 4 – The City In-Between Rivers

"Uhm... Mori-san, Munch! Mmn... Isn't that too heavy for you?" Chomp! She asks as she takes a bite down out of that wolf drumstick. 

"No no, Crunch! Hmmn... Ah no, I'm surprised as well that I can lift it this easily." I answered as I eat the wolf-on-a-stick down, including the bone. 

[Man, this body's really something now.] I wondered as I gulp down the meat. 

Aside from my gender changing, I can weight more than what most men can carry, and my jaws are sturdy enough to crush bone. [I'm starting to think this might not be so bad after all.] I thought, looking down and smiling at the two bulges in front of me. 

"Mori-san?" But Mary interrupts my thoughts. "Oh, sorry, it's nothing." She looks at me with a pouting face, wrapping the bone around the wolf's skin she's carrying. 

After skinning the wolves up, only three of them were salvageable. But she was more than happy with that, then came the problem of what to do with the meat. 

Obviously we wouldn't leave it behind, even as a Japanese man I still know not to waste good food. So I decided to cook them up with my fire magic and ate up all we can before leaving. 

It was my first meal on this world, roasted meat should be a delicious first meal, but I kept looking at it with a mixed expression. Because of what the procedure is before the food in my mouth right now. 


First of all, the skinning. I truly felt grateful for all the butchers back on Earth for enduring this process and putting the prepared meat on our supermarkets. I have to look away every so often and squint my eyes as I remove the half burnt face of the leader Silverback Wolves. But worst of all, is the kid besides me. 

"Want an extra stick?"

"Of course!"

I think I understand now why she seems so unfazed at the fight. Although she may be slow at it, she never once left eye contact when she was skinning the genitals off the wolf! But seriously she knows enough about it that shouldn't be available for someone at her age, when I asked her afterwards she just said "Mama at the kitchen!" Woman are scary. 

Of course as much as I wouldn't want to my pride and honor as a man would shatter if a little girl like her would skin it for me.

It's the same even after that, the cutting of the wolf itself. Honestly though it's more of the same but I did see some techniques I saw on the internet regarding the stomach sacs and intestines being used as a way to store meat. 

That's just the first wolf, there are two more to go. But by then I got impatient and just used {Telekinisis!} to have all my knifes around levitate to finish it off. But even with that it still took us an hour to skin, cut, cook, and eat the wolves. 

Mary said that was a very fast butchering right there but I just answered "Oh really." since I dunno what to make of it. 

"Mori-san we're here! We're finally here!" She exclaimed, as she grab on to my arm, pulling me forward. 

She walk in front of me, spread her arms put on her side, and with a big smile she said, 

"Welcome to the city of El Niño!"


El Niño from what I can see at the elevated ground earlier is a medieval city that's divided across by a river. It's shape like a spheroid, an imperfect circle which surrounds the river and further surrounded by farmlands which uses the river as a source of water via irrigation canals. Kinda like a mini Egypt. 

As we approach one of the city gates. "Oh Maria! Your back! Your parents are worried about..... Wait who's this pretty lady with you?" A guard stationed at the gate asks, he seems to know of who Mary is. 

As I look around, there seems to be a lot of gates in this wall, but the wall itself is pretty shallow, with many buildings managing to strut higher than the walls. This place is definitely a city where defense isn't the highest priority. 

Especially with the many carriages-like vehicles standing next to the walls and what appears to be the local farmers interacting with them. 

But now back to Mary. "Hehe this person here saved my life!" She cheerfully answered. 

"Yup, She's been a great help." I added on to her answer. 

"Oh really? You a traveller? You must be plenty strong for someone with your looks to survive out there." He said, scratching his head, as he looks at the little Mary once more. 

"Well we're just glad your here, otherwise your father would come rushing at us with his stick! Right guys?" He said as he turned to the other guards. 

"Yup!" "Even without a foot former guard captain would bite our heads clean off!" The lot of them agreed all at once. In conclusion, don't mess with Mary's father. 

"Hey! Father doesn't bite!" She shouted while pouting at the guard. 

[Seems something happened to her father.] Well I'll know soon enough as I become a tenant to her inn soon. 

"Haha only you missy!" He laughingly said. "But even if I know you Maria we guards can't just ignore checking out both of your luggages right?" He pointed out as he looks at the fur bag that Mary is carrying on her back. 

[I knew I should have carried it.] She's holding one of the wolves pelt and the other two are being carried by me with ropes. I kept saying to her multiple times that I should carry it but she insisted on don't. "I have to carry my own share Mori-san!" she said. 

But we didn't worry about it at all as we gave the bags to him and for him to peek what's inside. "What?!" It's contents are of course the variations of wolf meat that we cooked, and a basket of flowers. But he looked intently at it while pursing his lips. 

"You know.. We usually need to ask for a toll fee for new travellers, but we might make an exception for you." He said as he wipes his mouth. 

"Wait isn't that against your duties?!" Mary asks while surprised. "Well Mary there's just thinks you need to do to get by." I stroke the top of her head before she calm down. 

[Well so much for doing your jobs.] I look pitifully at them as they checking the meat. [At least they aren't checking my breast.] Thank god for that. 

I grab three wolf-on-a-sticks for each of them, so that they won't bother me later. 

Immediately they grab up the meat. "Thanks!" "You're an angel!" "Now I won't have to eat my wife's dinner tonight!" Also they immediately eat up the food as well. 

[Can you at least save it when we're gone?] I thought as I look to Mary who's looking like she saw a fish desperately flopping on the ground. I pat her head once again. [There, there, don't like our efforts being eaten in front of us too.] Her head heals my heart too. 

Before long they remembered their jobs and move themselves away at the entrance. "Nmn... Well I guess you two're all cleared now.... Hmm~" He said as he bite down the wolf's meat. 

Mary and I quickly grab, tie down and carry the wolf skin bags back on our backs once again as we enter the side entrance of the main gate used for people. As the main gate is reserved for the funny-looking caravan approaching the gate. 

Also... "See ya guys! I'll tell papa all about it!" She cheerfully said. 

They all stop eating at once. 

[Your terrifying at times Mary.] But I didn't pray for their safety. 


"Wow~!" That's actually me who said that. 

This city, covered with tall, colorful houses in rows, are similar to the terraced houses in Europe and the traditional half-timber design of the late medieval period. 

[There seems to be a lot more abundant dye here than on earth.] I thought as I walk along the sidewalk. Seeing the colors ranging from red to black to pink.

On the main street here the houses are more flat than what I expected. [There aren't many medieval houses that I thought of.] It definitely has a medieval fantasy aesthetic but there isn't those where there's upper floors jutting out from above.

But even then what I call this city is very... Charming. 

Merchants and peddlers of the like are busily setting up their stalls and booths on the city square further along the road. Bigger carriages are parked along this main road giving their wares to the people living in this row houses, which from the pictures on a wooden board above the doors look, seem to be shops of some kind.

Transactions and interactions happening are all over the place, selling and trading goods, advertising their products by shouting and ringing the bell, and even one with exotic dancers. Overall this city is very much alive and breathing as we approached closer to the town square where all of that is happening. 

"Hehe Mori-san mama said that one of those stores have good dye in them! I wish someday that I could buy something inside them in the future!" She said when she saw me looking at them, she's a very perceptive girl. It's one of those terraced houses, it seems that most of them operate a store of some kind. 

But right now we're heading to Mary's place, her inn. She said it's near the city square while on the main road so we're walking along the side of the road with me looking in awe. 

[So I guess that's why there isn't much defenses in this city.] I thought, looking at this city with more admiration than before. 

Having tall, wide walls with multiple towers and a single entrance may not be that advantageous in this case compared to a military sense. Those walls would need to be maintained by guards and of course would add up in the city's expenses. It would be more useful for those men to be use in something more productive like... 

"...Then my papa killed those bandits inside the house with his fist using wood splinters!" She's telling me a story along the way which I just nodded too. 

[Well they can't be all that right?] I look around to see the guards patrolling the area. 

Road maintenance. The guards in this city are stationed all over the roads to protect the caravans, carriages, and wagons coming in and out of the gates. 

[It would definitely be more productive to place them here than on the walls.] Thieves and bandits would definitely be more troublesome for a city like this than war. 

But leaving the walls like that would be bad if war comes, so I ask her about it, she just said. "There haven't been any since grandpa's time." She answered. [So that's why...] This place is quite peaceful indeed. 

In defense on the other side having good defenses definitely helps with the morale of the people, including merchants. But I bet this city's leader decided to only have the bare minimum used for it.

[A city of trade.] The perfect term for this place. 

Plus having heavy military would definitely dampen this atmosphere.

But still... "Mary, the merchants are unusually lively when it's about to be nighttime." I ask her. "Oh! Well there's a festival tomorrow so they're preparing to set up shop!" She excitedly answer. 

"Festival huh..." That sounds like fun. So I smiled afterwards.

While thinking about the stuff I could buy, we're at our destination. 

"Papa! Mama! I'm back!" She shouted, knocking the door open and a little 'ding!' rang as I peek inside. 

The building is slightly taller than the others by one floor, and about one and a half the size compared to the other buildings and made mostly with stone bricks. Also since this place is close to one of the main roads of the city, it is a prime location. [Overall this place is quite well off.] As I understand when I take a look inside. 

The inside is a small bar-like area with four round tables and chairs, the counter is littered with a brown-like paper and wooden mugs line up across. Behind are barrels with probably alcohol and a board with what seems like a menu written. There's also a board with keys attach to it. Next to it are the stairs leading up. So to me it seemed to be a mix of a bar counter and a reception desk. 

Finally there's a lone broom on the floor as a woman with the spitting image of a grown up Mary but with blue hair came rushing in to hug her. 

[So that's her mom.] I thought, slightly happy to see her reunited with her mother. 

"Maaarriiiaaaaa~~!" She ran dramatically with her arms wide open to snatch up the little Mary. 

"Maamaaaaa...!" And the two collided with a big hug. 

[This is nice.] Seeing this scene reminded me of my own childhood. [But I'm glad that I got enough money to give for her life insurance.] I happily thought. [...Wonder how my inheritance went though?

I can't help but chuckle a bit at the thought of my father and useless extended family fighting over it when I already finished and given out my will to my sister and mom. [Thank god for my preparedness I guess.] I guess a bit of paranoia would help after all. 

But back to reality. "Where did you run off to?! I was so worried about you!"

"I-I'm sorry mama! You said that you needed dye for the deadli—" Before Mary could explain. "I needed you the most sweetie! Yes I do need dye but I always needed you the most..." Her mom hug her tightly.

At this point Mary is speaking under her mother's clothes. "B-b-but you said you wouldn't become master and open..." She explained once more. "There's always a next time for that sweetie, I can make a masterpiece on the next guild meeting next year, but if something were to happen to you dear? There's no next time about that right?" She explained. 

[She's right.] I mean now that I think about it it is kinda dumb of her to leave alone like that, and the fact that I came to save her is a total coincidence. 

"I always want to be with you my sweetheart. Not sometimes, and definitely not never." That was the straw that broke the camel's back so to say. At this point Mary's wallowing in tears. 

"I'm I'm sooowrriieee.........!" Her voice is muffled somewhat with the mother's clothes but you can definitely hear it. 

"M-Marina?! is that Maria?!" And out of nowhere. Someone just jump right out of the stairs a buff-looking sailor kind of dude with red hair holding a stick showed up. 

[So I guess that's her dad.] Yeah, it's what I thought.

With wild looking red hair and a goatee that doesn't look corny. He came running at a speed that made me doubt that he actually doesn't have a foot. 

"...Leonon, dear yes she's back, but please.... Take care of yourself more." She said while holding Mary tight, looking at his left foot upon closer inspection has a wooden stub on it. 

"Haha no need to worry about it! But more importantly..." He looks at me. "What're you doing here?" He said with half-closed eyes. 

"Oh yeah, I saw you come back with her..." With her she looks at me with a curious gaze, but still with a hind of suspicion. 

"O-oh..!" Mary is trying to explain but she still can't with her just crying earlier. 

Even now I was just silent as a ghost so to not interfere with family business, but now... [Damn it, I got some explaining to do.] Well this is gonna be an awkward night. 

Hey guys! But first! "I always want to be with you my sweetheart. Not sometimes, and definitely not never." 

Aaaahhh.....!!!! I love this line so much! Originally it was to be "I always need you sweetie.. Ect ect. But I couldn't find a place to fit it in, but then I came up with the current one and blalah! One of the best lines I came up with. It's very rare for me to find romantic-esque lines without sounding cheesy and corny but this is one of the rare exceptions, especially when I italize those words wooo! I love this line so much I'll even post it on my profile! It's just one of those perfect moments that you just gotta say deyem..!

Anyways, the save issue! It's the second time that a big chunk of my progress was erased forever. I was so mad last night lol, but luckily I managed to get back on track when on the morning. Although it may partially be my fault for dicking around the interface but that's saying I got stuck on an elevator for hitting to many buttons. But I still think that there should be an auto save feature! 

Very fun fact; El Nico is translated as The Child/Kid, so you now know where the chapter name came from. 

Anyways what you think of the chapter and see you on the next one and gotta stop writing this long author post! XD

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