Black Lotus Daughter She is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 19

Chapter 19: Do They Have The Right To Object

Chapter 19 Do they have the right to object?

Liaocheng Paternity Testing Institution.

Shen Lingxi and Shen Yunci just finished their identification and they sat face to face.

The answer is close at hand. Thirteen years of searching and thirteen years of waiting made Shen Yunci’s eyes red when he stepped out of the door of the testing room.

Shen Lingxi also bowed his head in silence, and the atmosphere was extremely quiet.

Pei Xingrang, who accompanied them, looked at the two of them and sighed silently. Their identical eyebrows and inadvertent expressions were extremely similar.

If these are not siblings, it would be too coincidental.

What they are waiting for is nothing but black and white evidence.

I don’t know how long it took.

“It’s getting late, let’s go back first.” Shen Yunci finally regained his senses, his eyes fell on Shen Lingxi’s body, his brows were slightly wrinkled, but he tried his best to show a natural appearance, not to show Shen Lingxi come under pressure.

Shen Lingxi nodded.

After eating, Shen Lingxi went back to the room to rest.

Lying on the bed, her mind flashed like a revolving lantern in Huaishui Village and other life fragments, clearly so clear, but seemed out of reach.

Shen Lingxi, you are a mourning star. Nothing good happened to our family when we met you. What happened to you when we sold it? Our family has become so poor. Is it wrong for you to subsidize the family after selling it?

Without us, you would be dead.

Her leg may be disabled.

Doctor, I beg you to save her, she is still too young to be disabled.

We do our best, and you should collect this treatment fee as soon as possible.

Shen Lingxi, the old man took out his coffin for you to treat your leg. Now it’s your turn to go out and earn money to treat him. You have to be conscientious. You can’t read this book anyway. Just don’t study, drop out of school, and save some money for your family.

Shen Lingxi closed her eyes, suppressing the sourness that was surging in her heart.

I don’t know if it was influenced by Shen Yunci, it seems that she doesn’t care about the result that much.

Because Shen Yunci arranged for an rush, they also needed to stay here for an extra day to wait for news.

Thinking gradually became chaotic, Shen Lingxi decided to find something for herself to distract her attention.

scanned the room, and soon set his sights on the computer in the room.

Originally just wanted to find a small game to play, but was caught by an entertainment news pop up on the computer.

At this time, Shen Yunci in the other room had much more complicated emotions.

Pei Xingrang handed him the poured wine: “I said, have you figured out what to do next after the results come out tomorrow?”

Shen Yunci took the drink and put it on the table. Now he doesn’t want to be paralyzed by alcohol at all. He is afraid that when he wakes up, all this will be his dream.

“Take Xixi home.” Shen Yun’s tone of speech was firm, without any room for negotiation.

On his handsome face, his expression was as cold as ever. After calming down, he had long since disappeared from the confusion and confusion at the entrance of the testing room. Now he is the fearsome young marshal in the mall.

Pei Xingrang took a sip of the strong wine in his hand: “Go back, the people in your family will not welcome her like you do.”

Shen Yunci raised his eyes and looked at him with an alienated expression: “What should belong to Xixi, I don’t care if they want it or not, they have to give it back to her.”

Pei Xingrang chuckled: “Then you have to plan too, don’t let your dear, hard-to-find baby be wronged.”

His tone was cold but firm.

“Do they have the right to object?”

(end of this chapter)

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